I’m learning to follow inner impulses more and more. So when I woke this morning, eager to do a blog on shapeshifting, that’s what I did. This post is the result of that impulse.
My last post on shapeshifting gave a great overview. It detailed what’s needed, in a general sense, to accomplish the feat. That post described current beliefs most people possess. Beliefs which make even thinking about shapeshifting as a practical reality pretty much impossible. However, nearly everything we want IS possible. Including becoming a shapeshifter. We’ll talk more about the possibility in a bit.
The previous post also covered identity. We humans believe we are these bodies. That belief prompts other limiting beliefs. Beliefs also making shapeshifting impossible.
For example, a belief in medical science gets in the way. That’s because it implies the impossibility of certain things. It implies, for example, that the body can’t spontaneously regrow limbs. Or that germs and viruses are what makes us sick.
Germs and viruses are cooperative components to illness. But there’s a lot more to how bodies manifest dis-ease that medical science doesn’t account for. Let alone believe in. That’s another blog post, however. So instead of going there, let’s get back to the topic at hand.
The last post looked generally at beliefs. Let’s look more at beliefs as we consider what’s required to become a shapeshifter.
Fear, it is the mind killer
Frank Herbert, creator of the Dune franchise, was spot on. Our emotions point to what’s possible. A Positively Focused practice examines emotions in great detail. That’s because they’re crucial for being able to expand beyond human confines.
Humans enjoy great potential. We can experience freedom like no other being. We can experience freedom with no limits at all. But our beliefs limit that freedom. This morning, for example, I woke with a clear understanding of this. I realized, for me, the very act of working a job limits my freedom. I’ll write a blog about that another day. But this realization showed me something important. It showed me how our daily lives reveal how deeply we disbelieve how free we are. How we live as a society constantly reinforces our self-imposed limits.
Emotions like fear help us understand those limits. But if we don’t know what they tell us, we don’t get the understanding. Fear tells us something really important. Essentially, it’s saying, the “mind” (intelligence, your infinite potential, our Broader Perspective) is being limited by whatever belief currently is active in us and triggering fear. Fear literally tells us we’re limiting mind-potential.
Fear, therefore, doesn’t kill the mind. It tells us WE’RE “killing” it. Making it dead. Putting it in a box. Putting it in bondage. Bondage created by whatever thought(s) we have active in the moment we feel fear. This is a crucial thing. Understanding emotions and using them for their intended purpose makes being free a lot easier.
Our freedom has no limits. Anything is possible. Even shapeshifting.
Anything happening in dreams is possible in the physical
When we understand we enjoy unlimited freedom, we forget about being free. Instead, we focus on adventure inherent in freedom.
Imagine freedom as a newly-discovered planet. A planet with no boundaries. The more we explore it, the more there is to discover. That’s how freedom is.
And so when we accept that is freedom’s nature, a boundless playground, then it’s easier enjoying the adventure freedom inherently possesses. When we arrive at that orientation, where we focus near-exclusively on the adventure of life, then we’re ready to consider a wider scope of what’s possible.
This is why the Positively Focused Way focuses so much on emotions and, later, in advanced levels, on dream work. Dreams aren’t what people think they are. What they really are are journeys we take each night. The experience we call dreams are experiences our unbounded Broader Perspective constantly enjoys. Yes, even as we in our earthly bodies have whatever limited experience we have.
In dreams we’re unlimited. We can do nearly everything.
In a Positively Focused practice we reconnect with what’s happening in dreams to bring that awareness and possibility to consciousness. Dreams are the unlimited adventure I described above. Everyone enjoys them. Even those thinking they don’t dream.
The real fun starts when we bring that unlimited adventure to our waking lives.
Conscious awareness of freedom and adventure
Becoming aware of what’s happening in dreams, then bringing that awareness forward into waking reality is key to shapeshifting. Can you see how?
That awareness, the feeling of unboundedness, is key. It’s what’s needed to even beginbelieving in shapeshifting as a possibility. If we don’t believe it is possible, it can’t happen. So belief is key too.
Both freedom and adventure are hallmarks of worlds we experience while “dreaming”. Only we’re not “dreaming”. That word cheapens what we’re really doing while the body sleeps. While the body sleeps, what we’re really doing is living the full potential of all we are.
Making that conscious in our awareness while awake, we can then realize anything we experience in the dream state is possible in “reality”. After all, what is “reality” other than a really vivid dream?
That’s another key element to allowing shapeshifting into our experience. Freedom and adventure are hallmarks of life and the dream world. We are completely free. The adventure comes in when we accept our freedom as a given. Then focus on boldly exploring how free we are.
When we settle in that consciously and aware, only then can we allow into our experience what the majority believes impossible. And when we do, we become the example, which sets others free. You see how that happens, right?
That’s the purpose of the Positively Focused Way. We become examples others can follow. And in doing so, we become deliberate agents of expansion. There’s nothing better to live one’s life for.
Contact me if you’re ready to deliberately play your part in this wondrous, joyful path. Let’s get you started.
I’ve said in many past posts the best way to manifest abundance is by appreciating abundance surrounding us already. I practice what I preach. So when this incredible demonstration of abundance happened, I wasn’t surprised.
But I was surprised by the message I got from the experience.
A few clients wonder why I talk about so many little things manifesting in my life. When they do, I tell them I talk about them because they are gateways. Talking about them opens the door to big manifestations. There’s literally no difference in manifestation technique for manifesting something big as manifesting something small.
That’s why I encourage clients build their manifestation skills by starting with small things. Things they don’t have a lot of resistance about. Doing that they get practice. Practice begets proof. Proof that manifesting works. That proof also boosts confidence. It also soothes resistance we have on the bigger things we want.
So manifesting little things helps a lot. The little things develop confidence. They create a lot of proof. That allows clients to trust their Broader Perspective.
The abundance demonstration I manifested proved something more to me. Something became clear in that message. I’ll share that in a moment. First, let’s take a look at what happened.
Abundance amplified
I already live bathed in abundance. While I enjoy a life full of leisure, I also enjoy ample time to practice my spirituality. My client work is an expansion of that. So my “work” isn’t really work. It’s an extension of my practice.
That work is really fun. I love seeing clients develop their Charmed Life. Their unfolding Charmed Life amplifies my own Charmed Life. And, the time I work with clients represents a fraction of the hours in a week. I therefore enjoy an abundance of leisure and fun.
I also experience abundance of other things. An abundance of streaming content exists for me to enjoy. I’ve written about this before. I also enjoy an abundance of literature and magazines to read. Plenty of options exist for me to get exercise. Whether on foot or on my bike, I enjoy an abundance of outdoor paths to take. I’m a great cook. As a result of that, I have a fridge full of wonderful foods, baked goods I’ve made and other delectables I love eating.
Even when I’m sleeping I enjoy abundance. Every night I dream no less than 10 dreams. Some nights I dream well over 15! Most of the time these dreams are super enjoyable. I’ve written about these too.
