Amazing: I Made The Market Do What I Want –– Again!

TLDR: The author asserts they caused the market price of a financial asset to increase solely through their thoughts about the asset. This being the second time they’ve done such a thing, the author says this validates his trust in a positive mindset. Especially when it comes to manifesting money. They compare their experience to F1 race winners explaining that while manifesting money may seem coincidental, it’s not.

It’s so fun watching my abilities improve as a deliberate creator. Abraham assures us all that anything we can imagine, we can experience as a reality. I’m living proof of that. My clients are too, but my results are astonishing. I’m even able to move markets apparently.

That’s right. A few weeks ago, I wrote about how I focused my intention so that a financial market would do what I want. Well, a week or so after I did that, I did it again! That’s what this story is about. It’s a followup offering even more proof that we can create any reality we want. We only need focus ourselves into a world of positive thinking.

The Positively Focused Way creates that kind of focus. In time, anyone can realize they create their reality. Once enough evidence piles up, they not only get that it’s true they create their reality, but they get more bold about creating the reality they want.

Then they can do literally anything. Including move financial markets.

Let’s dive in and see how I did it myself…again.

Some background

In that previous experience, I wanted a deeper position on a financial asset I owned. But the current price didn’t allow me to take the position for the price I wanted. So I set an intention that the price would drop to the point where I could take the position for the amount I wanted to spend.

That’s what happened, of course. I wouldn’t be writing this post or the previous one if it didn’t happen! As soon as I took my deeper position, the price when right back up. It was uncanny!

The last time I moved the market. The arrow points to the massive drop I created so I could deepen my position. Then the rebound happened right after I did so.

After that happened, I wanted a couple more things. One, I wanted to see if I could do it again. I also wanted an even deeper position, one just a little deeper than where I was. So that’s what started all this amazingness.

The preparation

The only thing with this even deeper position was, I didn’t want to put ANY money into the deal. Now, many of my clients, when they first start out with the Positively Focused Practice, they’re stuck in figuring out how what they want to happen will happen. That’s a problem.

It’s a problem because the “how” is not our job! Our job in the universe, as a leading edge instance of All That Is, is to set our intention, then align with that intention’s results. In between those to vibrational acts, the universe goes to work. It marshals the cooperative components necessary to actualize the intention.

As we line up with all that nonphysical assembly, we get impulses to act. We also can receive impulses that sound like messages. That’s what happened to me.

One day after thinking about rounding my position out, I received a message. It wasn’t a voice or a burning bush or anything like that. It was instead a subtle “nudge” that then I interpreted as a thought. The thought was “You already have [a small position on] another asset. Intend that asset will go up, then use the gain to swap into the asset you want.”

When I got that message I perked up. I tell all my clients that such messages come in as though we didn’t think the thought. It seems like it comes out of the blue. That’s not what’s happening, but it does feel that way.

When it happens, I tell my clients, pay attention. Pay attention and take action! That’s what I did.

It happens!

The moment I got that impulse/message, I took action. Now, if you were near me at that time, you wouldn’t have thought I took action. That’s because I didn’t move an arm nor a leg. The action I took was purely vibrational. I causally, very lightly, thought about how nice it would be if the price of that other asset went up.

Then I opened my phone and set an alert on my app. A couple days later I went out on a bike ride. While enjoying the ride, I got an alert on my phone. The price went exactly where I wanted it!

My app alert clueing me in.

I stopped riding, opened my trading app. Holy moly! It went up a LOT!

The market moves according to my desire.

Then I went to my trading platform and planned out the swap. The price had gone so high there was plenty of room to make the swap and still have enough of the asset to go forward. I was stoked!

Of course I swapped the assets!

Knowing what I don’t know

Now, here’s something interesting. During all of this, something was happening with the asset I didn’t know about. I found out about it after this whole affair wound up. What happened was federal regulators were considering creating a framework around this asset that would make it easier for everyday people to trade it. Asset proponents knew if the government approved the framework that would be very good for the asset. So people with large positions on it were betting the feds would approve the framework.

That’s what they did. And that’s probably why, experts will say, the asset’s value went up.

I was totally unaware of this though. Obviously, however, in my Broader Perspective, I was aware, which explains why my Broader Perspective suggested what it did.

Now, some may say this federal decision was happening anyway and the price was bound to go up. But no, the federal decision was not a done deal. Furthermore, I knew nothing about the pending ruling.

Still, I thought about the coincidental nature of the impulse and the fed’s timing. But then another thought came up. It was about Formula One.

It’s a win regardless

I love the Netflix series Formula One: Drive To Survive. It gives a thrilling character-driven tale about how F1 happens every season. In addition to it being plain fun to watch, it’s also a great look behind the scenes.

One thing I noticed season after season is, sometimes the race winner wins because of situations not in their control. Other drivers crash, they pit at the wrong time or their team may choose to not put on fresh tires at the right time. Another thing that happens sometimes is the rules governing the race can create situations inadvertently favoring certain drivers over others.

But in all these cases, when the race ends, there’s always a winner. Does it matter how the win happened?

That’s the conclusion I came to about the fed decision and my lack of awareness of it. Yes, the fed decision was happening. But I didn’t know that when I got the message from my Broader Perspective, nor when I set the intention and the alert. I didn’t even look at the asset before I did all that.

