When A Nazi Salute Is, Isn’t, Then Is Again

TL;DR: Elon Musk’s awkward gesture at a rally sparked controversy, with some interpreting it as a Nazi salute. This event serves as a case study in how beliefs shape reality, with people’s interpretations influenced by their preconceived notions and emotional states. By understanding this phenomenon, individuals can align their focus with their desires and create a more empowered future, free from the limitations of fear-based beliefs.

Elon Musk is keeping the body politic guessing. He’s keeping others enraged and some others gleeful. People, generally, are going nuts about his latest gesture. Indeed, with Trump coming back into office, a lot of people are feeling really, really insecure. Meanwhile, the media are making advertising bank stoking fires of that insecurity.

Indeed, there’s no better time than now to see how powerful beliefs create reality. In seeing how powerful they’re playing out in current events, we as individuals can benefit from those examples. We can learn a thing or two, in other words.


By using current events, which are reflections of our collective inner state, as tuning devices, thereby increasing our alignment to what it is we want. Doing that, we can actually become happier. Even while others are in emotional upheaval and with not a thing changing around us.

Let’s use what Elon Musk did last week as an example. Then let’s amplify our clarity and discover how a Nazi salute that was, wasn’t, then was again.

First a disclaimer and trigger warning

This post contains potentially offensive content. Whether you experience it that way depends on your beliefs. If you’re Jewish or progressive and sensitive about the long history of fascism in the world, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU STOP READING RIGHT NOW.

SERIOUSLY, NAVIGATE AWAY FROM THIS PAGE. If you continue reading, and you make disparaging comments in the comment section, you are, for sure, going to be blocked because you can not control yourself. And this work, this Positively Focused practice, requires an extraordinary measure of self control.

Second disclaimer: I don’t have a dog in the fight that is US politics. It doesn’t matter what happens in politics to me because I’m the creator of my reality, not politicians. So while I’m diving into this political moment, the moment itself, and politics in general, are of little interest to me other than as learning experiences.

So I’m totally indifferent about what Elon Musk did. Ironically, because of that, I enjoy a broad perspective from which to understand what happened. What happened and why it happened. So, with the disclaimer down, let’s dive in.

So what happened?

At a rally following the Trump inauguration, Elon Musk took the stage. With great emotion, he expressed how important the past election was. Then he profusely thanked the audience for what he believes was doing the right thing: electing Trump. His thanks took the form of saying “I give my heart to you!”

Either right as or shortly after saying those words, he made a somewhat awkward gesture. With his right hand, he thumped his chest over his heart, then threw his hand outward, extending his right arm completely straight and upward. Immediately after, parts of the world went apoplectic.

The Southern Poverty Law Center said the gesture set off a “firestorm of controversy.” Meanwhile many US Politicians heavily criticized Musk for giving what they described as a “Nazi salute”. Also, according to the Associated Press, many right wing groups embraced the gesture, interpreting it similarly. Austria and Germany both called for banning Musk. And, of course, social media is equally ablaze with apoplectic opinions about Musk’s act.

Musk himself basically responded by saying “guys, give it a break.”

When a client sent me a cartoon depicting the act, it intrigued me. That’s because, as I wrote above in my disclaimer, I’m indifferent to politics. But I had a sense this event might offer a window into how people’s beliefs literally run them. That’s why I took interest.

What I found interesting was, the more I dove into this affair, the more empowered I became about what I know.

Momentum and Nazis

The first thing I did was go watch the original footage. Watching it perplexed me. I know what a Nazi salute looks like and what Musk did was not that. It didn’t surprise me that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an antisemitism watchdog group, agreed. Referring to the gesture, the group said Musk didn’t make a Nazi salute. Rather he “made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm”.

That’s what I saw.

It’s widely known that Musk is on the spectrum. He’s an awkward person. And he often appears uncomfortable in ordinary situations. Being on stage isn’t “ordinary” and I’m sure, for Musk, emotional expressions aren’t either. So what I saw in the gesture was an awkward guy expressing deep relief and thanking his audience in an equally awkward way.

That’s all.

But it doesn’t surprise me that people, especially politicians, went crazy over all this. Think about it. The left has been building up a lot of fear about Trump returning to the White House. Left-leaning, biased media has been doing the same. Individual progressives did the same thing too. Through social media they’ve enrolled a lot of people into the momentum of their trepidation. Their disgust with Trump includes expectations that his authoritarian speech defines the new president as a fascist. Maybe even a Nazi.

Consider all this focus has been underway since Trump’s last term. When a person focuses on something for a long time, that focus creates momentum. Get enough of that going and it will keep going on its own. Before long, that momentum will turn into physical reality. That reality will then prove “true” thoughts and beliefs that person focused on. Then the thoughts and beliefs will no longer be thoughts and beliefs. They’ll be the “Truth”.

Willing stooges

When that happens, hardly anything will change that person’s mind about what they believe. What’s more, that person will see everything through the lens of that truth.

So when Musk joined Trump during election season, everyone thinking Trump was a fascist lumped Musk in to that category. As Trump continued with his authoritarian speech, people’s truths were further confirmed. When Trump won, the emotional upheaval among liberals caused those same people to double down on their truths. Truths mainly based on fear-filled future expectations.

When Musk then got on stage and made his awkward gesture, of course liberals, many Jews, Holocaust rememberers, and more would interpret that gesture through their collective memory.

The problem is, a rich and well-documented history supports exactly what a Nazi salute is and what it isn’t. And Musk’s gesture fails the test of history. Furthermore, if some people had an ounce of self-control and reasoning capability they would have seen the difference between Musk’s gesture and a Nazi salute.

Instead, many people live their lives through their emotions. That’s not a good thing. Because when a person lives their lives through emotions, they give a lot of their power away. In other words, they become willing stooges for manipulators. And that’s what we’re seeing with the large number of biased media outlets.

Those outlets make a LOT of money off out-of-control people living through their emotions by triggering those people and keeping their attention on everything going wrong. It doesn’t matter if it’s ACAB, BLM or MAGA.

Here’s the thing: You don’t have to be one of those people!

Your next four years…

If you allow yourself to become one of those people, however, woe unto you. You’re limiting your future.

Allow yourself the empowerment that’s naturally yours, however, and you make your future unlimited. Indeed, the only limits an empowered person puts on the future are those limits which shape a future of their desires, thereby leaving everything else out.

In other words, an empowered person limits their now to include only those things that match what they want to see in the future. By “now” I’m including thoughts and beliefs they think, as well as things they share with others, whether through social media, or through their speech.

We can’t help but limit our future. That’s because our focus, the ability to put our attention in certain places, is only so broad. So whenever we focus, by definition, we’re placing limits. And when we do that, we allow into our experience only those things matching our focus.

That’s why those thinking Trump is a fascist and so is Musk saw only what they saw: a Nazi salute. But it wasn’t a Nazi salute, unless you think it was.

And if you do, well, you’re in for a very uncomfortable four years.

Meanwhile, for others, the next four years are going to be positively astounding. Want to know how? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

My First Astral Travel Confirmed By Another Person!

Photo credit: Warren Wong

TL;DR: The author recounts an experience of astral travel wherein their consciousness flowed into the consciousness of another, and that other person realized then reported on her experience of what happened, thus confirming the author’s experience.

An awesome confirmation of my Astral Travel aspirations happened this week. It’s evidence of my moving into more expansive capabilities, capabilities I’ve intended for some time now.

It’s taking a while because, as I’ve mentioned many times before, we don’t instantly get what we want. Especially when it comes to what we believe are supernatural or “unbelievable” abilities. That’s because those very beliefs, that it’s impossible, supernatural, unnatural, or unbelievable, resists our ability to allow these abilities into our experience.

So some time must pass while we learn to soothe those beliefs and replace them with beliefs more aligned to our desire. The same holds true for any desire. Whether it be a better job, a partner, a bunch of money or a better life condition, we must become a match to it before we receive it.

And the main thing keeping us from becoming a match to what we want are our existing beliefs that run contrary to what we want.

I’ve been focusing into my experience these “occult” experiences for about a year now, I think. That’s not very long considering what I’m wanting, the results I’m producing and how many people believe such results aren’t possible.

Let’s take a look at what happened this week, how it happened and the confirmation I received from my client.

The experience

It was a Tuesday morning. Typically, every morning I meditate for at least an hour prior to my day getting underway. This morning, as sometimes happens, I meditated twice. Once in the early morning for about 90 minutes, then again after waking, for another hour.

Both these meditation periods were deep and intense. I’ve described sensations happening now in meditation in previous posts. Those sensations confirm my budding shape-shifting abilities, but they also confirm that my consciousness leaves my body too.

During the second half hour of that second meditation period, my consciousness left my body. I felt myself “go out”. The experience happened so briefly, I couldn’t get my wits about the experience. I only know I was “gone”, then I was back in. What I did experience was seeing a vague sense of the surroundings where I landed. But I couldn’t make out more than that vague sense.

This meditation happened about an hour before my first client session. That session started at 9 a.m. The client I see lives in Hawaii. Hawaii is two hours behind my time zone. So 8 am is 6 am in Hawaii. My client would be just waking up. That time differential set up everything that happened next.

Surprise and delight

Since many of these kinds of experiences have happened, I reveled in this one, but didn’t make much more about it. That’s because other similar past experiences were much clearer, more vivid and longer lasting than this one. Usually, I’ll experience several smaller, rather insignificant sensations or departures in between the really profound ones. So this experience, given its brevity and vague perception, I figured was one of the less meaningful ones.

I was wrong.

And that’s great because part of the joy of life is the surprise and delight inherent in it. We can’t know how the Universe will set up situations in which we get what we want. The Universe is far more resourceful, and broader in its abilities than our minds can fathom. Which is why it truly is unfathomable. So when we do manifest something, it usually comes in a surprising and delightful way.

That way makes sense too because when we least expect something to manifest, we are best prepared to receive it. That’s because we aren’t resisting its showing up. We’re not resisting it with thinking we’re thinking about it when in fact we’re thinking about not having it. We’re not yearning for it to happen. Because our minds are off what we want, we unconsciously allow the unfolding.

That’s what happened here.

The confirmation

After meditating that morning, I went through my normal day preparations. Then I signed on to the call with my client. The moment I did, the client shocked me with a question:

“Did you visit me this morning?” She asked.

Her question piqued my interest. And since I know what I know, I knew something was afoot here. Something we both would enjoy. There was no confusion about what she was asking. Instead I felt only curiosity.

“Why do you ask?” I said.

The client then described how she was in her bed and suddenly, she felt my presence. My curiosity spiked then and I asked her when she had this sensation.

“About an hour ago,” she said. That would have been around 6 am her time. Right about the same time I had the departure experience in meditation.

I then went from curious to excited. For the next few minutes we talked about what happened as a way of amplifying for both of us the real-ization of this experience. The fact that what happened with her matched what happened with me, at the same time, delighted both of us.

We then went on with the rest of the session.

Having affinity and no doubt

Two days later, and I have no idea why she did this, the client sent me a text message. Even though I don’t know what prompted her act, when I read the message, I knew it was further confirmation of what happened. It also represented a natural unfolding that lead directly to this post. Had she not sent this text, I probably wouldn’t have written this story. But receiving it delighted me so much. Her message, to me, came out of the blue. So I knew my client’s Broader Perspective encouraged her to reach out.

Here’s what she texted:

Look at that message!

It’s so detailed. And it describes a specific process wherein this happened. Notice it wasn’t something that happened against her will. I was “announced” and then she allowed “me” to
“slide over [her] energy”.

I wondered if others could confirm such experiences. It’s one thing to have the person leaving their body talk about the experience. But when another can confirm the experience from their perspective, that takes it to a whole other level!

Of course, my client couldn’t have had this experience had she not some affinity with the ability. I perceived the client’s vast potential for such abilities. In one of our early sessions, I wondered if she had witchcraft in her ancestry. She mused about my question, but recently asked me about why I asked.

I told her I sense great affinity within her and very little doubt. So she’s susceptible to these experiences.

Everything is possible

And that’s the key right? Our beliefs create our reality. Anything is possible. But our beliefs mitigate that accurate statement. If we want to experience something and we doubt it can happen, it’s not going to happen.

And yet, all kinds of accounts exist where, just as an example, a mother in a car accident lifts her car off her child who is pinned underneath. That kind of event can happen in such crises because, in that moment, the woman’s desire for saving her child overwhelms any doubt. Indeed, doubt isn’t even present when she takes action.

The same holds true for anything. Whatever we want, we can experience or have. It all depends on how much doubt we bring to the table. The more we bring, the less possible our desires become.

Which is why a Positively Focused perspective is the best perspective. For not only does everything become possible, we also create all the evidence we need to confirm what was once impossible now no longer is.


I once thought it impossible that the world would get better if Trump won. Well some really amazing things are happening right now, even with Trump becoming president. Indeed, because he became president…and I voted for Harristhe future is going to be magnificent. How do I know? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

What Is Happening When “New Age” Advice Gets It Wrong?

Photo by Kayla Maurais on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author contends that “New Age” advice is never wrong. They give the example of how their inner guidance said Kamala Harris would win the last election, and they explain why that guidance was right, even though it appears to have been wrong.

In the past election season, my Broader Perspective told me Kamala Harris was going to win. As we all know, though, that didn’t happen.

Did my Broader Perspective get it wrong?

A lot of people who think this “you create your reality” business is “New Age nonsense” will point to such outcomes with an accusing finger.

They’ll say “See? What bullshit!”

Even some clients doubted what happened. One asked why my Broader Perspective “lied” to me. Another, whose Broader Perspective told her as well that Harris would win by a large margin, was shocked by the actual results. I was surprised, but I knew an explanation existed for the apparent discrepancy between our Broader Perspectives and the result.

