I See God (Myself) Everywhere

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Evidence that God exists is so abundant, I wonder sometimes why humans invented this thing called faith.

A great post landed in my inbox this week about how to create results. Joe Dalio’s writings blend Law of Attraction with Christianity which is an interesting perspective given so many Christians have negative attachment to Law of Attraction.

Joe’s post moved me, so I wrote a response:

I find that when one understands what is being shared by Great Teachers, faith becomes unnecessary, because evidence of “answered prayers” abounds. Faith becomes necessary in the absence of evidence. Since evidence abounds, faith isn’t necessary. So then, how does one see evidence?

It’s challenging sharing uplifting knowledge because such information is best shared through long conversations. But your bottom line is spot on: the external world springs from the internal one. Get the latter right and the former must match the latter so long as the former, righted, is held consistently, even in the perceived absence of evidence…

That brings me back to faith. The external, physical world as it is now, evidences everyone’s beliefs as they are now. As you say, “When your…mind believes something to be true, then it is, and you will soon experience its truth.” All around us we find confirmed beliefs…our truths. The matter is one of seeing beliefs and their [already] manifested realities.

So believing in “the word” as creator of reality becomes easy once one sees connections between what they believe and what they experience. God is all around us, in us and in everything, constantly evolving, constantly become more. I love knowing that and relish life while standing in that knowing!

Joe replied few minutes later. I’ll get to what happened next.

How prayer works

A client and I talked about prayer recently. He’s a Christian, and prays often. I suggested a different perspective on prayer, one that could make prayer more effective.

Life works best like this, I told him: A person find things they want, often by observing things they don’t want. The moment they recognize what they want, what Christians call God holds that as a real, tangible experience, especially for that person.

That’s what happens when a person prays. They identify what they want and immediately get the answer (God holding the future reality for the person). But the praying part of “prayer” is only the beginning.

Next, God sends signals – thoughts, ideas, intuition to the one who has prayed. Follow those signals and the person MUST receive that for which they prayed.  God sends signals constantly for every prayer potentially leading the person to everything they want. All prayers are answered.

Like a pair of walkie talkies though, the person can’t receive God’s signals, and thus His answer to the prayer, if the person isn’t on His frequency. How do they know when they are?

They feel good, they’re positively focused, they see everything like God does: as good, as right, as always getting better.

So prayer isn’t about what one says with one’s mouth in solemn moments, I told my client. Prayer happens every life moment, with every interpretation, every story, every belief a person believes about everything happening around them moment by moment.

Tuning one’s interpretation so they receive God’s answer is what Jesus meant when he said become like a child, which means, seeing the world as a pure, positive adventure springing from one’s imagination.

God’s revelation

I saw this blog post I mentioned above as a positive element of my ongoing adventure. I enjoyed responding and receiving the Joe’s reply:

Thank you for your excellent comment! You’ve added so much more wisdom to the info I discussed. Your last paragraph sums it up beautifully. I believe the key is seeing and knowing those connections, though it’s easier said than done. However when done, it is life-changing 🙂

The next day, I ran an errand to IKEA. On my way, I thought about Joe’s post, my response, and his reply. I thought about how Joe keyed in on the key point: Seeing the connections between what one believes, and what one experiences…that’s how one finds God and His revelations: answers to one’s prayers.

Right about that time, I passed by a house with a beautiful painting nailed to a post in the front yard. The painting featured a huge yellow and black honey bee free-framed in a blue sky with white clouds. A short paragraph beside the bee, told in hand-painted letters  how important bees are.

Below that was a long, hand written message:


This was exactly the connection I described in my comment. Here I was, in my physical reality, seeing my own beliefs reflected back to me. God’s answer to one of my many “prayers” – my strong belief.

Joy and recognition washed over me. The rest of my ride felt like floating. When I got to IKEA, a masked clerk greeted me at the door.

“How are you today?” She asked.

“I’m f*cking happy!” I exclaimed.

“Wow!” She said. “That’s AWESOME.”

I smiled so wide underneath my mask, my eyes twinkled.

“It sure is!” I said.

