How Everything We Want Thrills Us With Perfect Timing

TL;DR: The author recounts a week of experiences, highlighting the importance of alignment with one’s Broader Perspective. Despite initial plans falling through, the author’s willingness to go with the flow led to a solo trip to the Oregon coast, filled with unexpected joys and breathtaking beauty. This experience serves as a reminder that the Universe delivers what we want, often in unexpected and more satisfying ways.

Yesterday, Thursday, something remarkable happened. Although I’m not that surprised because my alignment to All That Is is producing so many remarkable experiences I find myself barely able to keep up with it all.

What happened Thursday is worth sharing though because it offers so many learning opportunities. Especially for those just beginning, following Law of Attraction, working with the Seth material or other similar practices. What happened also shows how everything we want results from us being aligned. And, that “result” comes as a result of being able to hear; hearing and then immediately following our Broader Perspective guidance.

Let’s dive in.

Soothing destabilization

I’m writing this on Friday, the day after what happened. But the story begins almost exactly one week ago. Last week, I wanted to go to the Oregon coast. I thought it would be a great time to go with a friend of mine. I’ll call her Grace. Grace is pretty spiritually aware. A big aspect of her spiritual orientation is dream work. Her spiritual orientation allows her and I to enjoy our time together.

But Grace also has a past. Like many of us, myself included, she lived her life in contrast: “negative” experiences offering clarity. Clarity she would only realize after the fact. For example, she was part a Christian cult for many years. She met and married her “wasband” in that cult. She also worked many years in a private company I won’t mention that subjected her to a lot of experiences not aligned with who she now knows herself to be.

All that contrast she’s still working through today. From time-to-time a past belief will pop up and destabilize her. Most times, her response to them is admirable. She catches it, soothes herself, then goes on. Sometimes it takes only moments. But sometimes it’s days or weeks.

In the latter instances I won’t hear from her, but I can feel her energy calibrating…

It’s never wrong

So on Tuesday last week I called Grace. I suggested we head to the coast Thursday. She was all in and told me to expect her at my apartment at 10 am Thursday morning.

Thursday morning at 9:30 she texted me. She’d be 20 minutes late, she said. No biggie, I thought, although her being late seems to be developing into a pattern. She arrived 10 minutes earlier than she expected, still 11 minutes late.

When I met her at her car, I could tell something was up. I asked what was happening and tears started flowing down her face. Grace explained that she had a tough morning that involved struggling with technology then wrestling with thoughts and beliefs about always being late, being hard on herself and more. She even worried that I would be mad at her if she arrived late.

I wasn’t mad in that moment. I was more curious. But I did feel some annoyance that she was late.

“Who cares if I get mad?” I asked. “It doesn’t really matter.”

Of course it doesn’t matter. When a person is feeling any emotion, especially negative ones, that emotion has nothing to do with anything happening outside that person. A Positively Focused practice makes this obvious.

But people often take other peoples’ emotional state as indicating they did something wrong. That’s never the case, but we’re all taught at an early age that we can make people feel different things. Again, this is not accurate.

Communication from angels

Eventually it was clear Grace was in no shape to head to the coast. I suggested she head back home and relax instead. I told her I would be totally ok with that. Soothed a bit more, Grace agreed. I got out of her car and she drove off.

I would have enjoyed heading to the coast, but obviously today wasn’t the day. Relaxing myself, I then went back up to my apartment and focused on getting some things done and enjoying my day off. Friday and the weekend came and went.

Tuesday the following week, I wanted to go on a run. The weather wasn’t cooperating though. It started raining although the forecast showed it wouldn’t rain until five hours later. I felt frustrated about that. In that moment I saw 1313 on my phone. I keep my phone on military time, so “1313” is the same as 1:13 p.m. The military time version however is what’s called an “Angel Number” in New Age Circles.

According to experts, 1313 often appears during moments of change, challenge, or shifting emotions, offering reassurance and guidance to help us navigate these experiences with grace. So I knew this Angel Number signified my frustration and an opportunity to navigate that feeling into a better-feeling one. I did so, and shortly after, received the number 1331 on my phone which also is an Angel Number.

1331 is the mirror of 1313. 1331 emphasizes growth through challenges and creatively navigating disruptions. It encourages forward momentum and trust in the process. It also reflects harmony between the inner self and outer circumstances. Seeing 1331 after seeing 1313 indicates a shift into alignment.

I did feel better. But what happened later in the week I know happened because of this inner shift I made.

Going with the flow

Every morning I typically meditate at least once for an hour. Usually I meditate twice, once in the very early morning and again after waking up for the day. On Thursday, none of that happened. I slept through the night Wednesday night. When I woke Thursday, my Broader Perspective spoke to me as clear as someone right next to me.

They said “Go to the Oregon coast today.”

Of course when my Broader Perspective tells me to do something, I usually snap to it. This was no different. It would require renting a car because I don’t have one. I checked the weather and…holy smokes…it was going to be perfect all day. Sunny skies and 55 degrees, both in the city and out on the Oregon coast!

I Googled “rental cars” and got a booking website. The first offering for the date and time I selected was for a Fiat sports car for only $36 a day! What a deal! I checked the details and booked the car. Arriving at the rental center, a friendly counter agent greeted me. I asked if I would get that Fiat and he said no, those cars are reserved at the airport only.

I was slightly disappointed, but remembered the message inherent in 1313. This was an adventure and I was going to go with the flow of it!

Instead of a Fiat, I got a Chevy Malibu, which was actually a comfortable car. What I liked most about it was Apple CarPlay which allowed me to play my music through the car’s excellent speakers.

But the best part was the cost: less than $100 for a 2-day car rental! Insurance included!

A spectacular adventure

My drive to the coast was nothing short of spectacular. Having no responsibility and no job, I took my time, stopping at places and stretching, admiring the views, basically enjoying the whole trip. It was nice traveling the speed limit rather than trying to rush to the destination. I had no destination after all. It was a pure, joyful, solitary adventure.

I planned to head to Cannon Beach or Manzanita, two of my favorite Oregon coast spots. But my Broader Perspective had other plans. After heading through Astoria and admiring that coastal city, my Broader Perspective encouraged me to explore someplace I hadn’t before: a small hamlet called Gearhart.


Gearhart featured a near-deserted beach stretching at least 10 miles! It was totally flat, the tide was out, and the only others out there besides me were clam hunters. What’s more, the temperature was near 60 degrees! That’s unheard of in December. Usually also in winter the winds pick up on the beach. Not today. The winds barely blew. So I was toasty as I walked up and down the beach for about four hours.

As the sun began setting I got ready to head back to the Malibu. But again, my Broader Perspective had other plans. It encouraged me to wait and enjoy the sunset. There was still an hour before the sun would go down so I grabbed a spot on a really beautiful weatherworn bench and read from my reading device. Then, as the sun set, the sky included a dappling of clouds that arrived in perfect timing.

The glorious sunset at Gearhart, Oregon.

Delivering what we want

As the sun went down it played with earth’s atmosphere to create what I swear was an oil painting in the sky. It was absolutely gorgeous. And, as the sun set I felt warm, magical and blessed as I marveled at how, just a week ago I wanted to visit the beach. And here I was, me and my Broader Perspective, witnessing and appreciating and reveling in an age-old pursuit: enjoying the sun setting.

What great guidance! It was one of the best sunsets I’ve ever seen. After the sun went down, I walked back to the Malibu, then enjoyed a peaceful, easy drive back to my apartment. Of course, I got perfect parking, then reveled in my home.

I reveled in how I held no resistance to not being able to go to the beach last week. In doing so, I lined up with my Broader Perspective which must have known that going on my own would be much more thrilling, much more satisfying.

It sure was! And the weather was perfect, which was not the case last week. Last week was grey and cold.

And this is the thing with All That Is. It delivers what we want. Every time. But sometimes, it delivers things in ways we can’t expect. And if we’re open to it, that unexpected way can be more satisfying than the way we want it to happen.

Often the way we want it to happen includes it happening on the schedule we expect. But if we are willing to go with the flow instead, give up thinking we know the best time for something to happen, or the best way it’s supposed to happen, we’ll be more than pleasantly surprised.

We’ll be thrilled.

Speaking of going with the flow, you’re invited to a 90-minute online event on March 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time called Belief Constellations: Politics, Relationships And Our MAGNIFICENT Future. I’ll give a deep dive into what Belief Constellations are and how to use them to align with the fabulous future on the horizon. It’s only $15. Grab a spot, or, if you’re a MeetUp member, go here.

How The Poor Stay Poor (It’s Not Their Fault, Kinda)

TL;DR: The author emphasizes how beliefs shape our financial reality, using a client’s experience to illustrate how limiting thoughts block opportunities. It argues that aligning beliefs with desires is key to success, revealing that poverty results from mindset, not external forces. Through self-awareness and belief alignment, wealth and fulfillment become achievable.

I wouldn’t say or share any of what you’re about to read to a poor person. They’re just not ready to hear it. What they’ll hear is me blaming them. But this isn’t about blame, it’s about empowerment…

A client’s experiences showed me this week how powerful this You Create Your Own Reality (YCYOR) business is. Our thoughts and beliefs are so powerful, they not only create experiences we call daily life, they also block us from experiencing daily lives containing things we want.

This includes wealth. Indeed, most people, if they’re honest, will say they’d love having more money than they have, no matter how much they do have. If they don’t want more, it’s usually because beliefs existing inside them block that natural desire. Wanting more is the essence of of All That Is. It’s what makes “eternity” possible.

That’s another story though.