That’s because I know what I know is infallible. I know the Universe works exactly as I’ve learned it does. So if something happens that appears contradictory to what I know, then I must not be clearly seeing what’s going on.

Given all this, I turned to my spiritual mentors for answers. I also dug into past knowledge I gained in my years of Buddhist scholarly practice.

What I discovered not only reassured me, it had me double down on the fact that what I know is 100 percent accurate.

Let’s take a look at what’s happening when it looks like “New Age” advice gets it wrong.

Understanding the unfathomable

First we must accept that All That Is is unfathomable. All That Is constantly creates more of all that is. And that’s been happening….since….forever. So no one can know the totality of All That Is. Not even All That Is!

That unknowable quality of All That Is extends to the intelligence of All That Is. It’s not called “Infinite Intelligence” for nothing. That means there are no bounds to how intelligent Infinite Intelligence is.

So when we humans try understanding Infinite Intelligence and All That Is, we must come from a grounded place. We must accept that, as much as we learn, there always will be more to learn.

One thing I’ve learned is All That Is assists all of us in our expansion. One way it does that is through contrast: experiences which prompt from within us desire.

Now, “desire” makes it sound like those experiences must always feel good. The trouble is, contrast often feels not good. Especially for those who don’t understand how the Universe works.

Even for those who do understand, such experiences can feel awful. But for those who do understand, such people can come to accept and even appreciate the real nature of and the value that contrast offers.

The real nature of contrast is that it usually is an uncomfortable experience. One that tells us immediately what we don’t like.

More about contrast and its importance

Usually, contrast looks and feels like something we don’t want, such as our preferred candidate losing. The moment we have such experiences though, we also know what we do want. The key to contrast’s value is realizing this, then lining up with that which we want. In doing that, we feel better and that better feeling tells us something extremely important.

Contrast is all around us. It comes in large and small experiences, even insignificant-seeming ones. But the ones most of us struggle with are those that are significant, such as our political candidate losing in what we believe is a crucial election.

Nothing “crucial” ever happens, however. That’s because everything always works out for everyone. Everything always turns out for everyone because All That Is enjoys a capacity large enough for everyone to get what they want.

Humans make trouble for themselves, however, when they think what they want must come the way they believe it should come. Me and others, for example, believed the only way we could get what we wanted from the election was for Harris to win. That’s a problem.

Getting what we want when we line up

It’s a problem because All That Is is unfathomable, including its intelligence and capacity. As such, a human mind can never know the resources at All That Is’ disposal to make what we want happen. A human mind also can’t figure out the best time for something to happen, even though our minds like to think they can. That’s why there’s such a thing as “divine timing”.

I know it can be frustrating when we want something, believe it must happen now, and it doesn’t happen until later. Sometimes WAY later. But divine timing exists for a reason. The reason is because Infinite Intelligence or All That Is knows when it’s the best time for something to happen. It also yields to our desire, but only when we are a match to that thing. And usually, when we want something “now” we are really focused on the situation that has us yearning. In that focus, we’re not lined up with what we want. Which explains why it doesn’t show up immediately.

So when we try to figure out either the “how” or the “when” we usually gum up the works. We add resistance, which creates delay. We’ll eventually get what we want, but only when we finally line up with it.

Sometimes, lining up with our desire requires a stronger vibrational alignment to that which we’re wanting. Abraham calls that “stronger asking”. And there’s no better experience to prompt stronger asking, or to cause us to more strongly align with our wanting, than really strong contrast. Like our candidate losing, for example.

Introducing the path of least resistance

Another reason it may look like we’re not getting what we want happens when we, again, think we know how it’s going to happen. Especially when it comes to a lot of people getting what they want. Again, the Universe will give everyone what they want. But think about it. The US population is over 300 million people. Untold billions of others outside the US were focused on the outcome of our election too. And, obviously, some number of those people were going to appear to not get what they want no matter who won.

The Universe, therefore took advantage of another aspect that we must keep in mind when lining up. That is, the path of least resistance.

The path of least resistance, as the name implies, is the path energetically between one point and another representing the lowest amount of resistance. Now, the path of least resistance is not the same as the shortest path. The path of least resistance usually is longer because it takes people some time to release resistance and line up. And even when they do, some resistance remains in their way.

So All That Is and one’s Broader Perspective coordinate to move a person around or through that remaining resistance. And it’s for this reason that one’s path to what they want may look like they’re not getting what they want, when, actually they are.

So when Kamala lost, I knew I was still on the path. I also knew I had focused too much on the “how”. It also was clear that the loss prompted stronger asking on my part. But why was it that my Broader Perspective told me she was going to win when she didn’t? To understand why, we must introduce yet another important concept.

Setting up another awesome unfolding

I’m glad I have a lot of spiritual study under my belt. My scholarly study of Buddhism came in handy in understanding why my Broader Perspective adamantly said Kamala would win when she didn’t.

I’ll get to that in a moment.

Interestingly, I had access to another resource I hadn’t tapped into in a while. In addition to their in-person workshops, Abraham also holds regular online events they call “Abraham NOW” sessions. Like their in-person workshops, these three hour events feature people asking Abraham questions and Abraham using those questions as jumping-off points to share their wisdom.

Now, to understand all that happened, to really appreciate it, let’s look at some speculative numbers around these online events. Somewhere between 1500 and 3000 people participate in Abraham’s in-person workshops. In a given year, approximately 60 workshops happen around the country. So that’s something like 90-180,000 people attending these events. And that doesn’t even include the cruises. In-person workshops run about $300.

But Abraham NOW events are only $49. Much more affordable. I speculate that about a quarter of the same number of people who attend the workshops in a year are tuning in to each Abraham NOW session. That’s a lot of people. But it shouldn’t be surprising: they’re more frequent, they cost less and they are far more convenient.

Those planning to attend an Abraham NOW event can also submit one written or one video question. For sure, a lot of people do that too. And there isn’t enough time to answer every question. So just like at the in-person events, Abraham selects the questions they will feature.

An example of past Abraham NOW event recordings from the Abraham website.

Was the advice wrong?

After the election, as I wrote above, several clients were struggling with the outcome. I was too, although for different reasons. Two days after the election, I got an impulse that Abraham was probably going to have an Abraham NOW session scheduled. They are Infinite Intelligence after all. So they probably anticipated that a lot of humans would be all bunged up no matter what the result. They would want answers.

Sure enough, when I logged into my Abraham-Hicks.com account, I saw an Abraham NOW event scheduled for that Saturday, November 9. I told all my advanced clients about it, then registered myself. This was on a Friday afternoon at about 1:45 p.m. The registration page invited me to submit a video or written question, but I only had until 2 p.m. to get it in. Perfect timing! I had 15 minutes to submit a question, which I did.

My question was basically “how did my Broader Perspective get it wrong?” I phrased it that way purposefully because I wanted an answer I could share with my clients, should they not register themselves. I wondered whether Abraham would use my video question on the live stream, but didn’t worry too much. Other people would have the same question too, I knew.

So when Saturday came, I logged into the live stream. Sure enough, several people questioned the election results. Many were worried about the outcome. I wasn’t worried about that. I just wanted to know how my Broader Perspective encouraged me towards a result that didn’t happen. But it was good to hear how Abraham answered those questions.

As the event wound down, and more people got their questions answered, I wondered whether my question would air.

It wasn’t wrong

Ten minutes prior to the event end, and not seeing my question featured yet, I surrendered to the possibility my question wouldn’t get answered. At that very moment I surrendered, my iPhone showed what many in New Age Circles call an “Angel Number“. The number was 1313. And in that very minute, Abraham said “let’s watch another video”….and my face appeared.

Just like in my initiation journey I wrote about before, I got featured at the very end. And I understood why: all the other questions and answers lead perfectly to my question. Of course, that all thrilled me. But the answer Abraham gave was astounding too.

In short, they said, my Broader Perspective didn’t get it wrong. What it did was offer guidance that would create contrast that would prompt stronger asking on my part. They also said the outcome represented the path of least resistance for everyone given what they want and that the unfolding, post election, will contain everything everyone wants. Everything will come in ways Americans can’t comprehend right now, they said, but will be completely satisfying as it all unfolds.

The answer made total sense. Especially after everything Abraham shared in answering questions preceding mine.

After the live stream, I thought about Abraham’s answer. It reminded me of something I learned in my Buddhist studies. And the more I thought about that thing I learned, the more satisfied I became about the election. The more optimistic I got about what was to happen as well.

I want to share what that thing was that I learned next.

A parable of expedient means

The Lotus Sutra is the pinnacle of Buddhist Sutras. A lot of Buddhists and some scholars might disagree with that assertion. But when one reads the Lotus Sutra, it becomes obvious. The Buddha says many, many times throughout the Sutra that it is his ultimate teaching.

My scholarly study focused almost exclusively on this Sutra. That’s because I knew it to be the crown jewel of the Buddha’s teachings. It’s a marvelous work. It lays out in great detail the nature of the Buddhas, their blessings, where they come from and benefits those who hear the Lotus Sutra receive. What I remembered learning about was a parable offered in this Sutra. The parable is set up in Chapter 2 — Skillful or Expedient Means, and told in Chapter 3 — A parable.

Chapter 2 reveals that all Buddhas employ expedient means to lead people to enlightenment. There’s a lot of detail and repetition in the Lotus Sutra and these chapters are no different. But the gist of it is, Infinite Intelligence knows that ordinary humans are hard to reach. So it communicates in many different ways to reach them. Sometimes it will even use what people might call deceptions or falsehoods.

Chapter three gives an example of a rich man who has many kids. The kids run into a run down house (I’m simplifying the parable). Then the house catches fire. But the kids found toys in the house and are too busy playing with them to notice the fire. The rich man notices though. The fire rages and the house is about to collapse on the kids. The father calls to the them, saying “run out of the house, it’s on fire!” But the kids don’t listen.

Skillful means

So the father tells the children he has assembled carts of fabulous wealth for all of them. Not only that, the carts contain the rarest of toys and the kids can have them all, he says. Hearing this, the kids come rushing out from the house as the house collapses in flames.

Once outside the children ask for the carts, which their father provides.

The Buddha then asks his listeners “did the father lie?” No, the listeners say, he did what he had to do to save his kids. The Buddha agrees then goes on to explain how Infinite Intelligence uses similar means to move people to enlightenment.

There’s another story told apart from the Lotus Sutra. It’s about the Buddha on a path to a wondrous kingdom, followed by his adherents. Halfway to the kingdom, the adherents tire out. The Buddha sees they can go no farther. But he knows the adherents will rejoice once they arrive at the kingdom.

So he manifests an hallucination. Right around the corner on the path the adherents discover a beautiful oasis filled with all manner of luxuries. The adherents think they’ve arrived at the kingdom; they don’t realize it’s an hallucination. Once they are refreshed, the Buddha then disappears the hallucination. The adherents are shocked. Some are angry. At that point the Buddha explains his expedient means.

He describes how their destination is far better than what they just experienced. He also describes setting up the hallucination in order to refresh the adherents so they can make the rest of the way to the destination. In this way, the adherents realize, the Buddha has skillfully encouraged them to go the final distance.

Preparing for the future

See the parallels?

I sure did after I remembered these stories. What really brought the parallel home was realizing The Lotus Sutra and everything in it accord quite nicely with how the Universe works. Sure, it’s full of a lot of repetition and mind-blowing imagery. But behind all that are deep accuracies about how enlightened ones work, how people are and how the Universe works.

It was a reminder for me that everything I’ve learned so far from both Seth and Abraham is 100 percent accurate.

At that point I got how my Broader Perspective didn’t lie to me. Like Abraham reiterated, it didn’t get it wrong. It used expedient means to get me to reach for the end goal, the thing I ultimately want. Looking at the election from that perspective bolstered me. It bolstered me and also prepared me for what happened next.

That’s right, this story just keeps going and going!

The future is bright

The next week I enjoyed a couple conversations with a client who used to be a republican. He also possesses extreme knowledge about future high technologies across many sectors. Part of his knowledge includes blockchain technology. He’s as passionate about all this stuff as I am about spirituality.

The conversations with this guy made it abundantly clear where we are headed, not only as a nation, but as a global civilization. And, he showed how everything that’s going to happen will be a better extension fit with a Trump administration than would have been possible with democrats in office.

That future includes extreme material abundance for all. Super-high quality products and services offered at near zero cost. It also includes a fully automated infrastructure enabled by Artificial Intelligence and robotics. Indeed, the more he described, the more excited I got. And he didn’t just talk about the future, he speculated on how all of it would unfold.

Since I have the education and work background I have, I could follow pretty much everything he shared. It was a thrilling vision. I could see practical paths to all of it. Indeed, the more I think about it even now, the more convinced I am that this is our future.

Humanity has nothing to worry about. It’s all working out.

It was right all along

But in negative beliefs, in worry, in fear or anger, humans can’t see it all working out. We’re all going to get to that future my client described. That I’m sure. The only question is, how are individual human beings going to experience the path to that magnificent kingdom? Is their experience going to be one of sadness, worry, fear and violence? Or is their experience going to be joyful, hopeful, and eager? I know how mine is going to be.

And I’m encouraging my clients to cultivate similar experiences.


Because in those more positive emotions, we can see more. We can see opportunities we’re otherwise blind to when we’re wallowing in complaints about people who believe differently from us. When in reality they’re the very same people cooperating alongside us to create the future we all want.

That’s right. I wrote previously about how progressives helped elect Trump. They had to have because that’s who’s president starting next year. That’s our collective, co-created reality. And nothing is asserted into our experience against our will. We invite it all.

I know for many that’s hard to read. But Trump winning is the expedient means, the path of least resistance, to everything everyone wants. And that’s what’s so cool about All That Is. It has the capacity to use everyone for our ultimate good.