Of course I also enjoy a seeming unlimited abundance of things to write about. That includes all three of the blogs I write for. That’s another state of abundance I enjoy.
All these instances of abundance I’ve expressed appreciation about nearly every day. As a result, what happened recently was a natural extension of my recognizing how abundant my life is.
The waft of incense sparks a wonderful abundance demonstration
One day, as I appreciated all the states of abundance in my life, I received an impulse. Little did I know that impulse would create the experience that happened. The impulse was to take out my incense burner and enjoy the aroma of my favorite incense, “Nag Champa”.
I hadn’t burned any incense in a while. That’s because I lived with room mates. One of those guys was allergic to incense.
After creating enough financial abundance to live on my own however, I could now enjoy a stick of the Champa. So I took out my burner….
My burner with a stick of Champa in it.
But I realized I didn’t have a lighter or matches! At first I thought to borrow a lighter or match from my neighbor. Then I thought about buying a lighter at the convenience store. But then a better idea came to me: how about manifesting a lighter. That would be cool!
So that’s what I did. I relaxed. Then I imagined enjoying a stick of Champa in my burner. I visualized lighting it with a lighter. Then I tuned my vibration — deeper than thought — to how it would feel to create the experience of manifesting a lighter. I dropped the whole idea then, I left my incense burner in its place and went about my day.
The Champa. My favorite incense.
Amplifying manifestation
Days passed and each one that did I thought about my burner. Some days my eyes would light onto it sitting in its place. Other days my mind would light on my intention to manifest the lighter. In both instances, I would re-create in my vibration the feeling of how it would be to manifest the lighter.
Then one day I went on a walk. I walked along Portland’s Willamette River. Like many waterfronts, Portland’s waterfront is home to many luxury apartment buildings and condos. But all these buildings incorporate a walking path so Portlanders can enjoy walking along the river.
At one point I came to a part of the path bordered by a low-lying retaining wall opposite the riverside. The path curved to the right, then left. I curved right with the path. Then, when I curved left, my eyes involuntarily looked to the right. There, atop the retaining wall rested a white lighter!
The lighter I manifested.
What’s really interesting is, I wasn’t surprised at all it was there. rendezvousing with the lighter just felt like the natural next step of the manifestation process. So when I saw it, I just picked it up, as though it were mine. Which it was!
Little did I know more was coming.
Abundance reveals itself
That night I enjoyed some Champa on my burner. It was a great celebration. But the Universe was just getting started.
I told this story to Avin, a friend of mine. Like me, he takes his connection to All That Is seriously. So he was the perfect person to share the story and amplify my connection to abundance and manifestation. Sharing the story with him felt really great. I felt the amplification taking place.
It was no surprise then that just a week later, I came across yet another lighter. This one was bright green. I rode my bike to an island in the middle of the upper Willamette. It was a beautiful location. I took a meal and my iPad so I could read in the autumn sun. After enjoying all that, I started walking back to my bike.
But I got the impulse to walk to the water’s edge. It was down a path that wound between some rocks. The shore was strewn with large boulders. I sat on one and when I did I looked to the left. There, among the moss, sat the lighter. Since I already manifested one, I had the presence of mind to take a photo:
The second lighter.
I reached down to pick it up. When I did, I got a download from my Broader Perspective. It said “when you focus something into manifestation, the Universe will create an abundance of that which you are manifesting.” As I received that message I also felt shivers on my scalp and spine. I knew this was a divine message! And, it wasn’t just about lighters. It really was about my desire for manifesting financial abundance.
Amplifying the message.
That same week I shared what happened with the second lighter with Avin. I also told him about the message I got. When I did, he got really excited. That’s because he knew what I was talking about.
“There’s no difference in manifesting a small thing and manifesting something big,” He said excitedly. “Whether it’s a lighter or a lottery jackpot, the process is the same!”
We both did a virtual high five because we knew this was exactly what we both were wanting: Evidence that we create our reality. But the Universe wasn’t done with the demonstration!
Over the next two weeks two more lighters manifested in my path, including a black one this very day!
The lighter lineup including the black one that showed up today.
Now, some might say “there are lighters lying around all over the place. People throw them away all the time. Or they lose them.”
That’s true. But I can say for sure during all my walks before setting this intention, I’ve never seen a lighter on my path. They may have been there, but I didn’t see them.
More importantly, what this shows is how much we’re all surrounded by abundance. And when we acknowledge that, we can leverage that abundance to create other forms of abundance.
But if we ignore the natural abundance surrounding us, and instead focus on lack in our lives, then we amplify that. My clients don’t realize how important this demonstration is. They think “they’re just lighters!”
But Avin gets it. So does my Broader Perspective. So does All That Is. This simple demonstration shows me that I am everything I tell my clients they are. We are gods in human form. We’re here to master our inherent creative power. And we’re here to enjoy that path of mastery.
Maybe this story inspires you to achieve your own mastery. If so, I’d be honored to assist in that. Contact me. Let’s see what wonders you manifest.
Sometimes client’s don’t understand what I’m doing with my life. So they’ll interpret what I’m doing with my life through their own Belief Constellations. That will sound like a criticism. But it’s actually a huge blessing.
What they don’t know is their critique says a lot more about their life than it does mine. And, when they do criticize my life, my life gets better. That’s because I know what criticisms are. And so I use them to amplify my own positive focus. Then my life must reflect that amplified perception back to me.
That’s what happened during a recent client session. It was a wonderful opportunity for me. It was wonderful because the client’s critique revealed something I wanted to know. And knowing that changed my life at a vibrational level. At a practical level too!
Let’s take a look at what I’m talking about.
Missing the point?
The client happens to be one of my advanced practitioners. She’s been at it a while and has made remarkable progress. So it was surprising that she said what she said durning the session. Then again, it wasn’t surprising. Because it was perfect. Perfect for me to gain more understanding of my own Belief Constellation.
Sharing a cool manifestation I recently had triggered my client’s beliefs. The experience for me was spectacular, however. That’s because it showed me I had high calibration about money, which is a subject I’m wanting significant, leading edge manifestations about.
After I shared what happened, the client said, “I’m amazed that so little money made such a difference for you. You must be poor.”
Now, this client has a couple million dollars in the bank. She’s retired. Her house is paid for. I don’t think she has any debt. I, on the other hand, chose a different course. One that challenges status quo beliefs, especially around money. I’ve written extensively about this on this blog.
So when she said this, it surprised me. The point of the story wasn’t my financial situation. Instead, it was about how the manifestation happened.
Is it? Or isn’t it?
Still, her comment lingered with me a few days. I don’t consider myself poor. In fact, I consider my life reflecting an immense state of wealth.
My life is rich with all kinds of abundance. When considering wealth or abundance, there are more kinds of that than the monetary variety. And, the key to experiencing great monetary wealth, is appreciating all the other kinds of wealth we enjoy.
