My First Astral Travel Confirmed By Another Person!

Photo credit: Warren Wong

TL;DR: The author recounts an experience of astral travel wherein their consciousness flowed into the consciousness of another, and that other person realized then reported on her experience of what happened, thus confirming the author’s experience.

An awesome confirmation of my Astral Travel aspirations happened this week. It’s evidence of my moving into more expansive capabilities, capabilities I’ve intended for some time now.

It’s taking a while because, as I’ve mentioned many times before, we don’t instantly get what we want. Especially when it comes to what we believe are supernatural or “unbelievable” abilities. That’s because those very beliefs, that it’s impossible, supernatural, unnatural, or unbelievable, resists our ability to allow these abilities into our experience.

So some time must pass while we learn to soothe those beliefs and replace them with beliefs more aligned to our desire. The same holds true for any desire. Whether it be a better job, a partner, a bunch of money or a better life condition, we must become a match to it before we receive it.

And the main thing keeping us from becoming a match to what we want are our existing beliefs that run contrary to what we want.

I’ve been focusing into my experience these “occult” experiences for about a year now, I think. That’s not very long considering what I’m wanting, the results I’m producing and how many people believe such results aren’t possible.

Let’s take a look at what happened this week, how it happened and the confirmation I received from my client.

The experience

It was a Tuesday morning. Typically, every morning I meditate for at least an hour prior to my day getting underway. This morning, as sometimes happens, I meditated twice. Once in the early morning for about 90 minutes, then again after waking, for another hour.

Both these meditation periods were deep and intense. I’ve described sensations happening now in meditation in previous posts. Those sensations confirm my budding shape-shifting abilities, but they also confirm that my consciousness leaves my body too.

During the second half hour of that second meditation period, my consciousness left my body. I felt myself “go out”. The experience happened so briefly, I couldn’t get my wits about the experience. I only know I was “gone”, then I was back in. What I did experience was seeing a vague sense of the surroundings where I landed. But I couldn’t make out more than that vague sense.

This meditation happened about an hour before my first client session. That session started at 9 a.m. The client I see lives in Hawaii. Hawaii is two hours behind my time zone. So 8 am is 6 am in Hawaii. My client would be just waking up. That time differential set up everything that happened next.

Surprise and delight

Since many of these kinds of experiences have happened, I reveled in this one, but didn’t make much more about it. That’s because other similar past experiences were much clearer, more vivid and longer lasting than this one. Usually, I’ll experience several smaller, rather insignificant sensations or departures in between the really profound ones. So this experience, given its brevity and vague perception, I figured was one of the less meaningful ones.

I was wrong.

And that’s great because part of the joy of life is the surprise and delight inherent in it. We can’t know how the Universe will set up situations in which we get what we want. The Universe is far more resourceful, and broader in its abilities than our minds can fathom. Which is why it truly is unfathomable. So when we do manifest something, it usually comes in a surprising and delightful way.

That way makes sense too because when we least expect something to manifest, we are best prepared to receive it. That’s because we aren’t resisting its showing up. We’re not resisting it with thinking we’re thinking about it when in fact we’re thinking about not having it. We’re not yearning for it to happen. Because our minds are off what we want, we unconsciously allow the unfolding.

That’s what happened here.

The confirmation

After meditating that morning, I went through my normal day preparations. Then I signed on to the call with my client. The moment I did, the client shocked me with a question:

“Did you visit me this morning?” She asked.

Her question piqued my interest. And since I know what I know, I knew something was afoot here. Something we both would enjoy. There was no confusion about what she was asking. Instead I felt only curiosity.

“Why do you ask?” I said.

The client then described how she was in her bed and suddenly, she felt my presence. My curiosity spiked then and I asked her when she had this sensation.

“About an hour ago,” she said. That would have been around 6 am her time. Right about the same time I had the departure experience in meditation.

I then went from curious to excited. For the next few minutes we talked about what happened as a way of amplifying for both of us the real-ization of this experience. The fact that what happened with her matched what happened with me, at the same time, delighted both of us.