In this story, I want to share how our beliefs create realities that literally keep things we want from coming to us, including money. I’m going to show how this works through a recent experience a client had with the Positively Focused practice. His experience, even though he’s far from poor, proves the point I’m making: That poor people stay poor through the beliefs they hold. By “poor” I include those in the middle class who struggle to make ends meet, as well as those below the poverty line.

So let’s get into this. I’m sure we’re going to find what I’m about to share…interesting at the very least.

Trump: Good? Bad?

I’ll call my client “John”. I know, it’s not very creative.

John’s been a client about 50 weeks. He became a client after watching his partner transform for the better right before his eyes. Her example was so positive, he said, he wanted some of what she was getting.

John is successful as a software developer. He’s also quite astute at finance. An ardent progressive, he voted for Harris. So when Trump won the election, John expressed rather strong disappointment, but, because of the Positively Focused practice, he didn’t let that go very far, which left him open for an amazing experience coming.

Fast forward to December. By that point last year, something happened that shocked many observers. The cryptocurrency Bitcoin reached well over $100,000 a token. Historically, past presidential administrations were critical of crypto markets in general and Bitcoin specifically. Indeed, many expected that if Harris won the election, her administration would follow with the Biden Administration’s sharp criticism of crypto.

Not so with Trump. He promised in his later campaign speeches to become the most favorable cryptocurrency president.

The future: Crypto?

Trump won, of course. And crypto advocates, who had funded many successful 2024 political campaigns, including Trump’s, felt jubilant. So did much of the business world.

Cryptocurrency is a huge world-transforming technology. Like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet and computer technology before it, crypto is literally changing every facet of life right under our noses. Unlike previous inventions, however, crypto is poised to fundamentally disrupt society in so many beneficial ways, it’s hard to wrap one’s head around them all.

That potential also offers tremendous wealth-making opportunities. Unlike past opportunities, which made themselves mostly available to the already-wealthy, the movement crypto represents brings those wealth-making opportunities to everyone. Anyone can potentially become richer than they ever have been before. Indeed, many already have. And those people started out not rich at all.

That said, those potential riches are only available to people aligned with the opportunity. That’s where John and thoughts and beliefs come back into this story.

Chicken? Or egg?

Everyone creates their reality through thoughts and beliefs they hold. Those thoughts and beliefs literally filter our lives. They only allow events into our lives that are aligned with them. So if a person holds a belief that, for example, “money is hard to come by”, they cannot see opportunities where money is easy to come by.

Same holds for those who believe crypto is a scam. Such people will not be able to see money-making opportunities available through crypto. I should know: I was once one of those people!

Not any more.

Thoughts and beliefs don’t even have to be about crypto to block these opportunities. Beliefs about ourselves can block them too. If we believe, for example, that “I can’t get ahead”, that thought will keep creating experiences where we, literally, can’t get ahead.

But we must ask whether this is a chicken-or-egg situation: Did those experiences happen first, and then we concluded that “I can’t get ahead”? Or did somehow we come up with that self concept, of a person who can’t get ahead, then experienced experiences as evidence of that concept?

The answer is, it can be both. People can hold a thought, then experience a life matching that. Or something can happen, then they draw a conclusion from that and thus create resonance in them that has them keep having that experience.

Empowering? Or disempowering?

In John’s case, he saw his parents struggle. He related how he noticed his family frequently on the edge of financial insolvency. He wore hand-me-down clothes in school and was enrolled in his school’s free lunch program. John joked with all seriousness about how being on the free lunch program affected him by saying “Why do free lunch program tickets need to be a different color from regular tickets?”

Can you see how such an observation reveals the strong negative experience John had?

John made up stories about those happenings, especially stories about himself. He wasn’t going to end up like his parents. So he took a more guarded, preventative perspective on money. One of his beliefs, for example, is “Building a bank account is hard. It takes a long time. I don’t want to make the wrong choice.”

As a result of this belief, John has become extremely financially successful. He’s managed his money very closely. His work income is, in his words, “ridiculous” in its generosity. And yet, as empowering as his beliefs are, they still limit what’s possible for him. I’ll explain how in a bit.

A vicious cycle

We can see how beliefs in a world not in our control would compel us into social liberalism. If one finds it hard to get ahead, or that situations are out of our control, we’ll will see others having similar troubles. Not knowing about the Positively Focused approach, we’ll want to place blame on something outside ourselves.

We won’t know the trouble source is our thoughts and beliefs. So we’ll look to the world around us for the origin of our struggles.

It’s a kind of vicious cycle: thoughts and beliefs filter in events matching them and filter out those not matching them, which reinforce thoughts and beliefs. If one doesn’t know this, a person will look for the source of the problem outside themselves and blame that. Little do they know placing blame is a reflection of their inner beliefs: the belief that something outside them is to blame, that and the belief creating whatever problems they’re having in the first place.

The reflection happens so the person can do something about the beliefs not aligned with what the person wants. When they do that, they get what they want. It’s that simple. Blaming just prolongs problems or it creates new ones.

This is the vicious cycle social liberals find themselves in. Social conservatives do the same thing, by the way. They blame their problems on a society run amok, away from conservative values. In other words, something outside themselves. Liberals and conservatives have far more in common than both sides realize.

John’s beliefs are what has him being both socially and fiscally liberal. In the next section I’ll flesh this out a little more.

The Universe faithfully reflects

John believing, among other things, that making and keeping money is hard and takes a long time, and you can’t make a mistake, is part of why he is socially and fiscally liberal. He believes people need help because life is hard. Especially the part of life that is about making money. After all, he saw his parents struggle. For John, this belief isn’t a belief. It’s “true”.

John also knows there are many people out there trying to get other people’s money, often in unscrupulous ways. So not only is he on guard about that himself, he’s also wary of people falling victim to such schemes. This partly explains why he believes people need help, i.e. a society socially oriented towards taking care of people.

Now, people do need a hand out or a hand up from time to time. Virtually everyone, myself included at one point, knows nothing about how the Universe works. Because of that lack of knowledge, people think thoughts, hold beliefs, make decisions and take action based on those that aren’t in their best interest.

Of course, the Universe faithfully reflects all that back to people in the form of life matching what’s going on in us. But people don’t know that’s happening. So most people point the finger at the world around them. Even though the world around them is a product of their thoughts, beliefs and actions.

John is learning this. And what he’s finding is making a huge difference.

Trump’s contribution to the better world

John sees Trump as somewhat inept and susceptible to others’ influence. As a result, throughout the election campaign, John as an ardent Positively Focused practitioner, strives to find the best-feeling story about the election outcome.

In doin that, John made himself available to the reality that the Trump administration is going to play a huge part in a wonderful unfolding. An unfolding offering everyone massive opportunities to prosper in a future that’s literally unbelievable.

That future also supports the ascension New Age spiritualists reverently expect. All this is coming aided by an administration many “spiritualist” Americans vehemently disavow.

How can this be?

Trump and those he is appointing likely have no idea how their actions in the future play into the hands of this unfolding. That’s because, of course, their thoughts and beliefs aren’t focused there. They’re focused on their political agenda, which primarily is about delivering on their campaign promises. That and keeping people’s attention and thus their future votes and money.

But what they don’t know is many of those promises are going to support the unfolding I mentioned above. And one aspect facilitating that unfolding is…wait for it: cryptocurrency.

A new future lies ahead

I’ll avoid going in depth on other technologies emerging which also further this unfolding. I want to keep this post rather short and it’s already long. But I will mention some of them. I’ll mention them because the information is important to understand points I’m making in this post. You can research them further if you choose.

Cryptocurrencies underpin the emerging next generation of the Internet, also called “Web3”. But “Cryptocurrency” distracts the public. It’s not so much their function as currencies that matters. It’s the projects these currencies underwrite and support that matter. In the way software and microprocessors ushered in the computer age, these “currencies” and their projects are introducing Web3. Web3 is a decentralized, open, more secure and more peer-to-peer internet.

But these projects are also fostering, among many other things, Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI agents, which basically are personal servants that act on the internet on our behalf; new ways to conduct financial transactions and contracts without banks, lawyers or the government; and making wealth far more accessible to ordinary people.

We’re exactly at the point where we were when computers or the internet first started: the world is being transformed once again. Only this time much faster and from far more directions than before.

And those who are aware of these opportunities and take action, just like in the past with computers and the internet, are going to get rich. But those who aren’t aware of them will miss the opportunities.

What separates those who are aware from those who aren’t? Individual beliefs. That’s all.

“A no-brainer”

One session late last year, I talked with John about everything you just read in the previous section. The conversation revolved mostly around Bitcoin and its meteoric rise. But that focus kicked off a conversation about everything else happening in the crypto space. Because of John’s old beliefs, he was skeptical. He told me he always viewed Bitcoin as a “grift”.

“They call them cryptocurrencies, but you can’t buy anything with them,” he quipped.

By the end of the session, however, he saw how that belief blocked him from really understanding what is happening and what’s coming. That opening, his ability to see anew, triggered something good in him.

After our session, he sent me a text message:

In our next session, John floored me with his news. We first talked about how surprised he was that he didn’t look into this sooner.

“After I took a deep look at it,” he said. “It was a no brainer.”

And this is the thing about old beliefs. When they’re soothed, suddenly, the new view one has of the world just feels like an “of course”. That’s because the world constantly offers broader perspectives from which to view it. And when a person steps into that, they literally walk into a new reality. One that now matches their fresh, new perspective.

Missing an opportunity

So profound was John’s shift, even he was surprised. He told me the next morning he put $50K into Bitcoin. But his Broader Perspective encouraged he put more in. So he put in $100K more. But his Broader Perspective encouraged putting in even more. So he put in another $50! All after one conversation!

