How To Destroy The Scary Old Trope Called ‘Original Sin’

Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

TLDR: This post delves into the concept of original sin in Christianity and its impact on individuals’ beliefs and actions. It questions the notion of sin and advocates for a shift in perspective. The writer offers support for those seeking to release themselves from disempowering beliefs.

In a recent Advanced Session Group session, the subject of Christianity came up. I wrote about one aspect of that conversation in a previous post. In this post, I’m exploring another aspect.

That aspect is Christianity’s idea of “original sin”.

The idea is that we are born into sin. It’s unavoidable. Because of that, Jesus died on the cross in atonement for that, and other, sins. His act, therefore, makes us right in God’s eyes.

Not all of us though.

Only those who believe in Jesus and Christian teachings get that grace. So a very large portion of the population exists outside of Jesus’ apparently selfless act of sacrifice.

In the Advanced Session Group meeting, one client, who is Christian, mentioned how her religion accords with the Positively Focused Way. But another client contested that. She pointed out two divergent and crucial ideas that are inconsistent with The Way: one was this idea of original sin. The other: that a god exists, separate from us, which we must curry favor from or be damned to hell. Forever.

Our essential flaw?

It’s extremely hard to feel secure with these two ideas in one’s head. Not only because both ideas distort what’s actually happening, but because both ideas can’t help but generate insecurity in ourselves.

We’re naturally going to have desires that fall outside Christianity’s prescribed bounds of behavior. Which is why so many Christians “fall” so often. Including Christian “leaders”. It’s inevitable that we’re going to want to go beyond what has been. That’s a basic tenet of All That Is: Continual expansion is its nature. And we are All That Is.

That desire to go beyond explains why gay and lesbian people exist. It’s why some are transgender and intersex. People who enjoy anal sex aren’t sinners. They’re expanding the consciousness of All That Is. And all these examples are just about sex! On every subject consciousness is constantly going beyond what has come before.

Now, it’s possible Christianity meant that we are all born into a world encouraging us to lose our connection with our Broader Perspective. That, for sure, is accurate. One definition of “sin” does mean “to miss the mark” after all. And when we’re displacing our Broader Perspective knowledge with what other humans teach us, we miss the mark. We can’t rendezvous with our unfolding desires, unfolding on their own for our benefit.

This is not what Christianity espouses, however. There’s an essential flaw in humans, it says. It’s this sin.

Nearly all our god concepts suffer from enormous distortions. Including Christianity’s version.

A more accurate picture

So what’s really happening when a human comes into the world? Is it really a “fallen” act?

Coming into physical reality is a divine, blessed and courageous act. Here divine beings of limitless ability choose to incarnate into perceived limitation. They make the choice because doing so, they know, will expand All That Is. So the very act of coming here expands All That Is! How can that be sinful?

Pro tip: It’s not.

As we said, however, most who do come here get off track. They miss the mark in their focus. Instead of remembering they are eternal beings, they buy into what they’re sold. Their parents, teachers and siblings put on sales pitches. So does society at large. In fact, nearly everything in physical reality perpetuates distortion.

Not everything, of course. This blog, for example, espouses the universal law-based premisses that form existence on this plane. Some movies do too. As does some music. Other forms of art do as well.

Animals, plants and other points of consciousness do too. Which is why life continues happening on this planet. In fact there’s far more going right on Earth than that which humans think is going wrong.

That which is god is not separate from us. And it’s only love. Only Love.

Real freedom from sin

Original sin, then, is a distortion. But it’s a powerful one. It enjoys the momentum of an entire religion. Several actually. So what can a person do? How can one free themselves from this automatic damnation?

It has nothing to do with accepting Jesus as your savior.

The idea of Original Sin is a belief. It’s an idea. As a result, it’s going to create associated realities. Most of those realities are going to be unwanted, because the whole idea of Original Sin is contrary to how the Universe works. And things in opposition to how the Universe works, generally, produce undesirable outcomes.

So the way out of all this is displacing the belief in Original Sin with a better-feeling belief. Beliefs begin as thoughts. Held long enough, those thoughts will become beliefs. But first, the thinker must soothe momentum of existing beliefs. Did I write above that Original Sin as an idea enjoys tremendous momentum?

I did.

That means it’s going to take a while to extricate oneself from realities consistent with Original Sin. Including the reality of an underlying sense of insecurity. My client who is Christian is slowly making her way through unraveling this. But it’s going to take a while.

In the mean time, she sees a lot of progress on other subjects. So much so that evidence is bolstering her determination to let go of her Christian beliefs. Beliefs she believes shape the foundation of her life.

Right now they do do that. And in doing that, they create a lot of emotional turmoil for my client. She’s beginning to see that. That’s a good thing.

Moving beyond Original Sin is possible

Another client faces a similarly trajectory. But his orientation to Christian belief is much more traumatic. He’s queer. And, of course, much of the Christian Religion says that, too, is a sin. So he’s struggling letting go of that judgement he’s taken on as his own self-condemnation, while also rejecting the whole concept of hell, damnation and sin. But it’s taking him a long, long time to free himself from that momentum.

It can be done though. My clients prove it’s possible. It’s not easy though. Which is why someone like me can be a great help. Want help freeing yourself from such disempowering beliefs? I’m around.

Becoming A Shapeshifter: Spectacular, New Results

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

In this article: An experienced Positively Focused practitioner explores the art of shapeshifting, suggesting the capacity of our minds and bodies to unlock extraordinary abilities is unlimited. This journey unveils insights about human potential and undermining self-doubt. It also involves understanding the complexity of our cerebellum and its potential role in mastering advanced abilities.

Regular blog readers know I’m progressing on the trajectory of me becoming “ordinary among the superhuman.” Part of that path involves becoming a shapeshifter.

You read that right.

Nothing is off limits to us as eternal, infinite beings. Whatever it is we want is ours. But only if we become matches to that. Thinking what we want is impossible though makes it impossible. Doubting it’s possible does too. So does fearing it. As does believing we’re not worthy of it. Another thing killing desire: believing we’re only human, subject to birth and death.

Transcend these self-imposed limitations and we discover what’s really going on: that the Universe responds to our every wish with “yes”.

Regular readers also know I’ve written before about progress I’m making in realizing shapeshifting abilities. Read previous posts here and here.

Today, I’m reporting on the most intense, obvious and spectacular results indicating progress. Keep reading. If you’re at all interested in this subject, what you’re about to read may inspire you.

Not for beginners

Before getting to the deets, a word of warning: this is EXTREMELY ADVANCED mastery practice. Many, many prerequisites are required to even begin this practice. That’s because early results, if we don’t know how to see them, will elude our awareness. They will be there. But our awareness will miss them. As a result, we’ll conclude we’re not making progress.

But we are making progress.

Still, if we think we’re not, we’ll amplify THAT in our reality. Doing so, the Universe will deliver more of those results (not seeing results). Doubt will creep in, then the whole process will fail us.

This explains why I help clients learn how to see in new ways. Actually, it’s not really new. It’s ancient. But we’ve replaced this way of seeing with seeing only through our eyes. We’ve conditioned ourselves that only that which we can see is real. Everything else isn’t. So we miss the majority of what’s happening in the world.

Learning or re-learning to see appropriately, we can watch our desires become real right before our eyes. We then amplify that evidence. Then the Universe serves up more of that (seeing results). Then, in a while, we enjoy that which we want as full blown reality.

