Question: I have a question about the “369 manifestation” method. Am I able to do it all at once or preferably 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times in the night? Or can I just write it down all at once?
Answer: Manifestation doesn’t work this way. People come up with all kinds of “processes” purported to be effective. But manifesting is much simpler than this.
The difficulty with manifesting what anyone wants lies in our beliefs about what’s wanted. Resistance we have about what we want slows the manifestation. The timing is important too. By this I mean, we manifest something we want when the timing is right.
That means on some subjects, particularly ones we have a lot of resistance about, it takes longer than others. In fact, on some subjects we feel a lot of impatience. Understanding impatience is important. Such emotions tell us our vibration contradicts our desire. It also tells us we’re slowing down its becoming “real”.
On other subjects, the timing isn’t right. Now, no one is “out there” judging when the timing is right or not. We’re making the call from our Broader Perspective vantage point. It seems the “right” timing is “now”, usually because we feel bad about not having what we want to manifest. That bad feeling is both a sign and the Source of resistance, as I described in the previous paragraph.
Abraham making the process of manifestation plain.
Creation happens automatically. Deliberate creation is tricky
Manifesting a desire is simple. But it’s not easy. It’s not easy because it requires patience. It also requires soothing existing contrary vibration. Most people struggle with this. So they look for “processes” to help them.
We’re manifesting all the time. That’s what reality is. Reality is a manifestation. It’s coming out from us. We shape it with our beliefs. And we do this automatically. Doing it consciously simply requires conjuring how it will feel to have what one wants. You feel the emotion of having it. Then drop it.
We don’t need special processes. We don’t need to think about it many times. In fact, thinking about it many times often amplifies resistance we have on the subject, thus slowing the manifestation down. Even using affirmations will more likely create resistance rather than alignment.
Because often people speak affirmations while thinking about the absence of what they’re trying to manifest. It’s tricky in other words. We gotta know what’s dominant in our awareness to affirm correctly. That’s why dropping it is better, easier and quicker.
Look. The Universe already knows what we want. Whether we’re clear about it or not, we’ve already made the choice and the Universe already holds what we want for us. The only real question is: when are we going to become a match to that?
And the answer to that question has nothing to do with this 369 method. It ONLY has to do with us finding the vibrational frequency that lets it in. And the best way to do that is to RELAX, ENJOY LIFE and stop doing things that put resistance on the trail….like trying to understand someone else’s manifestation “method”.
Question: Do people who believe in manifestation believe in toxic positivity?
Answer: I cannot speak for all “people”. But I can speak with accuracy for myself, for Abraham and for Seth.
Anything someone believes will eventually prove “true”. But only for that person. And for those who become a match to that belief.
“Toxic Positivity” is a belief. It emerged only recently. As Law of Attraction gained prominence in recent decades some react strongly to its ideas. “Toxic Positivity” represents a manifestation of the originator’s struggle with their Belief Constellation. This person’s pessimism runs so strongly, Law of Attraction’s success prompts this equally strong, knee-jerk response.
A person who lives pessimistically, for example, might conclude from that orientation that life’s glass is “half-empty”. They’ll see life as a struggle, risky, inherently random and out of their control. From their perspective life will not go their way. So they draw pessimistic conclusions about life.
A conclusion is a belief. Any belief, held long enough, will prove true. So this person’s life will prove their conclusions about life true.
Life always reflects belief
Life experience has influence on belief. But life experience BENDS to belief. It is expectation (belief) that gets “life” going. And expectation determines future experience. However, once life gets going, seeing how beliefs create experience grows murky. That’s because we focus more on the physical world. We focus comparatively less on our inner world. But again, our inner world originates the outer.
So then, a chronically negative person will attract more negative experiences because that’s how they focus. This includes more negative thoughts and beliefs. They also put more attention on the outside world. They don’t consider their inner world and do something about their negative beliefs. Instead they take them for granted as indelibly true. So life gives more experience consistent with their “truth”.
But truth can change. It changes constantly.
Chronic negative focus makes attracting more negative beliefs a cinch. Same with negative experiences. IT WILL ALSO MAKE IT VERY HARD TO ACCEPT DISSIMILAR THOUGHTS.