Again, this is what happens when one lets go of resistant beliefs. And, the minute one does, one also must contend with the new set of contrast that accompanies the new beliefs. In John’s case that was feeling regretful that he didn’t take this action six months ago when Bitcoin’s price was much lower.

“I should have done this last summer,” He argued mournfully. I told him there’s nothing he can do about that other than soothe his regret. But the solace he could take from the experience is realizing how powerful beliefs are.

“They literally block us from seeing opportunities,” I told him. Of course, John could see that now.

There was no way John could have done anything different from what he did last summer. So there’s no point mourning that non-action, even though had he put $200,000 into Bitcoin last summer at $87K a coin, he would have already seen a nice increase in value.

We do it to ourselves

John’s experience shows how powerful beliefs are. I’ve written this many times in this post, but it bears repeating: Beliefs create our reality. They only allow in that which accords with them. Everything else they block.

It’s important therefore that we become more deliberate about what beliefs we have, isn’t it?

I know it is important, which is why I work with clients.

No one blocks us from anything we want. Only we do that by not examining beliefs that block those things we want from coming into our experience.

And this is how the poor remain poor. No one is keeping them poor! They are doing that to themselves. Of course, they’re not doing it deliberately. They don’t understand what they’re doing. The problem with that lack of understanding is, along with their disempowering beliefs, if someone like me tries to tell them what they’re doing (or not doing), their current beliefs will not allow them to hear what I’m saying.

Or they’ll hear it and think I’m trying to fraud them. They’ll think I’m just spouting new-age nonsense, in the same way John thought cryptocurrency was a grift. And when they think that way, they just amplify their existing Belief Constellations, further blinding them from opportunities to rise from poverty.

Beliefs are powerful

At the beginning of this post I wrote that I’m not blaming anyone. This isn’t about blame. John isn’t to blame for beliefs blocking opportunities. No one else holds those beliefs for him though. He’s doing that.

Does that make him to blame for that? Is it his “fault”?

You could look at it that way, but I don’t. I look at it more positively. This whole post is not about blaming the poor or blaming John. What it is about is using his example and the example of poor people to empower those reading this. For now you know, dear reader, that you possess an extraordinarily empowering tool: your beliefs.

And if you cultivate beliefs consistent with what you want, in a very short time, the world will reveal to you exactly that and only that. For when you align your beliefs with what you want, they, like all beliefs, block everything not aligned with them.

That’s why I can say, for example, that when a person aligns their beliefs, nothing can come in contrary to what they believe.

Beliefs are powerful.

The poor stay poor by virtue of the poverty in their beliefs. People get rich by virtue of the wealth inherent in their beliefs. Your world is your word, meaning how you think about the world shapes your experience of it.

Speaking of beliefs, you’re invited to a 90-minute online event on March 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time called Belief Constellations: Politics, Relationships And Our MAGNIFICENT Future. I’ll give a deep dive into what Belief Constellations are and how to use them to align with the fabulous future on the horizon. It’s only $15. Grab a spot, or, if you’re a MeetUp member, go here.

More Fabulous Results Towards Becoming A Shapeshifter

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author recounts a meditative experience where they felt their body compressing and changing shape, suggesting progress towards their goal of shapeshifting.  They acknowledge the subjective nature of this experience but believe it is possible through practice and releasing resistance. The author also reflects on the implications of their journey, including the potential to inspire humanity and their role as a world leader.

Aside from wonderful dream recall, recalling dreams wherein I lived in alternate realities that were so clear, so tangibly real, like this reality, I also experienced in meditation this morning, more evidence of progress towards the reality in which I am a shapeshifter.

That was a long sentence. But there’s absolutely convincing evidence that becoming a shapeshifter is possible. 

The only thing is, the evidence is 100 percent subjective. That’s the basis of all reality though. And if one understands that…no…if they KNOW that, then the evidence is absolutely convincing. Otherwise, it seems like a delusion.

I know it’s not a delusion.

I want to describe what happened while asleep, because what happened is so rich and satisfying. But I cannot accurately communicate that rich satisfaction because it is, again, subjective. The best way for one to feel what I feel upon waking and while in a sleep state is experiencing it themselves. What’s problematic about that is, having such events occur takes practice. Both practice and time. Preferably practice and time with someone who knows how to achieve what I’ve achieved.

So instead, I’ll just describe what happened in my meditation as feelings overcame me. Feelings accompanied by sensations proving I’m becoming a shapeshifter.

Here we go!

Science gets in the way

After the first 30-minutes of my hour meditation, the sensations began. My goal in becoming a shapeshifter is to accomplish something truly remarkable. I’m focusing on shifting my male body into a female one. Doing so presents interesting physical and physics-related challenges. I’m six feet tall and 166 pounds. My body is quite muscular after years of working out. I present an unequivocal male form.

So shifting to female requires doing something about the law of conservation of mass implying mass can’t be created or destroyed. And becoming a woman requires losing mass, because, generally, a woman’s mass is less than a man.

The problem with that physics law is that it depends on a closed system. The problem with science, including physics, is that it believes certain things that are distortions about All That Is. One of those distortions is that All That Is is a closed system. It is not.

So I’m soothing such beliefs resisting my desire of becoming a shapeshifter. One of those goes like this: If I turn my body into a female, the female body will be composed of less mass. Where will the rest of that mass go? And how will I get it back when I want to become male again?”

Making definite progress

That belief puts the kibosh on shifting. If you read the thought as though you’re thinking it, you can feel the fear inherent in it. There’s a worry too that if I turn into a female, and want to turn back into a male, I won’t have the “mass” available to do it.

That worry is a problem and so is the fear, not the apparent mass conundrum. Believing in a closed system is a problem too. Thinking mass is conserved, in the way classical mechanics of science asserts, is a problem too.

Back to what happened.

So in the second half of the meditation, as usual, I focused on amplifying my conscious awareness of my conscious awareness. In doing so, I’m becoming more aware that I am more than my physical body. Instead, I’m pure, positive energy, an energy being, focusing myself into a reality — physical reality — I create from the energy that is me.

Interesting that today’s Abraham message provides an overview of how thoughts turn to things. We can create any thing therefore, through our thoughts and beliefs. Any. Thing.

That’s a major step in becoming a shapeshifter. Decoupling my identity from my body soothes stories preventing the transformation. It also soothes fears that pop up as evidence starts happening. Without soothing those fears, the fear of death comes up almost instantly. That instantly stops any forward progress.

Identifying with my body does the same thing. Because if I believe I “am” my body, and my body turns into something else, even with my willing participation, my identity gets threatened. That triggers fear and that too stops progress in its tracks.

The biggest resistance making it impossible

But in soothing identification with my body and also identifying what I am with what I actually am, then receiving evidence of that, I also realize I am eternal. Nothing can harm my essential self. That frees myself from resistant thoughts that ordinarily put the kibosh on dramatic things well within our ability, but out of bounds for those who don’t know who or what they are.

And this explains why doing something like this takes a while. A lot of soothing must take place. It’s not that it takes a long time to shape-shift. The moment we conjure the desire, the desire is done. It takes time because we must become a match to the desire. Becoming a match to wanting to shape-shift takes significant effort, again, not to shape-shift, but to soothe resistance keeping us from becoming a match to the act.

The biggest resistance at the surface of all this is believing shape-shifting is impossible. Other beliefs, those taught to us by science, for example, also stand in the way. But once those are soothed, the big ones must also be soothed. Those are what we believe we are and our fear of death.

I’ve made significant progress at all this. That explains why what happened this morning happened.

What happened was while I was in meditation, focusing on my awareness, I felt the body wanting to “compress”, to draw inwards, with that drawing-in oriented around the spinal column. I felt the neck’s circumference getting smaller. Also, I felt the shoulders, arms, and legs slenderizing. I also felt the teeth and gums “moving” as though seeking a position in the mouth as though the mouth were smaller. An essence of flowing, thick, long hair also registered around the head…

The inherent resistance in questions

Speaking of teeth: another resistant thought I must soothe has to do with what’s in my mouth. I have a crown and a filling in there. They are “inorganic”. I wonder, when I’m able to shapeshift, what will happen with those inorganic parts? Will I shift those too so they come with me into my new form? And when I turn back, will I manifest a new crown and filling? Or will my teeth, in my return, “become whole”, i.e. I won’t need a filling and crown anymore?

Again, these kinds of questions bring resistance to the table. And resistance is what slows down any manifestation. Resistance is initially unavoidable. It’s an inherent part of expansion. After all, what I’m doing is extremely leading edge. As such, it’s normal to entertain beliefs in the form of questions about things I don’t know that I want to know.

Of course, both Seth and Abraham suggest that posing such questions isn’t the best approach. They say it’s better to know that everything is working out as the best way to get what we want. But it’s normal to start with resistant-laden questions, then using them as launching pads towards less and less resistance. This is especially so for feats that have never been done before. At least not in this reality. At least not to my knowledge.

So as my 1-hour meditation timer went off, I remained in meditation for another eight minutes to nail down these feelings in my body. I wanted to remember how they felt so I could put them in this post.

Knowing it’s happening

The sensations and how I felt while observing them were quite reassuring. It’s wonderful feeling these things while knowing the process is working. I know the more I soothe resistant thoughts such as those I described above, I’ll “allow” more progress.

Meanwhile, the progress I’m seeing now, now feels like an “of course”; like, this is just how it happens: gradually, releasing resistance, expanding more into the desire, releasing more resistance and expanding even more into the desire. Until the desire fulfills itself in my reality.

That “of course” feeling, like this is just how it happens, is a very positive sign toward me actualizing becoming a shapeshifter. It shows me I’ve moved from “wanting to”, to “believing I can” to “knowing it’s happening”.