This is the process of creating. The creative process. And it works for anything we want. Small things and large things alike.

Clients willing to give me 75 percent tips for what they’re learning must mean they’re getting value. And they are: Their lives are changing for the better.

Believe it or not

What you’re about to read, therefore, may stretch your believability. I’m not sharing this to make you believe, however. I’m sharing this to amplify my own knowing and encourage more evidence I want to see. If this inspires you, great! But that’s not my purpose.

That said, my clients will attest: everything I’ve shared in this practice has resulted in exactly the results promised every client. So everything you’re about to read is accurate as far as how the Universe works.

For me, this is about one thing. I’m here to expand. This is reason enough. However, doing what I intend will show humanity that we are unlimited. Everything is possible. Anything, really. That’s our birthright. We came to joyfully expand All That Is. And we each are instances of that.

Even in our disbelief, we’re still part of All That Is.

The Buddha once asked, “what is the difference between a Buddha and a common mortal?”

“The common mortal doesn’t know he’s a Buddha.” He answered.

I’m here as an emissary of All That Is. I’m here to show all of humanity what it is. Many others are here too. They’re doing the same thing. After all, my approach may turn more off than it attracts. So it’s good many perspectives are being offered.

So whether you believe what you’re reading or not, it is all accurate. Shapeshifting is only one “supernatural” ability I pursue these days. Later, maybe, I’ll share more about those other abilities. For now, let’s stick with shapeshifting.

Meditation: the gateway

A big part of the Positively Focused Way Advanced Practice involves meditation. Besides dreams, meditation is the preferred gateway into other dimensions. It is the best way to still the mind. It also sharpens inner perception. That’s crucial because we must learn to see without using physical eyes. None of our physical sense organs work in nonphysical. They can’t handle the onslaught of data happening at that vibrational level.

But think about dreams you’ve experienced. In those realms, we see. We hear. Even our sense of smell works there. We also enjoy complex sense-making. We perceive distance. Depth perception works too. In many dreams, all these senses are richer. Far richer than physical perception.

And yet, when dreaming, our eyes are closed! Our bodies are still. Even so, we move around and manipulate objects.

So we must enjoy a completely separate set of interpretive functions apart from our physical ones. Meditation helps reacquaint ourselves with those. Then, we can start “seeing” what’s happening in that place. That place where everything in “reality” comes from.

And we can use that focus to help attract fulfilled desires. Including things some think are impossible. Shapeshifting, for example.

So what is this evidence I’m getting to? Let’s go there now.


Commented on @‪MoonSoul’s post‬

♬ Clouds – Aitan A.I.
Others are sharing as we are. Thus they contribute to Universal expansion.

Correlating my experience with my predecessors

Recently, in several of my meditative sessions, I experienced a swelling of my cerebellum. How do I know this? I can feel it pushing up against the bottom of my cerebrum and out the back of my neck. I also feel correlated pressures in my frontal lobe. This happens while my body “roils” involuntarily.

Swelling of that part of my brain feels odd. But it’s not unnerving. Nor is it scary. It does, however, feel very uncomfortable. In his book Astral Projection, Oliver Fox describes having similar sensations. He originally published Astral Projection in 1962. Still, it’s a great primer. In it, Fox offers helpful advice from his personal experience. He also warns readers about these sensations I’m having:

“It would now be well to consider what risks, if any, are involved in the making of such experiments…some of the symptoms…are painful and extremely unpleasant…We are dealing with what is essentially a mental exercise or process, and it is easily conceivable that an ill-balanced mind, lacking in self-control, might become temporarily or even permanently deranged.”

Excerpt From
Astral Projection By Oliver Fox

My experience mirrors this. I have experienced the pain he writes about. And, during an awakening experience many years ago, I felt that fear of temporary or permanent derangement.

Jane Roberts and Robert Butts report similar experiences I’m having. Given these people’s success, I know I’m on track. I also believe these sensations are exactly what they feel like: changes in my body. Changes it’s making in preparation. Preparation to support what I want: to be able to shapeshift.

Stronger evidence proving advancement

What once felt like “pain” now comes as “discomfort”. I surmise “discomfort” will ease even more when my body has completed its preparations. After all, while this is a spiritual expansion, the body must play a part. It is “shape”-shifting after all.

That’s what I believe is happening when my cerebellum swells. It’s also what’s happening when my body roils. It’s all about accommodating these new desires. Desires, that, once fulfilled, may be a human first. Maybe.

I mean, people may have wished to do this. But they may not have seriously pursued it. I’m serious. Serious enough to endure the pain and discomfort. Serious enough to keep at it until I achieve my aim.

One night after a swelling episode, I got an interesting impulse. The impulse was “find out the cerebellum’s purpose”. Knowing to act on impulses because they lead to delightful manifestations, that’s what I did. I opened Wikipedia. What I read required interpretation, however. That’s because Wikipedia’s stylistic tone is pro-science. So I needed to read the information from a spiritual perspective.

What I read astonished me.

The Positively Focused Way results in a person becoming superhuman among the ordinary, then becoming ordinary among the superhuman.

The astonishing correlation

Turns out that part of the brain may be the organ that manages shapeshifting. Science is very unclear about the cerebellum (no surprise there). But its speculations offer interesting glimmers. Glimmers that might shed light on what’s happening inside my skull.

According to Wikipedia, the cerebellum manages fine motor skills, particularly fine placements of the body in space. It’s also responsible for highly specific learning modalities, including optimal control, visual-spacial cognition, supervised learning and the regulation of unsupervised learning. All this includes interpreting sensory inputs from relativistic positioning to guide motor function and so much more…

Now, think about it. What is shapeshifting? It is changing one’s form from one structure to another. Doing that requires heightened levels of “Optimal Control” doesn’t it? Wouldn’t it also require highly attuned visual-spacial recognition? Yes it would. The two learning modalities play a part too. For the body must be able to tell when the shift is complete. And all this must happen at extremely fine levels. Infinite levels of relationship between parts of the body and relationships between the body and all other objects in the immediate space. In other words, extremely fine motor skills are required.

This sounds very much like functions the cerebellum excels at. So developing such abilities would necessitate expanded capacities in the cerebellum!

Did I mention how astonishing this was?

After reading the entry, I read other entries about functions I noted above. All of what I read had me conclude what you’re reading.

Now, this is admittedly speculation. But my life is a library of proof proving true my speculations. Evidence my clients are creating bolster my own proof. So something is happening. And I’m thrilled to find out more!

Further speculation brings anticipation

My cerebellum is expanding to accommodate shapeshifting. Apparently, this part of the brain also is associated with pain processing. As far as shapeshifting is concerned, every part of the body, every atom, cell and nerve must rearrange into the model/vision – the target shape. That might be quite painful. But the cerebellum may modulate pain sensors to accommodate the shift from one form to the other.

Teleportation is another ability I’m cultivating. The cerebellum may play a role there too. What is teleportation? The ability to move from one place and time and appear in another, instantly. Wouldn’t that demand extremely precise motor coordination? How about fine placements in space and time? You wouldn’t want to teleport into a concrete wall, for example!