Interestingly, my future-oriented client claims that that future he sees will bring the far right and the far left everything both sides want all at the same time. Abraham said the exact same thing.

I’m so reassured by that. And I’m eager to see it unfold, knowing my Broader Perspective was right all along.


Remember where I wrote the future is bright? Well some really amazing things are happening right now, even with Trump becoming president. Indeed, because he became president…and I voted for Harris. The future, in other words, is going to be magnificent. How do I know? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

How One Client Turned Misery Into A Joyous Mystery

Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author uses a client’s surprising example to show how astonishing life can be, they say, when one realizes thoughts and beliefs create reality and puts that realization into action.

I shouldn’t be astonished when clients produce mysterious-seeming joy in their lives. But every time it happens, I am astonished. That’s because how it happens is aways astonishing. It confirms how resourceful the Universe is in giving us what we want.

A client this week experienced something truly astonishing. He proved to himself how he creates his reality with help from a vast array of nonphysical beings. Beings focused on making his life a joyful journey.

What happened left him speechless. It also left him feeling deep wonder. What happened engaged nearly every aspect of the Positively Focused Way. He created which reflected back to him extremely disempowering beliefs about an important subject. In response to that, he then created an astonishing manifestation in a grocery store. Then, a series of dreams he had brought home an extremely powerful message; one the client couldn’t miss. In getting the message, the client soared to new, until-now unattained heights of fascination.

How this all happened reflects the power inherent in all of us. We are all gods in human form, folks. We’re here experiencing a human experience for the joy of it. The joy and satisfaction inherent in expanding All That Is is our birthright. There’s infinite power, pleasure and possibility in that. That power, pleasure and possibility also is within us. And when we choose expressing those three things deliberately, like this client did, then our lives reflect the miraculous inherent in the entire Universe.

Let’s look more at what happened.

Getting unstuck

This client once struggled with strong suicidal thoughts. Those thoughts came from extremely disempowering interpretations of his early life experiences. None of those past experiences were bad. Experience never is. Instead, they clued him in on aspects of himself he hadn’t known before. Aspects that would later bring him into alignment with the joyful life he knew was his.

Back then, though, the client, who I’ll call John, didn’t interpret those experiences this way. Instead he interpreted them as extremely negative. Over time, those negative interpretations built momentum within him. John made all those negative interpretations about himself. As a result, he hated himself. In time, those interpretations became beliefs about himself, which is why he wanted to kill himself.

Wanting to kill one’s self is a natural thing. It happens when someone builds up negative momentum born of negative interpretations that eventually become negative beliefs. Those beliefs then create real world experiences proving them “true”. When that happens, those experiences become more and more one’s reality. This process happens on any subject.

When a person finds themselves stuck in extremely strong, negative beliefs, especially about themselves, wanting to end it all often is the best outcome. Especially if the person can’t find a way out of that torment. And many can’t.

Even so, everyone can get unstuck. They came into human form for a reason. That reason didn’t include checking out early, even though some do. John was someone who found his way out. He happened to do so through the Positively Focused Way.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves…

Projection is common

Like many people stuck in self-hatred, John projected his self-hatred out into the world. Projection happens a lot in humanity. It makes sense if you think about it. Very few people realize where their external reality comes from. They don’t know the external reality they see comes from their inner state of being. It makes sense then that if a person doesn’t know their external reality springs from their inner state – thoughts and beliefs – then rather than doing something about their thoughts and beliefs, they’ll blame their external reality for their troubles.

That often includes blaming other people. But people, like everything else in our lives, are reflections too. Versions of people we meet reflect back to us what’s going on in us. So if we meet a lot of angry people, for example, we must have anger in us. Meet a lot of loving, cuddly dogs? There’s love in us. Yes, it’s that simple.

The target of John’s projection was obvious: women. He blamed a lot of what he didn’t like on the fact that women wouldn’t give him attention. John didn’t realize women spurning him was happening because he spurned himself. So he blamed women. He projected his self-hatred on women, in other words.

It’s vibration, momentum and attraction…not effort

While projecting his hatred onto women, John also wanted women. More directly, he wanted sex. But his approach to women reflected the mixture of his beliefs and desires. He wanted sex. And he believed the kind of sex he wanted came from women. But he hated women as a projection of hating himself. So every time he tried to woo women’s attention, they would, in his words, reject him.

No wonder! The women were reflecting all of John’s self-rejection back to him. It’s also no wonder that John started paying (a lot) for coaching on the subject of “the art of seduction”. A particularly popular offerer of that content caught his attention. Before long, John was thousands of dollars into this approach.

But it never worked for him. Women kept spurning him.

I tell clients many things over and over. So much so I sound like a broken record, I know. But as one client said recently “Perry, sometimes it takes time for what you tell us to move from our heads to our hearts.” I totally get that because I was once in my clients’ shoes. So when you read what you’re about to read, I get that it won’t likely sink in. Ready? Here it comes:

Taking action doesn’t make ANYTHING happen. Everything happening is a result of vibration, momentum and attraction.

This explains why John’s indulgence in “seduction coaching” wasn’t working. All the action in the world, all the money in the world, can’t overcome negative momentum. Abraham puts it plainly:

Misogyny: projected self hatred

It’s no wonder John’s inability to get what he wanted through “seduction coaching” deepened his self-hatred. It seemed the more he tried, the worse he got rejected. At his wits end, he discovered Positively Focused.

It took a while, but John discovered several things about himself. One thing he realized was he had turned into a misogynist. He doesn’t like admitting this, but it’s accurate. In fact, I’d argue most misogynists have some self hatred going on. They’re projecting that hatred onto women and that makes them hate women.

But that’s another story.

One day, John expressed wanting to go out with a woman. This was after a long period of focusing on other priorities through the Positively Focused Way. I suggested he do so as a way of seeing how he was doing soothing his old beliefs. I told him the woman he would meet would be a perfect match to where he was now in soothing his self hatred. He’d learn a lot too, I told him.

He did learn a lot

The woman he met, let’s call her Meg, was quite a bit older than John. They decided to go on a hike. John was super clear with Meg about his disinterest in dating or even a relationship. He was, he said, exploring and really looking for a casual hook-up. Meg told him she was open to that, but she wasn’t ready just yet.

The hike went well. At the end of the day though, Meg hadn’t contacted John. When John reached out, Meg said in a text that she liked her time with him but didn’t think they were a match.

As you can imagine, this sent John into a tail spin. It triggered all his past beliefs about himself and, through projection, about women. Over four days, John doubled down on these old beliefs making himself more and more miserable in the process. As far as John was concerned, Meg was, in his words, a crazy bitch, a cunt and liar and more. All the while John felt more and more unwanted, rejected and miserable.

What John had trouble understanding over those days was the following. John wasn’t miserable because of what Meg did or didn’t do. John was miserable and angry, for sure. But those emotions told John something he really wanted to know. They told him beliefs he held about himself and women are not the same beliefs his Broader Perspective knows about those subjects.

This is an important bit of information and I’ll dive a bit deeper next because it’s important to understand. Knowing this information also helps us appreciate what happened next.

The valuable message of our emotions

Physical reality is, as I wrote above, a reflection. But a lot of people don’t know this. They also don’t know they come equipped with a hugely beneficial tool to help them move through this reflection towards a reflection full of everything they want. That tool is their emotions.

Every human is, of course, more than human. We are all eternal beings. We’re also much more than can fit into a single human body. So when we become human, we put a portion of us into the human body. Meanwhile the vast majority of what we are remains in nonphysical; the place from which we come.

When we sort of split ourselves up like that, that part of us remaining outside our bodies enjoys a birds eye view of our lives. That part of us can see all the choices we might, will and will not make. It sees the alternate probable future realities flowing from all those choices. Yes, even the ones we will not make. All of these futures fulfill our main purpose for being, which is expanding All That Is and ourselves in the process. So our Broader Perspective is keenly, always, seeing what’s happening as uber positive.

It also delights in wherever we are in the moment because it can see how where we are is the perfect place for us at that moment. So it always sees our present moment in the most positive light. When we don’t see our present moment that way, we feel negative emotion.

So emotions help us integrate the part of us in our bodies with the part of us that remains where we come from. I’ll share why that integration is important next.

It’s all about inspired action

Because our Broader Perspective enjoys that birds eye view, and because it knows what we want at all times, it constantly sends us messages – clues or gut feelings – which will lead us to what we want. But to receive those messages, we must open ourselves to perceiving them. We do that by integrating ourselves, matching our perspective of life in our physical bodies to the perspective of our life our Broader Perspective has. Do that and we can “hear” the messages.

Follow the messages and our life unfolds in a seeming magical way. Everything we want comes easily, often with no effort. Remember what you read above about action? Action doesn’t make things happen. What action does do is, when we take it, that action positions us in the reality coordinates of time and space where the final unfolding of what we want appears.

Inspired action is action taken as a result of hearing our Broader Perspective’s messages. When we get a message and we follow it immediately, we rendezvous with a delightful unfolding. But All That Is is always in motion. So if we delay, if we hesitate when we get a message, then we miss the rendezvous. Taking inspired action immediately then, is key.

So emotions, are guides. They help us know, at any given moment, how aligned we are with our Broader Perspective. That tells us whether we can hear messages we send ourselves. And, when we hear the message and take the inspired action, we rendezvous with the ongoing Charmed Life I write about here. The life where everything happens with very little effort.

Let’s turn back to John’s story now.

A huge gift given to himself

It took a long time for John to understand what I was telling him when I told him, in response to his vitriol, that Meg was actually an angel he created for himself to see how his beliefs are making himself miserable. And that his misery, which is an emotion, was also a huge gift he was sending himself.

Can you see how it was a huge gift?

And for sure, Meg was an angel. Another way of putting it is, Meg was a reality John created for himself as a reflection, so that he can do something about his beliefs. She was, what we call a cooperative component to John getting what he wants. For he can’t get what he wants if he’s not integrated with his Broader Perspective. And “misery” tells him he’s not integrated!

So his experience with Meg was a huge gift.

As I told him before, Meg was also a perfect match to John. She was unsure of what she wanted as much as he was. She reflected his self-rejection back to him by expressing no future interest in him. Again, it wasn’t something John wanted to hear. I’m so glad therefore that the Universe stepped in and offered John an experience that brought that message home. What happened next was astonishing.

An astonishing unfolding

John felt a bit better after our talk. It took a while, but we’re all eternal, so how long it takes doesn’t matter. One day he got the inspired action to go to Whole Foods. He didn’t realize this was inspired action though. He just thought he was running an errand. That perspective was about to completely change.

While shopping, a little girl came up to John and, as he describes it, started a delightful conversation with him. John described her as “sweet” in a text he sent me just after the encounter.

But what really surprised me was what John texted next. Mind you, he was feeling much better after venting his vitriol at someone (me) who could channel that energy to his benefit rather than amplify it. Here’s his interpretation of that Whole Foods rendezvous:

Isn’t that an astonishing interpretation? Of course, when John shared that he couldn’t help but feel extremely positive emotion about himself, about the girl and about the experience. That’s because this interpretation was spot on. It also was exactly why the Universe brought him and the child together: so that he could further soothe his bogus beliefs. Beliefs about women and about himself.

John said he didn’t have words to express how delightful that experience was. He felt a shift happen in him, something that he hadn’t felt before. And he couldn’t believe it happened the way it did; through an experience with a child.

What happened next surprised John even more.

Dreams are critical

Over the next several nights, John had a series of dreams. These dreams took him to new heights of wonder and amazement.

Dream work is a big part of the Positively Focused Practice. That’s because dreams are a big part of life. Ninety-five percent of what’s necessary for us to have what we want happens in nonphysical. “Dream state” is another way of describing nonphysical. When we dream, we leave our bodies in bed. We join all the cooperative components in nonphysical. There we witness and interact with those components as they assemble everything needed – people, events, resources – so our desires unfold.

The reason I include dream work in the Positively Focused Practice is because conscious awareness of what’s happening when we sleep builds confidence and trust that all we want is happening on our behalf. Conscious awareness of dream activity is also extremely satisfying.

Another reason dream work is important is because it makes us aware that we are far more than our physical bodies. We become acquainted with all the other dimensions, the alternate and probable realities, in which we are active, just as we are active here in this reality.

Acquainting ourselves with our broader activities also lessens our fear of death and increases our belief that we are eternal. So dream work is a critical part of the practice.

John’s crucible

I ask clients that they record their dreams so we can interpret them together. This helps clients become more familiar with the dream world. It also softens their resistance to perceiving dreams.

Everyone dreams, but for important reasons, most people don’t know they dream. Many who do often forget them the moment they wake.

John fits in this category. Even so, he realized over several dreams in the ensuing days that he was sending himself an important message as evidenced in his text:

In our next session John and I marveled over these dreams. They were cluing him in on the process he’s going through, which very much feels to him like a crucible. Interestingly, John had never heard of the word before this. A crucible is something, usually a process something or someone goes through, that includes a severe trial. And through that trial a purification process happens.

So John realized these dreams were about soothing himself around the idea that he’s doing the work. Doing the work and benefitting from the work he’s doing. John was stunned in how applicable his dreams were. And he marveled the whole session about how well he was doing.

The unfolding in totality

I would love to end this story here, but that would be disingenuous. For as much as this experience moved John, he’s still struggling with reality as created by him, according to his still dominant negative belief momentum.

To understand what happened next, we have to recap what happened over the week I’m sharing about. John took my advice to test out his current vibrational state on the subject of his self-hatred and projecting that self-hatred onto women, by going out with one. That experience matched him with a person perfectly matching his vibration, Meg, who reflected perfectly back to John where he currently is.

John struggled over the next few days, but was able to finally soothe some of his negative momentum on the subject of himself and women. Soothing himself, he came into alignment with his Broader Perspective, which nudged him into Whole Foods where he rendezvoused with a fabulous amplification of the ongoing learning, which came in the form of a child.