Sometimes I feel excited about sharing this accomplishment with the rest of humanity. I believe that’s part of this path. But most of the time, I’m more grounded. I know I’m not doing this for anyone but myself.

Well, I am doing it for others because I am a world leader, someone who came to show humanity what’s possible while holding the space for our collective ascent into a higher dimension.

And so, I feel the excitement and the groundedness both. Holding them both while having experiences like this morning feels really, really good.

Speaking of beliefs, you’re invited to a 90-minute online event on March 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time called Belief Constellations: Politics, Relationships And Our MAGNIFICENT Future. I’ll give a deep dive into what Belief Constellations are and how to use them to align with the fabulous future on the horizon. It’s only $15. Grab a spot, or, if you’re a MeetUp member, go here.

The Very Best Of Our World Is Coming. See It?

An amazing process is happening. It started long, long ago, but it’s really picking up steam in 2025.

Results of this process will astound virtually everyone. Indeed, it is astounding even people directly involved in it almost every week.

You and I will benefit tremendously from results of this process. In fact, many already are benefitting. They’re becoming more prosperous. Many are extremely excited about what they see happening. Many more are engaging with the process and feeling extreme excitement about the future.

And that’s the thing: anyone who gets involved, in their own unique way, will feel the same extreme excitement and empowerment that everyone else involved does.

But getting involved requires giving up what we think is happening. It also requires giving up what a lot of people are saying is happening. Only then can we see the wonder surrounding us. It’s happening right alongside all the terrible, crazy things people are focused on. But to see the good stuff, we must turn away from the bad stuff.

When we change our beliefs, then we’ll see how fantastic what is happening is. Abraham makes this so plain:

The very best of our world

The very best of our world is here for everyone. As I wrote above, many already have found it. We can too. I already have, which is why I’m urging you to find it too. And finding it easy.

Well it kinda is easy. Because it requires giving up being right.

Famous Astrophysicist and celebrity Neil deGrasse Tyson said something that’s become immortalized. It highlights the point I’m making in this post:

“One of the great challenges in life,” he says. “Is knowing enough about a subject to think that you’re right. But NOT knowing enough about the subject to know that you’re wrong.”

A lot of people are unwilling to “know enough to know that [they’re] wrong.” The trouble is, if they were willing, they would come into a fantastic world. One where everything they want is theirs.

If you think you’re ready to “know”, and you don’t already. I invite you to this online event on March 1. In it I describe the wonderful results flowing from what’s happening. Join me and you may find the world, and your life, is far, far better than you think it is. Only five spots remain.

How Everyone Can Thrive In The Trump America. Progressives Too

Seriously. Everyone is going to thrive as a result of Trump being in office. And I’m writing that as someone who voted for Harris!

Especially progressives CAN THRIVE even if we think America is being ruined. But to do so, we must stop giving away our power to FEAR. Fear and Elon Musk Derangement Syndrome.

A LOT of really great things are going to happen…ARE happening…with Trump in office. Not because of Trump being there, but because of what has happened since he moved in. Really, the entire world is going to be freer, more prosperous, more open, more diverse…and the environment is going to get better too.

Can’t see how all that’s going to happen? You might consider coming to this event where I detail it all. It’s only $15. March 1. Details in the link.

What Happens When I Appear In Client Dreams

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author recounts a client dream which featured them and uses the experience to assert that humans are more than human. They are eternal aware-energy beings.

A lot happens in nonphysical. “Nonphysical” is a better description of what humans call “Dreaming”. In that state, while the body refreshes itself in bed, our consciousness flows into the exact same place we come from before birth and return to after what humans call death.

Our “consciousness” is what we ultimately are: conscious aware energy.

While the body rests in sleep state, the aware energy that we are cooperates with innumerable other energetic beings in the massive co-creation that is universal expansion. Nearly every human knows nothing about this. Even those we vaunt as successful and highly educated. Indeed most humans think dreams are nothing more than the brain processing the day’s activities.

Nothing can be further from what’s really happening.

What’s really happening is each of us participates in the sacred process of creating more and more of All That Is. In that sacred process, we glorify ourselves and each other in a massive act of love. A massive act of loving ourselves. And through that act, that expression, out of us spring more joyful, unfolding realities.

So when clients get to the point of the Positively Focused dream work where they start experiencing the majesty of what they really are, that indicates remarkable-worthy progress.

Let’s look at what happened this week when a client met me in nonphysical and what happened next. And let’s look at what that means for him, for me and for the Universe at large.

What happened

The client, let’s call him “Jim”, talked about his experience in the beginning of our session. It happened that same morning, in the early hours, he said. In the “dream”, Jim said, we both walked into a large hall. Jim said he was part of “my followers”. As we entered the hall, two other beings entered as well accompanied by their followers. In the dream Jim recognized me and the other two as “spiritual leaders”.

The three spiritual leaders, me and the other two, sat at a large table. Our followers, Jim said, sat behind each of us. Then the spiritual leaders talked about plans underway. After the conversation, the three of us also talked about next steps. Jim then described how the spiritual leader he interpreted as leading the meeting entrusted me and the other leader with next steps. He said the presiding leader exuded tremendous confidence that me and the other being would complete the project.

So that was the experience as Jim described it. What does it mean? What’s the significance of an experience like that, one that humans would describe as “just a dream”? Was it just that? Or was it something more?

It was something more.

This was an important experience for Jim. It also was an important experience for me. Here’s why.

Way more than our physical bodies

Jim’s experience represents the second event a client shared in which the client and I interacted in nonphysical. The first happened a few weeks ago, when a client in Hawaii confirmed my Astral Travel experience. In that experience, while in a hypnopompic state, that client felt my consciousness arrive in her awareness. She allowed me to ride into and alongside her consciousness and experienced “me” in her awareness.

This happened while I was, at the same time, in meditation. I felt my own version of what she described. And so this experience confirmed by another that I’m progressing in my ability to travel as pure energy. If you’re interested about that experience, I wrote a whole blog post about it.

The fact that a second client now experienced me in their nonphysical state shows great promise for these two clients and for me. It confirms for me that these experiences aren’t just delusions I’m experiencing. Indeed, as Seth affirmed, they are real, actual experiences available to all of us. Because all of us are way more than our physical bodies.

We are pure, positive energy beings, as Abraham likes to say. I, for one, took those words seriously, as well as those of Seth. So I’ve focused a lot of my life over the last 10 years to discovering how far this You Create Your Own Reality Business (YCYORB) goes. What I’m discovering is, it can go as far as we want it…limited only by our beliefs.

And this is the benefit of Jim’s experience for him. It’s showing him, like mine are showing me, the true breadth and depth of who and what we are. And the feelings coming with such experiences are astounding in how good they feel.

Unlimited benefits

Jim fascination with that dream matched my own. The details are important because they confirm many things Abraham told me about my trajectory.

A lot happens in nonphysical. Even when we’re awake, parts of us remain active in there. We can perceive that active part of us, but it takes practice. That’s only because most humans condition themselves out of believing they can perceive that way.

The same holds true for perceiving nonphysical while the body sleeps. Again, most people don’t believe dreams mean anything. Those beliefs must be soothed before we perceive what’s really happening. Jim is a perfect example of what happens when we do that soothing. So are my experiences.

Dream state offers a peek into all that we are. (ChatGPT interpretation prompted by me)

Perceiving these alternative realities is our natural state. That’s why when I calm my mind, I can experience other dimensions in which I’m active. Of course, my awareness during sleep state is extremely keen. I remember a large number of dreams every night. And waking from them I feel the deepest joy and empowerment. I’ve written about those in previous posts. And I’ll likely write about more in the future.

The thing is, we are far more than human. Benefits that come from that broader awareness are unlimited. Through that awareness we can deliberately create any reality we want.

We’re all creators

Jim’s dream, as I wrote above, confirmed many things Abraham told me about my trajectory. I am an emissary of what’s possible. I’m here to show humanity what it’s capable of. And I’m here holding the space in which humanity is expanding.

I’m not the only one. As Jim’s “dream” showed, I’m accompanied and am co-creating with numbers of others, others who have cadres of humans here, on earth, assisting our collective intentions.

All of us have similar experiences. We may not all be “spiritual leaders” yet. Abraham, in a public event called me a “world leader”. It is a title I now embrace given all I’ve experienced. Like Neo in The Matrix, I now believe not only who I am but what I am and what I’m here for.

No, I’m beyond believing. I’ve experienced so much, I just know. I know what and who I am. And as I expand further into that knowledge, more and more becomes available. My expansion is boundless, as is yours, dear reader.

And so I invite you to discover what my clients and I are discovering: that the world is our creation. As such we can create whatever we desire. The only thing limiting us is our imagination. No political situation, no physical perceived limit holds sway. All of those bow before us.

Because we are creators. And when I appear in my clients’ dreams, they realize they are too.

Speaking of creators, you’re invited to a 90-minute online event on March 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time called Belief Constellations: Politics, Relationships And Our MAGNIFICENT Future. I’ll give a deep dive into what Belief Constellations are and how to use them to align with the fabulous future on the horizon. It’s only $15. Grab a spot, or, if you’re a MeetUp member, go here.

When A Nazi Salute Is, Isn’t, Then Is Again

TL;DR: Elon Musk’s awkward gesture at a rally sparked controversy, with some interpreting it as a Nazi salute. This event serves as a case study in how beliefs shape reality, with people’s interpretations influenced by their preconceived notions and emotional states. By understanding this phenomenon, individuals can align their focus with their desires and create a more empowered future, free from the limitations of fear-based beliefs.

Elon Musk is keeping the body politic guessing. He’s keeping others enraged and some others gleeful. People, generally, are going nuts about his latest gesture. Indeed, with Trump coming back into office, a lot of people are feeling really, really insecure. Meanwhile, the media are making advertising bank stoking fires of that insecurity.