So while some may scream “that’s just a fucking coincidence! You didn’t move the market!” I say, yeah, and the F1 winner won not because he’s a great driver, but because that other guy chose to crash at the perfect time!

The fact is: he still won. And I still got what I wanted: a deeper position without spending ANY OF MY OWN MONEY TO GET IT! LOL

Making markets do what I want

I love seeing these things happen. It’s so fun realizing my desires. But it’s even more fun participating in divine timing coming from an awareness of all that’s happening, so that when that awareness communicates to me, I can take action then enjoy the world I want.

That’s so fun. And it’s so empowering. I mean, think about it: I am now nurturing the ability to create money! That’s freaking amazing.

But why is it amazing? Money is no different than any other form of energy. And energy is subject to focus and attraction. Since I’m a focusing being of pure energy, I should be able to focus any amount of money into my experience I want.

And that’s what I’m seeing happen. It doesn’t happen overnight because I, like most people, once held very strong negative stories about many subjects. Stories which create a limited reality on the subject of money.

Money is something we all think we need. So human consciousness contains many disempowering beliefs about money. That I’ve overcome those beliefs is what’s amazing.

Those beliefs, and therefore reality, are yielding to my new beliefs and reality. I love seeing that. And that new reality includes making markets do what I want.

How Small, Happy Manifestations Lead to Big, Better Ones

TLDR: The post discusses “castles and buttons,” terms for big and small manifestations, suggesting that acknowledging small ones (buttons) prepares us for larger ones (castles). The author shares a personal experience with medication as a “button” manifestation, reinforcing their ability to create desired reality and anticipate more significant successes.

Sometimes my creations are delightful. Sometimes they’re surprising. And sometimes they come in ways that just confirm that I’m a creator.

Most of my creations are “buttons”. “Castles and buttons” is a categorization of manifestation Abraham coined long ago. “Castles” are “big manifestations”; things people really desire. “Buttons” on the other hand, are smaller manifestations, things that happen, usually without people noticing them.

The manifestation I’m writing about in this post is a button. But that doesn’t make it any less special. Indeed, it’s quite noteworthy. That’s because noticing it having happened primes my sensitivity to real-izing other, significant manifestations. In other words, when I regularly recognize buttons happening, I’m preparing my reality to allow in my castles.

Let’s take a look at what happened. But first, let’s talk just a bit more about castles and buttons.

Mastering creation

Abraham’s statement rings true: “It’s as easy to create a castle as it is a button.” The trouble for most people is, “castles” come ladened with a lot of resistance. In other words, people want them so bad, their focus on wanting them, focuses them on “not having” them. So castles SEEM to take a long time to manifest. They also seem harder to manifest.

They seem to be harder because people must weed through their resistant focus and thoughts. We can’t create around existing beliefs. Both Seth and Abraham affirm this. And if people don’t know what they’re doing as a creator, existing beliefs often represent what most delays castles from manifesting.

Buttons, on the other hand, aren’t so ladened. They happen easier because we tend not to think about them much. Just like real life buttons – on our shirts and blouses and other things – buttons are more numerous too. There are more buttons on the planet than castles, in other words. That makes sense, right?

That buttons are so numerous makes them powerful manifestational tools. Armed with the knowledge expressed in what you’re reading, a person can use buttons to make manifesting castles feel easier.

We can practice on them. We can become better creators using them. And, since there are so many, we have a lot of opportunity to practice. In that practice, while we learn our skills, that practice also has the effect of soothing resistance. Resistance holding our castles at bay. It also firms up our belief in this whole “you create your reality” business.

So there are a lot of good reason to appreciate “little things” we manifest. They may be little, but they offer impressive opportunities to master creation.

Abraham has said this over and over…

An opportunity shows in medicine

The button I’m writing about today involves care I get from the Veteran’s Administration (VA). I take a pill each day. It contains a drug that turns off some of the acid pumps in my stomach. Apparently my stomach produces too much. So I get acid moving into my esophagus, which scars that part of my body. That makes it hard to swallow sometimes.

Since taking this medicine, however, I don’t experience that trouble. Now it’s not escaping me that perhaps I could use my practice to alter that physical condition. I am doing so. But I recognize physical symptoms like these, once they become physical, have a lot of momentum behind them. So soothing them into non-existence takes some effort.

Yes, we could call “curing” medical conditions “castles”. I won’t go into this deeply, but there is a LOT of momentum behind manifested medical conditions. The entire medical world is in on their creation. So is science. So is our education. As is our collective agreement that such things exist and are scary. Being able to sooth a medical condition back into non-existence, therefore, is quite a feat. Not impossible, but it does take focus.

I’m practicing doing that. In the meantime, I’m using this mediation for relief.

Late last year my prescription was getting low. I got a refill in the mail, but the pills looked different than the ones I originally had. They were larger as this photo shows:

The smaller, old pill on the right. The new one, on the left.

Button manifestation!

I wrote my doctor to ensure it was the same dose. He assured me it was. He said the new pill was within tolerances stipulated by government bid.