Meanwhile, John further soothed himself in dreams in which he realized he was moving through a crucible.

But the Universe and his Broader Perspective weren’t done. In the marvelous, astonishing experience with that child, John integrated even more with his Broader Perspective. And so, the Universe brought him another gift.

A sick thrill

As we expand, the Universe will deliver more opportunity to expand even further. This is the never-ending process of expansion for ourselves and All That Is. It can’t be stated strongly enough: this is a NEVER-ENDING PROCESS. It’s that process of never-ending expansion that gives birth to our eternity.

John was in a strong post-expansion state of awareness in his realization of how profound his Whole Foods rendezvous was. So, John, the Universe and his Broader Perspective served up another opportunity for expansion. What that looked like was a surfacing of a series of old beliefs John has which also must be soothed for continued expansion.

These beliefs involved two subjects John has a lot of negative momentum around. One has to do with friends who, in John’s telling “rejected”, “disrespected” and “marginalized” him during what he would say was a time of need in his life. The other has to do with how he felt, again, disrespected, used and marginalized, by a transgender woman for whom he has extremely strong positive feelings.

But John didn’t see the surfacing of these beliefs, and their associated negative emotion, as an expansion opportunity. Instead, he let these beliefs trigger even more powerful, negative emotions. Until he found himself in the depths of powerlessness, grief and, again, self-hatred:

John sent the text above two days our session in which we talked about his dreams and after doing exactly what his text described over those two days.

It’s good we’re eternal

Many clients struggle with this. This “you create your reality” business is serious. It can be fun too, thrilling even, when you see everything you want happening with no effort on your part.

But until one builds evidence of that happening, it can be a real slog.

We can’t create a new reality without soothing the reality we’ve created. And if that created reality is extremely negative, then it’s going to take a while to soothe it. And, that reality will keep asserting itself, not as punishment, but because of momentum. Which is why it’s a good idea to see it reasserting itself as a positive thing.

This is another reason why it’s a good thing we’re eternal. There’s no rush to John soothing his hold momentum, wherein he’s numbing himself and feeling suicidal. He has all of eternity to do it. And he is doing it.

The empowering news is, he’s the only one who can do it. No one else will or can stand in his way and prevent the work from happening. No one but him. For just as he’s the only one who can do it, he’s also the only one who can keep himself from doing it. That applies to every client. It also applies to every person.

No one prevents any of us from having what we want. We all do that to ourselves. That’s why it’s so important to get that our reality springs from our thoughts and beliefs. Armed with that knowledge, we can create any reality we want. We can literally turn misery into a joyous mystery.

An Excellent Example Of Why I Trust Spiritual Guidance

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author shares how they developed a connection with their inner self that they use to create happier life experiences, by following guidance they get from their “Broader Perspective”, a nonphysical component of their total being.

Yesterday, my Broader Perspective encouraged me to not eat when I got home. I love my body. I love it looking a particular way and feeling a particular way as well. My Broader Perspective knows this, of course.

So when I went for my walk, they encouraged me through their “still silent voice” to not have another meal when I returned home. I argued a little bit, asking whether a light snack, like popcorn, or maybe a hotdog, would be OK. But in either case I got no response: When I feel goose bumps or shivers in my body, that’s them saying “yes”. When I get no response, that’s them saying “no”.

I was a little poopy about their “no”, but decided to follow their guidance.

Then, this morning, when I did my morning routine, which includes measuring my weight and body composition, I was delighted to discover that I hit my target weight.

This may seem like an insignificant achievement. And yet, seemingly insignificant achievements, comprise the vast amount of data, results or manifestations, proving we can trust spiritual guidance. It is this trust built on insignificant achievements that then allows us to trust guidance on more significant, desired achievements. Achievements like shapeshifting, teleporting, astral travel and manifesting huge piles of money.

Enjoying our expansion

I love knowing this. And I have a vast treasure trove of “insignificant achievements” which has me deeply trusting guidance I get from the spiritual realm, spearheaded by my Broader Perspective. That’s why I aspire to these impossible-seeming achievements. Like shapeshifting, for example.

Developing strong connections with our Broader Perspective, our spiritual guidance, inspires very lofty goals. And that’s exactly what we’re here to experience. We’re here, on this planet, in this physical reality, to enjoy our expansion. Our expansion happens whether we want it or not. But our experiences of that expansion are up to us.

Look around. Many of us aren’t enjoying that experience. When I ask people what emotions they routinely experience in their life, almost everyone says they range between eight and below on this scale of emotions:

Most people when asked rarely experience life at five or higher on this scale.

Rarely do people experience life in the range of five and higher. And yet, that kind of daily experience, that kind of moment-by-moment happiness, can be everyone’s experience. It just requires practice, then seeing proof proving the practice works. When a person sees that proof, they want more proof, bigger proof. In a short while, the body of proof becomes overwhelming.

Part of that overwhelming body of proof includes building a relationship with one’s Broader Perspective. A relationship in which the person hears their Broader Perspective’s guidance. This is an important part of the practice I offer clients. Nothing beats receiving spiritual guidance, following it, and seeing the guidance prove accurate.

A spiritual assistant

Trusting spiritual guidance takes away life’s uncertainty. We don’t need to feel doubt or worry. Life becomes rich and full. Before long, our confidence grows. Then we start feeling, more and more, the upper range of emotions on that scale above. We feel them more frequently. Until they become our natural state.

That’s how we create happy lives. And that’s what our Broader Perspectives want for us. That’s because that’s their experience of our lives. So why shouldn’t we experience what they experience?

My Broader Perspective always suggests things they know I’ll experience the most satisfaction through. Every morning, when I wake, I receive a message from them. They offer something I should do. Doing that thing, I always feel fulfilled.

Long ago, I used to carry a Franklin Planner. It was a miniature 3-ring binder. The Franklin company sold inserts which turned the binder into a kind of personal assistant. Palm Pilots, Blackberry devices and iPhones replaced those paper assistants. But back in the day, I used that thing like it was going out of style. I kept all kinds of to-do lists. I wrote short and long term goals and kept notes about what I was doing.

These days, I rarely use to-do lists. Instead, I let my Broader Perspective guide me, moment by moment, along my daily journey. Following its guidance, I can relax and let it lead me through life. I find it extremely assuring knowing I have this spiritual assistant leading me to everything I want. Everything that will increase my joy.

Trusting the assistance

To be clear, Broader Perspective isn’t something outside of me. My Broader Perspective, and yours, is me and you. It’s the larger part of us that’s too big to fit in a physical body.

We shunt ourselves into two parts when we become human. One part of us “fills” our bodies and lives our lives. The other part remains in nonphysical. It enjoys a bird’s eye view of our life trajectory.

From there, it can see all the probable future realities available to us. As such, it can see which paths offer the most joy, the most fun, and the most direct path to what we want. What we want is a direct contribution to All That Is’ expansion. So our Broader Perspective always guides us to paths which fulfill our wants, paths with the greatest satisfaction.

Our Broader Perspective constantly sends us these messages. I’m sure you’ve felt them. But maybe you misinterpreted them. Or realized after not heeding the message that you indeed had a “gut feeling” or an “intuition”. Imagine always realizing that communication moment-by-moment, following it immediately, then seeing how doing that works out every time. Can you see how much you would grow to trust it?

That’s my experience now, after over a decade of learning to hear, then heed the guidance.

Again, our Broader Perspective constantly guides us to ALL our desires. Even those we may think are unworthy desires for All That Is to focus on. All That Is doesn’t judge our desires. It just leads us to all of them. Again, fulfilled desires are the process through which All That Is expands.

So our Broader Perspective also leads us to things like that new car, house, lover or big pile of money as well as fulfillment, joy and “spiritual enlightenment”.

A happy life and something more

There’s nothing like knowing I have a part of me guiding me to everything I want. It’s even cooler seeing it unerringly doing that, so that I can trust its guidance. This morning’s insignificant-seeming manifestation, therefore, isn’t insignificant at all. It’s one more piece of evidence contributing to the growing trust I’m putting in my Broader Perspective; that part of me guiding me to everything I want.

Again, everyone has this part of them guiding them. But we all have free will, so we must choose to hear then heed messages we get. My clients and I are learning to trust such messages even more because doing so leads to a happy life. One where everything we want happens easily and in perfect timing.

There’s nothing like a happy life. Except a happy life full of fulfilled desires!

Here’s How I Know What I Know Is NOT New Age Bullshit

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author recounts their miraculous spiritual journey as evidence for why they know what they know is an accurate description of how the Universe works. They say since most people haven’t had such an experience, it’s hard for them to understand how accurate what they know is. So they call it “nonsense”. Or worse.

A recent post on my other blog struck a nerve among my transgender readers. Some of those folks blocked me. Others claimed I was dangerous, “a moron” and more.

That’s interesting because none of those people have any experience with what I know. I know this because when I ask them what experience they have, I get crickets in response.

One trans person wrote me a while ago. She had some solo experience with this “you create your reality” business. She even produced evidence proving it worked for her. But because she didn’t have a tutor who knew what they were doing, she missed the evidence and thus concluded the “business” doesn’t work.

At least she tried.

Everyone else, especially those who got triggered by my last post, have no idea what they’re talking about when they lambast what I know. They’re literally speaking from ignorance.

In this post, I share the miraculous way I came to know what I know, and, because of that, why I’m so sure what I know is accurate.

Unless someone has done what I’ve done, they are coming at understanding the nature of the Universe fully uninformed. After reading this you’ll understand why I can say that with such certainty. And why I know, absolutely, that what I know is NOT “New Age bullshit”.

Where to begin

I could start with how I came into the world. But that would make this post too long. Suffice it to say I knew something about what was happening here well before my birth. It wasn’t until after a stint in Christianity, a decade as a Buddhist scholar, and four years as an esoteric martial artist that I really came into my own. It’s at that point I’d like to begin my explanation. That’s when things really got undeniably clear something was happening that was not of this world.

All my life I dabbled in books about this “you create your reality” business. So something obviously resonated in me about this knowledge, something beyond the major religions.

Two authors stood out: Eckart Tolle and a woman named Esther Hicks. Again, many others came before these two, but these two really got the ball rolling.

In one of his books, Tolle expresses a skeptic’s view of his teachings. He takes on the role of a doubter asking “what evidence do you have that this is all real?” “You want evidence?” he responds. “Be the evidence you want to see.”

I took that response to heart.

After all, I already had a feeling that physical reality was 100 percent subjective. I also knew at the time that science wasn’t telling the whole story (it can’t possibly do that and for very good reasons). So I decided I would take Tolle’s advice and become the evidence I wanted to see.

It’s too bad more people won’t take that advice. If they did, they’d find themselves astonished at how real all this stuff is.

It started not-good-seeming

I, on the other hand, dove in. I upped my meditation game and started thinking more positive thoughts. Taking Tolle’s advice further, I focused more and more “in the now” and left the future and the past alone. My life did start improving. But not by much. Not at first.

Little did I know then, a person first starting out must clear away negative momentum born of negative beliefs before they can enjoy really obvious evidence things are turning. I should add that that clearing-away process IS evidence. But most of my clients have a hard time seeing that as positive. That’s because that clearing can feel awful.

That was my experience too. I created a lot of negative manifestations, including quitting my private sector job out of fear and losing my home. But looking back, I’m glad I traded all that for the life I’m living now. Letting those things go was more than worth it.

In my “clearing away negative momentum” stage, however, I inadvertently added more negative momentum to my path. A lot more. I chose to become an entrepreneur. That had me confronting even more negative beliefs. I blew through all my savings, and then added even more negative momentum by creating a company with the intention of “ending capitalism”.

And while that had a positive ring to it to me, it wasn’t aligned with my Broader Perspective knowledge about what’s happening on this planet. The more I focused on that business, the more crazy/interesting things happened. And it was right about this time that I encountered Esther Hicks.

When the student is ready…

Back then the idea that people could “channel” spirits, filled me with skepticism. But my Broader Perspective wasn’t going to let that keep me off this path. So when I took a business trip to Chico California to promote my business idea, I met a man. He was so impressed with what I was doing that he gifted me Esther’s book “Ask and It is Given”.

I knew about Law of Attraction back then, but thought it a little too woo for me. Still, I accepted the gift and when I read it, it resonated strongly. I guess I was ready for its contents.

So much so, I plunged headlong into it. That book introduced me to Seth. That introduction took me on a long detour. Seth’s material really resonated with me. Especially the analytical, detail-oriented part of me. I ended up reading every book Seth and their channeler, Jane Roberts wrote. The more I read, the more educated I got. And the more intrigued I got. When Seth said “you create your reality” I wanted to know how and how I could do it deliberately.

I’ve written this over and over too: When a person hears that they create their reality, if they’re not in a good place, then what they’ll hear is that phrase blaming them or making them at fault for their life. They won’t hear its empowering message. And….IT’S AN EMPOWERING MESSAGE.

But if a person has lived a mediocre, unsatisfying or victimized life, one born of their distorted beliefs and full of petty, chronic complaints about virtually everything, all they’ll hear is “I’m being blamed for something I can’t control.” Little do they know it’s that belief that is the basis of the reality they’re experiencing.

My experience was different. I guess I was ready.

Drawn to the work

When I read “you create your reality”, that filled me with curiosity. That curiosity had me read every Seth book. Seth focuses on dreams, detailed explanations of the totality of All That Is, how All That Is happens and our role in all that. It’s extremely dense reading. He also focuses a lot on extreme detail of how things go from vibration to physical reality. Again, it’s heady stuff. And the fact that it’s coming from a disembodied, nonphysical being, adds more hard-to-believe-ness to it.

But Seth subtly includes instruction in his writings the reader can put to use to prove what they’re reading. When they do, the proof is near immediate. The reader must know where to look to see the proof, however. If they don’t know where to look, they’ll miss it. And Seth doesn’t say where to look.