Indeed, there’s no better time than now to see how powerful beliefs create reality. In seeing how powerful they’re playing out in current events, we as individuals can benefit from those examples. We can learn a thing or two, in other words.


By using current events, which are reflections of our collective inner state, as tuning devices, thereby increasing our alignment to what it is we want. Doing that, we can actually become happier. Even while others are in emotional upheaval and with not a thing changing around us.

Let’s use what Elon Musk did last week as an example. Then let’s amplify our clarity and discover how a Nazi salute that was, wasn’t, then was again.

First a disclaimer and trigger warning

This post contains potentially offensive content. Whether you experience it that way depends on your beliefs. If you’re Jewish or progressive and sensitive about the long history of fascism in the world, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU STOP READING RIGHT NOW.

SERIOUSLY, NAVIGATE AWAY FROM THIS PAGE. If you continue reading, and you make disparaging comments in the comment section, you are, for sure, going to be blocked because you can not control yourself. And this work, this Positively Focused practice, requires an extraordinary measure of self control.

Second disclaimer: I don’t have a dog in the fight that is US politics. It doesn’t matter what happens in politics to me because I’m the creator of my reality, not politicians. So while I’m diving into this political moment, the moment itself, and politics in general, are of little interest to me other than as learning experiences.

So I’m totally indifferent about what Elon Musk did. Ironically, because of that, I enjoy a broad perspective from which to understand what happened. What happened and why it happened. So, with the disclaimer down, let’s dive in.

So what happened?

At a rally following the Trump inauguration, Elon Musk took the stage. With great emotion, he expressed how important the past election was. Then he profusely thanked the audience for what he believes was doing the right thing: electing Trump. His thanks took the form of saying “I give my heart to you!”

Either right as or shortly after saying those words, he made a somewhat awkward gesture. With his right hand, he thumped his chest over his heart, then threw his hand outward, extending his right arm completely straight and upward. Immediately after, parts of the world went apoplectic.

The Southern Poverty Law Center said the gesture set off a “firestorm of controversy.” Meanwhile many US Politicians heavily criticized Musk for giving what they described as a “Nazi salute”. Also, according to the Associated Press, many right wing groups embraced the gesture, interpreting it similarly. Austria and Germany both called for banning Musk. And, of course, social media is equally ablaze with apoplectic opinions about Musk’s act.

Musk himself basically responded by saying “guys, give it a break.”

When a client sent me a cartoon depicting the act, it intrigued me. That’s because, as I wrote above in my disclaimer, I’m indifferent to politics. But I had a sense this event might offer a window into how people’s beliefs literally run them. That’s why I took interest.

What I found interesting was, the more I dove into this affair, the more empowered I became about what I know.

Momentum and Nazis

The first thing I did was go watch the original footage. Watching it perplexed me. I know what a Nazi salute looks like and what Musk did was not that. It didn’t surprise me that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an antisemitism watchdog group, agreed. Referring to the gesture, the group said Musk didn’t make a Nazi salute. Rather he “made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm”.

That’s what I saw.

It’s widely known that Musk is on the spectrum. He’s an awkward person. And he often appears uncomfortable in ordinary situations. Being on stage isn’t “ordinary” and I’m sure, for Musk, emotional expressions aren’t either. So what I saw in the gesture was an awkward guy expressing deep relief and thanking his audience in an equally awkward way.

That’s all.

But it doesn’t surprise me that people, especially politicians, went crazy over all this. Think about it. The left has been building up a lot of fear about Trump returning to the White House. Left-leaning, biased media has been doing the same. Individual progressives did the same thing too. Through social media they’ve enrolled a lot of people into the momentum of their trepidation. Their disgust with Trump includes expectations that his authoritarian speech defines the new president as a fascist. Maybe even a Nazi.

Consider all this focus has been underway since Trump’s last term. When a person focuses on something for a long time, that focus creates momentum. Get enough of that going and it will keep going on its own. Before long, that momentum will turn into physical reality. That reality will then prove “true” thoughts and beliefs that person focused on. Then the thoughts and beliefs will no longer be thoughts and beliefs. They’ll be the “Truth”.

Willing stooges

When that happens, hardly anything will change that person’s mind about what they believe. What’s more, that person will see everything through the lens of that truth.

So when Musk joined Trump during election season, everyone thinking Trump was a fascist lumped Musk in to that category. As Trump continued with his authoritarian speech, people’s truths were further confirmed. When Trump won, the emotional upheaval among liberals caused those same people to double down on their truths. Truths mainly based on fear-filled future expectations.

When Musk then got on stage and made his awkward gesture, of course liberals, many Jews, Holocaust rememberers, and more would interpret that gesture through their collective memory.

The problem is, a rich and well-documented history supports exactly what a Nazi salute is and what it isn’t. And Musk’s gesture fails the test of history. Furthermore, if some people had an ounce of self-control and reasoning capability they would have seen the difference between Musk’s gesture and a Nazi salute.

Instead, many people live their lives through their emotions. That’s not a good thing. Because when a person lives their lives through emotions, they give a lot of their power away. In other words, they become willing stooges for manipulators. And that’s what we’re seeing with the large number of biased media outlets.

Those outlets make a LOT of money off out-of-control people living through their emotions by triggering those people and keeping their attention on everything going wrong. It doesn’t matter if it’s ACAB, BLM or MAGA.

Here’s the thing: You don’t have to be one of those people!

Your next four years…

If you allow yourself to become one of those people, however, woe unto you. You’re limiting your future.

Allow yourself the empowerment that’s naturally yours, however, and you make your future unlimited. Indeed, the only limits an empowered person puts on the future are those limits which shape a future of their desires, thereby leaving everything else out.

In other words, an empowered person limits their now to include only those things that match what they want to see in the future. By “now” I’m including thoughts and beliefs they think, as well as things they share with others, whether through social media, or through their speech.

We can’t help but limit our future. That’s because our focus, the ability to put our attention in certain places, is only so broad. So whenever we focus, by definition, we’re placing limits. And when we do that, we allow into our experience only those things matching our focus.

That’s why those thinking Trump is a fascist and so is Musk saw only what they saw: a Nazi salute. But it wasn’t a Nazi salute, unless you think it was.

And if you do, well, you’re in for a very uncomfortable four years.

Meanwhile, for others, the next four years are going to be positively astounding. Want to know how? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

Spiritual Fleeing: Is It Ever In Our Best Interest?

Photo by Justin Merced on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author uses a client example to show how this reality offers the best of what there is to experience. In doing so, they explain how fleeing a situation without first lining up with what’s wanted usually leads to disappointing results. But in the end, they write, everything always works out.

A prospective client this week decided to go with another spiritual provider. Her decision came after only two weeks as a Positively Focused practitioner.

When she first reached out to me, I felt strong vibrations from her. Present were dissatisfaction, unhappiness, especially about herself, a feeling of foreboding about the US and more. This all sprang from her as she told me why she wanted my services.

The next week, she came with a ton of questions. Questions typically someone with so little experience with the practice wouldn’t ask. Indeed they were very advanced questions, ones I didn’t want to answer because I knew she didn’t have enough background to understand the answers. Yet, she insisted, so we talked about them.

Her questions came from visiting YouTube. There she discovered another provider. This person, a “Law of Attraction Coach”, appears to focus on “impossible” achievements, some of the same things I focus on in my personal practice, but don’t work with clients on until they have at least several years experience. That’s because accomplishing what most believe is impossible requires an extraordinary level of alignment to All That Is. And most aren’t ready for such pursuits off-the-bat.

What happened next was…interesting. It showed me how some people want to escape from their lives. They want to go somewhere where they think life is better.

In this post, let’s look at why that’s not in anyone’s best interest. And what is available to us instead.

Not everyone is in the same place

This new client came to me after reading my post on Dark Matter. In that post, I lauded the show’s relatively accurate portrayal of alternate dimensional travel. My own experiences aligned well with what they portrayed. How they portrayed alternate dimensional travel was not so accurate, however. Still, I felt the show deserved praise.

I thought it odd that that post would inspire someone to want to be a Positively Focused client. That’s because, early-stage clients typically have no idea alternate realities are accessible to all of us. Visiting them requires a lot of focus, but that focus is well within all of our grasps. So when we first talked, I encouraged her to focus instead on the basic practice, what I offer all beginning clients.

From her questions in the second session, however, I knew she wasn’t going to be satisfied with my approach. Especially after visiting this other provider’s channel.

Now, I have no trouble with new clients going somewhere else. A lot of people out there offer similar services I do. And not everyone is in the same place; one provider can’t reach everyone. So it’s good lots of people exist offering similar services. But something was up with this person’s eagerness to go to this provider. Something I realized in the session we had just before she switched.

Freedom and empowerment: the ultimate desire

She came to that session super stoked about the potential of moving permanently into another dimension. I asked her what about that was so intriguing. The first thing she brought up was climate change. She wanted to be in a world where climate change didn’t exist, she said. The client also had strong negative beliefs about the United States’ future given the Trump election victory.

Both reasons were red flags. Not that they’re problems relative to what I offer. Rather they indicate the client is in the midst of really strong negative momentum. Momentum she must soothe in order to get what she wants.

And what is it that she wants? While she thinks it’s living in a different reality, where none of the things she thinks are problems exist, what she really reaches for in these desires is freedom and empowerment.

She wants to see the world around her matching her desires.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you can see the problem, the red flag in that. For in wanting to see the world around her matching what’s inside her, she doesn’t get that the world already matches what is inside her. In other words, the world around us is a reflection. An extremely accurate one.