For example, I enjoy an immense amount of abundance. My “work week” is about 8 hours. The rest of the week I’m free to enjoy my life. And enjoy it I do! I enjoy an abundance of creator content from Netflix, Disney+, AppleTV+ and the PBS app. In fact, there’s more content among all these channels than I can consume! How’s that for abundance! And only one of those services, AppleTV+, I pay for. The others I get at no cost to me.
I also enjoy a plethora of literature, which I access at no cost. Through my library, for example, I’m enjoying reading every Hugo Award-winning Science Fiction Novel. Many of those award-winners comprise multiple volumes. Books like Dune, the Murder Bot Diaries and The Broken Earth contain at least three books each! My library also has digital collections of popular magazines. So I enjoy access to literally hundreds of popular magazines. More than I can read each month!
Because I don’t “work” I enjoy ample time for meditation, contemplation, walks, bike rides and writing. Meanwhile, client work income covers all my needs. There’s a roof over my head that’s warm in winter, cool in summer. My fridge is full. Because I’m a vet, I enjoy healthcare at no cost to me through the Veteran’s Administration.
So am I really poor?
The app I used to access thousands of titles free.
Living richly in the now
Thinking about all this abundance I enjoy, I realized something crucial. I realized my client helped me amplify even further wealth I’ve already created. Actual monetary wealth, I mean.
In the Positively Focused Way we talk about the Moment of Becoming (MOB). Understanding what the MOB is makes all the difference in living a Charmed Life.
The MOB is the eternal now. Many New Age teachers talk about living in the now. When they do, they’re referring to the temporal now. They’re now is that moment that currently exists in the physical.
But the temporal now, from a vibrational standpoint is not now. That “now” is the past. It represents manifestED reality. Everything already happened in that “now”. Focusing there, we have no power, because everything already is. The real now is the MOB. There, everything is becoming or manifestING. The MOB is the eternal, true now, ever rich with swirling potential. Potential being orchestrated by cooperative elements. Elements taking their direction from focused beings. Beings like you and me.
We live in the MOB, but we temporarily focus in the manifestED reality. In the latter focus, we identify what we want from what we don’t want. That’s the purpose of manifestED reality. But the MOB is the true seat of power. When we communicate our desires from the MOB our Broader Perspective and All That Is takes our communication and orchestrates all the cooperative components so our desires fulfill themselves.
In THAT now, the real now, the MOB, I know my financial abundance is being orchestrated. I often feel it happening. So my state of being, my experience of life NOW, is that I’m rich beyond measure! Meanwhile, I get to enjoy manifestED reality, which includes a lot of abundance already. So much it can kinda get overwhelming…
Realizing the benefit
So why would I have attracted an experience where a client called me “poor”? I came to the answer a day after the session. The answer is really cool.
Everyone in our lives are reflections of our thoughts and beliefs. Every “thing” is too. But people particularly offer accurate reflections of what we have going on in our Belief Constellations. So when a person acts mean to us, that person reflects something active in our Belief Constellation that attracted that reflection. It’s something we want to look at and do something about.
Other people, therefore, constantly offer us compelling gifts: opportunities to clean up vibrations we may not know we have going on. So my client calling me “poor” was a blessing. A blessing I received fully.
In the last few years I’ve been soothing beliefs impacting my ability to manifest monetary abundance. I’ve produced excellent evidence that soothing is working. My client calling me “poor” then, indicated a wobble still in my vibration. One I want to smooth out. I had been doing so well manifesting money in moderate levels I hadn’t realized this vibration still existed in me.
Realizing this, I became excited. I reveled in the realization. That’s why I realized the benefit my client gave me was immense.
The rest of the week I buzzed around like a happy bee. I thought over and over about our exchange, appreciating the insight my “reflector” gave me.
The next session I shared with her my experience. I did that to further amplify my own appreciation. This post is part of that amplification. It was a wonderful unfolding.
A wonderful reminder of what I already get.
The journey is the gift
What’s really interesting is, when I didn’t resist her calling me poor in the session, she also shared that see sees me as a millionaire hundreds of times over. Even a billionaire, she said.
That wasn’t coincidence. For I’m focusing into my reality me being a centi-millionaire, even a billionaire. And realizing that outrageous fortune by doing nothing other than focusing my vibration. The fact that she went from calling me “poor” to sharing that she saw me as a billionaire was an accurate reflection, therefore. One that included the combination of my vibrational intent and beliefs I still have that aren’t so compatible with that.
The entire experience was stellar. And this is the thing: every experience humans have are like this one. In every moment, we’re in the bright light of unfolding desire. And, every desire is guaranteed to be realized by us. As soon as we line up with frequencies which are vibrational versions of the manifestation we desire.
Our entire life as gods in human form is about exactly this. It’s about enjoying every delicious moment of expansion. The more we find joy in the journey, the more joyful the journey gets. The better life gets.
I appreciate my client so much for the complete reflection she offered to me. Such a confirmation it was! A confirmation of all that I’m enjoying on this journey into my greater expansion!
I’m thrilled about writing this post. I’m thrilled because I’m sharing what signifies a big improvement in my vibration. An improvement on a subject showing I am reaching into the “leading edge” of what it means to be human.
Many life goals I have include expressing that “leading edge” life. What do I mean by “leading edge”? I mean living life in ways humans think impossible, and in doing so, expanding what it means to be human. And what’s possible for humanity.
Life for me has been about understanding the human experience through my personal experience, then living in ways that expand on that. While doing that, I’ve lived an interesting life. A diverse life. A life providing all kinds of enlightening experiences. Experiences giving me insight into the human condition.
But at the core of all I am, I am not human. You aren’t human either, dear reader. After all, when this life is over, you and I will continue existing. We won’t be human though. Instead, we’ll cast of this “mortal coil” in favor of our eternal, expanded beingness.
I love the sound of that.
But I really love experiencing that. Experiencing that expanded beingness, right here, in the mortal coil. And that’s why I’m thrilled to write this post. Because I’m experiencing that expanded state, even while I live as human. It’s the best of all worlds.
The power of limiting beliefs
The thrilling thing I experienced happened in late September. I schedule posts in advance. So by the time you read them, what you read happened a while ago. Still, this experience shows it’s worth learning to deliberately create reality through manifesting.
We can literally create any reality we want. Nothing is off limits. But doing that requires diligence. I think most people aren’t ready to take that on. For those who are, however, life gets really fun. Life becomes heavenly. But only for those who can see the possibility. Seeing that, however, first requires believing it’s possible.
That means letting go of beliefs humans accept as “true”. There are many such beliefs. Some contain far more sticking power than others. By “sticking power”, I mean momentum. Momentum we collectively add to these beliefs by accepting and believing in them. One such belief, for example, is “humans can’t regrow limbs.” It’s an interesting paradox.
Because humans CAN’T grow limbs. It’s not because the potential to do so isn’t there, however. Rather, it’s because no one believes it can be done. So no one tries.