I think that’s because of the collective unfolding represented by the continuity of information Seth and Abraham offer. Seth lays out the practical nuts and bolts, but Abraham offers broad strokes as to how those nuts and bolts fit into a cohesive process, culminating in direct instructions for how to deliberately create reality. Abraham’s messages are more instructional where Seth’s could be described as “academic”, or even “scholarly”.

A portion of my complete Seth Library

It’s no wonder I was drawn to Seth’s work first. And Seth’s work prepared me deeply to integrate what I was about to discover with Abraham’s assistance.

By the way, this is why it’s crucial explorers of this material explore with help from someone who knows what they’re doing. Not only is it hard to see evidence in the beginning, it’s really easy to get off track by coming to distorted conclusions, or having strong reactions to the teachings.

Seth: My first teacher

For example, the material offers explanations for how we each exist in our own separate reality, apart from every other being. But reality looks like that’s not true. Seth handily explains why. The material also asserts that we invite every experience into our lives, including those humans might describe as tragic, even horrifying.

Reading such assertions can and usually does have people react with revulsion. Many of my clients are examples. They ask “if this is true, how can a baby invite experiencing being sexually molested? How do people create experiences where they die horrible deaths, end up homeless or addicted to drugs?”

It’s beyond the scope of this post for me to answer those questions. Suffice it to say those questions are easily answered. But as Abraham says many times “words don’t teach. Life experience teaches.” What they mean is as one moves down the path of self-discovery, their life will provide these answers in undeniable terms, not in words, but in experiences the discoverer can’t deny. And when that happens, those experiences are deeply convincing. So convincing they are, the discoverer becomes convinced. They know. Like I do.

Abraham making it plain.

Reading all of Seth’s material filled me with wonder, but it also stoked a fire within me. A lot of this I already knew. It was as though I was remembering what I forgot when I chose to come into physical reality. A powerful education was taking place. I was the student and Seth was my teacher.

And that education brought me right back to Esther and her book Ask and It is Given.

Getting ready again

But again, I faced skepticism. I wanted to believe what Esther, and Abraham, the being speaking through Esther, claimed in the book. But at the time I had a hard time getting over my resistant belief that “channeling” was fake.

Unlike many readers who spout their uninformed opinion when they read what I assert, I decided I was going to get evidence proving “channeling” was fake, or that it was real. This was part of me “being the evidence I wanted to see”.

I get most people may be too busy to take time to do what I did, but I put a high priority on all this. That’s because I knew if this stuff was true, it would mean a radically different life was available to me and I wanted that. I was open to it being real, but I also was skeptical, even as I signed up for my first Abraham seminar in San Diego, Calif.

My approach to becoming the evidence was serious and deliberate. I wanted to give it my all, which is what I encourage clients do too. I flew to San Diego and stayed in a quiet place where I could focus. There, a day before the event, I calmed myself. I also focused on three things I wanted to know, three things I figured only Infinite Intelligence would know. Abraham refers to themselves as Infinite Intelligence. Since I was going to meet Infinite Intelligence, I probably should have some profound questions…

My first direct Infinite Intelligence contact begins

An Abraham seminar typically happens in a large hotel meeting room. They also happen aboard cruise ships. The events are packed with rows of chairs and usually accommodate 1500 people or more. These events are always packed with no chair left empty.

Abraham seminar auditorium from a July 20, 2024 event. This is only one half of the room.

That first Abraham seminar was more than 10 years ago. I woke very early the morning of and meditated for an hour. I wanted to be in a strong vibrational focus so I could present the best possible evidence to myself.

At the event, I sat in the front row. I wanted a good view of what happened so I could see it all. As people filed in and took their seats, I didn’t notice anything special. No mystical buzzing filled the room, only people who were excited to be there. Some even knew each other. Obviously, some of these people had been to previous events and some even traveled around groupie-style from event to event.

Honestly, I was a bit put off by all the positive energy, which I think a lot of people would be. It was very New Age feeling.

But what happened over the next four hours turned that “put off” feeling into being totally “turned on”.

The Hot Seat

During an Abraham seminar, Esther first comes onto the stage. She greets attendees from the stage and offers preliminary information about how the day will go. Event’s are typically three hours with a break or two in the middle somewhere. After that, Esther calms herself and allows Abraham to take her over, so to speak. She recedes into the background of her consciousness and Abraham moves into the foreground.

Abraham and Esther have a strong connection. It’s highly likely Abraham is part of Esther’s Broader Perspective. What I discovered through what happened over the next several years is that Abraham is part of my Broader Perspective too. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

So this seminar got under way and part way through the first half, I noticed something strange. Once a seminar commences, Abraham looks out into the crowd and selects individuals based on their vibration. Those individuals come on stage and sit in what’s called the Hot Seat. It’s a chair on stage equipped with a microphone. There the person can ask Abraham anything they’d like. Abraham answers the question while also using it as a jumping off point to offer other information. Information pertinent to others in the room.

People therefore raise their hands in hopes of getting called to the Hot Seat. Of course, there’s only so many people that can sit in the Hot Seat in a three-hour period. Abraham can’t call everyone up. What I observed therefore, was even more strange.

It happened

What I observed was, each person who followed the person before them asked questions that were perfect segues from what the person before asked. I can’t recall examples, this was over a decade ago. Back then, however, I sat in amazement in that first hour. After the break, the second hour went the same. And, the people chosen in the first hour had obviously been in the Hot Seat before. Several of them mentioned it being their second and third time being called across many events.

The neat way in which Abraham called people to the stage, with each person’s questions perfectly dovetailing with the previous person’s, pushed my “bullshit” button. Something was up, I thought. Now mind you, I wanted to get on stage too. So while my BS meter had gone off, the pattern seemed to also heighten my desire to get on stage. But something happened in me that had me doubt being able to get up there.

Logic told me the only way this dovetailing thing could happen was if Esther had planted or preselected people invited to the stage. That’s the only thing that could explain it, at least to me. The more I watched as the day unfolded, the more skeptical I got. And the more doubtful I got that Abraham would call me. But my desire to get on stage must have overwhelmed my skepticism. And what was to unfold that is my life now crucially depended on what happened next. I know Abraham knew this. Because what happened next was a total surprise to me.

Abraham asked what was next. Time was running out in the seminar. I raised my hand and Abraham said, “come on up” while pointing directly at me.

The reservation confirmation for my San Diego Abraham event.

It begins, and begins again, and again

Abraham called me as the last person. My questions were so profound, and so personal, I understood immediately why they called me last. My questions were the perfect conclusion to the entire day.

But them calling me last also showed me my logical conclusions were all wrong. After all, there’s no way I was a plant. I didn’t even know Esther and she or a member of her team didn’t approach me. I got no pre-event questionnaire to give my questions ahead of time. No one knew what I was going to ask but me….and Abraham apparently.

Sitting in the Hot Seat, my skepticism vanished. The experience also blew away my logical conclusions. Something more was afoot here. Something deeper. I got my questions answered in the perfect way. And I left the seminar astounded.

And that was just the beginning.

Over the next four years I attended one seminar each year. In the next seminar, held in Portland where I live, Abraham called me somewhere in the middle of the day. In the following seminar, again in Portland, they called me again, this time closer to the beginning of the event. The same thing happened in the third seminar I attended. During a break, an old friend I recognized came up to me.

She asked “do you always get in the Hot Seat?”

“Apparently so,” I shrugged. I was as surprised as she was.

Each time my confidence in their teachings grew. I started listening to everything I could from them on YouTube. Their messages generally, and their personal messages to me specifically, resonated so strongly with everything I already knew, particularly from Seth.

It all affected me profoundly.

Me in the Hot Seat.

Doubling down

So much so in between these seminars I totally changed the way I lived. I had become the evidence I wanted to see by challenging myself to become that evidence. I wanted evidence and I got it. Got smacked in the kisser with it. And the more I tried living by what Abraham suggested, while also putting Seth’s guidance to practice, the better my life got and the more evidence I got.

I doubled down then on what I knew and what I was learning. I became an “Abra-hamster” as people who follow Abraham call themselves. For me, Abraham and Seth represented the pinnacle of knowledge about how the Universe works. Their collective explanations were without peer in my opinion. Again, I didn’t just accept what they said and wrote. I put it into practice. And when I did, what they said would happen happened.

Little did I know that as I doubled down Abraham and Seth were clearly paying attention to my commitment. They were pulling something together they knew would be the perfect response to my commitment, an unfolding that would solidify my knowing and complete my understanding of how the Universe works, who and what I am, and how to communicate that to others.

That which they were orchestrating started with the next Abraham seminar I attended. Nothing like it had ever happened before, according to Esther and Abraham. Never in the history of the work Esther does with Abraham had this kind of thing happened, they told me. And it happened because of what I was doing….or rather what I was being: eager to align with all that I am.

I meet my lineage and expand into my knowing

The next seminar I attended happened again in Portland. It began as they usually do, with Esther coming onto the stage and getting the event started. However, this time, when Abraham came forward, they didn’t start the event as they usually do.

Usually, they’ll speak for the first 20 minutes about some things to warm the audience up. They’ll then look out into the crowd, say something funny like, “You’re all here ready for trouble”, then pick someone to come to the Hot Seat.

This time, they didn’t do that.

They came forward through Esther and spent perhaps half the usual time prepping. While doing so, they kept looking directly at me again and again. At the first break, people I know in the audience came up to me. They noticed too that Abraham kept looking directly at me. So I wasn’t hallucinating or anything like that.

The moment they finished their shortened introduction, Abraham said “Let’s begin right here” and while saying that pointed straight at me.

I took my place in the Hot Seat. Typically individual Hot Seat experiences range from 10 to about 15 minutes. But this time, I sat there, the first one called, for a full 30 minutes! Again, this had never happened before. When I returned to my seat in the audience I was floating in my body. I thought back through all the seminars, all the reading I had done, the wondrous experiences I had had across all these years and knew this was a special moment.

But Abraham had just gotten started.

It gets way better

At the end of every seminar, Abraham has some closing words. Then, they recede into Esther and Esther returns to the foreground of her consciousness. She’s always ecstatic in response to the time spent in the seminar, expresses how much she loves everyone, says goodbye and heads off stage, off the side of the stage and through the background curtains.

That’s not what happened this time. This time, she said her goodbyes and instead of leaving through the background curtains, Esther, stepped down the front of the stage, walked over to where I stood and ripped my name tag off my shirt. She put her hand on the back of my head and pulled my ear to her mouth. There she told me something I will not share. But suffice it to say it was ASTOUNDING.

A few days later, I got a call. It was Esther. She invited me to a personal 1:1 conversation with Abraham, which began over text message and moved to a phone call. Then, over the next 10 weeks, me, Esther and Abraham enjoyed personal sessions where I could ask anything I wanted. Abraham also taught me everything they could about how the Universe works, humanity’s role in all that, my role in all that, and about my lineage, which includes Abraham and Seth.

They then laid out how my life would go from there if I follow through with the commitment I made to myself, which, ultimately was something, according to them, I had committed to before I came into a physical body. They gave me all of this at no cost.

Recordings making up my library of 1:1 sessions with Abraham and Esther.

My direct experience

Nearly everything they told me in those 10 weeks has happened. Some things haven’t yet, but definite signs of their emergence are there. Everything can’t have happened already, because my life is still ongoing. But so much has already happened, I know the others things will too.

And this is why I know what I know, I say and write what I say and write and how I know what I say and write is 100 percent accurate. I consider Seth and Abraham not only my lineage, but part of my Broader Perspective, that part of me that continues guiding and assisting me in this life and the other lives I live as part of All That Is.

So when people call me a moron, or think I offer “dangerous nonsense”, I know they don’t know anything about what they’re talking about. When they say this stuff is pseudoscience I know they have done nothing to become the evidence.

This is why too when I ask such people “What have you done to prove it is, for example, dangerous nonsense, and under whose tutelage did you try to prove it?” I get crickets in return. Because such people are talking with no direct experience with All That Is or with Infinite Intelligence.

I have direct experience with both. And my life and my clients’ lives are unfolding accordingly. In other words, our lives are all improving. Because what I describe in my writings is exactly how the Universe works.

This explains why I say people claiming it’s dangerous nonsense, or that it’s gibberish or gobbledygook, literally have no idea what they’re talking about. Because they literally don’t.

But I do.


As a result of this experience, I know some really amazing things are happening right now, even when it looks like things are taking a turn for the worst. The future is going to be magnificent. Want to know what I’m talking about? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

Why Science Took So Long To “Discover” This Great Truth

(Photo by Alex Hockett)

TL;DR: The author asserts that while science has benefitted mankind, it is directly influenced by eternal, conscious spiritual energy underlying the human condition. They discuss this assertion by examining modern research confirming that physical disease stems from thoughts and beliefs.

Looks like science is finally catching up to spirituality.

I know, a lot of readers think science is the pinnacle of knowledge for humankind, the best way for humanity to meet the future. If you believe that, then run with it!

But I know different.

It’s spirituality that has gotten humankind to where it is. Not science. Or rather, it’s that spirituality deeply informs scientific “discoveries”. In the future, I’m going to write more about how science is really not all that clear about what’s happening in physical reality, why that is, and how spirituality directly influences science.

But today, I want to offer this really stunning (to me) piece of evidence showing why science is just learning what Spiritualists have known for eons. It has to do with the connection between thoughts people have early in life and how those thoughts literally create debilitating and deadly illnesses later in life.

Let’s get to it.

Thoughts and beliefs matter

Spiritualists such as myself have known forever that our thoughts and beliefs are the source of physical reality. Physical reality includes our physical bodies. Therefore, our physical bodies spring from thoughts we think and beliefs we hold.