At this point, I think it’s important to delineate the difference between spiritual fleeing or escaping and the ordinary kind of fleeing or escape humans sometimes get inspired to do. The difference is important.

It’s not about action

No wrong choices exist. Every choice a person makes either lines that person up with what they want, or it gives feedback on how to better line up. Every choice, therefore, acts as a stepping stone on an eternal path. So, to use an extreme example, a war-torn, despotic environment might inspire a person to flee that place.

In fleeing, they can end up in a better-feeling place: a location where life is more peaceful. Perhaps the government is more stable there. The contrast of their what-is prompts action, and through their action, they find themselves in better-feeling locals.

Most of the time, when people make those kinds of choices, they first may focus on fleeing their what-is. But as soon as the what is is behind them, they feel eagerness for where they’re going. That shift typically feels like relief. Then relief turns to even more powerful, positive emotions. Like positive expectation or optimism, for example.

And as they dwell in those positive emotions, the world around them reflects that positivity back to them: in the form of more positive environs. Meanwhile –– and this is important –– the war-torn situation played a crucial role in that unfolding.

Had they not experienced the war and destruction, leaving that area might never had occurred to them. But more important, their improved mood made them a match to where they ended up. Not their actions.

What we’re exploring offers a ton of complexity that I’m simplifying for brevity’s sake.

Look at how life turns out

So fleeing an environment where immanent physical danger exists makes complete sense. Pretty much everyone would do that. But here’s the thing, and this is extremely difficult for clients to accept: A match exists between situations we would call negative and people experiencing those situations. In other words, those situations reflect the inner states of those people. It must be that way because that’s how the Universe works. It’s not random.

So when that person chooses flight or escape, they literally take with them that which had them matching the war-torn situation in the first place. And so, when they get to the new place, that new place, somehow, will reflect back to them more of the same of what’s inside them if the person didn’t do anything about their inner state. It may look different, but essentially it’s identical.

Unless we can read the vibration of another, and that’s a tall task for nearly all of us, we can’t really know what’s going on inside another. But if we accept what you just read, we don’t have to read another’s vibration. All we need to do is look at how their life turns out.

I haven’t forgotten about the client I began this post with. I’ll get back to her. But this background you’re getting fleshes out the problem with spiritual fleeing or escape. By now you can see the difference between fleeing a physical situation and spiritual fleeing or escape. If you can’t, the next section will make it plain.

What spiritual fleeing looks like

We take with us that which creates our reality. This is what I mean when I tell clients they are the common denominator to all the problems they see in their lives. Said differently, we create our reality. So if we want a different reality, we must do something about what we’re creating. Fleeing won’t work.

Spiritual fleeing works even less. Spiritual fleeing isn’t very common because nearly every human disbelieves this “you create your own reality business” (YCYORB). And yet, it is a thing. Spiritual fleeing is a distortion. Someone practicing or wanting to practice spiritual fleeing is saying “I don’t like what I’m creating, so I’m going to escape my creation.”

So they leave their city. They leave their country. Or they leave a relationship. Maybe they leave their job. The problem with that is, they’re taking themselves with them! They can’t leave themselves behind, so wherever they go, they will create a new version of the problems they try to flee.

We cannot escape the reality that springs from within us. (Photo by Justin Merced on Unsplash)

Two advanced client examples show this. One has tried nearly every process, including extremely radical surgeries, to lose weight. One radical surgery left her with something like one-third of the stomach she originally had. And yet, she’s still overweight, much to her dissatisfaction. The other client last year, I think, had a surgery on his face. The doctor said the process would solve his sleep apnea. A year later, he’s contemplating another procedure because the apnea has not gone away.

Who’s the creator?

The first client had her procedures done before she came to me. So we haven’t talked about the vibration persisting her weight. But we are talking about a similar vibrational momentum that has her attract men who aren’t in her best interest. She struggles mightily in hearing that she’s creating these men. She wants to blame the men. It can’t be possible that she’s the center of what’s happening, she thinks. Yet she is. She’s the common denominator. She is the creator.

The same is true for the other client. He can’t yet accept that he’s creating the sleep problem. Although he intellectually understands that from the Positively Focused perspective, he’s still trying to solve it through action, so he doesn’t KNOW yet what he only understands.

The point is, spiritual fleeing is when a person either denies or doesn’t know at all that they are the creator of their reality. As a result, they try fixing their troubles through action. And an advanced version of that is wanting to go to a different physical dimension because the one we’re in is unsatisfying.

Spiritual fleeing doesn’t work

Where do you think Americans thinking about leaving the country are on the subject of ordinary fleeing and spiritual fleeing? With Donald Trump coming into office, many of them are somewhere in between. Every American contributed to the reality we’re moving into where Trump will be the most powerful person in the free world….again.

Trying to flee the country isn’t going to work because wherever those Americans go, they will be there. In other words, they’re just going to create a reality there that still reflects what’s going on inside them. And if they were a match to a second Trump presidency, and they were, then something’s afoot in that matching.

I know that “something” is really, really good. And that’s the trouble with interpreting our what-is as negative. Usually what we’re interpreting as “bad” actually is very, very good. Or what’s going to follow is very, very good…but only if we don’t resist the “bad”.

Resist it, like a lot of Americans did after the first Trump presidency, and we just get more “bad”. Meanwhile, a lot of good gets created and stored in our collective “moment of becoming”. But that collective goodness only shows itself to those who don’t resist. In the meantime, resisters just keep getting more “bad”. Even if they flee.

So this prospective client, the one who wants to flee this dimension for a “better” one doesn’t understand that she’s taking herself with her. More likely, she will NOT be able to move to that alternate dimension. Why? Because she has way too much resistance in her. Resistance that makes her not a match to that dimension she wants, but does make her a match to the one she doesn’t.

So what’s her option?

The Source of new and improved

Her option is the same thing I offer all my clients: transform her perspective in a way that lines her up with everything she wants in this reality. What she wants is here. If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t have chosen to come into this dimension.

What she wants isn’t some place where everything is nice and clean and trouble free. Trouble/contrast is part of every place. It literally is the stuff from which new, improved emerges. And so, this reality, this dimension, is one of the best ones to come into. Because here, in this place, we offer ourselves TREMENDOUS contrast…or “trouble” if you want to see it that way.

The great thing about all that trouble is, when we use it as the launch pad that it is, our individual realities IMPROVE.

But it’s not magic. It can’t happen instantly. Physical reality contains inherent resistance as does our physical selves. So it typically takes a while for that improvement to show up…for very good other reasons too complex to detail here.

The client I began this post about is on a trajectory. Maybe she’ll come back after exhausting herself trying to get someplace she’s not a match to. Or maybe she’ll become a match to it. The paradox of the latter is, to become a match to it, she must release all resistance to THIS dimension, this reality. And if/when she does….will she travel to that other dimension?

My guess is no. Because she unwittingly will have transformed THIS dimension into the dimension she thinks she wants to travel to.

Isn’t that beautiful?

This is where it’s at

Usually, when one wants to choose, one’s first choice is the Broader-Perspective-inspired one. This client came to the Positively Focused Way first. I’d say that was a Broader-Perspective-inspired decision. Had she continued, soothing her dissatisfaction about this reality would go a long way towards allowing her to visit other realities. The key word there is “visit”. But such visits also would show her that THIS reality is where she really wants to be. This is where it’s at.

After all, if she wanted to be in the other one, she would have gone there first at birth. Instead, she came here.

In that sense, she may come back. Perhaps her Broader Perspective will lead her back here. No matter what she does, everything is working out for her, for me and for everyone else. That includes all Americans, all my clients and the planet and its climate.

Nothing ever goes wrong. Even when someone flees. Spiritual fleeing or escape isn’t wrong either. After all, eventually the person fleeing discovers the ultimate reality: that they are a creator. And their creation is good as a reflection of something that is always in their best interest. Something that is inside them waiting for that person to make real.

My First Astral Travel Confirmed By Another Person!

Photo credit: Warren Wong

TL;DR: The author recounts an experience of astral travel wherein their consciousness flowed into the consciousness of another, and that other person realized then reported on her experience of what happened, thus confirming the author’s experience.

An awesome confirmation of my Astral Travel aspirations happened this week. It’s evidence of my moving into more expansive capabilities, capabilities I’ve intended for some time now.

It’s taking a while because, as I’ve mentioned many times before, we don’t instantly get what we want. Especially when it comes to what we believe are supernatural or “unbelievable” abilities. That’s because those very beliefs, that it’s impossible, supernatural, unnatural, or unbelievable, resists our ability to allow these abilities into our experience.

So some time must pass while we learn to soothe those beliefs and replace them with beliefs more aligned to our desire. The same holds true for any desire. Whether it be a better job, a partner, a bunch of money or a better life condition, we must become a match to it before we receive it.

And the main thing keeping us from becoming a match to what we want are our existing beliefs that run contrary to what we want.

I’ve been focusing into my experience these “occult” experiences for about a year now, I think. That’s not very long considering what I’m wanting, the results I’m producing and how many people believe such results aren’t possible.

Let’s take a look at what happened this week, how it happened and the confirmation I received from my client.

The experience

It was a Tuesday morning. Typically, every morning I meditate for at least an hour prior to my day getting underway. This morning, as sometimes happens, I meditated twice. Once in the early morning for about 90 minutes, then again after waking, for another hour.

Both these meditation periods were deep and intense. I’ve described sensations happening now in meditation in previous posts. Those sensations confirm my budding shape-shifting abilities, but they also confirm that my consciousness leaves my body too.

During the second half hour of that second meditation period, my consciousness left my body. I felt myself “go out”. The experience happened so briefly, I couldn’t get my wits about the experience. I only know I was “gone”, then I was back in. What I did experience was seeing a vague sense of the surroundings where I landed. But I couldn’t make out more than that vague sense.