Doesn’t this remind you of the story about the baby elephant tied to a stake? Humans are like elephants tied to stakes as babies. Our stakes are our limiting beliefs.
Abraham describing why some things are impossible.
History is replete with things once thought impossible becoming possible. Maybe you can think of some. In any case, the leading edge of humanity lies on that boundary between what people believe and what’s actually possible. I live my life on that edge. So I do things most people think are crazy. That includes choosing to leave lucrative careers, giving up “earning a living” and leaping into the unknown, expecting the Universe will catch me.
And catch me it has!
The perfect unfolding
I chose a life path wherein I want enormous amounts of money to flow into my life. And, I want it to flow in ways that leave me free to live my life. In other words, I want money coming in with me doing as little as possible about that. That way, I can live my life loving life, playful and engaged in what I enjoy.
These days my desires have more sway over my life than fear, obligation or “common sense”. That means I’m living more boldly than ever. I’m no longer willing to accept beliefs we humans commonly hold. I decided some time ago, therefore, to prove to myself that this “you create your reality” business is real.
Unlike others doing what I’m doing, I went “all in”. I gave up jobs, let my marriage dissolve and struck out in pursuit of the extraordinary. Doing that, I confronted and am confronting these common beliefs.
Many such beliefs revolve around money. Money is a big subject. One that needs a lot of cleaning up in my Belief Constellation. That process is not always without fear though. And that’s what I’m writing about today. There’s a lot to share and will likely need to be shared over several posts. But here’s what happened in late September.
Money as a manifested idea enjoys a lot of momentum. Many beliefs about it limit what’s possible around money. (Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)
Living the Charmed Life
In January, my rent is going up. I thought it was going up a lot. But I soothed that belief and it turned out I was wrong: The rent did go up, but not nearly as much as I feared. Still, because I’m bold, and because I’m cleaning up beliefs about money I no longer want active in my vibration, my income is quite low. It’s just enough to cover my living expenses. That’s because my current beliefs about money, income and working for income still hold sway.
But momentum from those beliefs is soothing. I know this because, today, I don’t work for income. Rather, I play with clients, showing them how to do what I have done and am doing. They pay me for this. However, it doesn’t feel at all like work. It feels, instead, as an extension of my spiritual practice. You could say then, I’m being paid to pursue everything I’m writing about here. That’s the joy of the Positively Focused Way: the Charmed Life I write about in this blog.
I’ve enjoyed living this way for several years now. It’s been an interesting adventure that’s only just getting started. But with that rent increase looming, I realized I would need more money. Because I know what I know, and because of a long string of manifestations on other subjects, I resolved to manifest the money I needed.
I realized I could take a job instead. But that’s not the path I’m on. I’m committed to manifesting a life on my terms. That includes manifesting money on my terms too!
It began with a post card
So one day in September, I got a post card. It was from the United Sates Postal Service. They were hosting a “Career Day” at my local post office. This card came with interesting timing. Thinking about taking a job occured to me in the same week. And here is this card showing up. So this was an opportunity to test my connection to my Broader Perspective. I also wanted its opinion on the opportunity. Also, I wanted guidance on what to do too. I mean, I knew what I wanted to do (ignore the card). Yet I felt a twinge of fear-induced impulses saying “go to the career day.”
Our Broader Perspective is the larger consciousness that is us, outside our physical bodies. We are far too big to fit in this human form. So we squeeze a part of us “here”. Meanwhile, the larger part of all that we are remains in nonphysical. That larger part is not the “God” most religions talk about. It is US, experiencing all experiences we’re having across infinite dimensions. That perspective exists outside of space and time.
So it can “see” a lot more than we can. It literally sees all probable futures, choices we have made, can make and will make. And it sees how all those choices always work out. It therefore, is a fantastic source of guidance. This is why the Positively Focused Way primarily focuses on strengthening a conscious awareness of our relationship with our Broader Perspective. Do that and we can receive vivid, clear and accurate guidance.
So, I held the card in my hand. Looking at it, I said aloud “should I go to this career event?”
Then I offered an alternative: “Should I stay the course?” I asked.
“YES!” my Broader Perspective instantly “said”.
Now, when my Broader Perspective gives guidance, it’s not in the form of words. I don’t hear a voice. Instead, it communicates kinesthetically. I feel its communication. In this instance, what I felt was a “thrilling”. Massive waves of pleasurable tingles and shivers ran through my body and scalp. I’ve used this communication process so many times. After following the communication, I’ve always received positive results. So I know I can trust it.
And trust it I did.
I put the card on my desk. Then I focused on statements affirming my desire. That’s when I realized that post card was intentional. I put it in my reality to prompt exactly what I was doing: amplifying my alignment with the outcome existing in nonphysical. The one representing the full-blown manifestation of what I want: enough income to cover my rent increase.
A week later, more contrast showed up. I got an email from a digital rights law firm. I inadvertently violated copyright protections of a photo owned by someone else. The law firm said I owed $250!
At first I was shocked. I didn’t have $250! Well, I did, in savings. But that was reserved for other expenses. That’s when I realized this was not a bad thing. This bill was more evidence showing me I was on my path. Use it correctly, I knew, and I would have what I was manifesting.
So I wrote and told them I didn’t have that much money. They replied by reducing their fee by 40 percent, demanding instead $150. Not the best outcome, but it was one I could live with.
Getting off course? Maybe not
Getting that bill triggered more fear and worry. When I got it, my attention drifted to the Post Office’s post card laying on my desk. I picked it up. Remembering what my Broader Perspective suggested, I thought about the career event. Would it hurt to just go?, I thought.
But I knew that question stemmed from FEAR. That’s not a good place from which to act. I knew if I took a job at the post office, the job would just show me why I should have stayed the course. After all, my Broader Perspective wanted me to do that: Stay the course.
But in a moment of weakness, I decided, I’ll just go. I’ll just check it out and see. I knew I was acting out of fear. I acknowledged that, dressed and went to the event.
Representatives there told me about openings available. I wasn’t thrilled about them, but I was curious. They all paid a wage equaling about half of what I make per client hour. But because I would be working many more hours, I’d make more money.
I thanked the reps, took some information and went home. By the time I got there, I was clear: I wasn’t going to work for the post office! That’s going backwards!
The biggest factor driving that decision was that I’d have to stop working with clients. I wouldn’t have time. That was a deal killer. Plus I really enjoyed my current lifestyle. One where I spend nearly all my time practicing my Positively Focused Way and seeing clients less than three days a week.
So the experience of going to the event actually amplified my commitment to stay the course. Interesting!
I can be stubborn tho…
Still I wallowed a bit. I weighed the option of working at the post office a bit more. Then I got the impulse to Google “What’s it like to work at the post office?” Most of the information I read confirmed my original conclusion: working at the post office was a massive divergence from my chosen path. I decided then to give up the post office idea completely. Instead, I thought, I’m staying the course. I’m trusting my Broader Perspective!