So I gave it no other thought. I mixed my old, smaller pills with the new ones. But the moment I took one of the newer, larger pills, I realized something else was up. They had an acrid taste. The capsule material wasn’t the same as the previous pills. At first I thought about writing my doctor again and complaining. Then I had another idea: this was a “button” opportunity. One where I could practice manifesting something other than these bad-tasting pills.

By the end of the year I noted that my prescription had expired. In the ensuing two months or so, I took the new pills. I did my best to ignore their acrid taste. Instead, I focused on how much I appreciated the smaller, normal tasting pills more. Since I take the medicine every day, I had a daily opportunity to practice. So that’s what I did.

In January, I was getting low on pills. So I wrote my doctor and asked if he would write me a new prescription, which he did. I didn’t give any thought at all about whether the new pills would be the larger, new ones, or the smaller old ones.

Two weeks or so later, the new pills arrived. And…you guessed it: the bottle contained the smaller pills!

A nice little addendum

What’s interesting about all this is when I got the new pills and noticed they were the ones I wanted, I immediately poured the old ones into the garbage. But then I realized this was a manifestation I could write a story about, so I went back to dig the pills out of the garbage.

Well, my Broader Perspective must have known I’d decide to write a blog, because the garbage was arranged in the pail in such a way that when I poured the pills into the pail they all fell into this plastic lid I threw in there days ago! So I didn’t need to fish them out one-by-one! I could get them all out just by pulling out that lid. How cool is that?

The pills right where I poured them.

The Universe is always on it. It is always delivering experiences that delight us. Experiences large and small. And experiences on top of experiences. Just like this. I’m positive the same thing happens to you all day, every day. It’s always happening for everyone. The question is: do we notice?

I’m glad I do. Because through noticing them, I amplify my ability to see them more often, which turns my life into the Charmed Life I write about here.

Getting better at getting better

This was a wonderful example of creating my reality. A reality representing a new dimension where I’m aligned with pills I wanted rather than those I didn’t want. And it was so easy!

We are literally surrounded by alternate dimensions. An infinite number of dimensions are constantly created by us from within the Moment of Becoming. Which one becomes our actual reality depends solely on our vibration. And our vibration is what we are. So we can adjust our vibration (who we’re being) and in that moment, align with a new dimension.

That’s how we create reality. It’s not like these dimensions don’t already exist. They do. We just align ourselves with ones reflecting back to us the state we emanate.

I like knowing that. I also like knowing the “castles and buttons” concept. I’ve gotten really good at manifesting buttons. I write about these all the time in this blog. I write about my castles too. Which is why my life is increasingly improving, including my financial abundance and work-life balance. I’m also feeling better and better as days go by. What a wonderful life!

As a result, I look forward to my other castles coming into my experience as well. They really are foregone conclusions. The fact that I see all this manifestation happening in my life tells me that. So I rest in a steady knowing they are happening, instead of a hoping, wishing or even believing they are happening.

I love knowing they are happening. It’s a state I’m helping my clients realize in their lives as well. You can get there too. You don’t need my help. But if you’d like it, I’m around.

There’s No Perfect, Powerful Method To Manifest

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: I have a question about the “369 manifestation” method. Am I able to do it all at once or preferably 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times in the night? Or can I just write it down all at once?

Answer: Manifestation doesn’t work this way. People come up with all kinds of “processes” purported to be effective. But manifesting is much simpler than this.

The difficulty with manifesting what anyone wants lies in our beliefs about what’s wanted. Resistance we have about what we want slows the manifestation. The timing is important too. By this I mean, we manifest something we want when the timing is right.

That means on some subjects, particularly ones we have a lot of resistance about, it takes longer than others. In fact, on some subjects we feel a lot of impatience. Understanding impatience is important. Such emotions tell us our vibration contradicts our desire. It also tells us we’re slowing down its becoming “real”.

On other subjects, the timing isn’t right. Now, no one is “out there” judging when the timing is right or not. We’re making the call from our Broader Perspective vantage point. It seems the “right” timing is “now”, usually because we feel bad about not having what we want to manifest. That bad feeling is both a sign and the Source of resistance, as I described in the previous paragraph.

Abraham making the process of manifestation plain.

Creation happens automatically. Deliberate creation is tricky

Manifesting a desire is simple. But it’s not easy. It’s not easy because it requires patience. It also requires soothing existing contrary vibration. Most people struggle with this. So they look for “processes” to help them.

We’re manifesting all the time. That’s what reality is. Reality is a manifestation. It’s coming out from us. We shape it with our beliefs. And we do this automatically. Doing it consciously simply requires conjuring how it will feel to have what one wants. You feel the emotion of having it. Then drop it.

We don’t need special processes. We don’t need to think about it many times. In fact, thinking about it many times often amplifies resistance we have on the subject, thus slowing the manifestation down. Even using affirmations will more likely create resistance rather than alignment.


Because often people speak affirmations while thinking about the absence of what they’re trying to manifest. It’s tricky in other words. We gotta know what’s dominant in our awareness to affirm correctly. That’s why dropping it is better, easier and quicker.

Look. The Universe already knows what we want. Whether we’re clear about it or not, we’ve already made the choice and the Universe already holds what we want for us. The only real question is: when are we going to become a match to that?