According to Wikipedia posts I read, cerebellum functions play a role in an animal regulating precise body movements from one position in time and space to another as it traverses an environment. Or as it repositions its body. As when, for example, a cat sits down and licks its nuts…

All this inspires me deeply. It also inspires anticipation. Eagerness too. I feel certain I’m on a path. A path including astonishing abilities. It’s fun walking this path. It’s also fun seeing signs showing my progress.

Want to know more? Interested in discovering your own path like my clients are? Get in touch.

When A Scam Is An Awesome Gift Of Love

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

I suppose most people think being scammed is a bad thing. But a scammer taking advantage of you tells you something really good.

No, it doesn’t tell you you’re stupid. Or that you should be more aware…although you probably should. What it is telling you is that there is something happening inside you that makes you a match to that experience.

Yes, the scam “victim” draws that experience into their life. Being scammed isn’t a random event. No event is. Instead, it’s a reflection of an inner state, a vibrational state. The event vibrationally matches that inner state, so it shows up in the scammed person’s experience as manifested reality.

This is exactly what happened with a client recently, although she caught it early enough to avoid being scammed. Just like I did before.

I wrote about what most people would say was the positive side of this experience last week. But this week I’m going to share another positive side. A side most would probably think was “negative”.

But it’s not. It’s very, very positive.

Desperation: a great money maker

As I wrote last week, this client finds herself attached to a certain guy. This guy waffles in his affection for her. The client knows she deserves better. But because of beliefs causing her attachment, she can’t pull herself away from the guy. I mean, she could, but she feels compelled not to.

As a result, she wants him to change. But he won’t change. That’s because her focus remains on his waffling behavior. She doesn’t like that behavior. But because she fixates on it, it persists.

Not only that. It’s getting stronger.

And as it does, her desire for it to change gets stronger too. So the two amplify each other. That amplification leaves my client feeling desperate. And desperation is what the vibration feels like that makes one a match to scammers.

Especially scammers who use the potential of finding love as their leverage.

No where are people more desperate than in their pursuit of love. They’re willing to spend thousands to get it. They’re also willing to kiss a lot of frogs.

Meanwhile, the endearing, unconditional love they seek in the world around them exists closer than they think. It’s right there inside them. It’s the connection between them and their Broader Perspective. And when a person connects to that, love from another human pales in comparison.

The irony is, when a person has this inner relationship front-and-center, human relationships get better. And love one wants from another human gets better too.

Conditional love or unconditional love?

The client in question doesn’t have this Broader Perspective relationship front-and-center though. Instead, she’s allowed her relationship with Mr. Waffle to displace that relationship. And this is why she feels desperate. Because love from another human always comes with conditions. Broader Perspective love, however, is unconditional.

Displace that unconditional love with conditional love and the immediate feeling is insecurity. Keep it there long enough and insecurity turns to worry, concern, fear, jealousy and even hatred. These emotions happen when that unconditional love another human brings to the table bears out as unconditional: when they get mad at us for not meeting their expectations. Or for doing something they don’t like.

Our Broader Perspective has no conditions we can’t meet. It doesn’t get mad at us. We don’t irritate it. It just loves us, period.

A person trying to rely on conditional love can develop feelings of desperation when everything they try fails to coax their partner into behaving the way they want. That’s what was happening with this client. And that’s why she was feeling desperation.

Finding her way

So last week when those four new perfectly-matched dating options showed up, the client was overjoyed, at first. As she explored one of them more deeply, however, he turned out to be a scammer. A scammer preying on people desperate for love.

This revelation had the client feeling angry, then sad. But what was happening wasn’t sad. It didn’t have to be anger-inducing either. That’s because the experience showed my client exactly where she was vibrationally. And if she didn’t know where she was vibrationally standing, she couldn’t do anything about it.

Thankfully, the client’s Broader Perspective got her attention well enough to trigger skepticism about this person. She looked into it a bit more, then discovered the plot.

She’s still struggling though. She hasn’t yet found her way through disempowering stories on various subjects. Stories that have her feeling vibrationally low. And creating circumstances, events…and men, projecting that low vibration back to her.

And yet, improvement is on the horizon. So long as one persists in their focus, their desire to improve their vibration, that will happen. Then the world must reflect that improved vibration back to her in the form an improving life experience.

In the meantime, this client already has created enough evidence on other subjects proving the Positively Focused Way works. So she’s going to persist. Which means she’s eventually going to get everything she desires. Including a satisfying relationship.

The Universe Is The Best Dating Service

Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash

On my other blog, I encourage readers avoid online dating. It’s costly. It rarely succeeds. And it’s not very fun. Especially for BIPOC.

Recently, a Positively Focused client came to her own understanding of this. She realized, unconsciously, as most clients do, that the Universe is a wish-granting jewel. It constantly fulfills every desire.

Just because it does that, however, doesn’t mean we receive every desire fulfilled. To receive, we must be tuned in. We must be on the same frequency of the fulfilled desire. That means, of course, following Broader Perspective impulses. If we do that, we end up at the perfect place and time to real-ize fulfilled desire.

However, most of us don’t know how to hear impulses. So we move through life haphazardly. Or we rely on “doing”. We try making things happen. Instead of allowing them to happen.

That’s what lead to my client’s epiphany.

Attachment breeds unconsciousness

My client currently is in love. Rather, she thinks she is. Actually, she’s in very strong attachment. Attachment over this guy she thinks is “The One”. The problem is, no person is that. The only “The One” in our lives is us. In other words, we each are our own “The One”.

Most of us don’t realize this though. That’s because society talks us out of our inner knowing. We then forget we are eternal. We forget we are eternally loved, loved by us, and that no other love can compare to that. Especially conditional love from another human.

This client finds herself thus. She’s struggling, therefore. She’s struggling because she’s experiencing things she doesn’t like about this guy. Every time they spend time together and get close, for example, he freaks out. Intimacy frightens him. So he’ll waffle. One day he’s all Lovey-dovey. The next day, he “needs space.”

This pattern may sound familiar.

The problem for my client is her attachment. She wants so bad for this person to change. But he can’t change when she focuses so much on his behavior she doesn’t like. Behavior reflecting her own waffling way of being.

That’s right, my client realizes in this guy’s behavior that she was this way in relationship for decades. So she is having her dominant way of being in relationship reflected back to her.

I told her this was the purpose of this relationship: to have her see what’s happening inside her, vibrationally. Seeing that, she can then change her frequency.

But she’s not having that. Which has her suffering in indecision and strong resistance. Resistance she thinks is desire. She’s struggling in attachment too. Attachment she thinks is love.

But it’s not.

Which is why what happened next is so compelling.

The Universe delivers

While my client holds onto attachment for dear life, her focus on what she doesn’t want already has created what she does want. The Universe already answered her desire for a better relationship, in other words.

Still, her attachment has her pining for this one guy, rather than going with the flow of her unfolding.

“I was on my Facebook profile,” she explained one session. We were talking about her dating possibilities and how the Universe keys up an infinite stream of increasingly better quality men for her. “I rarely visit it. So when I did, I noticed I had 150 new friend requests.”

She continued: “I’m on eHarmony. None of the men I see there are attractive to me. It’s depressing.”

The client said she wondered while pursuing her online dating profile if she should date only widowers. She thinks such men would be better matches. That’s because, supposedly, they had long, enduring relationships, right up to the bitter end! Then she said she also thought she should date only engineers, since she gets along with such guys easily. She used to work in an engineering-heavy industry.