That’s when my dream reality entered the picture. In it my Broader Perspective reiterated that I should stay the course. I had a dream the details of which are unimportant. But what is important is the download I got when waking from it. The download was “Don’t pay that $150 from savings. Use your credit card.”
This is why dream state is another thing I eventually get clients to become aware of. Dreams are soooo freaking valuable! When we dream, we return to the fullness of our Broader Perspective. There, we CAN experience nonphysical consciously and vividly. But most people don’t believe they dream. Those who do, think dreams are something they’re not. So they miss the massive value dreams bring.
Dreams are an excellent Source of inner knowing. (Photo by Egor Vikhrev on Unsplash)
In dreams, we CAN hear our Broader Perspective speak to us in words we can understand. But again, it requires training. Not really training…it requires soothing resistance acting as an opaque shield between us and the dream state. Do that and dreams become very easy to perceive, experience and understand. As does our ability to hear our Broader Perspective while in dream state.
That download was my Broader Perspective guiding me. So I woke and put that $150 on my card.
Staying the course…lead to something awesome
Then I focused on trusting and relaxing into the now. Past experience proved doing so would bring what I want more quickly. Everything you just read also amplified my desire to focus.
That focus felt good. I felt myself tuning in. Tuning into the probable reality where the money I want is!
Less than a week later, I woke one morning feeling really great. I checked my phone. There on the screen was a notification that a new client registered for a one-time Positively Focused session!
I looked at the confirmation email and the name looked familiar. But the photo of the person on Facebook was unfamiliar.
The new client and the PayPal notification.
When I sent them a reply email, the reply I got astounded me:
“Hi,” She said. “I’ve had that fake profile on Facebook for years. Last week I checked it and in my recommendations was a link to Positively Focused. I knew that was the universe telling me to sign up for sessions.”
How cool is that?!
After our first session, the client signed up for weekly sessions for a total monthly session rate equal to 30 times my rent increase scheduled to begin in January! And, it’s more than enough to pay off the $150 I put on my credit card!
Manifesting requires staying the course
What did I learn from all this? Well, by October 1 I felt absolute confidence the Universe moves to support my desires. Several other manifestations happened in September. Adding this one to those vastly boosted my knowing. Namely:
My desire to create money coming into my life with no effort on my part is working!
That relaxing and trusting makes what I want to happen, happen faster.
I can manifest something I desire in perfect divine timing.
I can trust my Broader Perspective!
By lightly holding in my mind what I want, I prime the Universe to deliver.
When something seems to go wrong, that usually means I’m close to the full-blown manifestation. See things “going wrong” as actually going right!
Try not to take action too soon. But if I do, I know the Universe will work around my early action and deliver what I want!
Finally, by staying the course towards what I want, what I want WILL HAPPEN. When it does it will be in divine timing. And if it hasn’t happened (yet) that’s only because the timing isn’t right (yet).
All this inspires even bolder action. I know now that everything I’m asking for is happening. So I can enjoy my life on the leading edge of what it means to be human. And, I can eagerly anticipate the day when outrageous fortune flows into my experience.
I love following my inner guidance!
By now you may be inspired to learn to hear your inner guidance. If you are, I’m here. Join my clients experiencing their own versions of what I’m experiencing. Contact me, let’s get you started!
We are literally surrounded by evidence proving manifesting is a thing. Why so many think it’s not real astounds me.
Every man-made object first started as vibration which turned into an “idea”. An idea is a thought. Such ideas usually come in a burst of inspiration. “Inspiration” is communication from one’s Broader Perspective.
Then a person acts to make the idea real. These actions come from impulses to act. Impulses come from one’s Broader Perspective.
After a time, the object is “manifest”. It becomes real.
It’s the same in nature. Things manifest first as vibration. The consciousness in nature translates that to a thought. Then it acts on its impulses until manifestation happens.
Our entire physical world is manifested evidence that thoughts turn to things. Why people deny it baffles…
….Then again, beliefs create reality. So if one believes manifestation is fake, the Universe will create circumstances proving that belief “true”. Meanwhile, it’s proving other beliefs “true” too.
In fact, there’s so much room in the Universe, any belief held long enough will assemble cooperative components proving it true. That’s how the universe expands: vibration becomes thoughts. Those thoughts become things.
So a person claiming “you create your reality” is false proves it true. They create a reality for themselves wherein the universe gives them proof that they don’t create their reality!
But your reality needn’t be theirs…
Beliefs create experience
It’s no wonder then when a client talked about her sister, we discovered more “truth”. The client, who I’ll call Mary, has a sister I’ll call Jane. Jane celebrated the birth of her child recently. That’s cool. But what’s even cooler was Mary’s experience.
According to Mary, Jane is kind of a worry-wart. She believes in preparing for all contingencies. When it came to having her child, therefore, Jane believed it a better choice to give birth in a hospital. When she did give birth, complications resulted which necessitated a cesarean intervention.
A week after the birth, Jane re-admitted herself to the hospital with post-birth complications. She’s been in the hospital for a week now.
In our session, Mary asked if all this resulted from Jane’s belief in preparing for the worst. Yes, I told her. But also, it represented a manifestation of Mary’s beliefs about Jane. How else could Mary have had the experience of seeing Jane go through this?
We all create our realities. We do that through our beliefs about reality. That includes beliefs about ourselves and beliefs about others. However, something very important plays a role too. That is the dynamic of co-creation.
Collapsing into another’s momentum
Each person experiences others they meet as versions they create. No two people experience a third in the same way, just as no two people experience the same reality. Even when two people experience the same situation, they each have their version of that situation. There is no shared reality.
That’s true for people in our lives too.
When it comes to experiencing others, belief momentum is everything. Whether you experience someone the way they experience themselves or the way you experience them depends on this belief momentum. For example, Mary and Jane are related and Jane is older. Mary’s experience of Jane is almost entirely the result of Jane’s momentum. In other words, Mary’s beliefs about Jane largely come based on her observation of her. That seems normal, right?
After all, we all get to know people based on what we observe, then conclude based on those observations. But we can also create versions of others independent of our observations. In the same way we can create whole new realities independent of what we observe of reality. In that same way, we also can create whole new versions of other people.
Usually however, we “collapse into the momentum” of another’s belief momentum. We allow ourselves to accept the emanation of thoughts and beliefs people have about themselves. That’s what happened between Mary and Jane.
These days, Mary is questioning all her beliefs. That’s having her see things she hadn’t before. Such as realizing that her sibling’s birth complications weren’t random situations. Instead, they sprang from her beliefs. Mary’s beliefs too.
The purpose of life
This offered Mary tremendous evidence supporting her Positively Focused practice. Evidence proving for Mary that she is literally surrounded by things made real by her through her beliefs.
How else could it be? Who else is creating her reality? No one else is creating your reality either, other than you.