And the answer to that question has nothing to do with this 369 method. It ONLY has to do with us finding the vibrational frequency that lets it in. And the best way to do that is to RELAX, ENJOY LIFE and stop doing things that put resistance on the trail….like trying to understand someone else’s manifestation “method”.

Why Negative Manifestations Offer The Best Gift

Last week I wrote about a Positively Focused advanced client. I shared her experience with a negative thought, one she worried would turn into a negative manifestation.

Because she’s an advanced practitioner, however, she understood something important. She understood her dominant positive focus would overwhelm any negative thoughts passing through her awareness.

That’s a really good place to be. A very empowering place too. From there, it’s easy to see the practical value of “negative” thoughts. They can amplify one’s positive momentum. If used correctly.

They also offer another important value. Those that turn into manifestations, give us information we really want. They tell us what is dominantly vibrating within us. I explained this in the previous post. That makes all “negative” manifestations actually positive ones.

And that means anything happening in our lives is positive. Either we’re getting what we want (positive manifestation) or we’re getting feedback on how to get what we want (“negative” manifestation). It’s an important distinction. Something every advanced client learns.

Using “negative” manifestation

Instead of “negative”, Abraham often calls these manifestations “unwanted”. But even that word lays negative value on such experiences. It’s instead important to see such manifestations as “wanted”. Without them, how do we know what’s going on in our vibration?

One way is to become sensitive enough to feel vibration. That takes practice. Developing that sensitivity is a hallmark of a Positively Focused practice. Two other ways help us understand what our vibration is too. One is how we feel. The other is what shows up, or doesn’t yet, in our lives.

Once we take the “negative” value judgement off of these manifestations, we can start playing with them. We can use them to see how consistent the Universe really is. Realizing that consistency can bolster our confidence and belief in the Universe. It can prove that we are blessed. That the Universe has our back and is literally at our command.

I enjoyed an experience recently proving this. It reminded me exactly what I wrote above: that the Universe responds to my thoughts. And the more consistently I think them, the more likely I will experience the content of them.

The experience involved a game I played. I did it kind of unconsciously. I knew what I was doing, but didn’t feel the need to really do anything about it. Wanting to see how it would play out, I let the experience unfold. Right up to the “unwanted/wanted” manifestation.

Here’s what happened:

You get what you think about wanted or not

I take long walks every day pretty much. Over the last several months, I had the thought of hitting my watch against a railing as I walked. I saw myself in my mind grazing my watch on an overpass guard rail, the safety rail along the Steel Bridge walkway, or posts along the waterfront. The thought, when it first came, wasn’t accompanied by any worry. In fact I just let the thought happen.

Then, however, that thought kept coming into my awareness. It wasn’t accompanied by any worry or concern, nor any strong interest in it happening. But there was a “wondering” if the crystal on my watch (it’s an Apple Watch) would scratch if I did graze it.

Well, one day, after about three months of entertaining this thought again and again, I was walking across an overpass and, sure enough, I got really close to the guard rail. When I did, I scraped my watch against the galvanized stanchion. Right on the edge of the watch face.

The second it happened I said “I did that!” because I HAD as a manifestation! I remembered how, over and over, I thought that thought about scraping my watch. And sure enough, it happened! Here’s a picture of the damage:

The blemish on my Apple Watch.

The Universe DOES respond to my thoughts

What’s really interesting is the mark I made was mostly cosmetic. I was able to get most of it off with a buff board. There’s still a blemish, but it doesn’t feel like a scratch when I rub my fingernail against it. It’s barely noticeable. But it does catch my attention. Why? Because I built up a lot of momentum over this manifestation over the past three months. How? By thinking I was going to create this.

Recently, I’ve been getting an impulse to go to the Apple Store. I think that’s because they may be able to get this blemish out. But the blemish is kind of cool. It reminds me that I do create my reality with my thoughts. Everything in my experience shows up because of what’s happening inside me. So I see this blemish as a cool reminder that the Universe does, indeed, respond to my thoughts.

The moral of this story is: a passing negative thought isn’t something to worry about. Especially if we already enjoy consistent positive momentum. “Worrying” about the thought manifesting will amplify it. As does thinking the thought repeatedly. But it will take some weeks or even months of focus (deliberate or otherwise) before the subject becomes reality. So we always have lots of time to adjust our thoughts.

If such a manifestation does happen though, it’s a nice reminder showing us where our reality comes from: The deep recesses of our being. Vibration, in other words.

Want to know more or are interested in the Positively Focused practice? Contact me.

The Hidden Value Of Negative Manifestations

Many people practicing Law of Attraction worry about “negative manifestations”. They think a negative thought, then immediately try to cancel it. That’s because they fear that thought will turn into a negative experience.

Of course, every experience is positive. Even “negative” ones. Negative ones tell us something important. So when they happen, it’s important to see them as that: positive.

But will every negative thought manifest? Do we need to worry about negative thoughts we think for fear that they might show up for real?

Let’s take a look.

Castles or buttons, it doesn’t matter

A client texted me about this very thing. She’s an advanced group practitioner. Yes, even advanced folks experience fears. In fact, a Positively Focused practice remains consistent no matter how advanced one gets. We still work on the same things, including soothing resistance.