“So when I looked at the friend requests,” She explained. “Four of them were really handsome men. All four were widowers and all were engineers! That’s so weird.”

“Weird” means “I’m oblivious”

“Weird” is a common client refrain. Like most people, clients don’t get how consistently Universe delivers on all desires. So they don’t experience enough evidence of it. When I point out the evidence, they can’t believe it’s how the Universe works. They instead see these experiences as standing out. As strange. As “weird”.

In time, anyone will move beyond “weird” to just accepting that the Universe does this. But until then, people just can’t accept that these “coincidences” are how the Universe works. In other words, they’re oblivious. And that obliviousness blocks them from seeing their desires fulfilling themselves, like this client seeing the Universe give her matches without her having to do anything.

This obliviousness is why people are trying to find their match via online dating. And trying to “make” other things happen in their lives too. They think “doing” is the key to getting what they want. When in fact, relaxing and trusting will make it happen easier and with more fun.

People make a lot of money out of other people thinking “doing” is the only way.

I encouraged my client to get this: That the Universe knows better how to deliver what she wants. And that no amount of doing can replace the power and leverage of the Universe.

But she’s still attached. So she’s still struggling. Meanwhile, the wonder wasn’t wasted on me. I reveled in the awareness giving me insight into the gift the client received. Even if she can’t enjoy that awareness fully…yet.

I know, in time, should she continue, she will. It’s the natural unfolding of All That Is. All That Is, which is what we all are.

Discover how the Universe is serving you with utmost loyalty. Contact me. Let’s get you started in your own practice.

The Great Tragedy Of Christianity Also Is A Blessing

Something awesome happened in the Positively Focused Advanced Group session this week. The topic: Christianity. When one participant got mildly triggered, she also triggered a wonderful exploration.

After a hundred hours or so of one-on-one session practice, I invite eligible clients into the Advanced Session Group sessions. The monthly sessions’ value lies in the group dynamic. Participants benefit from hearing others’ experiences. That’s because it’s easier seeing something going on in another’s life than our own sometimes.

One Advanced Group participant still believes in Christianity. So when Christianity came up “Jane”, which I’ll call the client, struggled a bit with what came next. It was Jane’s struggle that offered Positively Focused gold to everyone else. Including Jane! Let’s see what happened.

Cognitive dissonance begets a great conversation

Jane said she appreciates how Christianity aligns with what she’s learned from her Positively Focused practice. Of course, that’s accurate. What I share in Positively Focused sessions is exactly how the Universe works. This explains why clients’ lives dramatically improve as their proficiency with the Positively Focused Way improves. One’s life MUST improve.

That’s what happens when one stops resisting how life works.

It also makes sense Jane’s experience with the Positively Focused Way highlights similarities between it and Christianity. She shared some New Testament Bible quotes, which she believed say the same thing we talk about in our Positively Focused practice. Everyone listened quietly as she talked.

When one chronically views life through a Positively Focused lens, everything reveals its positive aspects to the viewer. That’s consistent with the way the Universe works too. Because All That Is sees everything happening in itself as good. Only humans see it differently, often to their detriment. So it made sense that Jane sees similarities between her Christian beliefs and the Positively Focused Way.

But she wasn’t taking her analysis far enough. Another practitioner did, however. Her analysis took us right up to the leading edge. Here’s how that happened.

When I said Christian teachings contain significant distortions, Jane got uncomfortable. She didn’t believe that. Her beliefs about Christianity wouldn’t allow it. I added that its distortions primarily explain why humanity experiences much difficulty today. This religion, and others, distort how the Universe works, I said. Accuracies exist in Christianity and other religions. But distortions in them overwhelm those accuracies.

Jane got a bit defensive about her beliefs. I believe others felt that from her too. That’s when another participant I’ll call “Maria” spoke up.

Introducing Christianity’s Major Distortions

“Maria” is an African American woman. She also happens to be transgender. She took to the Positively Focused Way quite quickly. I attribute that to her being trans. Her trans status forced her to look for alternate world views. Ones that told her she is perfect the way she is, not an abomination. Or confused, or mentally ill. As a result of this, Maria took very well to the Positively Focused Way, because it asserts her perfection as a god in human form. Her confidence and ability with the Way reflects that.

Anyway, Maria, gesturing for emphasis said “The main problem with Christian belief is it says God exists ‘out there’ outside us.”

Her statement hung in the air a moment. I let it be a bit before adding “and Original Sin, that we are born into sin, is a problem too. So is the idea that Jesus died for our sins.”

Jane was silent for some time. She couldn’t deny it. These three basic tenets of Christianity run counter to how the Universe works. They also run counter to who we each are as eternal beings, god in human form.

Think about it. Assume a god exists out there separate from us. He — invariably “he” — arbitrates who gets into heaven. So each person must be a particular way in life to “earn” a ticket in. If we don’t, we’re condemned to “hell”. There’s a lot to unpack there. But let’s just stick with this separate God. If a God exists as Christianity asserts, one we must satisfy or go to hell, then humans are perpetually wondering if their acts will earn them a ticket to heaven. Don’t you think that sets humanity up for perpetual, intense insecurity?

And doesn’t this Original Sin greatly amplify that insecurity? It’s like the moment we’re born we’re damned, beholden to the mercy of Christ.

Insecurity is positive, but not the way you think

That insecurity happens automatically. That insecure feeling is also good. It’s good because it tells us something we want to know. But if we don’t know what it’s telling us, that insecurity will inspire action amplifying the insecurity.

For example, it will make a person externalize their insecurity. I’m sure you’ve experienced this. I sure have. The purest form of this externalization shows up among kids. Christian kids will sometimes tell non-Christian kids they are going to hell. Adults do this too. Christian parents sometimes even say it to their own kids! Such acts are manifestations of trying to soothe inner insecurity born of distorted Christian teachings. But judging others, and emotions that follow such acts, only amplify that inner knowing. The knowing saying “something is off here.”

Something is off. We are gods becoming more. We come into this time-space reality in pursuit of that more. There is no one outside of us, judging what we’re doing. We needn’t please someone in order to get somewhere. And, as gods, when we live from our godliness, life evidence will show us our inherent worthiness.

Live from your Charmed Life and life will show you heaven on earth. (Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash)

Life gets better. Confidence replaces anxiety. Security replaces insecurity. Loving others replaces condemning them.

All this is possible. But only when we take “insecurity” for what it is telling us. Then do something about it.

Perpetuating distortion generation to generation

And do something we must. Because no one else can do it. Jesus can’t do anything for us. We don’t need saving because we were never lost. Instead, we are what Christians externalize. And when we live from that, life turns into the Charmed Life I write about.

If “Original Sin” does exist, it looks like this: the tendency in parents to pass on distortions to their kids. The “sin”, if there is one that we are born into, is being born to parents who don’t know they are god in human form. Parents who don’t know their children are too.

Abraham points to this in a recent email message:

Abraham explains the cycle of perpetuating distortion.

If we are born into a “sin” it is this. It is not realizing we are all god in human form.

For now, every person comes into the world through a woman. That process means being raised by those who came before us. Nearly every such event includes people who don’t realize they are god in human form.

It’s not just parents though. It’s teachers too. And neighbors, including other children who gave their clarity up to curry parental approval. It’s religious leaders. Leaders who refuse to believe distortion exists in their teachings. And it’s popular figures who gain fame, but don’t understand where their fame comes from. So they thank “God”.