Momentum creates more
So then consider when someone tells such a person, they create their reality. That someone says “change your beliefs to more positive ones you can improve your life experience”. Of course the listener’s Belief Constellation, their dominant negative focus, will vigorously repel such a statement. That’s because the statement confronts existing belief momentum. Momentum that is extremely strong. Momentum with a lot of evidence proving it “true”.
All That Is is extremely complex and diverse. It also is very creative. So “Toxic Positivity” is a creative term springing from a small part of All That Is. That small part represents consciousness focused predominantly in a negative orientation. That orientation will not allow the consciousness, nor the intelligence it possesses, from even considering positive orientation. It will, instead strenuously resist….then create a new idea for its extreme revulsion. The new idea will expand negative focus and give birth to a new label. The label? TOXIC Positivity. Labeling the idea will then vastly amplify that consciousness’ attachment to that belief and that preson’s negative orientation in the process.
So yes, it is real.
But so is every other thought. Any thought held long enough will manifest corresponding reality. In short, it (Toxic Positivity), the concept, is a thing. It is a manifestation. A manifestation of chronic negative focus. A focus held so long it cannot bear to accept what’s at the heart of All That Is: Pure Positive Energy.
Question: I’ve been trying to manifest, but it’s not happening. So how do I make my manifestations into reality?
Answer: “Manifestation” is reality.
Whether we perceive the manifestation or not makes all the difference. Some “manifestations”, aka, reality, slip by people’s awareness. For example, most people will not celebrate the thought “I want to win the lottery”. They’re too focused on getting to the “winning”.
But that thought couldn’t be perceived had it not manifested as “real”. Furthermore, the “winning” depends on first seeing the desire to win as the most important manifestation. Not getting the money.
Knowing that thoughts are reality opens one up to more possibility. Ignoring them can kill off any future manifestation. For example, most people overly focus on the ultimate outcome of the “manifestation stream” — the money in one’s bank account. Focus on that and a person likely misses many prior manifestations that block that ultimate outcome.
Almost everyone adds a ton of resistance to their desires. Ignorant of that, most people can’t get to the “money in your bank” part. So they claim manifesting doesn’t work. But it always works.
Thoughts are reality manifested
Think about it: when we focus on winning a lottery, for example, all kinds of beliefs come up. Here are some:
“Winning the lottery is impossible”
“Winning the lottery is like gambling”
“Only suckers play those games”
“Lotteries manipulate and prey on desperation”
“I’m not lucky”
“I’m want to win, but don’t believe I will”
“I don’t deserve something like this”
That last one runs deep and is most powerful. Most people don’t realize they hold such beliefs. But most do.
Here’s the rub: all these beliefs are manifestations, just like thoughts. Thoughts are early manifestations. Beliefs are further evolved manifestations. They enjoy more momentum than a thought.
Beliefs and thoughts both create realities consistent with them. So if any of the above beliefs are strongly believed, winning the lottery isn’t likely.
Such beliefs conjure feelings like doubt, uncertainty and pessimism, which tell the person (even though she doesn’t realize this) “you’re not going to win the lottery!” When they play, they won’t win. Not winning is the ultimate manifestation of their persistent thoughts about the manifested reality called “winning the lottery.” So their desire “manifested”.
And that’s an important outcome. Not winning the lottery tells the player they hold beliefs contrary to their desire. Not winning therefore, isn’t failure. It’s information the player wants to know.
So thoughts are reality. Most people won’t agree. They think “reality” must be something they can touch, see, feel or interact with. But don’t we do that with our thoughts? We feel them, interact with them, we imagine them into our mind’s eye, so we can see them. Then they shape our experiences.
How to not get your manifestation
Back to the lottery: If we’re waiting for the ultimate manifestation, it’s easy to slip into impatience too. That emotion tells us “you’re not going to win the lottery” as well. Any negative emotion about a subject tells us we’re going away from or blocking our desired manifestation in that subject area.
This is all why it’s important to understand ALL manifestations are reality. Including thoughts. It’s also important knowing what “manifestations” look like. If we don’t know a thought is a manifestation, for example, we won’t know what next appropriate step to take after receiving the thought or receiving its downstream manifestation.