What that means is, we all possess tremendous potential. Potential to create really daring and satisfying realities. Realities offering whole new experiences. For us, for the world and for the Universe.
That’s the reason we come into the world in the first place. We come to participate in universal expansion. Doing so, we expand too. And, through our example, we encourage expansion in others.
It’s the Great Game that is life experience. Expansion, joy and growth is its purpose. What could be a better purpose than that?
For as far as I can remember, I recognized my birth family as the path through which I came into the world. This awareness persisted, even while I got caught up in family drama and sibling dynamics. Most of my youth, however, I remember spending alone, in the woods, or with friends in the streets.
The older I got, the more I realized. My parents offered little in the way of forming family bonds. My father left after divorcing my mother when I was nine. After that, my mom focused on raising us. But also doing what she could to enjoy her life. That left me free to be with my Broader Perspective.
I bore no judgement for either parent’s behavior. I appreciate, even now, sacrifices my mom made for us. Or rather, actions she took out of her own sense of responsibility for bringing children into the world. Later, I understood massive conflicts pressuring my dad to divorce my mother…twice. But even before then, I knew my father’s choices had no bearing on my worth or my value.
The older I got, the less connected to my family I became. I remember one day, when in high school, my mother petitioned my Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Commanding Officer (JROTC-CO) to talk me. He tried roping me into expectations most adopt about their families. That they’re precious. That parents should be respected and obeyed.
I wasn’t recalcitrant, or disobedient. I just knew myself as an independent entity. A being separate from those in my “family.” And my mom didn’t like that so much. I think she thought something was wrong with me.
Brush your shoulders off
So beliefs defining “family” weren’t all that sticky. Not for me anyway. I understood what my JROTC-CO said. Those beliefs played out plain as day in my friends’ families. It also was clear, however, that I had a choice. Adopting those beliefs as my own wasn’t mandatory, I knew. I listened to my mom and the JROTC-CO. But then I brushed what they said off my mental shoulders.
I felt no longing when away from siblings. Most of the time, I thought little about my brothers. Instead, I felt most connected to All That Is, even though I didn’t know that phrase. Clearly, for the young boy I was at the time, this was the real essence from which I essentially spring. These days, I know All That Is is the real origin from which we all spring…
So I benefited from choosing parents so confused in their own Belief Constellations they were too busy to push their beliefs on me so strongly they’d stick. But I get others choose families as entry points with very strong stories. Very strong, determined parents too. Parents who believe they know best. Parents eager to shape and control their kids into images they believe best for them. Even though we all come into the world with our own ideals, intentions and expectations about life. Ideals, intentions and expectations often directly opposed to those parents hold. Ideals, intentions and expectations that, in time, can help parents soften their fear-based need for rigid control of their children…
That is, if we live authentically and refuse to bend to their expectations. But not every child is up for that.
Choosing to leave a family in favor to being authentic is a brave, world-changing choice. (Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash)
Serving from my unique perspective.
For those that are, ostracism or being disowned is a risk. But it’s only a risk to those who fear losing something.
But what is there to lose really?
Love? Where is the love in environments forcing you to be other than what we know we are? Love is unconditional. Parents willing to disown their child don’t display love. That’s coercion. Is belonging really worth giving up who we really are? I don’t think so, but many do. Many trade or bury their authenticity. Others don’t and pay what looks like a price. They get kicked out of home, beaten or shamed. But that price is not a price. It’s an investment that will pay hugely later.
Whether one chooses it on their own or it gets forced on them, there’s nothing like the liberation borne of being authentic. Even if it means “losing” one’s family. I’ve known this all along. My experience, admittedly, is rare. But I believe it was meant this way so I could offer this liberation message and others to those who need a hand up, out of the fear familial beliefs trigger.
I know the powerful, overwhelming love of my Broader Perspective, my Whole Self and my cadre. It’s from there that I offer all I do to those who read this. I do so expecting it will make a difference with my clients, specifically. But also positively effect all humanity.
I see that happening. And so I’m grateful.
Service through example
My satisfaction comes from realizing that enduring, eternal love springing from a conscious connection with my nonphysical family. It’s something I yearned for as a lad. Back then, I often cried to the night sky in my backyard, begging to return to the home from which I sprang. I knew it as a real place. A place I knew as pure joy and oneness, although those words pale as descriptors.
Now, however, I see I chose to come for specific objectives I’m now fulfilling. And the joy I feel growing ever-greater in me tells me my cadre is pleased. Pleased with who I am, what I am and what I am creating.
We come here, to this planet, this plane, on purpose. We come to offer more unto the Universe. My unique perspective is mine. So is yours. But the goal is the same. And that goal is born of our collective desire to joyfully know ourselves.
I do appreciate my parents for agreeing to be the conduit through which I pushed myself into physical reality. My appreciation for them is immense. But that appreciation can not match appreciation I feel for All That Is, my true mother, and my divine intelligence, my father. Both borne from within me and experienced by me, for me. My eternal satisfaction with this experience lies rooted in my eternal authenticity, expressed here and now, thereby creating more. The love I feel in return from those who support me from nonphysical is icing on the cake of eternal existence.
I know I’ve been writing a lot recently about my “supernatural” experiences. But I must continue doing so for the time being. Everything I’ve read from others’ experiences my experiences confirm. My experiences also confirm everything Abraham and Seth told me. Whether in my private conversations with them, or in their written content, they’ve been spot on. My latest experiences are no exception.
Of course, these “paranormal” experiences are not “supernatural”, “paranormal” nor even “pseudoscientific”. They stand apart from science. That’s because science has no business in this realm since it doesn’t recognize nonphysical origins of all matter. As far as the other two adjectives, they don’t apply either. Phenomena I enjoy are as normal and natural as breathing.
But experiencing them requires releasing mainstream conditioning. It requires allowing our natural abilities to surface. Everyone enjoys what I’m finding. However, these experiences happen beneath waking consciousness. In sleep they’re even more active. When we wake the next morning, however, ego consciousness blocks them. Seth says that’s because ego consciousness sees little value in them. That is, until we tell our egos they are of value.
How to talk with the ego and have the ego listen makes up part of the Positively Focused practice. The practice also includes learning how to release mainstream conditioning. As with any natural ability, skillful employment comes gradually. Plenty evidence shows up along the way, however, making the journey delightful and surprising.
I’m still on that journey. It’s never ending. I know what I now experience is just the beginning.
We can create anything we want
Developing such abilities has practical value. Abraham and Seth say unequivocally: we create our realities. Abraham says “whatever you can conceive of as a thought, can be your reality.”
Think about that. Anything we can think of can be.
I used to be a working stiff. I didn’t think I could “make a living” doing something I loved. Oh, I loved what I used to do. But that “love” was mainstream conditioning. What I really wanted was to just live and enjoy life. I wanted to do nothing. I wanted to pursue my spiritual passions. Pursue my passion without working a job.