As one advances, however, we become bolder in our desires. They get bigger, in other words. It’s that change that indicates progress. Bigger desires bring more disbelief though and disbelief is resistance.

That makes sense, right? Say a person believes they can get a choice parking spot downtown. Manifesting that spot, therefore, introduces little resistance. But say that person wants to win the lottery and she doesn’t believe that’s possible. Or she believes lotteries are taxes on the poor. In this case, her resistance about winning the lottery is a lot stronger than manifesting a parking lot. So there’s more resistance to soothe on the subject of lotteries for this person, than manifesting parking spots.

But whether it’s a parking spot or the lottery, the manifestation process is the same. She doesn’t need more “effort” to real-ize the lottery win compared to the parking space. It seems so only because she has more resistant belief in the former than the latter.

Abraham refers to these two —lottery wins and parking spaces — as “castles” and “buttons” respectively. Big things — castles — are just as easy to create as little ones — buttons — they say:

Abraham making it plain.

The same holds true for what we don’t want. We typically call such experiences “negative”. Negative experience manifests the same way “positive” ones do. If we understand how that “way” happens, there’s no need to freak out about entertaining a “negative” thought.

My advanced client realized this.

Back to my client

She sent me a text expressing her clarity, which I loved. It shows how she’s really getting the practice. That’s no surprise to me. She’s really good at creating her Charmed Life. And she’s seeing evidence of it everywhere.

Lisa getting it.

Indeed. Lisa has enjoyed a long string of positive manifestations. They include better relationships with her children, a literal deluge of men wanting to get with her and big shifts in more personal matters.

And she’s right. We needn’t fear negative manifestations. If we’re maintaining very high vibrations, passing negative thoughts will not overcome that positive high momentum. Remember too that when/if “negative” manifestations do happen, they’re not negative. “Negative” manifestations are positive. They help us know what our dominant vibrational focus is.

Dominant vibrations are those creating our experiences. Often, we don’t clearly know what our dominant vibration is. That’s because “vibrations” are subtle. With practice, it’s easy to feel them. But most folks don’t enjoy such ability. So isn’t it nice that physical reality reflects back to us what our dominant vibration is?

That makes “negative” manifestations something we want to experience, right? They tell us what we’re doing vibrationally. This explains why all life experiences are positive. No matter what label we put on them, they always show us where we are vibrationally so we can do something about it..

Of course, we don’t need negative manifestations to do that. Not when we cultivate sensitivity refined enough to feel vibrations. Such sensitivity, as I wrote above, comes with practice. It’s one of the many benefits of being Positively Focused.

Wanting to know more about creating your own Charmed Life, feeling vibration, or getting results my client Lisa is getting? Contact me. Let’s get you underway.

How Can One Easily Explain Manifestation?

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: Can you easily explain manifestation?

Answer: Explaining manifestation is easy. Understanding it? Not so much.

“Manifestation” is the perceived real-ization of desire as it becomes ongoingly fulfilled. “Fulfillment” is an ongoing electromagnetic process. In that process, energy — often a thought form — becomes “more” (fulfilled). It does so on the way to its full-blown becoming-ness. That thought is conscious and aware. It also has its own intent. Its main intent is reaching its full potential. That intent leads to its self-awareness.

Intention alone will push any aware-ized energy towards self-awareness. “Manifestation” is that becoming-ness happening while a perceiver watches. Observation amplifies that becoming-ness. Attention, focus and desire are all synonyms with “observation”. As words they describe the inexhaustible, constantly mobile nature of the energy that is All That Is.

In that becoming-ness, the incipient manifestation, becomes more and more tangible. It becomes more and more perceivable by the perceiver too. All this happens instantaneously. But, in order for All That Is to know itself, perceptive consciousness slows the becoming way down. Slowing it down also allows participation by observers in the unfolding. The process of manifestation therefore assists in self-awareness and self-actualization of All That Is. Humans included.

The unwanted is wanted

Manifestation includes things someone wouldn’t ordinarily want. The thing is, ANYTHING someone puts their attention on long enough will manifest. Observation amplifies. All energy intends fulfillment. These two work together amplifying one another. So it’s really important to observe only things one would prefer become bigger. And minimize attention to unwanted things.

But even unwanted things serve beneficial purposes. They too help clarify self-awareness. After all, a person experiencing what they don’t want, knows more clearly what they do want. So even unwanted things clarify self-awareness. Self-awarness represents the ultimate desire.

All That Is craves self-awareness. Manifestations exist so beings like ourselves can know themselves. In knowing themselves, they become more of themselves. They’re becoming more helps All That Is become more. This is what’s going on on this planet and everywhere else.

Manifestation therefore, is the key element in the self-discovery of All That Is. A self-discovery in which you’re playing a key part. Your desires contribute to All That Is knowing itself. That means all desires are good. No matter the outcome, fulfilled desire facilitates greater knowing.

That doesn’t mean we mustn’t minimize negative outcomes. We must. The desire to improve the world is a worthy desire too. Manifestation represents a sacred process. A process leading ultimately to the expansion of All That Is.

The Best Evidence Your Spirituality Is Powerful

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

I love it when clients get results so inspiring, they confirm what I know about the power of the Positively Focused approach.