We then went on with the rest of the session.

Having affinity and no doubt

Two days later, and I have no idea why she did this, the client sent me a text message. Even though I don’t know what prompted her act, when I read the message, I knew it was further confirmation of what happened. It also represented a natural unfolding that lead directly to this post. Had she not sent this text, I probably wouldn’t have written this story. But receiving it delighted me so much. Her message, to me, came out of the blue. So I knew my client’s Broader Perspective encouraged her to reach out.

Here’s what she texted:

Look at that message!

It’s so detailed. And it describes a specific process wherein this happened. Notice it wasn’t something that happened against her will. I was “announced” and then she allowed “me” to
“slide over [her] energy”.

I wondered if others could confirm such experiences. It’s one thing to have the person leaving their body talk about the experience. But when another can confirm the experience from their perspective, that takes it to a whole other level!

Of course, my client couldn’t have had this experience had she not some affinity with the ability. I perceived the client’s vast potential for such abilities. In one of our early sessions, I wondered if she had witchcraft in her ancestry. She mused about my question, but recently asked me about why I asked.

I told her I sense great affinity within her and very little doubt. So she’s susceptible to these experiences.

Everything is possible

And that’s the key right? Our beliefs create our reality. Anything is possible. But our beliefs mitigate that accurate statement. If we want to experience something and we doubt it can happen, it’s not going to happen.

And yet, all kinds of accounts exist where, just as an example, a mother in a car accident lifts her car off her child who is pinned underneath. That kind of event can happen in such crises because, in that moment, the woman’s desire for saving her child overwhelms any doubt. Indeed, doubt isn’t even present when she takes action.

The same holds true for anything. Whatever we want, we can experience or have. It all depends on how much doubt we bring to the table. The more we bring, the less possible our desires become.

Which is why a Positively Focused perspective is the best perspective. For not only does everything become possible, we also create all the evidence we need to confirm what was once impossible now no longer is.


I once thought it impossible that the world would get better if Trump won. Well some really amazing things are happening right now, even with Trump becoming president. Indeed, because he became president…and I voted for Harristhe future is going to be magnificent. How do I know? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

Traveling Outside My Body: A Wonderful Update

Photo by Andrew Spencer on Unsplash

TLDR: The writer discusses their journey to master astral projection through soothing resistance and believing it’s possible, as recent deliberate steps lead to significant progress and heightened spiritual awareness.

As mentioned in previous posts, I’m soothing resistance so that I can enjoy “astral projections”. By “soothing resistance” I mean letting go of beliefs preventing being able to leave my body.

Since everything is possible, doing this is easy. We all do it, after all. Every night we “dream” that’s what we’re doing. We’re traveling astrally.

So projecting my consciousness outside my body isn’t something to “learn”. Rather, it’s something to “allow”. How do we allow? We do it by soothing beliefs making doing so seem impossible.

This post updates my progress so far.

Let’s dive in.

Moving beyond mind

Previous out of body travels were predominantly involuntary experiences. They came unexpectedly. One minute I’d be in my body. The next, I was out. These mostly happened while sleeping or meditating. That makes sense because resistant beliefs aren’t active in those mind states. Especially beliefs that trigger fear of the experience.

Meanwhile, my Broader Perspective knows how to work around those beliefs. This is the case with all desires. Broader Perspective wends its way through what Abraham calls “the cracks of least resistance”. These are pathways through our resistant beliefs, beliefs standing between where we are and what we want. In this way our Broader Perspective knows better than our ego awareness how to manifest desires. This explains why it’s not our ego’s job to figure out how something must happen.

Besides, ego consciousness isn’t equipped to do that. That’s why when we focus on the how, we usually get bogged down in our befuddlement. Brains are physical manifestations of ego consciousness. They are not equipped to understand the how.

Traveling outside the body necessitates leaving all that behind. I must be getting better at doing that because my recent results are astounding.

Deliberate baby steps…

Since I had an adverse reaction long ago to a particularly powerful awakening moment, my Broader Perspective is easing me through the “how”. This process therefore feels extremely gradual. My Broader Perspective knows which of my beliefs could shut down my experience. I can feel that awareness working in me.