Not knowing that, we’ll kibosh the next evolving version of that manifested reality. Which is why so many people give up on dreams (such as winning the lottery), then, in their cynicism tell others to “get real” or, “this manifestation business doesn’t work.”
It doesn’t work. For them. Because they’ve manifested a reality in which it appears to not work. But it’s working.
If we want to manifest effectively, we must realize manifestations start at the incipient stage – first as thoughts – then know what to do from there. Knowing that, it’s easy turning reality into a Charmed Life.
Answer: Yes. And that’s a good thing. That’s because everything surrounding you reflects what and who you are. So anything you do, including what you do for yourself, or what you do for others, expresses a selfish focus.
Since life is 100 percent subjective, your subjective experience is all you can experience. Even if you think you’re experiencing something someone else experienced, you still experience your version of that. Walking in another’s shoes then, can never happen. You can only walk in yours.
Even when you’re focusing on someone else, you’re focusing on yourself. I describe other people in my life as emanations of my own conscious awareness. Those emanations help me better focus on that which I’m creating in life. Same goes for everything else in my reality. Everything reflects back to me my internal condition.
Create happy people
When I realized this perspective, life got real easy. It got easier caring for others too. Essentially, I stopped caring for others. That doesn’t mean I became callous, it means I realized I can’t do anything to make another happy. And the closer the other person was to me, the less effective I was at making them happy. Just ask my ex-wife!
Oh, someone can make another temporarily happy. Just look at a child and its mother. Eventually, the mother will get unhappy about that kid! Neither mothers, fathers, sons, daughters nor me or you can create lasting happiness for another. It’s better then letting go of that goal. Instead, I care for my own happiness.
When I do that I find I meet more people who have found their own happiness. Which means I don’t have to care for them. They’re caring for themselves.
I’m not suggesting you realize all this intellectually. An intellectual understanding helps. But when my experience proved how accurate all this was, my “understanding” deepened immensely.
Self care means creating a satisfying life. That’s the Charmed Life I always write about. I show people how to create their Charmed Life. That first happens within the individual. Then that internal condition gets reflected externally, including in people one meets.
So the Charmed Life starts with cultivating an internal happiness. Then any kind of life one wants becomes possible. It will unfold gradually, as all things do. But it will happen. And when it does, every moment becomes a happy one.
Question: Why aren’t I shifting or getting any successful manifestations?
Answer: You are getting successful manifestations. You just don’t realize you are. The reason you think you’re not, and thus calling your results unsuccessful or non-results, is because you don’t understand fully the manifestation process.
You’re always getting manifestations. Your entire life is completely composed of them. What do you think your body and the world you observe are?
The only reason(s) whatever it is you’re wanting to manifest isn’t happening (yet) is either you still aren’t a match to what it is you want or you’re still resisting it or you’re too focused on the result and generating impatience, which is another form of resistance, or you’re way too focused on “I’m not shifting or getting any successful manifestations.”
Another way of saying that last one is, you’re too focused on the absence of your desired results.
As a result of any of these, or a combination of some or all of them, you ARE getting successful results. The results are showing you what you must do to get what you want:
Appreciate the results you are getting as the positive indicators they are
If you weren’t getting the results you’re getting, you wouldn’t know where you are relative to what you want. Isn’t that good to know? How else are you supposed to know where you are relative to where you want to be?
So keep going. Relax. Stop being so hard on yourself and the results you’re getting. The results you’re getting are great. Appreciate them and watch how your progress-momentum increases.
Question: How do you know a person never dies? Is the soul really eternal? How can you prove this?
This question leads to a kind of Unified Theory of Eternal Life. What a worthy and considerable question!
Why is it worthy? Because a person’s “soul”, All That Is and the Universe want the person to know they’re eternal. They also want them knowing each person creates their reality as they live life. Only then can one live an authentic life.
That’s because if a person fears death, or what happens after death, life gets colored by that fear. Many people fear death. That fear generates much anxiety. And anxiety blocks authentic living.
While seeking proof will reveal proof, such proof doesn’t exist in “objective” form. That’s because life (even “after-life”) is 100 percent subjective. So proof reveals itself only in life’s subjectivity. In other words, only you can prove it to yourself. And when you do, evidence you find will come through intimate, personal experience.