Recently, a client came to his session feeling strong self-reproach, self-judgement and frustration. He had a university exam due Friday – it was Monday – and, instead of preparing, he spent several hours binging Star Trek Discovery while also binging on snack food.

Seems like little things, don’t they? But such little things pack a punch when they’re repeated over and over. That’s how life gets out of hand for so many.

In other words, it’s a little thing – a negative thought – thought over and over that eventually creates realities consistent with it. Then life sucks.

My client couldn’t shake his negative thoughts on his own. So we practiced a process that transforms such thoughts into more positive and uplifting ones. By the end, he no longer felt bad about his choices.

Instead, he felt joy at having binged the show. Indeed, when he moved from his negative thoughts into more positive ones, he realized how perfect binging that show was. The main character’s life, he said, mimicked his own. Through the character’s life he saw aspects of his life he could improve.

Other profound realizations came too. He got, for instance, that the same judgement he had for himself about binging, he also had for his mother and his housemate. Both spend a lot of time on the couch consuming streaming media. Both also have poor eating habits and bodies consistent with those habits. My client judged them both harshly. That judgement he also directed towards himself, producing very disempowering results.

No coincidences anywhere

We used the same process to clean up those thoughts about his housemate and mother too, which produced even more euphoria in my client. After all, underneath every person’s negative mindset exists the God in Human Form they really are. Tapping into that feels euphoric.

But negative mindsets block all that. With those things blocked, one cuts oneself off from their divinity. There, they can’t see the beautiful nature of their created life experience.

Instead they see a random world where coincidences happen. Life comes with great risk. It’s scary and unpredictable and so they must protect themself and what they have. Cultivating a Positively Focused mindset clears all that away, then it reveals that everything in life stems from the thoughts you think.

Another client realizing when she deliberately chooses positive thoughts in the morning, the rest of her day reflects that positivity back to her. Life just gets better when one cultivates a positive focus.

Coincidences don’t exist. Everything happening happens for good reasons. People can know what those reasons are. When they do, life turns into a fabulous experience wherein life reflects back to the experiencer wonderful insights and epiphanies.

The good news is, life wants everyone experiencing its wonders. That’s what the Charmed Life offers: a life where every moment contains delights and joys. When a person discovers that life, they recover their power. Then they can use that power to create even better life experiences.

Lovely evidence abounds

By the end of our session, my client felt much better about what he did. Not only did he get epiphanies I described above, he also realized he had plenty of time still to complete the exam. That’s something he couldn’t see while standing in his negative thoughts.

Standing in his negative thoughts he created a living hell where not only was he a bad person for spending hours on the couch, eating junk food, he also feared time to take the exam ran out. He was on the way to that self-fulfilling prophecy. Until he came to the session.

After the session the client felt so much better, he texted me. When the client’s text arrived, it didn’t surprise me. Instead, I basked in the acknowledgment it communicated as a reflection of my own inner state:

Then he followed that message up with this:

Proof in the pudding

A lot of spiritual paths exist. Which offer powerful approaches to connecting with the divine? I prefer relying on Nichiren Buddhism’s Three Proofs doctrine. As the name implies, it suggest a three-step verification process. With it, you can tell whether any spiritual path offers a valid way to spiritual awakening.

The first test is, does the spirituality’s teachings (translating loosely) accord with Universal Laws? Second, the test asks, does the teaching line up with reason and logic? Finally the test says, does the teaching bear out when put to the test? In other words, when you do what the teaching says, do you get the results the teaching says you’ll get?

Speaking about the Three Proofs, the founder of Nichiren Buddhism had this to say:

In judging the relative merit of [any spiritual path], I, Nichiren, believe that the best standards are those of reason and documentary proof. And even more valuable than reason and documentary proof is the proof of actual fact”

I agree. The most valuable evidence determining whether a spiritual path has any power lies in whether or not it does what it says it will do when you put it into action. I know the Positively Focused approach passes all three tests. My clients do too. After all, they’re getting great results!

But the result I love the most is the actual, factual proof I produce in my life, which gets confirmed when my clients produce similar results in theirs.

Theirs, like mine inspire. That inspiration is power. The power to create a happy life. A life I call the Charmed Life.

Ready for yours?

How A Car Theft Results In Great Good

Photo by Kenan Reed on Unsplash

Clients increasingly find their Charmed Life popping up right from their existing life. The more they live Positively Focused, the more their existing life shows them it’s a Charmed Life.

Everyone lives a Charmed Life. But when a person chronically entertains thoughts that don’t feel good, those beliefs turn the Charmed Life into something else. Such stories make life blasé, boring, ho hum, kill-me-know kinds of lives.

But the Charmed Life makes even negative-appearing situations turn out fantastic. I write about many situations from my life experience. Read a couple here and here. Today’s post perfectly illustrates how Charmed Lives turn bad situations into blessings. This one comes from a client we’ll call Natalie.

Evidence in unlikely places

Since beginning her practice, Natalie immediately saw powerful evidence proving a Positively Focused practice works. So she immediately doubled-down. She wanted even more evidence positive stories create reality and wasted no time getting that. Natalie refused to tell any stories that didn’t feel good. As a result, she moved through her world as if on cloud nine.

In the midst of another manifestation I’ll write about later, Natalie created yet another extraordinary manifestation of abundance and surprise.