Thoughts are powerful. They’re so powerful, they can create any reality we want. But consciousness is more powerful than thought. It also enjoys a quality thoughts do not: consciousness is free. It can literally do, be or have whatever it can conceive.

Together, thoughts, beliefs and consciousness represent an awesome combination. This freedom and power enable a consciousness to also create things it does not want. Again, the spiritual community has known this since the beginning. We know, for example, that humans create every experience in their lives, including debilitating disease.

That’s why spiritual teachers constantly stress the importance of being conscious of one’s thoughts and beliefs. It’s also why we encourage people not to allow others’ thoughts and beliefs into one’s consciousness, unless those thoughts and beliefs are aligned with one’s desires.

Thoughts and beliefs are building blocks of everything we experience. Now it seems some corners of science are beginning to agree. One of those corners is the body of research known as “Adverse Childhood Experiences” (ACEs).

What are ACEs?

An ACE is an exposure to one or more family-of-origin condition which sociologically can be generalized as negative. Researchers put them in three categories: Abuse, neglect and household disfunction:

Categories in which ACEs are organized.

According to ACEs research these events pose an extreme risk to childhood development, and long-term adult health. As Wikipedia describes it: “Scientific evidence is mounting that such adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have a profound long-term effect on health. Research shows that exposure to abuse and to serious forms of family dysfunction in the childhood family environment are likely to activate the stress response, thus potentially disrupting the developing nervous, immune, and metabolic systems of children.[2][3][4] ACEs are associated with lifelong physical and mental health problems that emerge in adolescence and persist into adulthood,[5] including cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, autoimmune diseases, substance abuse, and depression.[6][7][8]

The “stress response” identified in the research causing “disruption” is important. That’s because it’s not the stress response that creates the disruption.

But science’s focus on stress response as the cause isn’t surprising. Science rests all its “discoveries” on the belief that an objective reality exists. There’s no such thing as an objective reality though. Reality, all of it, springs from within consciousness. It therefore is subjective, not objective.

Humans invented and practice science. “Human” is an experience of consciousness. Because of that, science too, is an experience of consciousness. Science therefore is subject to conscious focus, making all it researches subject to the focus consciousness brings to it.

I’m going to get back to all this in a moment because it explains why it’s taking so long for science to understand what spiritualists have known for eons. But for now, let’s look at this “stress response” in more detail.

What is stress?

Stress isn’t an emotion. Stress is, however, a physical state arising from an emotional experience. It (stress) shows up in the body when a person interprets an experience (a stressor) as physically or psychologically threatening or challenging. “Interprets” is an act of thinking. So we can say that when one thinks something is challenging or threatening, then they will feel the physical effect in the body called “stress”.

We know not everyone experiences stressors similarly. One person’s stressor can be another’s “normal” or even their happy place. The difference lies in how each person interprets or thinks about the experience.

So stress results from thinking about the experience, not the experience itself. Indeed, research confirm this. From a Wikipedia article on stress (the underlined portion is ours):

“Stress is a non-specific response.[5] It is neutral, and what varies is the degree of response. It is all about the context of the individual and how they perceive the situation…A stressor is inherently neutral meaning that the same stressor can cause either distress or eustress. It is individual differences and responses that induce either distress or eustress.[8]


Stress then, is a physical manifestation. It is a physical reality showing up in the body. It manifests when a consciousness interprets – thinks about something – in a particular way: A thought happens and from that thought a manifestation results: stress.

“Stress response” then, indicated as the cause of disruption when exposed to an ACE, is not the cause of the disruption. It is a response to the cause.

Another word we could use to describe “disruption” is “manifestation”. “Stress responses” don’t cause “manifestations”. Stress responses are manifestations. Disruptions, therefore, are further-evolved versions of the stress-response manifestation.

Let’s look at what I mean.

It’s circular logic but accurate

First there is energy. Energy is all there is. It is All That Is. You and I are vibrational energy. Energy comprises everything. And all that energy is aware, conscious and mobile. Energy, therefore is conscious, aware action.

Because it is action, it gives rise to vibration. When conscious energy focuses itself, the vibration it emits gives rise to a predecessor of thought. That predecessor I call thought form. It is not yet a thought. But the evolution or momentum of energy’s vibration, as that energy focuses itself, continues gaining momentum. When further evolved conscious energy, such as a human, perceives thought form, the focus on that form evolves the thought form further into what humans know as a “thought”.

If you dismissively think this is circular logic, then you’re dismissing the fundamental nature of All That Is. All That Is is circular in nature. It exists to become more. And it does that by knowing itself. That’s circular!

So when some people who read my stories dismissively accuse me of circular thinking or logic, they don’t realize they’re accurately describing what the Universe is all about. It’s circular in its basic foundation! So my thinking or logic accords with how All That Is actually works!

By the time conscious energy that has evolved itself through thought into a manifested form such as a human, when that human perceives thought, that thought is “perceived” through a process of attraction. By attraction, I simply mean “like attracts like” or an energetic resonance like two magnets attracting each other. Thoughts aligned with the energy perceiving the thoughts get drawn to the perceiving energy. When that happens, those thoughts become perceptible. Then momentum begins.

Reality is circular.

How thoughts create disease

That momentum will draw other energy like itself until the energy further expands or evolves. Spiritual people call the evolution of energy “manifestation”; thoughts become things. That happens through manifestation or the evolution of energy as I’ve described above.

So when a person interprets a stressor, they’re thinking. The person is an evolved – a manifested – form of energy in action. Their thinking process is nothing more than attraction in action. When the person interprets a stressor as a threat or challenge, that act of interpretation or thought begins a process of energetic evolution of action energy. The thought evolves from thought form, into thought then into a physical manifestation: stress in the body. Science and psychology call that physical manifestation the “stress response”.

As with all manifestation and focus, momentum ensues. The person focusing on a threat or challenge, by the nature of their focus, generates more energy action; momentum, in other words. That momentum, spurred by the person’s continued focus, must evolve, attract and become more. The “more” here is what researchers are calling “disruption.”

They’re using “disruption” because typically that describes an interruption of the normal processes of the body becoming more. As the body evolves or grows or matures more in line with focus given by the energy inhabiting the body (the personality or person), natural, positive processes of action/evolution take place. These positive processes are how a child’s body grows into an healthy adult one.

But when the person manifests, through their negative thinking, “stress” in their body, that stress interrupts those processes. The interruptions lead to disease. The person’s thoughts, therefore, are what produces disease not the disruption or the stress. Stress and disruption aren’t the cause. They are intermediary steps along the way. Which brings us elegantly, wonderfully, back to the ACEs.

ACE-Disease Correlation

Researchers realized in the mid-1990s stunning associations between these ACEs and nearly every chronic psychological and physical problem. To spiritualists, this is not a “discovery”. We’ve known that thoughts create reality since forever.

Yet these associations are worth noting. That’s because, even though every person is more spiritual than anything else, a remarkably large number discount their spiritual nature in practice, choosing instead to focus like science does: on an objective reality separate from themselves. One in which things can happen to them against their will, where luck is a thing, where “bad things happen to good people” and where “in every life a little rain must fall”.

ACEs researchers in Montana realized remarkable correlations between ACE exposure and disease of all kinds in both children and adults. For example:

  • Children with an ACE score of 1 are 19.6% more likely to develop a chronic condition requiring above routine amount or type of health care services, almost doubling to 36.1% with 2+ ACEs.
  • Children with an ACE score of 1 are 26.9% more likely to be overweight or obese, with minimal change to 26.7% with 2+ ACEs.
  • Adults with an ACE score of 4 or more are 1220% more likely to attempt suicide, 1003%
    more likely to use injected drugs, 460% more likely to have recent depression, and 390%
    more likely to have lung disease.
  • Adults with an ACE score of 2 or more are 400% more likely to consider themselves an
  • Finally, at least 5 of the top 10 leading causes of death are associated with ACEs.

What I see here are disempowering thoughts manifesting into mental and physical disease and death. I wrote “disempowering” on purpose. That’s because there’s another manifestation that happens before the stress response. We should look at that next.

We overlook important clues: our emotions

The action of thought turning to things includes a step we’ve ignored up to now. That step comes in between attracting a thought and the manifestation that thought evolves into. Every person is familiar with this intermediary step. Yet, they don’t realize how powerful and important that step is. We humans call that step “emotion”.

Every thought we think produces an emotion. That’s obvious for really strong thoughts, ones with a lot of momentum behind them. And yet every thought comes associated with an emotion.

Emotions tell us something critical. Ignoring that message is what contributes to creating “negative” manifestations including those which interrupt bodily evolution and create disease.

One of the most important message emotions offer is they tell us what manifestations we have in the works are going to be like when they become “reality”. The message couldn’t be clearer. Emotions that feel good tell us manifestations we have underway are aligned with what we’re wanting to experience. Emotions that don’t feel good tell us manifestations we’re creating are not aligned with what we’re wanting to experience.

What we want or don’t want is shaped by the collection of core values and intents as well as desires day-to-day experiences stimulate from within us. Our wants include every possible conception. From how we want to feel psychologically and physically, to the life we want to enjoy, and the death we prefer.

Our lack of connection to these emotional clues explains how most of us create terrible manifestations; ones we think we would never create for ourselves. And yet we do.

Let’s look at how and why.

Learning ourselves

No one, it seems, would create on purpose getting raped or dying in a terror attack as a manifestation. No one would choose to experience losing their job or ending up homeless or addicted to meth.

But if you look at what I’ve shared so far, you can see quite logically how people would end up in such situations. These things aren’t happening to them. As hard as it may be to accept it, these experiences are springing from them. From the thoughts and beliefs they as a point of consciousness have allowed into themselves.

In other words, something in them attracts negative thoughts. It could be previous experiences in this life in which they’ve formed negative thoughts or beliefs. Perhaps it’s a thought or belief they’ve accepted from another. Or it could be a thought or belief they bring from a previous life. Yes, the energy incarnating as human is eternal. It has and will forever exist as it moves through progressive experiences (lives) as a way of knowing itself. Just like All That Is does.

Tragedies aren’t random. (Photo by John Middelkoop)

Resonance between that “something” and the thought it attracts causes the attracted thought to bind into place. It joins in the individual’s vibrational mix. Momentum ensues from the binding. Then that thought will cause the person to take action, action that will rendezvous the person with a reality reflecting back to that person the vibrational mix inside them.

In this way, conscious energy incarnate as human learns what it has in its vibrational mix. So these reflections, what humans call physical reality, are how conscious energy knows itself.

Constant clues coming for our benefit

I laid out a detailed progression describing how a person ends up creating an experience whereby she is raped. So I won’t detail the progression again. There are an infinite number of ways a point of conscious can manifest any negative experience, including rape.

But there are as many ways a point of consciousness can manifest any positive experience too. And this is where the empowerment of what you’re reading comes in. It’s also why All That Is includes people like me, spiritualists, who are here constantly reminding people what they are.

We all create our reality. When people hear that, most immediately go to “victimhood” or “disempowerment”: “I didn’t create this thing I suffer from”, they say. They rarely go to “empowerment”: “Really? That means I can create ANYTHING! Show me how!”

Along the way to every manifestation, we constantly get clues about what we’re creating. Emotions are just one of those clues. What shows up is yet another. A person doesn’t go from being happy to getting raped. Along that path, they experience ever more intense clues giving them a heads up as to what’s coming, starting with emotion. Abraham makes it plain:

But if the person ignores the early clues, then they’ll keep coming, until the clues are so intense they can’t be ignored.

So now, with all this in your mind, let’s look at why science is so slow in discovering things like the direct connection between thoughts and physical disease.

The slow pace of science

Speaking of clues, the ACEs research gives us a lot of clues as to why it takes science so long to realize what spiritualists have known for eons. The first reason is obvious: science depends on an objective reality as the basis of the Universe. This is a complete distortion.

Reality is 100 percent subjective. A consensus reality exists, in which all consciousness agrees on some basic assumptions. But any individual consciousness can breach even those assumptions if their focus is strong enough. As such, no individual’s experience resembles another no matter how similar it physically appears. This is readily testable and, if the test is done correctly, over time, will produce convincing results for any individual.

From Wikipedia: The basic assumptions of science’s scientific method.

And that’s the problem with science and its inability to quickly get to what’s really happening in the Universe. It requires agreement. That’s a problem.

Since we’re all experiencing our own, separate realities, we can create any reality we desire and quickly. But because science and other methods have almost forced us to focus more on the consensus reality instead of our individual one, it can take a long time to manifest our desires. What’s more, many of those same methods, including science, make pronouncements totally out of whack with what’s really happening, by claiming some things impossible, that, actually, are not.

Anything the Universe inspires us to conceive can be our experience. THAT is a basic premise of the Universe. But if a person disbelieves the inspiration, or a body of knowledge says it’s impossible and the person believes that, then that person will not be able to go against their powerful focus. Their focus telling them it is impossible.

The power of focus limits or expands

And this is why science moves forward as though through molasses. Scientists believe in an objective reality. So the Universe presents that to them because they believe such a reality exists. Meanwhile, science believes that which is real must be repeatable by others and agreed to by those same others. So the Universe offers that as the criteria by which science proves its “discoveries”.

Meanwhile, laws science has “discovered” and banks on, by those laws, makes some things, in scientist’s, view impossible. Other interpretations or experiences they dismiss as pseudoscience or delusions or hallucinations. At best they consider them “unexplainable”.

All of this greatly slows down “discoveries” science makes. All the while, people like me are proving things to be much different than what science claims. I know, for example that thoughts become things. I know that children aren’t innocently born as blank slates. They come into the world as wise, eternal beings, here to explore themselves in this unique plane. And because they are eternal, they come into the world with a strong trajectory of past interpretations of past experiences; an eternal collection which shapes their values and intents.