Being subjective, such experience won’t convince others. Therefore, proving it definitively to others won’t work. All the evidence is first-person experiential.
First things first
Physical life experience – particularly the external-seeming, objective aspects – are projections of the soul’s experience onto itself. So the being experiencing physical life experiences an experience of self projected into the awareness of itself. That projection looks and feels as an apparent “objective” reality.
Why does it appear that way?
So the experiencer can experience “more” of itself as well as fulfill “intentions” central to who and what “self” is. So seeing proof of an eternal soul first requires knowing what you just read. That information gives context to proof you’ll find. The proof, in other words, will look like life experiences. Those experiences will “prove” convincing.
You also need lots of patience. Proof rarely comes in a flash. And when it does, it is often missed or it’s bewildering or incomprehensible. Like a barely remembered dream in the morning, if you don’t know how to recall it, or replicate it, you can’t hold onto it.
But with patience, the gradual, unhurried nature of All That Is will reveal everything (anything really) you’re wanting to know.
Making proof visible instead of impossible
Next tip: you’re surrounded by evidence of your eternal nature. You just can’t see it right now. Seeing the proof necessitates orienting your perception so evidence shows up in your perception. Instead of perception showing you the absence of the evidence. The absence of evidence is what you see when you think you’re mortal. Which is why people think death is real.
“Orienting” your perception doesn’t mean “doing something” in physical reality. Instead, it means “allowing yourself to realize” what you want to know. “Doing something” and “allowing yourself to realize” represent two distinct things.
Bear with me while I continue adding more context.
One way eternal life seekers complicate matters happens when they think or believe in ways making seeing proof difficult if not impossible. The word “soul” for example, generates belief constellations that work against “allowing yourself to realize”. I wrote about this before, here.
Beliefs are communicable too, just like some diseases. They get passed on through language primarily. You’ll notice you talk to yourself almost constantly. Much of that internal dialogue confirms and reconfirms beliefs, many of which work against seeing answers sought. So the next step involves realizing how language and beliefs muddle perception, then cleaning up language and belief.
Practical example time 😊
For example, look at the following two statements:
I want to see evidence that the soul never dies
I want to be the realizer of my eternal nature
Notice the action-oriented nature inherent in statement one. It also presumes no visible evidence. The speaker wants to see what they don’t see.
This statement affirms evidence’s absence instead of affirming evidence’s abundance. The perceiver wants to see something she currently does not, the “does not” component gets emphasized above all else. It creates “disbelief”.
Notice statement two is passive. The speaker speaks to evidence showing itself to her. Further, her statement expresses desire to become something, not see something. It also affirms existence of what she wants to realize. She understands her eternal nature is a thing and she expresses her desires around experiencing that.
These subtle distinctions make all the difference.
The word “proof” is problematic as well. “Proof” is adversarial. It says “show me because I don’t believe it.” Wanting proof affirms your doubt. It also offers confrontation. “PROVE IT” is the energy of the word “proof”.
See the subtlety?
Let’s put this all together
Ok, so now you have a sense of four important premises:
Evidence you want will occur as 100 percent subjective. It will only convince you. No one else.
Desired evidence surrounds you. Wanting to create evidence or discovering it distracts you from experiencing it. You’re wanting to realize the already-existing evidence. Or better said: you’re wanting to realize your eternal nature, which already always has/is existed/existing.
How you frame your request will either support your intent or defeat it.
Your beliefs will hinder or help you become the realizer of the answer to your question.
So now, the process is simple: you simply ask for the answer in a way that supports getting the answer…then hold to knowing the answer shows itself.
What happens next: you’ll experience events confirming your intent. Things start happening showing that you’re eternal. But you must keep the four points in mind. Also, you must constantly question thoughts and reactions which will stop the evidence flow dead in its tracks.
The evidence becomes evident
For example, one day at a bus stop or someplace familiar, someone you know may join you. You’ll strike up a conversation and this person may say something – mention a newspaper or magazine article, a website, a book, or tv show – that will cause within you an “a-ha!” moment. What they say will sound perfectly timed and related to your intent. Perhaps they will mention the show God Friended Me, for example, or the Netflix show, The Good Place, both having themes in eternal life. And then one of many different things might happen:
You will totally miss the relevance between the shows (and their premises) and your request. Here Universe and All That Is gave you a clue. But your beliefs will block the connection. So you’ll say something like “huh, interesting” and let the mention pass.