One evening she went to her favorite bar. There she met a young man with whom she connected. She felt strong resonance for this person. Why, Natalie didn’t know. She also didn’t know this person brought with him an excellent experience to practice being Positively Focused.

Natalie and this young man, let’s call him Rocco the Rascal, for reasons you’ll understand in a bit, hit it off immediately. At some point the two hit it off so well, Natalie felt she wanted to take this young man under her wing. She felt like Rocco was a long lost cousin or something, she said.

They spent the rest of the evening at the bar chatting and connecting. Then, as the barkeep started closing the place, Rocco asked Natalie if he could borrow her car, a late model Mercedes. He wanted to buy some weed, he said.

I’m not sure I would have done it…(Photo by Albert Vincent Wu on Unsplash)

Positive story prevails…or does it?

By this point, Natalie was super high-flying in her vibration. She felt happy, at ease and joyful, she said. Nothing indicated anything bad on the horizon. So when Rocco made his request, Natalie thought “sure!”

Then she had a brief negative thought: “I shouldn’t let this guy borrow my Mercedes. I don’t really know him!” But she brushed it off with a more positive story, whipped out and handed over her keys.

Rocco never came back to the bar. That was a Saturday.

The following Tuesday, Natalie came to her session extraordinarily happy. She had a great week, she said. Then she hesitated just a bit before introducing what happened Saturday.

“Perry, I feel kind of stupid about what I’m about to tell you,” she said.

“Well that’s not an empowering story to tell, is it,” I said.

“You’re right”, Natalie said. Then she told me the story. But when she told me the story, her mood changed. She went right back to a high-flying, powerful place. She was excited about how she felt, what she did, and, even though it was Tuesday and she still had not heard from The Rascal, she was eager to see how this would result in something really positive.

To be honest, I was quite taken by her positivity. Here she was with no car for three days, and she still found positive stories to tell about what happened.

Crime reveals abundance

Then Natalie changed the subject. She told me about the mechanic she takes her cars to. She described him as having a penchant for finding great deals on cars. Natalie said she talked to him about what happened, after filing a police report. Natalie told her mechanic she needed another car, but didn’t care what kind, so long as it got her from a to b.

“Girl!” Her mechanic said. “You belong in a Mercedes. I’m going to get you another one. Don’t you worry about it.”

The following Tuesday Natalie and I met in session. I was high flying as usual and Natalie was over the moon, bursting at the seams to tell me what happened.

Turned our her mechanic delivered on his promise. He found her a late model Mercedes at a reasonable price that Natalie actually liked better than the one Rocco took. She was so pleased with how this turned out.

Then, later that same week, Natalie called me with an update. The police recovered her other Mercedes and it was in fine shape. Now Natalie had two cars. More than she needed. She marveled about how this worked out perfectly for her. Now she could sell her older Mercedes and keep the newer one, which she loved.

Even though Natalie felt great at how this all turned out, she still couldn’t believe how it turned out. She got everything she wanted, including more evidence she asked for, in this crazy cool way showing the Universe always works out in her best interest.

Seriously, how many stolen cars get recovered? Some sources say the chances of getting a stolen car back are less than 50 percent!

When you tell positive stories consistently, life becomes the Charmed Life making everything in life all good!

Pick thoughts that feel good

For Natalie, what ordinarily might look like a terrible thing turned out amazing. And, she showed herself that when she follows her Broader Perspective, which communicates with her constantly, she needn’t worry about the results because the results will always come out great.

The Charmed Life is there always. But when one learns how to see it, it shows up in abundance. And the more one remains Positively Focused, the better life gets. Everyone on the planet today came here expecting that. But it’s easy getting knocked off track.

The key to staying on track is choosing a focus that includes only those things that feel good to look at. That includes thoughts you think. Do that and the world becomes your oyster. And you – and only you – get to say what the pearl inside looks like.

What’s your version of abundance look like? That’s the Charmed Life. Where the world bends to your will, life is fun and abundance is normal.

My Great Results Prove All People Are Super Human

Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash

I always thought about precognition, the ability to know in advance, information about the future, often in a paranormal way, as something worth having. Back in the day, I enjoyed imagining such things as real. But honestly, I didn’t think them possible. That was before my Positively Focused practice.

Now my belief turned to knowing as I proved my own super human ability. And since I possess this ability, I know everyone, anyone else can too.

As time passes and my Positively Focused practice matures, things I once thought impossible increasingly happen. Now they happen more frequently. The more frequent they happen, the more knowing replaces disbelief. Today I’m much more open to what’s possible.

I believe we all can be superhuman because that’s what we are. Only our thinking keeping us from that experience.

So when I experienced first-hand, evidence of knowing the future before the future was known, it surprised me in a way.

Writing this, I’m still surprised how it happened. I’m not surprised it happened though. This result was inevitable though my Positively Focused practice. As I improve, I’m finding everything possible. In the process, old, contrary beliefs fall by the wayside. Their soothing reveals powers usually attributed to God.

And why not? We’re all god in human form.

Ok, on to the story.

Those things we ascribe to gods are our powers. We’ve only forgotten they are ours.