Those intents include some things we could call “good” and some we would likely call “bad”. All of those intents are being worked through in collaboration and cooperation with every other point of consciousness human and non human. That collaboration is what comprises All That Is. It also comprises the world in which you and I seem to live.

And none of those things you or I don’t want to experience need be a part of our experience. But they will if we invite them. And we invite them through our focused thoughts.

This is a powerful, eternal being. Not a blank slate. (Photo by Alex Hockett)

Spirit-infused science

That’s why so many struggle in life. They don’t know what you just read. So they invite all kinds of things they don’t want, while doubling down on beliefs that encourage doing that. They think luck is real, including bad luck. They believe life is random and that bad things can happen to them against their will.

It’s why parents perpetuate Adverse Childhood Experiences to their children. Of course, children coming into those experiences are choosing those experiences, so no harm, no foul because there are no victims. And yet, the world we see with all its wars, criminality, pain and poverty reflects the total state of consciousness and the all-that-is-ness of All That Is.

And in all that, everything is, ultimately, good. If more people can get to that point – seeing all as good – then the world will truly be a better place. But for now, too many people are looking at the world and all the “bad” out there. And through that focus they feel bad about the world, not knowing that bad feeling tells them they are creating more of what they’re feeling bad about.

So this isn’t a story about the age-old fight between spirituality and science. What it is is an attempt to show that there is as valid a source of wisdom in spirituality as there is science. Indeed, I’d say there’s more value in spirituality.


Because all we experience is spiritual. Including the scientific method. After all, many scientific discoveries (all of them actually) come through dreams, ideations while showering or in similar situations where the mind is on auto-pilot. In other words, times when conciousness is given free rein to tap into All-That-Is-wisdom.

The future of gods

That process has allowed science to give us all kinds of “breakthroughs”. Science therefore is benefiting us. From an individual perspective, however, we each can move much faster towards a life we desire by casting off reliance on science and instead relying on our essential natures, which are literally infinitely more capable, powerful and expansive. Limitless really.

Doing so requires intense focus. That’s because we must release beliefs most of us hold which block that limitless capability. Everything is possible. And, that limitless possibility expresses itself best at the level of the individual. The individual possessing the knowledge spiritualists have known forever: that we are gods in human form. And everything is possible to those who know themselves as such.

The being who chooses to come into the world through families with many of these ACE conditions are no different. Imagine the powerful intentions such experiences spark in them. For when we know what we don’t want, we also know what we want. Any one of those people who line up with what they want, instead of what they don’t (the stress of experience born from the ACE) will, in rapid fashion, create astonishing worlds.

As it is, however, science and other research laden them with “trauma” and labels like PTSD and ADHD thereby fostering more momentum behind thoughts manifesting chronic mental and physical disease in youth and later in adulthood.

At some point I know scientists will realize their error as they did around homosexuality being a mental illness or sin, or that women and black people are inferior. When they do, we will be in a completely different world. Where science acknowledges the Source of all it knows: the spirit world.

We still have a ways to go before we get there though. And that’s ok.

How “Wishful Thinking” Creates “Fuck Yeah!” Results

Photo by Frank Leuderalbert on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author tells how a client, who is a musician, relaxed in the face of a cancelled gig and, as a result of that relaxation, created a surprising and delightful outcome. The author also says “wishful thinking” is real, and can be used to create extraordinary lives, but only for those who know how it works.

Holy smokes. I might as well turn this series into a permanent thing. So many clients are getting happy results from their “wishful thinking”.

“Wishful thinking”, of course, is not what I call it. I call it the Positively Focused Way. “Wishful thinking” is what people who don’t know anything about what they’re talking about call this “you create your reality business.”

They’ve never tried it. Or if they have, they’ve done so under shoddy conditions, conditions which were bound to have them fail. Or they’ve tried it without someone helping them figure out how the “business” works, so they missed it actually working.

Meanwhile, lots of people, under the right circumstances and under a someone who knows this “business” are finding happy lives and happy life results putting this “wishful thinking” to work.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve written about two examples. You can read those stories here and here. I still have two more to share. This one is short but really sweet.

Let’s get to it.

In disbelief dreams are uncomfortable

This client I’ll call “Gus”. He’s been practicing this “you create your reality business” for 14 weeks. Through weekly sessions and the homework, he’s learning that the Positively Focused Way produces astonishing outcomes, just like I promise. Just like AbrahamSeth, Neville Goddard and many others promise also.

Gus is a musician. He performs covers at his local famers’ market. Like many musicians, he dreams about becoming successful and playing before thousands. However, Gus’ beliefs, like many, many artists of all kinds, block that success. Even though he’s already created that success for himself —  that success awaits Gus in a probable future reality —  which can be his future as soon as he lines up with it.

But 15 weeks ago, Gus didn’t realize any of this. That’s why he avoided his dreams. Thinking about them was too uncomfortable. Whenever he fantasized about being famous, his old beliefs would say “get real!” “be realistic!” and “grow up!” Then he’d imagine the thousands of artists, maybe hundreds of thousands, that aren’t successful at their art.

That lack of success he saw as his future. No wonder his dreams made him uncomfortable. He didn’t believe they’re possible.

Our itches will lead to joy

It’s true, of course, that many, many artists aren’t successful, if you measure success by how much income they get from their art. Yet, even by that measure, there are plenty who are successful. The only thing differentiating the latter from the former are the two groups’ beliefs.

That’s right. It’s not talent, contacts, “lucky breaks” or any other factor keeping a person from whatever success they want. The only thing doing that is what the person thinks and believes about being successful.

For example, Gus can not fathom how he could replace his current six-figure salary he gets working at a utility company. The reason why he can’t fathom it is because it’s not Gus’ job to figure out how that happens. That’s the Universe’s job. Gus’ job is to line up with his desire, feel good in doing that, which tells him something really important, then watch as the Universe delivers the probable future in which he swaps his utility salary for a performing one.

In the meantime, Gus hits farmers’ markets and the occasional spot gig to scratch the itch. Yes, it’s an itch. We know we have desires because those things catch our attention from time to time. They’re our Broader Perspective encouraging us in the direction of our joy.

But most of us will ignore those itches. Or worse; we’ll talk ourselves out of them in favor of living in “the real world” as one reader of my stories calls it.

Life just gets better and better

The thing is, there IS NO REAL WORLD out there. The only world we exist in is the world reflecting back to us our thoughts and beliefs. And if we believe that that world is full of disappointment and things we must confront and struggle against…well that is the world we see and experience.

Meanwhile, there are a ton of people living in other worlds. Worlds where life is easy. Where life is good. Worlds where people are happy and joyful. And in their happiness and joy, they’re getting everything they want effortlessly.

Gus is figuring out how to turn his current world into the world you just read about. It all starts with “wishful thinking”. When a person starts thinking wishful, their world instantly starts changing. Actually, what’s really happening is, the person begins phasing out of their current probable now, and phasing into an adjacent probable now. One aligned with all their desires. One where probable futures connected to that probable now contain all they desire. So the person’s life gradually gets better and better.

It doesn’t happen over night because this “you create your reality” business isn’t magic. But consistency and application of easy processes makes the phasing happen effortlessly.

The wife creates a better Gus

Gus started using those processes 14 weeks ago. In doing so, the Universe showed him all the beliefs he holds which keeps him in the reality he currently is reflecting back to himself. I won’t go into those details, but suffice it to say it was a life he didn’t want. It was so unsatisfying, he left his wife and considered killing himself.

Meanwhile, his wife, a 65-week client, used this “you create your reality business” to create a better version of Gus. As a result of her focus and intention, Gus changed his mind about killing himself, moved back into his marriage and is seeing that marriage blossom.

In fact, it was evidence his wife was producing in her way of being that had Gus try the Positively Focused Way in the first place. And she became a client because she saw her mother radically transform. Her mother is a 174-week client. The mom’s son also is a client. In fact, her mother’s intention and focus was that her children would begin practicing too. That’s happened.

So this “wishful thinking” stuff is powerful. It delivers everything one wants. Including ideal versions of people we interact with.

Ok, back to Gus.

As Gus’ wife’s experience shows, there’s something behind this “you create your reality” business. (Photo by Frank Leuderalbert on Unsplash)

Vibration attracts

He sent me an audio recording last week. It was two days after our session. He was super-stoked about what happened and wanted to share “the cool experience” he just had.

Gus said he had a gig scheduled at a local bar. But the owner called him to tell him they needed to cancel.

“They didn’t have enough patronage to cover what me playing there would incur for them,” he said in his message. Gus described how he used the Positively Focused Way to manage his emotions about this message. That’s crucial if one wants to have what one wants.

That’s because emotions act like a compass. They tell us in what direction we’re headed relative to our goals. Negative emotions tell us we’re heading in the opposite direction, generally speaking. Positive ones do the opposite. Emotions happen as a result of thoughts we think. Most people don’t understand this. They think emotions happen as a result of something that happens outside us.

That’s not what’s happening.

Emotions are physical manifestations of vibrational focus.

We are all energy that is aware. Like all energy, we vibrate and our vibration attracts. We set our vibration through focus and that focus creates thought, which is a forward evolution of vibration. Hold that thought long enough and it will manifest as an emotion. Keep holding that thought and the thought will manifest as physical reality becoming the reflection of the vibration we’re holding “in” us.

When it does that, most people will see the physical manifestation and think it happened randomly or coincidentally. That’s because they don’t know what you just read.

Events are not random nor coincidental.

The “fuck yeah” manifestation happens

All physical manifestation happens from our focus. And when we focus on what we don’t want, that’s what shows up in physical reality – which again is just a reflection of our inner vibrational state.

Ok, back to Gus’ message:

“I didn’t react [negatively],” he continues. “I was just like ‘hey, that makes sense, I’ll see you on the next one. It’s all good! I wasn’t feeling disappointed at all. It would have been cool to play and have engagement with those folks, but it will happen again.”

Not being upset, again, was critical. Gus did well here. It’s no surprise then what happened next.

The next day, Gus gets a text from someone who also plays at the farmers market. Gus describes what they said:

“[The message said], I have this person that wants me to play music for a private party but I can’t do it the day they’re looking for. Are you available and interested?” Gus explained.

Gus continued: “Long story short, I am going to play this gig for these people, and it’s going to be for more than [what I would make at the cancelled gig], for less time, and it’s amazing and I just wanted to share that all of this shit is so good; my feeling about [negative energy] and just like, vibrational alignment and stuff, I’m just watching all these things that are coming back to me…and it’s just like you said about thinking about [reality] like a game. It’s all free flowing, there are always other opportunities…Fuck yeah!”

It’s all a happy game

Gus’ experience is typical of all my clients. The world of “wishful thinking” is the world everyone wants to live. It creates “fuck yeah!” experiences all the time. But if we think “wishful thinking” is stupid, or that it’s “not a life strategy” like many, many people do, including that person who commented on my previous post, then such people live in lives that, in her words, suck.

I’m happy I don’t live in that world. My clients are finding new, happier worlds than that one exist too. One by one, they’re finding this “you create your reality business” not only results in happy worlds and happy lives, they allow one to live in any world one wants to live in.

That’s because we all are divine, eternal beings enjoying a human existence. One we tailor ongoingly to our desires through vibrational focus. For many, their existence comes filled with some of what they want and a lot of what they don’t want.

But that’s because they aren’t using the “you create your reality business” deliberately. Instead, they’re doing it unconsciously. So they don’t get what they want; they get what they focus on. And a lot of people focus more on what they don’t want than what they want.

When they start doing the latter though….wow. For those people, the world becomes, in Gus’ words a happy “fuck yeah!” game.

“Truth” Enslaves All People, But Slavery Can Feel Like Joy

Photo by Michael Carruth on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author asserts that “truths” people limit human potential. Then the author offers a way out of those limitations: by seeing “truth” in a whole new way.

“Truth enslaves people…” That’s a provocative headline. It’s not click bait though. Instead, it is a representation of what underlies human experience. That representation explains why churn often characterizes human civilization, especially in the realm of politics and culture. “Truth” creates many of our problems, in other words.

For example, it’s “true” that what other people think of us matters. That statement is true for nearly every human. So is the “truth” that “other people’s opinion matters because we must all get along”.

But both statements, while true, also cause a lot of suffering. Especially for people who come into the world expressly intending to march to the beat of their own drum. Like transgender people, for example. And here’s the thing: every human comes for that purpose.

But if we believe other people’s opinion of us matters, and we’re not expressing ourselves in ways others accept, then we’re in trouble. We feel bad about ourselves. We second guess who we are. Worry becomes our go-to emotion, then anxiety and insecurity. Before we know it, we’re bound by truths we cannot seem to escape and our lives become severely limited.

Today, let’s look at “truth”, unpack it, understand it and therefore find libration, joy and freedom from it instead of enslavement, anxiety and insecurity. Every person reading this has the ability to free themselves from all negative emotion and unhappy experiences. But to do so they must first find liberation from “truth”.

Let’s dive in.

How I know this is for real

For those people new to my writings, I’m queer and trans-attracted and a person of color. Over the last ten years or more I’ve found the liberation I described above. I’ve helped a lot of people find that too, including people like me. So I know what I’m talking about and I have the results to prove it.

The most powerful results, however, are those we create for ourselves. No amount of words can convince as powerfully as evidence we create for ourselves proving that this “you create your reality” business is real. A new client’s experience shows this.

This client is a Chief Technology Officer of a major multinational manufacturer. As you can imagine, he’s serious, realistic, believes in science and, therefore, is not at all into “woo”. He reminds me of some decrying what I offer as “circular logic” and “new age mumbo jumbo”. Like them, he was ignorant about what I offer.

His wife, however, is into “woo” and became a client almost a year ago. Since then, changes in her way of being were so profound, the husband/CTO thought she had joined a cult. So he went to the source – me – to get some answers.