Well, it was gradual, but today that’s what I do. My client load is enough to cover my expenses. One client recently observed that my client work must not feel like work. She’s right. It doesn’t really. It’s just an amplification of my passion. And, working with clients is a bridge to eventually creating large amounts of money at will. Just as my bridging job was the bridge to what I’m doing now.
Ultimately I’m creating a reality where money becomes just another manifestation of my will. Given what I’m experiencing now, which, again, confirms all Abraham and Seth told me, I know money just becoming another manifestation is happening too.
What can be more practical than that? What can be more practical than creating lives for ourselves? Lives on our own terms, according to our dreams? Not “wildest dreams” because no dream is too wild as to not become realized. Not when one taps into their Broader Perspective.
More fabulous experiences lie ahead. I’m eager for them all. For now, let’s look at the latest two from this month.
A spiritual life can make anything we desire a reality. (Photo by Omid Armin)
Moving into alternate dimensions
As one soothes beliefs causing ego to focus solely in this physical reality, the ultimate reality reveals itself. The “ultimate reality” is nonphysical, where we exist as expanding gods taking on many forms. Yes, we are human. But we are far more than that. We are aware-ized energy creating infinite alternate dimensions. As we create them, we simultaneously expand ourselves into them. Alternate versions of us then populate and explore them, just as we, here, explore this one.
In this way, we are everywhere at once. But our human ego mesmerizes us exclusively into this reality. It will do that until we die, unless we choose a different path. That different path becomes available the moment one begins realizing they’re more than a human in a body. With proper guidance, one gradually begins expanding their consciousness. That expansion makes one aware of the ultimate reality.
What one perceives from there depends on the individual. My initial experiences are “flashes” of awareness in the many dimensions I’m creating. They started as single flashes, but now I have many in one sitting. Here’s an example. In it, I experienced more than 10 projections in one 30-minute session:
(above) Initial notes leading to detail recap of my projections (below)
Some however are full-on immersions. Immersions where I’m exploring a single dimension for some time. For now, it’s only a few moments, perhaps a minute or two. But it’s longer than “flashes”. Like this example below:
This is the Charmed Life
I know many more abilities lie ahead on my journey. Some things I’m heading towards would boggle ordinary people’s minds. But I know, given what’s happening these days, that those experiences are just as possible. Hell, just a few years ago, I thought visiting alternate dimensions was a pipe dream. Let alone visiting multiple alternate dimensions in a 30 minute period!
This is what I call the Charmed Life. It’s a life lived on my own terms. But more than that. It is a life where my dreams become real. As they should be, because we’re meant to turn our thoughts into things. I’m living my life, where my thoughts and dreams become my reality. And the more I get, the more bold I become.
I’m heading toward an increasing extraordinary life. Along the way, my life is becoming even more delightful as dreams become self-fulfilling. Self-fulfilled dreams prompt wonder and joy, the Charmed Life that is my life. Everyone can enjoy their version of that, including you. You are a god in human form, after all. Why not create your own?
It’s hard to believe until we experience it consciously, but every person we meet is a “ghost”. Each person is an in-the-moment creation of ours. As there is no objective reality, this should make total sense.
We each create versions of people we meet moment by moment. And each version we create reflects back to us what we think about that person. This explains why people we get to know very well remain consistently the same in our experience. We’re constantly recreating such people in the image of our dominant beliefs about them.
It also explains why sometimes we act one way in the company of one person, and totally another way around someone else. We “collapse” into expectations people have about us. That is unless our self image is strong enough to overcome their expectation.
Knowing this offers tremendous opportunity. If we’re creating versions of people we meet, through beliefs we hold about such people, that means we can create any versions of anyone we want.
Think about that.
Creating lovers
If we’re having difficulty with a partner, for example, it’s only because we’re focusing into our experience that version of them which aligns with what we’re dominantly expecting from them. If that is true, then we can change our expectations of that person and that person will change. Without us even needing to involve them in the process!
I’ve had clients dramatically change versions of ex wives and boyfriends through this process. It’s not magic. It’s how the Universe is set up. Still, becoming proficient at this takes practice. Not because it’s a new skill – we’re doing this all the time, of course – but because we’ve trained ourselves into believing we’re not doing what we’re doing. So we must first unlearn our self-imposed limitations. Only then can we experience power inherent in us. The power to ongoingly, deliberately create people we meet. Including lovers.
Of course, this ability we all possess includes creating total strangers. I know this works because in experience after experience I created versions of strangers reflecting my expectation of people. I do the same with clients. My most recent experiences offer great examples of what I’m describing here.
Typos aside, here I share with a client why client sessions always feel so good. I create the entire experience deliberately.
Jedi mind “tricks” are real
Both experiences involve purchases I made at two different stores. In the first example, I bought a product for my bike. Two days later, I wanted to return it. I had the receipt, but not the original packaging. I knew the store likely wouldn’t refund my money without that packaging. But I also knew I create my reality, including other people.
So I stilled my mind. Then I imagined the store refunding my money. I felt, in that moment, how it would feel after the clerk returned my money. Then I went to the store.
I explained to the clerk who greeted me that I wanted to return the product. The clerk was hesitant so he called someone else. It turned out this other person was the store owner. For a split second I lost my focus on my expectation, but quickly regained it. He asked why I wanted to return it. I told him calmly, then he explained that it would be hard for them to resell the item without its original packaging.
I said nothing. Instead, I held to my vision of the store refunding my money. I could tell he was spinning his wheels thinking what to do.
The power of the Force is strong in all of us. Our entire reality springs from the “force” of our expectations.
Finally, he said he’d refund my money. It was an awesome demonstration and felt so easy!
The next day, the exact same thing happened with another item from a different store! I set my intention, then I went to the store. The cashier looked over the item. It had a little bit of wear on it and, even though he looked right at that, he agreed to take it back!
The impossible, possible
The same experience happens with my clients. Before when clients told me things that disappointed them about their lives, I used to focus on those specific disappointments. What I noticed over time was the more I focused on those things, clients would return the next session with even more trouble! But when I focused on seeing clients’ lives getting better, that’s just what I experienced: versions of clients whose lives got better!
Of course my clients have agency in their lives. It’s not like I’m overriding their intentions or their lives. What happens when we create better versions of people is we connect with such people’s Broader Perspective, which is always holding the best version of those people. In doing that, we kind of call forth that aspect from those people. Then those people, as cooperative components, are more susceptible to hearing impulses from that Broader Perspective guidance. Guidance which always leads them to their best lives.
I know this sounds impossible, incredible even. But as I wrote above, personal experience cannot be denied. Once you’ve had enough experiences like those I’ve enjoyed, you must agree something extraordinary, or extrasensory, is happening.
The thing is, something extrasensory IS happening. We all are gods in human form. We’re expanding our capabilities through earthly experience. Earth is not our home. It’s a sand box in which we learn how to expand our consciousnesses.