Maybe you’ll think “hmm, I just read a blog about seeing my eternal nature and here is someone telling me about a TV show about god and the afterlife.” And your mind then might go: “this is a coincidence” and you’ll miss the relevance.
OR….You may feel goose pimples or a shiver down your spine and think “This is no coincidence. This is evidence showing itself….” Then you’ll get excited….You might go home later and watch either show, enjoy the premise offered and then, be inspired to casually research online the word “serendipity”….
Do something like number three and you’re on your way.
Seeing overwhelming evidence
The seeming chance bus stop encounter began the realization. But if you aren’t alert, you’ll miss it. That’s how subtle Universe works. Your job remains maintaining alertness and expectation.
Keep this up and you’ll experience all kinds of evidence. They literally surround you:
You may be invited to an Ayahuasca event or a meditation session
Someone may start talking about eternity or life extension at a function you attend
A dream might happen where you experience events implying an eternal being
More events will happen confirming real what science calls “pseudoscience”.
And then, at some point, you’ll notice old beliefs gradually shifting. You’ll move through life differently. Your changed beliefs and lifestyle reveal more serendipitous opportunities making disbelief harder:
Dreams will become more and more lucid and engaging
You’ll start to want to know what your dreams are about
You’ll start playing with this whole idea that “you create your reality” and you’ll start getting evidence of that showing up all over your life
Then, really amazing things will start happening. Things that, in the past, you would have said “that’s coincidence” or “that’s impossible” or “random” or “confirmation bias” or some other nonsense. Only now you won’t say those things because they happen so often there’s too much of them proving they’re real.
By then you’re on your way.
The rest of the path is up to your realization. Keep it up and you will eventually realize what every sincere person realizes: life and everything in it, including you, is eternal and death is not the end. It’s only the beginning of more life.
This week a client, who finds some things I tell him bewildering, asked “some of the things you know can’t be known for sure. Unless maybe you get the information from an Ayahuasca or some other hallucinogenic experience. Is that how you know what you know?”
The answer is, yes, that’s one way. I’ve had many Ayahuasca experiences. But one needn’t an hallucinogen to know how the Universe works. Much of what I know and share with clients comes from years of study, putting to practice insights my Broader Perspective offers, then seeing results show up consistent with the insights and the study.
We’re all one with the Universe. We can access what we want to know at any time. That is, if one puts themselves in the receiving mindset. The main thing keeping people from receiving what they want is resistance, often showing up as disbelief, or doubt, about what they want.
People don’t believe they can have what they deeply desire. So why would they believe something such as “you can know anything about the Universe you want to know?” if they can’t believe, for example, that their life can include all of what they want and none of what they don’t?
And yet, anyone can have such a life. I show how through the Positively Focused practice.
How what I know happens
It’s interesting this client asked this question this week. Just this morning, I experienced exactly what I’m talking about. Here’s what happened.
Every morning, somewhere between 2 and 4 a.m., I naturally wake up. After over 15 years of Positively Focused practice, this happens automatically. I think it’s because that time of the morning offers excellent conditions for reaching the divine.
My watch’s auto-tracker noting me being awake between 2 and 4 am. The light color indicates when I was in bed. The darker color indicates when I’m in bed asleep. Breaks between the darker color, such as the one the arrow points to, shows a period I’m in bed, but awake.
So this morning I woke, then went into a special kind of meditation. There, I settled down to my core essence, the “True Self” beyond all form. My consciousness translated that “self” as a pinpoint of energy. I saw it as clearly as I see these words on my computer screen, me, that small point.
I focused there, settled in that still awareness for some time. When encouraged to reemerge into physical reality, as I did so, I watched as that pinpoint that was me transformed into billions of golden pinpoints.
They all spread out into a huge fan. Each, now a point of golden light, spread out in my “vision” (my eyes were still closed). And, as I came “to” into physical reality, those points of light, each one, merged with a separate object in physical reality. They became the blanket covering me, the bed, the rafters in the ceiling above me, the walls, the curtains, etc.