Knowing without knowing

A client and I several sessions ago marveled over how well his Positively Focused practice was working for him. This client wanted a relationship. But his experiences had him create beliefs that left him single for decades. The last girl he tried to befriend ended up being more trouble than she was worth. Eventually, she told him “you’re not ready for a relationship with me” and left him.

That’s when he and I started working together.

Thirty weeks later, not only has he created an amazing relationship in a way that blew both of our socks off, he also fulfilled another strong desire: fatherhood.

That’s right, a baby now grows in the girl he created and dated for about six months.

So during our recent-most session, we celebrated his creations. Then we talked about what becoming a father looks like from a Positively Focused perspective. Talking about that, I kept referring to his child, who is still in-utero, as “she”.

Four times I mentioned his “daughter”. Each time I did, internally, I questioned why I was saying that. A couple of those times I corrected myself out loud by using neutral pronouns. My client didn’t seem to notice though.

At session end, I voiced my puzzlement as to why I was calling his child “she”.

Surprise and delight unveiled

Several days later, my client sent a text message accompanied by a photo. He and his partner returned from the hospital where they had the obligatory ultrasound examination. The photo showed the results. I couldn’t tell what I was seeing, but his second text clued me in. My client was having a girl.

Male or female? How can they tell from these things? My client’s daughter in-utero.

Needless to say, I felt far more surprised than congratulatory. While calling her “she” I felt no doubt using that word. But I also didn’t feel it was “me” selecting that word.

Rather, it felt as though it was given to me. Like something else knew and informed me during the session so that I could enjoy this moment in the future.

In other words, my Broader Perspective knew I stood ready for this new, next step in my own expansion. The power of precognition. And it showed me I was ready by filling my mouth with “she” and “daughter”.

My client and I reveling in the post-manifestation.

Surprise or no surprise?

Lately, things happening indicate rapid expansion into deeper and broader possibilities. I’m more convinced now than ever, that anything can happen. While this was surprising in one sense, it really isn’t.

That’s because everyone possesses these capabilities. But if the possessor doesn’t believe they posses them, then it occurs as though they don’t. So many other deeply satisfying “occult” experiences happen these days, this experience doesn’t stand out that much.

But it does confirm everything Abraham says about reality: we all create our own versions of reality. Nothing lies off limits. Everything wanted can happen. In other words, we are all Gods in human form. Superhumans, creating reality.

I’m super excited about things emerging from within me. Knowing this as a possibility thrills me. But seeing it happen takes it to a whole new level.

Great Manifestations Result When People Forget How, When

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

The “Q/A” series answers questions I get through the internets. I share those answers in this blog as they may inspire people into greater connection with the God they are.

Question: Can I manifest something 10 years before I want it to happen?

The short answer is yes. You may not perceive it as having happened though on that time scale for various reasons I’ll offer below.

Manifestation takes a while

The way “thoughts become things” is, the moment someone desires something, all the cooperative components needed to actualize that desire, assemble. But this all happens in “nonphysical”, the place from which all “things” spring. The desire-er or the manifest-er, usually shows up as the last component. Every desire that manifests only becomes “manifest” when an observer realizes it.

Resistance doesn’t exist in nonphysical to any significant degree. That’s why when something gets expressed, such as a desire, that expression “becomes” immediately there.

But because of resistance in physical reality, it takes a while for that immediate manifestation to emerge. All the cooperative components are on it. But coordinating through to physical reality creates an apparent interval between “desire” and “manifestation”. We humans call that interval “time”. All manifestation is immediate, but time offers an apparent delay. That delay is on purpose. Why it’s on purpose goes beyond the scope of this question.

It doesn’t matter if someone wants something to happen now or ten years from now. The moment one expresses it, it happens. Then, many routes open all leading to the full-blown manifestation.

The manifest-er plays a role

Another couple reasons explain why manifest-ers don’t experience immediate manifestation, in addition to apparent time. One is the manifest-er’s inherent resistance to what’s wanted. The other is the time it takes for the manifest-er to line up with it.

The manifest-er’s resistance plays a major role. Most people don’t believe, let alone understand, what you’re reading, nor do they know how to implement what you’re reading. So it usually takes quite a while before desires manifest in the eyes of the manifest-er.

It’s also why some desires seem to never manifest. People think Law of Attraction doesn’t work because of this. Most people offer so much resistance, they rarely, if ever, happen (for them). Or, when they do, paltry versions of the full-blown desire happen.

“How”, “when”: not your job

Lining up with the desire can take a while too. Part of that has to do with resistance. But even if resistance is relatively low, one still must become a match to the desire to experience it. That may be why the questioner thinks they want something 10 years from now.

The problem with thinking they know the best timing in which something should happen is, Universe knows better. The Divine Timing Of The Unfolding Of One’s Desire is given. In that sense, the question is unusual. Most people err on the impatient side of timing. They think their desire should manifest sooner than it actually will (in divine timing). Look at life. It almost always works this way. Usually, what a person wants unfolds out of synch with when they thought it should happen. The same will be true with the expectation that “it” (whatever it is) should happen in 10 years.

So thinking about the “when” is not productive. Thinking about “how” isn’t a good idea either. It’s going to unfold in divine timing. And it will unfold in a way that surprises and delights all involved.