This meditation happened about an hour before my first client session. That session started at 9 a.m. The client I see lives in Hawaii. Hawaii is two hours behind my time zone. So 8 am is 6 am in Hawaii. My client would be just waking up. That time differential set up everything that happened next.

Surprise and delight

Since many of these kinds of experiences have happened, I reveled in this one, but didn’t make much more about it. That’s because other similar past experiences were much clearer, more vivid and longer lasting than this one. Usually, I’ll experience several smaller, rather insignificant sensations or departures in between the really profound ones. So this experience, given its brevity and vague perception, I figured was one of the less meaningful ones.

I was wrong.

And that’s great because part of the joy of life is the surprise and delight inherent in it. We can’t know how the Universe will set up situations in which we get what we want. The Universe is far more resourceful, and broader in its abilities than our minds can fathom. Which is why it truly is unfathomable. So when we do manifest something, it usually comes in a surprising and delightful way.

That way makes sense too because when we least expect something to manifest, we are best prepared to receive it. That’s because we aren’t resisting its showing up. We’re not resisting it with thinking we’re thinking about it when in fact we’re thinking about not having it. We’re not yearning for it to happen. Because our minds are off what we want, we unconsciously allow the unfolding.

That’s what happened here.

The confirmation

After meditating that morning, I went through my normal day preparations. Then I signed on to the call with my client. The moment I did, the client shocked me with a question:

“Did you visit me this morning?” She asked.

Her question piqued my interest. And since I know what I know, I knew something was afoot here. Something we both would enjoy. There was no confusion about what she was asking. Instead I felt only curiosity.

“Why do you ask?” I said.

The client then described how she was in her bed and suddenly, she felt my presence. My curiosity spiked then and I asked her when she had this sensation.

“About an hour ago,” she said. That would have been around 6 am her time. Right about the same time I had the departure experience in meditation.

I then went from curious to excited. For the next few minutes we talked about what happened as a way of amplifying for both of us the real-ization of this experience. The fact that what happened with her matched what happened with me, at the same time, delighted both of us.

We then went on with the rest of the session.

Having affinity and no doubt

Two days later, and I have no idea why she did this, the client sent me a text message. Even though I don’t know what prompted her act, when I read the message, I knew it was further confirmation of what happened. It also represented a natural unfolding that lead directly to this post. Had she not sent this text, I probably wouldn’t have written this story. But receiving it delighted me so much. Her message, to me, came out of the blue. So I knew my client’s Broader Perspective encouraged her to reach out.

Here’s what she texted:

Look at that message!

It’s so detailed. And it describes a specific process wherein this happened. Notice it wasn’t something that happened against her will. I was “announced” and then she allowed “me” to
“slide over [her] energy”.

I wondered if others could confirm such experiences. It’s one thing to have the person leaving their body talk about the experience. But when another can confirm the experience from their perspective, that takes it to a whole other level!

Of course, my client couldn’t have had this experience had she not some affinity with the ability. I perceived the client’s vast potential for such abilities. In one of our early sessions, I wondered if she had witchcraft in her ancestry. She mused about my question, but recently asked me about why I asked.

I told her I sense great affinity within her and very little doubt. So she’s susceptible to these experiences.

Everything is possible

And that’s the key right? Our beliefs create our reality. Anything is possible. But our beliefs mitigate that accurate statement. If we want to experience something and we doubt it can happen, it’s not going to happen.

And yet, all kinds of accounts exist where, just as an example, a mother in a car accident lifts her car off her child who is pinned underneath. That kind of event can happen in such crises because, in that moment, the woman’s desire for saving her child overwhelms any doubt. Indeed, doubt isn’t even present when she takes action.

The same holds true for anything. Whatever we want, we can experience or have. It all depends on how much doubt we bring to the table. The more we bring, the less possible our desires become.

Which is why a Positively Focused perspective is the best perspective. For not only does everything become possible, we also create all the evidence we need to confirm what was once impossible now no longer is.


I once thought it impossible that the world would get better if Trump won. Well some really amazing things are happening right now, even with Trump becoming president. Indeed, because he became president…and I voted for Harristhe future is going to be magnificent. How do I know? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

What Is Happening When “New Age” Advice Gets It Wrong?

Photo by Kayla Maurais on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author contends that “New Age” advice is never wrong. They give the example of how their inner guidance said Kamala Harris would win the last election, and they explain why that guidance was right, even though it appears to have been wrong.

In the past election season, my Broader Perspective told me Kamala Harris was going to win. As we all know, though, that didn’t happen.

Did my Broader Perspective get it wrong?

A lot of people who think this “you create your reality” business is “New Age nonsense” will point to such outcomes with an accusing finger.

They’ll say “See? What bullshit!”

Even some clients doubted what happened. One asked why my Broader Perspective “lied” to me. Another, whose Broader Perspective told her as well that Harris would win by a large margin, was shocked by the actual results. I was surprised, but I knew an explanation existed for the apparent discrepancy between our Broader Perspectives and the result.

That’s because I know what I know is infallible. I know the Universe works exactly as I’ve learned it does. So if something happens that appears contradictory to what I know, then I must not be clearly seeing what’s going on.

Given all this, I turned to my spiritual mentors for answers. I also dug into past knowledge I gained in my years of Buddhist scholarly practice.

What I discovered not only reassured me, it had me double down on the fact that what I know is 100 percent accurate.

Let’s take a look at what’s happening when it looks like “New Age” advice gets it wrong.

Understanding the unfathomable

First we must accept that All That Is is unfathomable. All That Is constantly creates more of all that is. And that’s been happening….since….forever. So no one can know the totality of All That Is. Not even All That Is!

That unknowable quality of All That Is extends to the intelligence of All That Is. It’s not called “Infinite Intelligence” for nothing. That means there are no bounds to how intelligent Infinite Intelligence is.

So when we humans try understanding Infinite Intelligence and All That Is, we must come from a grounded place. We must accept that, as much as we learn, there always will be more to learn.

One thing I’ve learned is All That Is assists all of us in our expansion. One way it does that is through contrast: experiences which prompt from within us desire.

Now, “desire” makes it sound like those experiences must always feel good. The trouble is, contrast often feels not good. Especially for those who don’t understand how the Universe works.

Even for those who do understand, such experiences can feel awful. But for those who do understand, such people can come to accept and even appreciate the real nature of and the value that contrast offers.

The real nature of contrast is that it usually is an uncomfortable experience. One that tells us immediately what we don’t like.

More about contrast and its importance

Usually, contrast looks and feels like something we don’t want, such as our preferred candidate losing. The moment we have such experiences though, we also know what we do want. The key to contrast’s value is realizing this, then lining up with that which we want. In doing that, we feel better and that better feeling tells us something extremely important.

Contrast is all around us. It comes in large and small experiences, even insignificant-seeming ones. But the ones most of us struggle with are those that are significant, such as our political candidate losing in what we believe is a crucial election.

Nothing “crucial” ever happens, however. That’s because everything always works out for everyone. Everything always turns out for everyone because All That Is enjoys a capacity large enough for everyone to get what they want.

Humans make trouble for themselves, however, when they think what they want must come the way they believe it should come. Me and others, for example, believed the only way we could get what we wanted from the election was for Harris to win. That’s a problem.

Getting what we want when we line up

It’s a problem because All That Is is unfathomable, including its intelligence and capacity. As such, a human mind can never know the resources at All That Is’ disposal to make what we want happen. A human mind also can’t figure out the best time for something to happen, even though our minds like to think they can. That’s why there’s such a thing as “divine timing”.

I know it can be frustrating when we want something, believe it must happen now, and it doesn’t happen until later. Sometimes WAY later. But divine timing exists for a reason. The reason is because Infinite Intelligence or All That Is knows when it’s the best time for something to happen. It also yields to our desire, but only when we are a match to that thing. And usually, when we want something “now” we are really focused on the situation that has us yearning. In that focus, we’re not lined up with what we want. Which explains why it doesn’t show up immediately.

So when we try to figure out either the “how” or the “when” we usually gum up the works. We add resistance, which creates delay. We’ll eventually get what we want, but only when we finally line up with it.

Sometimes, lining up with our desire requires a stronger vibrational alignment to that which we’re wanting. Abraham calls that “stronger asking”. And there’s no better experience to prompt stronger asking, or to cause us to more strongly align with our wanting, than really strong contrast. Like our candidate losing, for example.

Introducing the path of least resistance

Another reason it may look like we’re not getting what we want happens when we, again, think we know how it’s going to happen. Especially when it comes to a lot of people getting what they want. Again, the Universe will give everyone what they want. But think about it. The US population is over 300 million people. Untold billions of others outside the US were focused on the outcome of our election too. And, obviously, some number of those people were going to appear to not get what they want no matter who won.

The Universe, therefore took advantage of another aspect that we must keep in mind when lining up. That is, the path of least resistance.

The path of least resistance, as the name implies, is the path energetically between one point and another representing the lowest amount of resistance. Now, the path of least resistance is not the same as the shortest path. The path of least resistance usually is longer because it takes people some time to release resistance and line up. And even when they do, some resistance remains in their way.

So All That Is and one’s Broader Perspective coordinate to move a person around or through that remaining resistance. And it’s for this reason that one’s path to what they want may look like they’re not getting what they want, when, actually they are.

So when Kamala lost, I knew I was still on the path. I also knew I had focused too much on the “how”. It also was clear that the loss prompted stronger asking on my part. But why was it that my Broader Perspective told me she was going to win when she didn’t? To understand why, we must introduce yet another important concept.