Messages loud and clear
That’s when I translated that visual experience into “knowing”. What came to me: I am one with all that surrounds me.
And that’s how I know what I know.
It is said, physical life experience offers the best teaching moments. Far better than words from someone, personal experience offers lessons so visceral, the meaning sinks in deep.
I’ve had innumerable such experiences, and from those, I speak with clients, sharing my knowing so that they can put what I know to the test, then experience in their knowing, their versions of what I know.
I speak from personal experience in knowing, wanting to know and therefore discovering secrets of the Universe. But I’m not special. Anyone can do this. You can too. Obviously, I can help.
Question: Is there a spiritual explanation for depression?
But first: If you are experiencing life-threatening circumstances and don’t want to die, you should seek professional advice.
Understanding the explanation requires having further background in spirituality. But we’re going to skip that because this answer may already go long.
Depression is a signal the depressed person is sending themselves. Most people don’t understand this, so instead of listening to the signal and doing something about it, they instead “cover up the signal.”
Let’s say you’re coming up to a railroad crossing. A train is coming. The lights on your side of the tracks are flashing red.
Would you cross the tracks when the light says stop? (Photo by Jude Infantini on Unsplash)
Would you ignore the signal and cross the track? Of course not. You’d get killed.
Depression is like the flashing light. It is telling the depressed person something. The depressed person should stop and take action based on what the signal is saying.
Most depressed people receive the signal and don’t know what it’s saying. So they keep doing what they’re doing instead of doing what the signal is telling them to do (in this case, changing the thoughts the person is thinking. More on that in a bit).
What depression tells people
Most depressed people will disagree with this, but it doesn’t make it less accurate: Depression is not that serious. It’s just a really strong signal.
It just so happens that as signals go, it’s one of the most intense. Usually, a person who experiences depression was oblivious to earlier, less intense signals received on the way to “depression”.
In other words, they didn’t listen to the less intense signals, so now they’re getting one of the most intense.
Had they heeded the less intense ones, they wouldn’t have ended up depressed. And, it would have been easier to do something about the signal.
So what is this signal telling the depressed person? It’s telling them they have beliefs and thoughts that are at odds with the “what-is-ness” of life. That’s all it is.
By “what-is-ness” we mean the dominant state of All That Is which includes the spiritual realm and the physical realm. BTW, everything is spiritual. But since people don’t acknowledge that, it’s important to mention both the “physical world” (which is all spiritual) and the “spiritual world”. Sometimes redundancy is needed.
Depression tells the depressed person something important. Most of them miss that message thought. (Photo by Hailey Kean)
Beauty, positivity and joy available everywhere
The dominant state of All That Is is positive expansion, eagerness, enthusiasm, joy, ecstasy, etc. It knows everything is always working out towards positive expansion, fulfillment, expression, awareness, etc. This is not theoretical or just “spiritual”. It is the actual state of things.
Humans create their reality. They can create any reality they want. When they are creating a reality consistent with what they are as physical embodiments of All That Is, they resonate or feel in tune with All That Is.
How does that feel? Positive, expansionary, eager, enthusiastic, joyful, ecstatic, fulfilled, etc.
But when a person creates a reality inconsistent with all the above, they feel consistent with that creation. Anger, frustration, annoyance….all the way down to depression.
Feelings are important. Many people don’t understand their function as signals. They help a person know what they are creating.
Feelings help keep us on track
So a person who feels depressed has chronically created a reality inconsistent with what they are. Reality creation occurs first in vibration, then in thought form, then in a received thought before the creation becomes physical reality. In each of those stages, an emotion/feeling is received by the person doing the creating. This helps the person catch their creation early on, before it springs into physical reality.
If a person keeps creating along lines inconsistent with All That Is, eventually they will get harsher or more and more intense signals…until they get the message.
So depression is not anything mysterious or serious. It is only a signal a person is receiving.
This example may be illustrative.
Let’s say as a child, a young woman was sexually abused by her father. The first time it happened, the child may have felt out of sorts. By the fifth or so time it happened, her internal awareness that something is not right is already in high gear.
Now, she has an opportunity to act. She knows what to do, even though she’s a little girl. But she doesn’t because she’s unclear.
That’s the first signal: unclear or confusion.