So the Original Sin is denying our godliness. Then externalizing it in an external God and empowering that figment of our imagination to judge our worthiness.

The conversation between Jane and Maria left Jane and the rest of us deep in thought. It also left Maria feeling empowered, as it should. Her comments were spot on.

What to do about it

Look around. It’s not just Christians living distortions. Much of human civilization rests on them. But we don’t need to. We can live alongside ordinary people, while living extraordinary lives. In doing so, we turn distortions into blessings. Negative emotion we feel while in the vibration of distorted beliefs is meant to prompt us to take action.

Not physical action though. It’s meant to prompt introspection as action. It’s meant to inspire us to seek out our Broader Perspective. Do that and we discover whole new dimensions. Dimensions existing right alongside those based on distortion. It’s like being born again, but for real. Not symbolically.

Christianity’s great tragedies are many. Acts taken in this external “God’s” name are legion. The blessing contained in each one is this turning inward. An introspection that can dispel distortion. It doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why it’s taking humanity so long. Thank god we’re eternal.

But again, none of us need to wait for others to get it. Our Charmed Life awaits us the moment we tap into that Broader Perspective we all are. And when we do, we enter the kingdom of heaven.

No tickets required.

Find out more or better yet, get started on your journey along the Positively Focused Way Contact me.

How To Create Other People Easily

I know. It sounds like an impossibility. Other people are individual persons. They’re subject to their own whims and desires, right? We can’t create other people! They have free will and all that!

Not so fast…

It’s accurate that others are their own creation. But they’re also a co-creation. We all participate in each others’ becoming. And, as I’ve stressed before, the people we experience aren’t the same people those people actually are. Instead, they’re our creations. Which explains why sometimes people get defensive when others criticize them.

But this is a positive post about how I created another person in my reality. It’s not about being defensive. In fact, it’s really about being joyful. Because what happened was such a delightful, and yet, expected, surprise. And it offers a perfect example of how we create others. Including potential partners.

The setup was awesome

One day this past summer while riding my bike, I came across a celebration. Portlanders – in their weird way – were riding around on old-style roller-skates. Dressed in costumes and carrying signs, these folks were partying over something I didn’t understand.

I did understand they were enjoying themselves, though. That was obvious. As a mobile DJ blasted tunes, the revelers wound their way along a circular path cones outlined on the street.

As I rode past, I noticed a woman on her bicycle. She was tall, with dark hair to her shoulders. She drew me to her with an enthralling quality. So much so it took me aback. The moment happened so quick. I saw her, rode past, then focused on the revelers.

Still, riding away, I chastised myself. Why didn’t I stop and say hi? But in my self-reproach, I realized what I was doing. So, instead of staying in that belief constellation, I decided I would create a future reality where I’d see her again. I therefore casually said to myself “Wouldn’t it be nice to see this person again?”

Then I focused on how pleased I would be to rendezvous with that probable future reality. One where I’d see her again.

Notice: I did this casually, lightly and only for a moment.

You can probably guess what happened next…

We create everything we experience

As creators, we are the only beings in our reality. Everything we experience, therefore, is a reflection of our massive, eternal awareness. We constantly create new realities as we move through our created reality. This gives rise to multiverses science is only recently coming to acknowledge exists.

We create people in our realities as we create everything else. The versions we create are cooperatively created along with the entities those people are in their reality. So it’s not like we’re doing anything against anyone’s will.

What this means is, we have complete control over experiences we have with other people. But usually, we let our observations reign over what we create. Especially when it comes to other people. Rather than creating them deliberately, we let our observations do it. So people occur as individuals totally separate from us. We experience physical reality the same way for the same reasons.

When we realize, however, that we create our reality, including others, we come into tremendous power and leverage. We can literally call people back into our experience, provided those people are willing to have that experience too.

That’s what happened here.

After affirming a future rendezvous with this person, I dropped it. I let the idea go into All That Is, knowing the Universe took hold of it.

Hearing inner guidance

Yesterday, over three months after seeing her, I got the impulse to go for a walk. I had just meditated for an hour and was vibing really high. So I put on warm clothes and headed out.

I knew I was vibing high because of how I felt. But also based on people’s reactions. They were super friendly. Strangers stared at me. When you’re vibing high, you stand out like a sore thumb. People notice you. I greeted those people and they were friendly in return.

As I wound my way back towards home, I started crossing one of the bridges spanning the river bisecting downtown Portland. On the way across I spotted a person coming the opposite direction. She was walking a Corgi. Something about her was very familiar.

About 20 meters away, we locked eyes. I said hi. She smiled and nodded. I felt a jolt of clarity. I recognized a connection between her and I in that moment.

We passed one another. Then my Broader Perspective suggested I stop, so I did. I leaned against the rail and took stock of my inner awareness. Something important happened that I wasn’t catching. But my Broader Perspective’s signals were strong enough to give me pause.

The bridge where I first saw her…

Then the big reveal

I looked back and saw her walking in the distance. A part of me wanted to catch up with her. It wanted to introduce myself and strike up a chat. Another part didn’t. It wanted to go home. It was getting dark. Soon it would be too cold for the clothes I wore.

Screw it, I decided. I wanted to follow through on the first part urging me to go introduce myself. By now she was a good 500 meters away. I turned back and went to catch up with her.

About 50 meters away, for some reason, that’s when she decided to stop and sit on a park bench! It was a perfect set up! I was so pleased this happened because it worked perfectly for me to approach her. When I did, I introduced myself. She invited me to sit and talk.

After talking with her a while, it struck me: This was the girl I saw last summer! In my excitement I told her so, but she didn’t remember. Most people don’t remember much about things they consider insignificant, so that wasn’t surprising. Inside though I knew this was the Universe responding to my request.

Long story short, we talked for 30 minutes. She gave me her number. We’re talking about seeing each other again.

The more we believe, the more we see

It’s so fun meeting people this way. It’s so fun I wonder why people rely on online dating to help them meet people. This is way more fun. The serendipity, the surprise, the unfolding are all wonderful characteristics of cooperating with the Universe to meet people we want to meet.

And it’s so easy.

Moreover, if we’re relaxing into the desire, it happens relatively fast.

But a lot of people don’t believe anything you just read. Or they believe what you just read is just a big coincidence. I’ve had this exact experience happen too many times though. So many I’m convinced this indeed is what’s possible. Not just for me. But for anyone.

We create our realities. That includes other people. The more we believe that, the more we’ll see that bear out in the world we experience. That means we can have anything in our reality: lovers, wonderful rendezvous, and everything else we desire.

It’s just how the Universe is organized.

Try it for yourself. Test the Universe and watch it deliver. Need help with the how? I’m available.

More Practical Advice On How To Be A Shapeshifter

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

I’m learning to follow inner impulses more and more. So when I woke this morning, eager to do a blog on shapeshifting, that’s what I did. This post is the result of that impulse.

My last post on shapeshifting gave a great overview. It detailed what’s needed, in a general sense, to accomplish the feat. That post described current beliefs most people possess. Beliefs which make even thinking about shapeshifting as a practical reality pretty much impossible. However, nearly everything we want IS possible. Including becoming a shapeshifter. We’ll talk more about the possibility in a bit.

The previous post also covered identity. We humans believe we are these bodies. That belief prompts other limiting beliefs. Beliefs also making shapeshifting impossible.