What he learned in that one call was enough for him to become a client. Once I answered his questions, which showed beyond doubt that what I offer is not a cult, he had to acknowledge evidence his wife is producing was impressive. So much so he wanted his version of her results.

A startling, life-changing experience

Thirty weeks after that call, the CTO had what he called a “startling” experience. Someone poking him on the shoulder one night roused him from sleep. But when he woke, no one was there. He looked around the darkened room and saw no one (he and his wife sleep in separate rooms). So he went back to sleep.

Before drifting off, however, he heard, in his words, “as clear as if someone were right beside [him]” a woman say “Jason, wake up!”. He sat bolt upright in his bed, turned on the lights and walked the entire second floor of his home. He knew it wasn’t his wife calling because, he said, the voice was not hers.

Eventually he did return to sleep. But the whole experience unnerved him. He had never had such an experience before. Yet it was so real. Of course, it absolutely was a real “occult” experience.

Today, this client is as committed to this practice as his wife. In part because of this “occult” experience, but also because, in the 30 weeks since he started, he’s produced a tremendous amount of more prosaic, practical evidence proving this “you create your reality” business works.

So if you say this is “new age mumbo jumbo”, and you haven’t tested it yourself, under the tutelage of someone who knows what they’re doing, then you literally have NO IDEA what you’re talking about.

Which brings me right back to the point of this story.

I’m literally writing this post at a local park…at 9:38 am on a Thursday. I can do this because I know this “You create your reality” business works. It has enabled me to create income without a job. Where’s your evidence proving it doesn’t work? Oh, right. You don’t have any.

Truth: it’s enslavement, not freedom

The “truth” will not set you free, as the saying claims. Instead, if you align to a “truth” that doesn’t serve you, then “truth” will enslave you.

That’s right. There are many truths, not just one. There are as many truths as there are points of consciousness, making “truth” as diverse as the rest of All That Is.

For example, every Far Right Christian Nationalist who believes the world is against them experiences the enslavement I described above. So do all liberals who think Far Right Christian Nationalists are trying to turn their country into a dictatorship. Every Republican who believes the world is going wrong is equally enslaved. All these groups are enslaved to nearly the same truth, generalized by the statement “What other people think is important” and “they must think like I do.”

Like actual enslavement, getting out of truth’s enslavement isn’t easy. But it’s so worth doing! In doing so one literally can choose ANY truth. After all, ALL TRUTHS ENSLAVE. So it makes sense to pick ones whose enslavement serves us.

To better understand this, let’s look closely at what “truth” actually is. We’ll do that in the next section.

So what is truth?

It starts with vibration

Let’s use physics to figure that out. We’re not going to use science’s version of physics though. That will tell us nothing. Instead, let’s use the physics of spirituality.

I know, some readers will balk at this. But the problem is, science is based on the “truth” that an objective physical reality exists separate from us and is thus objectively observable by us, which is why science itself is enslaved, like many humans, in the bogus truth limiting all science seeks to understand. So let’s instead use the unlimited nature of spiritual physics, which is based on how the Universe actually works.

All “truth” begins as an idea. An idea is a thought. All thought is vibration. This should be obvious to everyone, so I won’t spend a lot of words trying to flesh that out. If you want to flesh it out, let’s do so in the comments.

What differentiates a thought that is “true” from one that is something other than that is the amount of attention points of consciousness give to the thought. Points of consciousness, of course, include more than human consciousness, but let’s just focus on the human type for now.

Human consciousness is purposefully very powerful. It’s also the source of nearly all our truths. Including many, many limiting ones.

The more attention we give to any thought, the more “true” it will become. That’s because giving attention to a thought adds manifesting momentum to that thought. That thought, plus the momentum, evolves that thought into further forward manifestation, until that manifestation becomes observably physical. When that happens, humans call that thought “true”.

So that’s how “truths” become so. And when truths become so, they impose limits on what’s possible. But only for those believing the truth.

A 4-minute mile? Impossible!

For example. Prior to 1954 very few humans thought it possible to run a mile in less than four minutes, even though many had done it “unofficially”. By “unofficially”, I mean the cis-white-het hegemony wouldn’t acknowledge those who had done it before, including a Pawnee called Big Hawk Chief who did so as early as 1876.

Indeed, one bastion of the cis-het world, The Harvard Business Review, tells the story of the 4-minute-mile “barrier” as a daunting limit…until it was surpassed, “for the first time” by white guy Roger Bannister in 1954. Indeed, the author describes how “experts” thought they knew the “truth”. Their collective opinions — their attention on the “truth” that the 4-minute mile threshold was indeed insurmountable — said that truth could only be breached under the right circumstances (another truth), circumstances prescribed by the very same experts:

“The experts believed they knew the precise conditions under which the mark would fall. It would have to be in perfect weather — 68 degrees and no wind. On a particular kind of track — hard, dry clay — and in front of a huge, boisterous crowd urging the runner on to his best-ever performance.”

Never mind that Big Hawk Chief had none of that. Nor did several others claimed to have ran faster miles before. Even Bannister’s accomplishment happened in conditions other than those experts prescribed.

The point is, “truth” is literally in the eye of the consciousness thinking the thought. And the more attention brought to that thought, the more true…and limiting…that truth will be.

“Truths” establish limits within which we live.

So pick truths that serve

And once that “truth” becomes true or observably physical, it’s exceedingly hard for those believing it to accept another idea. You can test this by trying to convince any MAGA enthusiast that “MAGA” is bullshit. For such people “MAGA” is true.

The North Carolinian who took an assault rifle to a pizza restaurant in Washington D.C. was convinced the “pizzagate” conspiracy theory was true. So true, he saw himself as a hero attempting to save children suffering under a criminal pedophilia ring. That “truth”, that thought became his reality. It enslaved him. So much so, he took action. Action that could have resulted in many deaths.

Every school shooter is enslaved by truth. So is every freedom fighter. We’re all enslaved by truths. The question then, is, what truth are we allowing to enslave us?

Which brings me to you, dear reader. What truth we allow to enslave us will either feel like bondage or liberation. It will make us feel fear and insecurity, or joyful freedom. We therefore must choose our truths with discernment.

We can’t be free of truth. That’s the paradox. We can only choose truths that make us free. Truths that serve us in other words.

Abraham laying it out plain.

Feeling bad is a sign

That sounds like circular logic, but many statements in the realm of spiritual physics sound that way because that’s how All That Is is. All That Is is self-referential!

You are a point of consciousness, here to express your unique perspective and in doing so create more of All That Is. You do that through creating truths: you attract vibrations resonant with what you are. Those vibrations become thoughts to you, which, when you put your attention/focus on them, you cause those thoughts to evolve into things, i.e. physical reality.

But if/when we accept other people’s opinions, which are their truths, not ours, then we become enslaved in those truths. We know when that happens because when it does we always feel bad.

That’s because we’re not here to enslave ourselves to others’ opinions, we’re here to create our own reality, one aligned with our truths. And in doing that, paradoxically, we give room for others to do the same. And when they take that room, the world and All That Is expands.

So suffering and struggle and worry and such are purposeful. They show us where we’re doing something we shouldn’t be doing. Something that doesn’t serve us. What we should do when that suffering happens, is look at what truth we’ve aligned with and give it up…in favor of our own.

How we do that is a subject I write about every week.

We not different

Now, I get how hard this can be. After all, we’re all needing money. We need housing, medical care. We all live in a nation of laws. Most of us believe money comes from jobs and to get one of those, we must please other people. But, believe it or not, all of that meta stuff is subject to our truths!

I’m queer and trans-attracted and a POC. I live in a nation of laws. Like you I require certain things. But all those things come to me with ease. I don’t have a job anymore and yet money comes to me in a fun, life-expanding way. I’m no different from you. IOW, you can create for yourself your version of what I enjoy. It’s not easy, at first, but you CAN do it.

If you ask me, it’s a way better life. And it’s a life that is in your best interest. Because when you create it, all your interests will be served with no effort on your part. My clients are discovering this. Including that CTO.

All That Is wants you to live your truths. That’s why when you live others’ truths you suffer. Suffering doesn’t have to feel like physical pain. It can feel like anxiety, depression, fear, insecurity and even anger or rage. None of those emotions feel good, which is why people use alcohol, weed, tobacco and other methods to soothe those feelings.

But appreciation, empowerment, hopefulness, joy and happiness do feel good. Very good. And when a person realizes and aligns with their truths, not others’, especially other people’s truths about money, religion and culture, then their life reflects all those positive emotions and then some. Their life also includes everything that person wants.

If you ask me, there’s no better life than that.

I Love When Entire Families Find Their True Power

TL;DR: The author describes how their spiritual client practice ripples through families, thereby creating stronger family bonds as it also creates empowered individuals. They credit Law of Attraction for creating a life where they and their clients find their true power. The same power, the author asserts, that is inherent in All That Is.

Something continuing to fascinate me as I serve clients each week is where new ones come from. Hardly any new clients come from this blog or my other social media activity. Instead, they come in a way which confirms how effective the Positively Focused Way is.

As a result of the unique way in which they come, I’m inspired; as are existing clients. That’s because evidence existing clients create for themselves are so life-changing. And when my clients’ lives change, new clients inevitably result from that.

Let’s look deeper at what I mean.

Whole families moving the same way: uncommon

Over 80 percent of my new clients are coming as a result of seeing positive changes in their family members. Family members who were clients before them. I think this is rather unusual, because family members often are those with stubborn opinions of each other. And usually those opinions aren’t always favorable.

So when one family member chooses a different path, other family members typically see such choices cynically. Family members think the choice is a fad. Or they may even think the family member is getting involved in a cult.

That’s understandable. Many such choices often fall by the wayside. Or they’re replaced by the next new, shiny path. Some family members DO join cults. So I get that family members, seeing their sibling or partner make a radical, life-altering choice, sometimes roll their eyes.

Especially if a family member latches on the laters fad or “movement”.

Now, of course, for some who make life-altering choices, many such choices stick. And for those choosing, that can be a very good thing. I don’t think it’s common, however, that other family members will see what their relative did then choose the same path. They usually stick with family tradition. Or what they’ve been told to follow by some other authority.

One person is all it takes

And this explains my fascination. Because nearly all my new clients come to me as siblings or partners of my existingclients.

For example, one client, a self-acknowledged “matriarch” of her family, started her practice with me several years ago. Changes she realized by becoming more Positively Focused were profound. I knew it and she knew it.

But what’s interesting is, her daughter saw it too. Their relationship was pretty good. But it was tinted with past baggage both carried. Baggage which flared from time to time, reigniting animosity between the two.

I won’t go into details. Suffice it to say, the daughter blamed her mother for much of what she went through, and what she’s going through today.

Changes her mother made, however, were so profound, it caused the daughter to release a lot of the blame she put at her mother’s feet. Then she wanted to know what it was her mother was doing. So she became a client.

That was a year ago. The daughter is a client. And, as a result of changes she made in her life since then, her brother and his wife both became clients. Then the daughter’s husband became a client!

The matriarch in a recent session marveled at all this. She told me what she wanted more than anything was to see her children happy. Through the practice, she’s manifested that. And, indeed, her children are much happier. That happiness is growing more and more each week.

It only takes one person to change the world. When that person becomes the change they want to see, then their world changes. That’s what happened with the matriarch. Now, those most important to her are getting what she’s getting.

Even the realistic find something

This isn’t the only example. Here’s another one: one of my clients is an entrepreneur, but was letting her limiting beliefs keep her from starting her dream business. After she became a client, that all changed. What’s more, she became happier and more thrilled about her life. Then she had a car accident that totaled her car. Then she got laid off from work.

Through these experiences her husband watched as his wife saw these things not as tragic, but perfect manifestations leading to a more powerful life for her. She became so positive, her husband thought she joined a cult. So he scheduled a free 1:1 with me. He wanted to understand what his wife got herself into.

The husband is the CTO of a major medical company. So he’s very rational and “realistic”. Successful too. Nevertheless, after that first session he decided to become a client too. That was six months ago. Today, he’s made the Positively Focused Way his own. He finds what he’s learning gives him much more empowerment around his work life, his interaction with peers and subordinates and around decisions made in the organization he thinks aren’t the best.

What’s interesting is, this guy who thought his wife joined a cult, last week told me in his 22d session that he suggested one of his long-time friends and direct reports consider becoming a client! Meanwhile, his wife’s transformation was so profound, one of her best friends also became a client. That person is now exploring the power of the dream world as well as how to leverage the power of the Universe to create a life where she’s living a major dream of hers.

A new client is exploring the power of dreams after seeing positive changes in her friend. (Photo by Egor Vikhrev)

A life of play

So one person’s life becoming the Charmed Life I promise all my clients sparked the transformation of her husband and a friend. I believe we’ll see more transformation from that person, the entrepreneur. That’s because the company she’s creating will employ a lot of people and serve even more. And while she grows the company, she wants to plug in what she’s learning through Positively Focused into the company culture. Yes, lots more people are going to discover the power of being Positively Focused.

These kinds of ripples have all happened in the last two years. As a result, my client roster is full. I’m no longer accepting new clients. It’s wonderful working with families, spouses, friends and siblings and see their lives and relationships dramatically improve.

All this happened without me spending a dime on advertising or marketing. I relied instead on the power of the Law of Attraction. I’ve sent out a desire to enjoy a life where money comes into it without me having to “work”. And believe me, what I do with clients isn’t work. It’s more like play. Play around a subject I love talking about: my spiritual practice, which amplifies my awareness that life is a spiritual act. A spiritual act at the heart of All That Is and its desire to know itself more.

I love knowing I’m a part of that expansion. And I love that I’ve attracted people who resonate with this practice and, as a result, are creating their joyful versions of what I’ve created for me.

Nothing compares to finding one’s true power. Except maybe when your family members do too.