Uncertainty momentum creates more momentum
Now, let’s say the father threatens her. Let’s say he says “you tell your mom and I’m going to kill you.” Or something less extreme “honey, keep this a secret between you and me. Don’t tell your mom.”
The young girl knows intuitively she should say something. But now she’s confused because her dad is telling her to keep this secret.
So the situation continues. She starts feeling more uncertainty. That’s a signal.
Note that this little girl’s mood will change. She’ll gradually lose the joy, freedom, happiness and enthusiasm for life. These emotions go away because of her thoughts are turning to beliefs – “conclusions about her world” and about what she has experienced:
“this should not be happening”
“I don’t understand”
“I don’t want this to happen any more”
“I feel out of control”
“I feel like this is wrong”
Eventually, this clarity will turn on itself and she will begin thinking different thoughts:
“I’m angry at my dad”
“I hate my dad”
Then she will turn her thoughts on herself:
“This is my fault”
“I must have done something to deserve this”
“I’m a bad person for letting this happen”
The positive, constructive anger expressed at her dad is now turned inward on herself. Action she could have taken to express her anger, or even earlier, her lack of understanding (which is a very light signal), now is not available.
Less intense signals ignored become more intense signals
Self blame, turns to discouragement about life. Discouragement turns to anger (at herself), anger turns to rage (at herself and her dad and perhaps her mom for not noticing and stopping him) which extends to life in general. Rage at life in general turns to insecurity/guilt/unworthiness.
Now, in this “vibration” where signals being received are insecurity/guilt/unworthiness, the young woman, who may be in high school by now, is long into creating a reality matching these signals. The momentum of that reality is so strong by now, it’s pretty much running the show.
As a result, they may experience increasingly “negative” life experiences. But these are just signals too. She may start doing poorly in school. She might show behavior problems. She may start taking drugs. She may dress a particular way, or hang out with people who resonate with this reality she creates.
These life experiences, which she is creating, also generate a feedback loop. The more she remains in this state and does not do anything about the signals, the more of these kinds of experiences she will have.
The process works either way. Beliefs create the world you want to see, or the world consistent with your beliefs. That’s why it’s better to bring into alignment your beliefs and what you want to see.
Vulnerability and insecurity will become physical manifestations
This state of vulnerability might even create situations where she is further sexually abused. She may be raped. She may turn to prostitution. Or she may develop other signals we call “illnesses” such as Fibromyalgia, PTSD, “anxiety disorder” or other “traumas”. All of these are signals, not to others, to herself. Spiritually, emotions are the first level of signal. The other level is “life experiences”.
If she tries to treat the signals, that’s like trying to turn off the lights at the railroad crossing. She doesn’t get to the foundation of all her life troubles: underlying thoughts and beliefs that are being pointed to by the signals both in her physical reality and in her emotions.
If she is oblivious to the connection between her signals and her experiences, she will think the experiences are independent of her and the signals. She’ll compound her problematic beliefs, thinking:
“Men are scum”
“The world is scary”
“I’m afraid”
And create more thoughts consistent with her experience:
“I’m a loser”
“These are the only friends I can get”
“Sex is my only value”
“I’ll disappear by eating”
Reversal: omnipresent and available
At any time in this process the young woman can turn all this around. But it’s easier to do it in the early stages than it is after reality begins matching the signals.
By the time one reaches the depression signal, it’s much harder. But it’s not impossible.
BTW, all this is subtle. This is why counseling can help because it uncovers many of the original beliefs and experiences that generated the early stage signals. But a person doesn’t need counseling. They can turn this around themselves by focusing on how they’re thinking and change that while paying attention to the signals they’re getting – their feelings and their physical life experiences.
So hopefully you can see, depression has a spiritual origin, just like everything else in life. It acts as an indicator, helping the creator create life experiences consistent with what they are wanting.
And when they change their beliefs about life experience, life experience becomes the Charmed Life I write about. A text from a client who once was on the verge of suicide shows this:
The interesting thing is, the intensity of negative emotion indicates the equal opposite intensity of desire. In other words, those most depressed possess the potential for some of the greatest joys.
And that’s why “depression”, the signal, can produce great good. For when a person knows what you just read, and takes action based on it, great good will follow. That’s guaranteed because that’s how the Universe works.