Setting up another awesome unfolding

I’m glad I have a lot of spiritual study under my belt. My scholarly study of Buddhism came in handy in understanding why my Broader Perspective adamantly said Kamala would win when she didn’t.

I’ll get to that in a moment.

Interestingly, I had access to another resource I hadn’t tapped into in a while. In addition to their in-person workshops, Abraham also holds regular online events they call “Abraham NOW” sessions. Like their in-person workshops, these three hour events feature people asking Abraham questions and Abraham using those questions as jumping-off points to share their wisdom.

Now, to understand all that happened, to really appreciate it, let’s look at some speculative numbers around these online events. Somewhere between 1500 and 3000 people participate in Abraham’s in-person workshops. In a given year, approximately 60 workshops happen around the country. So that’s something like 90-180,000 people attending these events. And that doesn’t even include the cruises. In-person workshops run about $300.

But Abraham NOW events are only $49. Much more affordable. I speculate that about a quarter of the same number of people who attend the workshops in a year are tuning in to each Abraham NOW session. That’s a lot of people. But it shouldn’t be surprising: they’re more frequent, they cost less and they are far more convenient.

Those planning to attend an Abraham NOW event can also submit one written or one video question. For sure, a lot of people do that too. And there isn’t enough time to answer every question. So just like at the in-person events, Abraham selects the questions they will feature.

An example of past Abraham NOW event recordings from the Abraham website.

Was the advice wrong?

After the election, as I wrote above, several clients were struggling with the outcome. I was too, although for different reasons. Two days after the election, I got an impulse that Abraham was probably going to have an Abraham NOW session scheduled. They are Infinite Intelligence after all. So they probably anticipated that a lot of humans would be all bunged up no matter what the result. They would want answers.

Sure enough, when I logged into my account, I saw an Abraham NOW event scheduled for that Saturday, November 9. I told all my advanced clients about it, then registered myself. This was on a Friday afternoon at about 1:45 p.m. The registration page invited me to submit a video or written question, but I only had until 2 p.m. to get it in. Perfect timing! I had 15 minutes to submit a question, which I did.

My question was basically “how did my Broader Perspective get it wrong?” I phrased it that way purposefully because I wanted an answer I could share with my clients, should they not register themselves. I wondered whether Abraham would use my video question on the live stream, but didn’t worry too much. Other people would have the same question too, I knew.

So when Saturday came, I logged into the live stream. Sure enough, several people questioned the election results. Many were worried about the outcome. I wasn’t worried about that. I just wanted to know how my Broader Perspective encouraged me towards a result that didn’t happen. But it was good to hear how Abraham answered those questions.

As the event wound down, and more people got their questions answered, I wondered whether my question would air.

It wasn’t wrong

Ten minutes prior to the event end, and not seeing my question featured yet, I surrendered to the possibility my question wouldn’t get answered. At that very moment I surrendered, my iPhone showed what many in New Age Circles call an “Angel Number“. The number was 1313. And in that very minute, Abraham said “let’s watch another video”….and my face appeared.

Just like in my initiation journey I wrote about before, I got featured at the very end. And I understood why: all the other questions and answers lead perfectly to my question. Of course, that all thrilled me. But the answer Abraham gave was astounding too.

In short, they said, my Broader Perspective didn’t get it wrong. What it did was offer guidance that would create contrast that would prompt stronger asking on my part. They also said the outcome represented the path of least resistance for everyone given what they want and that the unfolding, post election, will contain everything everyone wants. Everything will come in ways Americans can’t comprehend right now, they said, but will be completely satisfying as it all unfolds.

The answer made total sense. Especially after everything Abraham shared in answering questions preceding mine.

After the live stream, I thought about Abraham’s answer. It reminded me of something I learned in my Buddhist studies. And the more I thought about that thing I learned, the more satisfied I became about the election. The more optimistic I got about what was to happen as well.

I want to share what that thing was that I learned next.

A parable of expedient means

The Lotus Sutra is the pinnacle of Buddhist Sutras. A lot of Buddhists and some scholars might disagree with that assertion. But when one reads the Lotus Sutra, it becomes obvious. The Buddha says many, many times throughout the Sutra that it is his ultimate teaching.

My scholarly study focused almost exclusively on this Sutra. That’s because I knew it to be the crown jewel of the Buddha’s teachings. It’s a marvelous work. It lays out in great detail the nature of the Buddhas, their blessings, where they come from and benefits those who hear the Lotus Sutra receive. What I remembered learning about was a parable offered in this Sutra. The parable is set up in Chapter 2 — Skillful or Expedient Means, and told in Chapter 3 — A parable.

Chapter 2 reveals that all Buddhas employ expedient means to lead people to enlightenment. There’s a lot of detail and repetition in the Lotus Sutra and these chapters are no different. But the gist of it is, Infinite Intelligence knows that ordinary humans are hard to reach. So it communicates in many different ways to reach them. Sometimes it will even use what people might call deceptions or falsehoods.

Chapter three gives an example of a rich man who has many kids. The kids run into a run down house (I’m simplifying the parable). Then the house catches fire. But the kids found toys in the house and are too busy playing with them to notice the fire. The rich man notices though. The fire rages and the house is about to collapse on the kids. The father calls to the them, saying “run out of the house, it’s on fire!” But the kids don’t listen.

Skillful means

So the father tells the children he has assembled carts of fabulous wealth for all of them. Not only that, the carts contain the rarest of toys and the kids can have them all, he says. Hearing this, the kids come rushing out from the house as the house collapses in flames.

Once outside the children ask for the carts, which their father provides.

The Buddha then asks his listeners “did the father lie?” No, the listeners say, he did what he had to do to save his kids. The Buddha agrees then goes on to explain how Infinite Intelligence uses similar means to move people to enlightenment.

There’s another story told apart from the Lotus Sutra. It’s about the Buddha on a path to a wondrous kingdom, followed by his adherents. Halfway to the kingdom, the adherents tire out. The Buddha sees they can go no farther. But he knows the adherents will rejoice once they arrive at the kingdom.

So he manifests an hallucination. Right around the corner on the path the adherents discover a beautiful oasis filled with all manner of luxuries. The adherents think they’ve arrived at the kingdom; they don’t realize it’s an hallucination. Once they are refreshed, the Buddha then disappears the hallucination. The adherents are shocked. Some are angry. At that point the Buddha explains his expedient means.

He describes how their destination is far better than what they just experienced. He also describes setting up the hallucination in order to refresh the adherents so they can make the rest of the way to the destination. In this way, the adherents realize, the Buddha has skillfully encouraged them to go the final distance.

Preparing for the future

See the parallels?

I sure did after I remembered these stories. What really brought the parallel home was realizing The Lotus Sutra and everything in it accord quite nicely with how the Universe works. Sure, it’s full of a lot of repetition and mind-blowing imagery. But behind all that are deep accuracies about how enlightened ones work, how people are and how the Universe works.

It was a reminder for me that everything I’ve learned so far from both Seth and Abraham is 100 percent accurate.

At that point I got how my Broader Perspective didn’t lie to me. Like Abraham reiterated, it didn’t get it wrong. It used expedient means to get me to reach for the end goal, the thing I ultimately want. Looking at the election from that perspective bolstered me. It bolstered me and also prepared me for what happened next.

That’s right, this story just keeps going and going!

The future is bright

The next week I enjoyed a couple conversations with a client who used to be a republican. He also possesses extreme knowledge about future high technologies across many sectors. Part of his knowledge includes blockchain technology. He’s as passionate about all this stuff as I am about spirituality.

The conversations with this guy made it abundantly clear where we are headed, not only as a nation, but as a global civilization. And, he showed how everything that’s going to happen will be a better extension fit with a Trump administration than would have been possible with democrats in office.

That future includes extreme material abundance for all. Super-high quality products and services offered at near zero cost. It also includes a fully automated infrastructure enabled by Artificial Intelligence and robotics. Indeed, the more he described, the more excited I got. And he didn’t just talk about the future, he speculated on how all of it would unfold.

Since I have the education and work background I have, I could follow pretty much everything he shared. It was a thrilling vision. I could see practical paths to all of it. Indeed, the more I think about it even now, the more convinced I am that this is our future.

Humanity has nothing to worry about. It’s all working out.

It was right all along

But in negative beliefs, in worry, in fear or anger, humans can’t see it all working out. We’re all going to get to that future my client described. That I’m sure. The only question is, how are individual human beings going to experience the path to that magnificent kingdom? Is their experience going to be one of sadness, worry, fear and violence? Or is their experience going to be joyful, hopeful, and eager? I know how mine is going to be.

And I’m encouraging my clients to cultivate similar experiences.


Because in those more positive emotions, we can see more. We can see opportunities we’re otherwise blind to when we’re wallowing in complaints about people who believe differently from us. When in reality they’re the very same people cooperating alongside us to create the future we all want.

That’s right. I wrote previously about how progressives helped elect Trump. They had to have because that’s who’s president starting next year. That’s our collective, co-created reality. And nothing is asserted into our experience against our will. We invite it all.

I know for many that’s hard to read. But Trump winning is the expedient means, the path of least resistance, to everything everyone wants. And that’s what’s so cool about All That Is. It has the capacity to use everyone for our ultimate good.

Interestingly, my future-oriented client claims that that future he sees will bring the far right and the far left everything both sides want all at the same time. Abraham said the exact same thing.

I’m so reassured by that. And I’m eager to see it unfold, knowing my Broader Perspective was right all along.


Remember where I wrote the future is bright? Well some really amazing things are happening right now, even with Trump becoming president. Indeed, because he became president…and I voted for Harris. The future, in other words, is going to be magnificent. How do I know? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.