Just to clarify; our Broader Perspective isn’t outside is. It’s not a god or other divine being separate from what we are. Our Broader Perspective IS us. It is that aspect of us which remains in nonphysical. It remains there so as to guide the other aspect of us which comes into these physical bodies.

It’s therefore a mistake to picture Broader Perspective as separate from us. Doing that can introduce distortions in beliefs. Distortions that can make what I’m up to difficult or impossible.

Since I’m not making that mistake, I’m finding progress towards leaving my body happening consistently as weeks go by. It’s still gradual. No earth-shaking, amazing occurrences are surprising me. Instead, expansion into astral travel abilities feels like deliberate, baby steps to eventually sojourning through creation while my body lies in repose on my bed.

I’ll share what those baby steps feel like next.

Perceiving the ephemeral

It’s 4:06 as I’m writing this. I just came out of a pleasing meditation. I typically meditate for between an hour and 90 minutes around this time every morning. Usually between two and four AM. I believe those hours hold special energies for such practices.

Coming out of meditation, I received an impulse to write this post.

While prepping for bed last night, I felt familiar urging of my Broader Perspective. It encouraged me to settle my mind and focus in ways that heighten spiritual awareness. Doing so, I can feel varying degrees of vibrations. It’s extremely subtle. Perceiving vibration this way results from a rigorous spiritual practice involving of a lot of meditation and other Positively Focused practices.

I really did write this in the early morning!

While in that heightened awareness and perceiving those frequencies, I also felt my Broader Perspective guiding me to “feel” my ephemeral presence, my “spirit body”, or that ethereal body that is my inner energetic being. I know all that sounds extremely “woo”. But how else can I explain it? It really is a “you had to be there” moment. In other words, having the experience is a better way of explaining this than trying to explain it.

Anyway, while focused on that energy body, I didn’t have to really do anything other than focus on it. Not with a “hard” focus though. Instead I do better perceiving it when I focus like I do when using peripheral vision. Or maybe seeing things in really low light. I’m not looking directly at the thing, but see it anyway. Does that make sense?

I hope so.

Gaining comfort with the ephemeral

As I focused on that energy body, I felt it/me becoming more and more distinct from my physical body. And this is where the progress happened.

Rather than try to will a travel experience, I instead decided to focus on “feeling” or “witnessing” that ephemeral feeling; the feeling of what that energy body feels like. It was like running my physical hands all over my physical body. Only I was doing that with “energy hands” over my “energy body”. I knew this was the step to take because it would accomplish two things.

One it would amplify the experience by confirming what was happening. It would also soothe resistant beliefs. After all, I can’t disbelieve an experience I’m actually having, can I?

Second, it would give me greater control, comfort and familiarity with this new-to-my-ego experience. That was important. It was important because my ego is responsible for violently shutting down that powerful awakening experience I had long ago. And I didn’t want to repeat that experience.

Enjoying the peak moment

So I remained in that state feeling myself for probably 40 minutes. It felt amazing! And in doing that I also felt the “boundary” between my physical body and this energy one. It literally felt like the two were slightly out of sync. Which is exactly what it should feel like as one separates from the other!

Then, at one moment, I decided to try coming back into the physical body. When I did, my legs “jiggled” and I felt an electric wave move through them. It was like the body was receiving into itself the energetic sensation of “me” returning to “it”!

I’m sure you can imagine how amazing that experience felt.

After a few more of these moments, I decided to fully re-enter the physical body. When I did I noticed something very peculiar. And this was the peak moment of this whole experience.

In my body I didn’t feel cold. But when I touched certain parts of my body with my physical hands —my knees, the top of my feet, for example— they felt VERY cold. Again, I didn’t feel cold in my body. But parts of my body, when touched with my physical hands did feel cold.

The cold surfaces correlated with parts of the body I would have left “last” as I “rose” out of the body. I was on my back. The parts I touched were all parts at the upper most part of my body in repose.