Question, if pure positive energy is infinite intelligence. What is pure negative energy?
That’s a great question. The answer is: there’s no such thing. What people call “negative” energy, isn’t a thing. “Negative” energy is defined by its relationship to positive energy. This requires deeper explanation.
For simplicity, instead of using the word “energy”, let’s use “light”. Using that word, we would say “pure positive light”. Rephrasing your question using our new word, we’d ask: well what is pure negative light? Or what is darkness?
But can you see how that doesn’t make sense? What IS darkness? Isn’t it “the absence of light?” Abraham from Law of Attraction fame uses this analogy often.
To make your bedroom dark at night, or for night to fall, there’s no “darkness” switch you turn on, nor is there something that replaces the sun making it dark. Nope. You turn off the light with the light switch, and the sun simply moves behind the earth which blocks the light.
Negative doesn’t exist
The same is true with energy. There’s no “negative” energy, there’s only the blocking of, or not allowing, or turning away from positive energy. Experiences that then happen when you do that feel bad.
That “bad” experience gets stronger, of course, just like any other “negative momentum” does and for the same reason. It strengthens in order to clue the person in to the fact that they’re no longer tuned to positive energy or no longer in the light.
In other words, when a person turns away from the light, Infinite Intelligence and their Inner Being along with Law of Attraction brings to that person “negative” experiences designed to tell the person what they’re doing.
That way they can turn back to the light, i.e. get back to positivity.
Doesn’t that make such experiences then, of the light?
The “Q/A” series answers questions I get through the internets. I share those answers in this blog as they may inspire people into greater connection with the God they are.
Question: Can I manifest something 10 years before I want it to happen?
The short answer is yes. You may not perceive it as having happened though on that time scale for various reasons I’ll offer below.
Manifestation takes a while
The way “thoughts become things” is, the moment someone desires something, all the cooperative components needed to actualize that desire, assemble. But this all happens in “nonphysical”, the place from which all “things” spring. The desire-er or the manifest-er, usually shows up as the last component. Every desire that manifests only becomes “manifest” when an observer realizes it.
Resistance doesn’t exist in nonphysical to any significant degree. That’s why when something gets expressed, such as a desire, that expression “becomes” immediately there.
But because of resistance in physical reality, it takes a while for that immediate manifestation to emerge. All the cooperative components are on it. But coordinating through to physical reality creates an apparent interval between “desire” and “manifestation”. We humans call that interval “time”. All manifestation is immediate, but time offers an apparent delay. That delay is on purpose. Why it’s on purpose goes beyond the scope of this question.
It doesn’t matter if someone wants something to happen now or ten years from now. The moment one expresses it, it happens. Then, many routes open all leading to the full-blown manifestation.
The manifest-er plays a role
Another couple reasons explain why manifest-ers don’t experience immediate manifestation, in addition to apparent time. One is the manifest-er’s inherent resistance to what’s wanted. The other is the time it takes for the manifest-er to line up with it.
The manifest-er’s resistance plays a major role. Most people don’t believe, let alone understand, what you’re reading, nor do they know how to implement what you’re reading. So it usually takes quite a while before desires manifest in the eyes of the manifest-er.
It’s also why some desires seem to never manifest. People think Law of Attraction doesn’t work because of this. Most people offer so much resistance, they rarely, if ever, happen (for them). Or, when they do, paltry versions of the full-blown desire happen.
“How”, “when”: not your job
Lining up with the desire can take a while too. Part of that has to do with resistance. But even if resistance is relatively low, one still must become a match to the desire to experience it. That may be why the questioner thinks they want something 10 years from now.
The problem with thinking they know the best timing in which something should happen is, Universe knows better. The Divine Timing Of The Unfolding Of One’s Desire is given. In that sense, the question is unusual. Most people err on the impatient side of timing. They think their desire should manifest sooner than it actually will (in divine timing). Look at life. It almost always works this way. Usually, what a person wants unfolds out of synch with when they thought it should happen. The same will be true with the expectation that “it” (whatever it is) should happen in 10 years.
So thinking about the “when” is not productive. Thinking about “how” isn’t a good idea either. It’s going to unfold in divine timing. And it will unfold in a way that surprises and delights all involved.