For example, a belief in medical science gets in the way. That’s because it implies the impossibility of certain things. It implies, for example, that the body can’t spontaneously regrow limbs. Or that germs and viruses are what makes us sick.

Germs and viruses are cooperative components to illness. But there’s a lot more to how bodies manifest dis-ease that medical science doesn’t account for. Let alone believe in. That’s another blog post, however. So instead of going there, let’s get back to the topic at hand.

The last post looked generally at beliefs. Let’s look more at beliefs as we consider what’s required to become a shapeshifter.

Fear, it is the mind killer

Frank Herbert, creator of the Dune franchise, was spot on. Our emotions point to what’s possible. A Positively Focused practice examines emotions in great detail. That’s because they’re crucial for being able to expand beyond human confines.

Humans enjoy great potential. We can experience freedom like no other being. We can experience freedom with no limits at all. But our beliefs limit that freedom. This morning, for example, I woke with a clear understanding of this. I realized, for me, the very act of working a job limits my freedom. I’ll write a blog about that another day. But this realization showed me something important. It showed me how our daily lives reveal how deeply we disbelieve how free we are. How we live as a society constantly reinforces our self-imposed limits.

Emotions like fear help us understand those limits. But if we don’t know what they tell us, we don’t get the understanding. Fear tells us something really important. Essentially, it’s saying, the “mind” (intelligence, your infinite potential, our Broader Perspective) is being limited by whatever belief currently is active in us and triggering fear. Fear literally tells us we’re limiting mind-potential.

Fear, therefore, doesn’t kill the mind. It tells us WE’RE “killing” it. Making it dead. Putting it in a box. Putting it in bondage. Bondage created by whatever thought(s) we have active in the moment we feel fear. This is a crucial thing. Understanding emotions and using them for their intended purpose makes being free a lot easier.

Our freedom has no limits. Anything is possible. Even shapeshifting.

Anything happening in dreams is possible in the physical

When we understand we enjoy unlimited freedom, we forget about being free. Instead, we focus on adventure inherent in freedom.

Imagine freedom as a newly-discovered planet. A planet with no boundaries. The more we explore it, the more there is to discover. That’s how freedom is.

And so when we accept that is freedom’s nature, a boundless playground, then it’s easier enjoying the adventure freedom inherently possesses. When we arrive at that orientation, where we focus near-exclusively on the adventure of life, then we’re ready to consider a wider scope of what’s possible.

This is why the Positively Focused Way focuses so much on emotions and, later, in advanced levels, on dream work. Dreams aren’t what people think they are. What they really are are journeys we take each night. The experience we call dreams are experiences our unbounded Broader Perspective constantly enjoys. Yes, even as we in our earthly bodies have whatever limited experience we have.

In dreams we’re unlimited. We can do nearly everything.

In a Positively Focused practice we reconnect with what’s happening in dreams to bring that awareness and possibility to consciousness. Dreams are the unlimited adventure I described above. Everyone enjoys them. Even those thinking they don’t dream.

The real fun starts when we bring that unlimited adventure to our waking lives.

Conscious awareness of freedom and adventure

Becoming aware of what’s happening in dreams, then bringing that awareness forward into waking reality is key to shapeshifting. Can you see how?

That awareness, the feeling of unboundedness, is key. It’s what’s needed to even begin believing in shapeshifting as a possibility. If we don’t believe it is possible, it can’t happen. So belief is key too.

Both freedom and adventure are hallmarks of worlds we experience while “dreaming”. Only we’re not “dreaming”. That word cheapens what we’re really doing while the body sleeps. While the body sleeps, what we’re really doing is living the full potential of all we are.

Making that conscious in our awareness while awake, we can then realize anything we experience in the dream state is possible in “reality”. After all, what is “reality” other than a really vivid dream?

That’s another key element to allowing shapeshifting into our experience. Freedom and adventure are hallmarks of life and the dream world. We are completely free. The adventure comes in when we accept our freedom as a given. Then focus on boldly exploring how free we are.

When we settle in that consciously and aware, only then can we allow into our experience what the majority believes impossible. And when we do, we become the example, which sets others free. You see how that happens, right?

That’s the purpose of the Positively Focused Way. We become examples others can follow. And in doing so, we become deliberate agents of expansion. There’s nothing better to live one’s life for.

Contact me if you’re ready to deliberately play your part in this wondrous, joyful path. Let’s get you started.

I Focused On Abundance. Then This Happened!

I’ve said in many past posts the best way to manifest abundance is by appreciating abundance surrounding us already. I practice what I preach. So when this incredible demonstration of abundance happened, I wasn’t surprised.

But I was surprised by the message I got from the experience.

A few clients wonder why I talk about so many little things manifesting in my life. When they do, I tell them I talk about them because they are gateways. Talking about them opens the door to big manifestations. There’s literally no difference in manifestation technique for manifesting something big as manifesting something small.

That’s why I encourage clients build their manifestation skills by starting with small things. Things they don’t have a lot of resistance about. Doing that they get practice. Practice begets proof. Proof that manifesting works. That proof also boosts confidence. It also soothes resistance we have on the bigger things we want.

So manifesting little things helps a lot. The little things develop confidence. They create a lot of proof. That allows clients to trust their Broader Perspective.

The abundance demonstration I manifested proved something more to me. Something became clear in that message. I’ll share that in a moment. First, let’s take a look at what happened.

Abundance amplified

I already live bathed in abundance. While I enjoy a life full of leisure, I also enjoy ample time to practice my spirituality. My client work is an expansion of that. So my “work” isn’t really work. It’s an extension of my practice.

That work is really fun. I love seeing clients develop their Charmed Life. Their unfolding Charmed Life amplifies my own Charmed Life. And, the time I work with clients represents a fraction of the hours in a week. I therefore enjoy an abundance of leisure and fun.

I also experience abundance of other things. An abundance of streaming content exists for me to enjoy. I’ve written about this before. I also enjoy an abundance of literature and magazines to read. Plenty of options exist for me to get exercise. Whether on foot or on my bike, I enjoy an abundance of outdoor paths to take. I’m a great cook. As a result of that, I have a fridge full of wonderful foods, baked goods I’ve made and other delectables I love eating.

Even when I’m sleeping I enjoy abundance. Every night I dream no less than 10 dreams. Some nights I dream well over 15! Most of the time these dreams are super enjoyable. I’ve written about these too.

Of course I also enjoy a seeming unlimited abundance of things to write about. That includes all three of the blogs I write for. That’s another state of abundance I enjoy.

All these instances of abundance I’ve expressed appreciation about nearly every day. As a result, what happened recently was a natural extension of my recognizing how abundant my life is.

The waft of incense sparks a wonderful abundance demonstration

One day, as I appreciated all the states of abundance in my life, I received an impulse. Little did I know that impulse would create the experience that happened. The impulse was to take out my incense burner and enjoy the aroma of my favorite incense, “Nag Champa”.

I hadn’t burned any incense in a while. That’s because I lived with room mates. One of those guys was allergic to incense.

After creating enough financial abundance to live on my own however, I could now enjoy a stick of the Champa. So I took out my burner….

My burner with a stick of Champa in it.

But I realized I didn’t have a lighter or matches! At first I thought to borrow a lighter or match from my neighbor. Then I thought about buying a lighter at the convenience store. But then a better idea came to me: how about manifesting a lighter. That would be cool!