This all happened while laying toasty under a fleece blanket, a fleece top sheet, fleece bottom sheet and a down duvet. There was no physical-reality explanation for feeling cold. Especially in the locations where I felt cold!

You had to be there!

Ok. So I get this may not sound very thrilling. I swear you need to have the experience to really get it. Nevertheless I’m THRILLED with these results.

While writing this, I’m eager about experiments I want to run to further improve my awareness. I want to visit friend’s locations, observe things I could only see were I there, then call my friends and report what I saw. Then I want to travel to distant places and see what I can bring back.

That’s right, Seth says I can even travel to such places and actually bring back physical artifacts from those destinations. Can you imagine!?

I can!

I’m eager for more of this. And I deeply appreciate All That Is and my core intention, both of which are leading me on this auspicious trajectory.

Maybe my journey is inspiring you to take your own. If so, I can help, obviously. Become a client! Let’s do this.

My Longest Most Detailed Out Of Body Experience Yet!

Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash
Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash

I experienced the most dramatic Out of Body Experience (OBE) in the last few weeks. It was extremely long and detailed. And when I came out of it, I felt thrilled with the experience, particularly because I remembered so much of it.

Previous such experiences were fleeting. They came in flashes I could barely remember. However, as I practiced, these flashes gradually increased in duration. Still, they weren’t long-lasting. But they did come in increasing numbers.

We all enjoy such experiences. But our physical senses distort what’s really happening. What’s really happening is we all exist in infinite dimensions. They all happen at the same time. Our awareness moves among all these, even though waking consciousness doesn’t experience that.

The only reason waking consciousness doesn’t is because we train it to focus here. We train it to focus only in this dimension. Meanwhile, other “parts” of us flow easily between all our multi-dimensional experience.

Consciously becoming aware of that flowing is an OBE.

Everyone does it

Since all consciousness flows this way, anyone can do what I’m doing. It just takes practice. A Positively Focused practice soothes rigid attention to this dimension. It softens our focus so we can experience more of what we are. As that happens, signs show us our progress. OBEs are one such sign.

Here are examples of fleeting OBEs I recently experienced. I keep meticulous notes on my process. As a result I can share my experiences with clients. In one sitting, on April 18 this year, I experienced seven separate projections out of my body in 30-minutes. Here’s a description of that sitting. I’ve redacted personal information.

Brief “flashes” of my consciousness projected outside my body.

Earlier projections were more brief than these; literally just flashes. But just five days later, I enjoyed a stable, long-form experience. An experience as real as this one wherein I’m typing these words.

Again, everyone experiences such moments beneath waking focused consciousness. We just block those experiences thinking they’re of no value. But they’re of immense value. That’s because these experiences represent something powerful. They represent us coming back into the fullness of all that we are. That I AM that is our true nature.

Living waking experience from that awareness, literally everything becomes possible. Now, everything already is possible. But rigid focus on physical reality limits us. That’s because infinite possibilities happen in nonphysical, that place where we all originate including events, circumstances and other people.

When we focus less in physical reality, we tune back into that broader awareness. Then we can leverage that. We can bring it back here, in physical reality. Then we can use it to do more. We can do more with far less effort. And far more joy.

Everything is possible

That’s why I’m eager to expand my self-awareness. I want to prove to myself everything is possible. The prospect of that thrills me. And it inspires greater desire to experience more of what’s possible. Which is everything.

As I said before, OBEs are evidence. They’re signs of progress. My latest experience is a great sign. The length and extreme detail I experienced tells me I’ve significantly soothed my rigid focus. I’m more able to focus in this reality and others at the same time.

So here’s the experience I had on April 23:

From my detailed journal: The longest OBE I’ve experienced so far.

If you’re inspired to have similar experiences, I promise, it’s worthy stoking that inspiration. I find my satisfaction in life has expanded tenfold. My confidence and joy is increasing too. As is my awareness of what’s really possible.

I encourage every person so inspired to not pass up the chance to learn more about yourself! It’s so worth it. If you don’t know where to start, I can help. Contact me.