Evidence that God exists is so abundant, I wonder sometimes why humans invented this thing called faith. I don’t need faith because I know I’m God in Human form, laying out my desires in prayer then tuning myself so I get my answers in life experience. The tuning looks and feels like being Positively Focused. And being there, I find happiness.

The Great Pause IS Good

Beauty in nature will persist no matter how obscure human eyes become. Sometimes though, human eyes get clear. The Great Pause IS good. Can you see it? In the future humanity will look back at this time as a great opportunity. Why not see it that way now? Some people do, like those who took time to share their experiences and their memories.

I Put God To The Test. Here’s What Happened.

Photo by Oscar Sutton on Unsplash

It’s fun putting God to the test and watching God exceed my test expectations. That’s what happened this morning on my walk.

I know I am God in a human body. Don’t freak out reading that. Everyone is God in human bodies.

Sometimes it’s nice testing my godhood. It’s fun, and it assures me my desires are flowing easily into my life experience. Evidence abounds in that regard, but, every so often creating an event immediately tells me, yup! I’m doing it, I’m creating my reality.

The challenge with creating reality and the reason so many try this “manifestation business” and fail, is because specificity and focus are important. People who fail at creation don’t realize their “failure” actually is success. Here’s why.

Every human being is a God in human form, creating reality through their interaction with it. Conscious creation is more joyful…for obvious reasons. Putting God to the test is fun too. Especially when I delight myself by exceeding my expectations.

If I want something really bad, that’s great, so long as I’m focused on what it is I want. It’s easy, though, in my focus on what I want, to instead focus on the opposite of what I want, which is the absence of what I want, or what I already have.

For example, say I want a new relationship and I’m in a relationship I don’t like. If I focus on all the things I don’t like about the relationship I have, and focusing there, I ask for a new relationship, I’m not going to manifest a new relationship. Instead, I’m going to manifest more of what I have: the relationship I’ve got.

I know I must turn my focus to what I want, not what I’ve got. I know I’ve done that by using my emotions as my guide. I know I’m getting what I want when I feel great in the now, the Moment of Becoming.

The Universe will deliver the essence of everything I ask for. Testing this assertion helps calibrate my focus so I know when I’m focusing on what I want instead of what I don’t. It’s a fun way of refining that important skill.

I know thinking thoughts that feel good makes getting what I want easy.

So that’s what I did this morning. I like testing God (that’s me) by using subjects I don’t have lots of desire about. It’s easier focusing when there isn’t a lot of momentum behind the desire itself. Here’s what I did:

I said I wanted to see a rabbit on my walk somewhere. I live in an urban neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. Houses and apartments and paved streets and alleys define my neighborhood. There aren’t a lot of wooded areas, so seeing a wild rabbit would be amazing. But I knew I can manifest anything I want if my desire is strong enough and, most importantly, my resistance to the desire is weak or non existent.

I focused on how it would feel seeing a rabbit. I held that image for a little over a minute, to get the creative momentum moving. In my imagination I saw the rabbit’s brown fur, its black eyes….I thought about petting the rabbit and how soft it would feel so long as it didn’t bite me 😂. That made me feel happy, a crucial indicator.

I’m clear All That Is delivers the essence of what ask. I know that often means delights beyond my specific ask. So it’s better asking generally rather than specifically because what comes can be missed if I’m too specific about what I want. So while I asked for a rabbit, what I focused on was the fur, the eyes and how it would feel to see something like that in my city.

Then I dropped it. I paid no attention to my request. I enjoyed my walk, the city, the morning air, the flowers and other people out walking.

It was a nearly four mile walk. Returning to the house where I live, I turned a corner one block from home and…not 20 feet in front of me….was a coyote. It looked at me with black eyes…and it had brown fur.

A Coyote a few steps right in front of me! In the middle of town!

Before I could snap a picture with my phone, it ran off around the corner, but as I got to the end of the block, it came running back around the corner. That’s when I got a video of her!

God passed! What a demonstration!

I know I am God in a physical body. I know I create reality through my interaction with it. My thoughts and emotions tell me what creations I’m creating. I share my experiences through this blog because the sharing is fun, but also to encourage others into their full creative potential so they can have as much fun as I’m having.

It really is fun creating reality. I love putting God to the test and then seeing how I exceed my own expectations.