So that’s what I did. I relaxed. Then I imagined enjoying a stick of Champa in my burner. I visualized lighting it with a lighter. Then I tuned my vibration — deeper than thought — to how it would feel to create the experience of manifesting a lighter. I dropped the whole idea then, I left my incense burner in its place and went about my day.

The Champa. My favorite incense.

Amplifying manifestation

Days passed and each one that did I thought about my burner. Some days my eyes would light onto it sitting in its place. Other days my mind would light on my intention to manifest the lighter. In both instances, I would re-create in my vibration the feeling of how it would be to manifest the lighter.

Then one day I went on a walk. I walked along Portland’s Willamette River. Like many waterfronts, Portland’s waterfront is home to many luxury apartment buildings and condos. But all these buildings incorporate a walking path so Portlanders can enjoy walking along the river.

At one point I came to a part of the path bordered by a low-lying retaining wall opposite the riverside. The path curved to the right, then left. I curved right with the path. Then, when I curved left, my eyes involuntarily looked to the right. There, atop the retaining wall rested a white lighter!

The lighter I manifested.

What’s really interesting is, I wasn’t surprised at all it was there. rendezvousing with the lighter just felt like the natural next step of the manifestation process. So when I saw it, I just picked it up, as though it were mine. Which it was!

Little did I know more was coming.

Abundance reveals itself

That night I enjoyed some Champa on my burner. It was a great celebration. But the Universe was just getting started.

I told this story to Avin, a friend of mine. Like me, he takes his connection to All That Is seriously. So he was the perfect person to share the story and amplify my connection to abundance and manifestation. Sharing the story with him felt really great. I felt the amplification taking place.

It was no surprise then that just a week later, I came across yet another lighter. This one was bright green. I rode my bike to an island in the middle of the upper Willamette. It was a beautiful location. I took a meal and my iPad so I could read in the autumn sun. After enjoying all that, I started walking back to my bike.

But I got the impulse to walk to the water’s edge. It was down a path that wound between some rocks. The shore was strewn with large boulders. I sat on one and when I did I looked to the left. There, among the moss, sat the lighter. Since I already manifested one, I had the presence of mind to take a photo:

The second lighter.

I reached down to pick it up. When I did, I got a download from my Broader Perspective. It said “when you focus something into manifestation, the Universe will create an abundance of that which you are manifesting.” As I received that message I also felt shivers on my scalp and spine. I knew this was a divine message! And, it wasn’t just about lighters. It really was about my desire for manifesting financial abundance.

Amplifying the message.

That same week I shared what happened with the second lighter with Avin. I also told him about the message I got. When I did, he got really excited. That’s because he knew what I was talking about.

“There’s no difference in manifesting a small thing and manifesting something big,” He said excitedly. “Whether it’s a lighter or a lottery jackpot, the process is the same!”

We both did a virtual high five because we knew this was exactly what we both were wanting: Evidence that we create our reality. But the Universe wasn’t done with the demonstration!

Over the next two weeks two more lighters manifested in my path, including a black one this very day!

The lighter lineup including the black one that showed up today.

Now, some might say “there are lighters lying around all over the place. People throw them away all the time. Or they lose them.”

That’s true. But I can say for sure during all my walks before setting this intention, I’ve never seen a lighter on my path. They may have been there, but I didn’t see them.

Appreciating existing abundance creates abundant futures

More importantly, what this shows is how much we’re all surrounded by abundance. And when we acknowledge that, we can leverage that abundance to create other forms of abundance.

But if we ignore the natural abundance surrounding us, and instead focus on lack in our lives, then we amplify that. My clients don’t realize how important this demonstration is. They think “they’re just lighters!”

But Avin gets it. So does my Broader Perspective. So does All That Is. This simple demonstration shows me that I am everything I tell my clients they are. We are gods in human form. We’re here to master our inherent creative power. And we’re here to enjoy that path of mastery.

Maybe this story inspires you to achieve your own mastery. If so, I’d be honored to assist in that. Contact me. Let’s see what wonders you manifest.

When A Client Criticizes My Life, Life Gets Better

Sometimes client’s don’t understand what I’m doing with my life. So they’ll interpret what I’m doing with my life through their own Belief Constellations. That will sound like a criticism. But it’s actually a huge blessing.

What they don’t know is their critique says a lot more about their life than it does mine. And, when they do criticize my life, my life gets better. That’s because I know what criticisms are. And so I use them to amplify my own positive focus. Then my life must reflect that amplified perception back to me.

That’s what happened during a recent client session. It was a wonderful opportunity for me. It was wonderful because the client’s critique revealed something I wanted to know. And knowing that changed my life at a vibrational level. At a practical level too!

Let’s take a look at what I’m talking about.

Missing the point?

The client happens to be one of my advanced practitioners. She’s been at it a while and has made remarkable progress. So it was surprising that she said what she said durning the session. Then again, it wasn’t surprising. Because it was perfect. Perfect for me to gain more understanding of my own Belief Constellation.

Sharing a cool manifestation I recently had triggered my client’s beliefs. The experience for me was spectacular, however. That’s because it showed me I had high calibration about money, which is a subject I’m wanting significant, leading edge manifestations about.

After I shared what happened, the client said, “I’m amazed that so little money made such a difference for you. You must be poor.”

Now, this client has a couple million dollars in the bank. She’s retired. Her house is paid for. I don’t think she has any debt. I, on the other hand, chose a different course. One that challenges status quo beliefs, especially around money. I’ve written extensively about this on this blog.

So when she said this, it surprised me. The point of the story wasn’t my financial situation. Instead, it was about how the manifestation happened.

Is it? Or isn’t it?

Still, her comment lingered with me a few days. I don’t consider myself poor. In fact, I consider my life reflecting an immense state of wealth.

My life is rich with all kinds of abundance. When considering wealth or abundance, there are more kinds of that than the monetary variety. And, the key to experiencing great monetary wealth, is appreciating all the other kinds of wealth we enjoy.

For example, I enjoy an immense amount of abundance. My “work week” is about 8 hours. The rest of the week I’m free to enjoy my life. And enjoy it I do! I enjoy an abundance of creator content from Netflix, Disney+, AppleTV+ and the PBS app. In fact, there’s more content among all these channels than I can consume! How’s that for abundance! And only one of those services, AppleTV+, I pay for. The others I get at no cost to me.

I also enjoy a plethora of literature, which I access at no cost. Through my library, for example, I’m enjoying reading every Hugo Award-winning Science Fiction Novel. Many of those award-winners comprise multiple volumes. Books like Dune, the Murder Bot Diaries and The Broken Earth contain at least three books each! My library also has digital collections of popular magazines. So I enjoy access to literally hundreds of popular magazines. More than I can read each month!

Because I don’t “work” I enjoy ample time for meditation, contemplation, walks, bike rides and writing. Meanwhile, client work income covers all my needs. There’s a roof over my head that’s warm in winter, cool in summer. My fridge is full. Because I’m a vet, I enjoy healthcare at no cost to me through the Veteran’s Administration.

So am I really poor?

The app I used to access thousands of titles free.

Living richly in the now

Thinking about all this abundance I enjoy, I realized something crucial. I realized my client helped me amplify even further wealth I’ve already created. Actual monetary wealth, I mean.