Most people don’t understand this for various reasons. That’s why most people think what I’m describing here is impossible. But it’s totally possible. Again, we do what I’m describing here all day every day. Not availing ourselves deliberate control of such abilities leaves us feeling out of control and alone.
Regaining who we are and our power
There, in loneliness and lack of control, it’s easy to blame others for what we see in the world. Long ago I experienced disconnection and lack of power. These days, though, I’ve regained what I once lost. That’s why I experience growing abilities like what I described above. It’s why I know the world I experience springs from beliefs I hold about it. About it and about the people in it. The more I do that, the more empowered I feel. Because I AM more empowered. Empowered as THE creator of my reality.
Developing abilities like these is part of regaining knowledge of who and what we really are. Extrasensory Perception or ESP, for example, is real. So is traveling outside of one’s body and creating people as we want them to be. All of these are every-moment, real experiences. Most of us aren’t aware we’re having such experiences though because we don’t believe they’re possible.
Nearly all religions allude to expanded consciousness as life’s purpose. That purpose becomes realized through stilling one’s mind. Then turning that stilled mind to focus on the life we’d prefer. Not the one our eyes show us. That process is the basis of a Positively Focused practice.
Most people haven’t tried stilling their minds. Not seriously. Nor have they done so under guidance from an expert. Many others start, but then give up. Only diligent, daily practice, usually under someone who’s gone before, yields expanded consciousness.
Once consciousness expands, extraordinary powers become available. But most people think stilling themselves isn’t worth their time. They’re too plugged into the Matrix. They complain about their lives and their world. Rather than doing the one thing that improves life: Becoming internally what they wish to see in the world.
Why do so many want to be in love? Is it because it feels good? Is it because we’re taught to crave it from books and movies, our families and friends and today, social media? Or does something more compel us toward this powerful emotion?
And a powerful emotion it is. We kill for love, die for love, lie for love. We’ll trade everything for love. The emotion we call love literally creates art and beauty. Receiving another’s love, whether from a pet or a human feels so good. It’s no wonder some believe people can’t live without it.
But what is it exactly? Depending who we ask we’ll get different answers. Science has its theories. This one in particular is interesting. A client of mine loves to share how many different kinds of love there are. He quotes the Greeks and their love delineations: agape, philia, pragma and eros among others.
But another definition of love exists. Get this right, experience it and no other love compares.
Love…is what you are. It is what we all are. It is all there is.
The world reflects our inner state
Not only are each of us humans living expressions of love that we are, everything we experience is too. That’s because our physical world acts as a mirror. It reflects our own inner state. In other words, our inner state gets pushed out of us into the world we experience.
Many find this difficult to accept, but the world is completely subjective. An objective reality doesn’t exist. For each of us, the physical “world” we experience is a direct manifestation of what we are.
Given how divisive, anxiety-ridden and, in some places, war torn the world is, it’s hard to accept that the world reflects our inner state as love. And yet, even with such divisiveness, anxiety and conflict, many on the planet do not experiencing such things. The cool thing is, no one need experience them. Those who do experience them as a reflection of something happening “in” them.
The world exists as a reflection so we may each do something about our inner state. Physical reality then is a nice thing to experience. It is helpful. Like a speedometer that tells us how fast we go when we drive.
When one starts understanding how the world reflects their inner state, suddenly, that person regains tremendous power over their experience. They can literally transform an anxiety-ridden, war-torn disaster into paradise.
How? By getting really good at expressing the love we are, instead of expressing through distorted beliefs. That happens, in a phrase, through deliberate focus.
The enduring case for love
Since the world is a reflection of our inner state, and since we’re all love, then the world must also be love. That must therefore mean that nothing going on in the world is “wrong” or “bad”. Good and evil are human constructs. They’re also distortions. Look closely and you’ll find what we often call evil leads to very positive outcomes.
We don’t need such tragic situations though to enjoy the positive outcome. But most people don’t remember they are love. Instead they get caught up focusing on things they’d rather not experience. The problem is, by focusing there, they push more of what they focus on into their externally-projected inner state.
This is the argument for an enduring, chronic state of living from the love we all are. For when we do that, life gets really great. This was the message of Christ. Through forgiveness, acceptance and contemplation, we return to the enduring state of our authenticity that is love. From there, the only world we see is one reflecting that enduring state.
Abraham puts it plain:
Why love is so powerful and why it’s so good.
Love is good for us. It is what we are. Humans make love way too complicated. Love literally is all there is. The more a person uncovers their enduring, eternal state of the love they are, the more life matches that.
This explains why I call outcomes my clients experience the Charmed Life. I show clients how to affordably uncover their authentic selves and live from that consistently. When they do, their lives reflect that authenticity in all ways.
It’s the authentic, eternal, invincible state of All That Is expressed as the unique individuals my clients are.
My Out of Body Experiences (OBE) are increasing in duration and quality. This past weekend (May 6) I enjoyed the best one yet. Of course, every one feels like “the best one yet” when I experience it. That’s consistent with what Abraham says about such experiences. They say joy coming from such experience never lasts.
That’s because we’re eternal. So we always want more. Abraham says new desires spring from fulfilled ones constantly. So what we have now, must give way to some new desire.
Besides, these magical, spiritual powers are commonplace across All That Is. It’s only humans that don’t enjoy them. So when a human consciousness regains such abilities, its Broader Perspective is already having them. Tapping into such experiences, therefore, just feels normal once one experiences experience from their Broader Perspective.
There is something I didn’t realize though. That is, how uncomfortable tapping in is. Sometimes it’s downright painful. Kundalini Yogis talk about this. As the serpent ascends, body sensations often border on extreme discomfort. Sometimes those sensations hurt.
That’s been my experience. In the past few weeks, I’ve suffered through sensations so intense I nearly stopped the session. Other experiences had me begging for session-end. These painful experiences are new to me. Like this one, for example:
The graph above the description shows how uncomfortable the session got towards the end. Yet, note that I enjoyed two out of body projections.
I find it ironic that I also experienced two projections in the same session. Right before all that pain happened!
Not giving up
Of course, I consider all this the price of admission. Most sessions bring so much bliss I am more than willing to trade an occasional struggle. I believe struggle during sessions also indicates further expansion. They represent a release of old energetic blockages in my body, leading to further expansion into abilities I strongly desire.
Take this session, for example:
An incredibly satisfying projection.
Here’s another example: I had a fabulous, long-form projection. My consciousness traveled spontaneously. In a moment, I found myself in a totally different advanced civilization. When I came out of it, I was stunned. The detail and the length of the experience was tremendous:
Both experience types bring further enlightenment. They tell me I’m getting better. They tell me I’m developing my spirit magic. As a result, I find surprise, delight and joy in these experiences. Even the painful ones.
For all these are the hallmarks of the Charmed Life I write about here. The more experiences like these I enjoy, the further I get into that wonderful life. It’s a life everyone can enjoy. Want to join me on this adventure? Contact me. Let’s talk.