In the Positively Focused Way we talk about the Moment of Becoming (MOB). Understanding what the MOB is makes all the difference in living a Charmed Life.

The MOB is the eternal now. Many New Age teachers talk about living in the now. When they do, they’re referring to the temporal now. They’re now is that moment that currently exists in the physical.

But the temporal now, from a vibrational standpoint is not now. That “now” is the past. It represents manifestED reality. Everything already happened in that “now”. Focusing there, we have no power, because everything already is. The real now is the MOB. There, everything is becoming or manifestING. The MOB is the eternal, true now, ever rich with swirling potential. Potential being orchestrated by cooperative elements. Elements taking their direction from focused beings. Beings like you and me.

We live in the MOB, but we temporarily focus in the manifestED reality. In the latter focus, we identify what we want from what we don’t want. That’s the purpose of manifestED reality. But the MOB is the true seat of power. When we communicate our desires from the MOB our Broader Perspective and All That Is takes our communication and orchestrates all the cooperative components so our desires fulfill themselves.

In THAT now, the real now, the MOB, I know my financial abundance is being orchestrated. I often feel it happening. So my state of being, my experience of life NOW, is that I’m rich beyond measure! Meanwhile, I get to enjoy manifestED reality, which includes a lot of abundance already. So much it can kinda get overwhelming…

Realizing the benefit

So why would I have attracted an experience where a client called me “poor”? I came to the answer a day after the session. The answer is really cool.

Everyone in our lives are reflections of our thoughts and beliefs. Every “thing” is too. But people particularly offer accurate reflections of what we have going on in our Belief Constellations. So when a person acts mean to us, that person reflects something active in our Belief Constellation that attracted that reflection. It’s something we want to look at and do something about.

Other people, therefore, constantly offer us compelling gifts: opportunities to clean up vibrations we may not know we have going on. So my client calling me “poor” was a blessing. A blessing I received fully.

In the last few years I’ve been soothing beliefs impacting my ability to manifest monetary abundance. I’ve produced excellent evidence that soothing is working. My client calling me “poor” then, indicated a wobble still in my vibration. One I want to smooth out. I had been doing so well manifesting money in moderate levels I hadn’t realized this vibration still existed in me.

Realizing this, I became excited. I reveled in the realization. That’s why I realized the benefit my client gave me was immense.

The rest of the week I buzzed around like a happy bee. I thought over and over about our exchange, appreciating the insight my “reflector” gave me.

The next session I shared with her my experience. I did that to further amplify my own appreciation. This post is part of that amplification. It was a wonderful unfolding.

A wonderful reminder of what I already get.

The journey is the gift

What’s really interesting is, when I didn’t resist her calling me poor in the session, she also shared that see sees me as a millionaire hundreds of times over. Even a billionaire, she said.

That wasn’t coincidence. For I’m focusing into my reality me being a centi-millionaire, even a billionaire. And realizing that outrageous fortune by doing nothing other than focusing my vibration. The fact that she went from calling me “poor” to sharing that she saw me as a billionaire was an accurate reflection, therefore. One that included the combination of my vibrational intent and beliefs I still have that aren’t so compatible with that.

The entire experience was stellar. And this is the thing: every experience humans have are like this one. In every moment, we’re in the bright light of unfolding desire. And, every desire is guaranteed to be realized by us. As soon as we line up with frequencies which are vibrational versions of the manifestation we desire.

Our entire life as gods in human form is about exactly this. It’s about enjoying every delicious moment of expansion. The more we find joy in the journey, the more joyful the journey gets. The better life gets.

I appreciate my client so much for the complete reflection she offered to me. Such a confirmation it was! A confirmation of all that I’m enjoying on this journey into my greater expansion!

What Happens When I Follow God’s Advice (My Inner Guidance)

Background Photo by Trinity Nguyen on Unsplash

I’m thrilled about writing this post. I’m thrilled because I’m sharing what signifies a big improvement in my vibration. An improvement on a subject showing I am reaching into the “leading edge” of what it means to be human.

Many life goals I have include expressing that “leading edge” life. What do I mean by “leading edge”? I mean living life in ways humans think impossible, and in doing so, expanding what it means to be human. And what’s possible for humanity.

Life for me has been about understanding the human experience through my personal experience, then living in ways that expand on that. While doing that, I’ve lived an interesting life. A diverse life. A life providing all kinds of enlightening experiences. Experiences giving me insight into the human condition.

But at the core of all I am, I am not human. You aren’t human either, dear reader. After all, when this life is over, you and I will continue existing. We won’t be human though. Instead, we’ll cast of this “mortal coil” in favor of our eternal, expanded beingness.

I love the sound of that.

But I really love experiencing that. Experiencing that expanded beingness, right here, in the mortal coil. And that’s why I’m thrilled to write this post. Because I’m experiencing that expanded state, even while I live as human. It’s the best of all worlds.

The power of limiting beliefs

The thrilling thing I experienced happened in late September. I schedule posts in advance. So by the time you read them, what you read happened a while ago. Still, this experience shows it’s worth learning to deliberately create reality through manifesting.

We can literally create any reality we want. Nothing is off limits. But doing that requires diligence. I think most people aren’t ready to take that on. For those who are, however, life gets really fun. Life becomes heavenly. But only for those who can see the possibility. Seeing that, however, first requires believing it’s possible.

That means letting go of beliefs humans accept as “true”. There are many such beliefs. Some contain far more sticking power than others. By “sticking power”, I mean momentum. Momentum we collectively add to these beliefs by accepting and believing in them. One such belief, for example, is “humans can’t regrow limbs.” It’s an interesting paradox.

Because humans CAN’T grow limbs. It’s not because the potential to do so isn’t there, however. Rather, it’s because no one believes it can be done. So no one tries.

Doesn’t this remind you of the story about the baby elephant tied to a stake? Humans are like elephants tied to stakes as babies. Our stakes are our limiting beliefs.

Abraham describing why some things are impossible.

History is replete with things once thought impossible becoming possible. Maybe you can think of some. In any case, the leading edge of humanity lies on that boundary between what people believe and what’s actually possible. I live my life on that edge. So I do things most people think are crazy. That includes choosing to leave lucrative careers, giving up “earning a living” and leaping into the unknown, expecting the Universe will catch me.

And catch me it has!

The perfect unfolding

I chose a life path wherein I want enormous amounts of money to flow into my life. And, I want it to flow in ways that leave me free to live my life. In other words, I want money coming in with me doing as little as possible about that. That way, I can live my life loving life, playful and engaged in what I enjoy.

These days my desires have more sway over my life than fear, obligation or “common sense”. That means I’m living more boldly than ever. I’m no longer willing to accept beliefs we humans commonly hold. I decided some time ago, therefore, to prove to myself that this “you create your reality” business is real.

Unlike others doing what I’m doing, I went “all in”. I gave up jobs, let my marriage dissolve and struck out in pursuit of the extraordinary. Doing that, I confronted and am confronting these common beliefs.

Many such beliefs revolve around money. Money is a big subject. One that needs a lot of cleaning up in my Belief Constellation. That process is not always without fear though. And that’s what I’m writing about today. There’s a lot to share and will likely need to be shared over several posts. But here’s what happened in late September.

Money as a manifested idea enjoys a lot of momentum. Many beliefs about it limit what’s possible around money. (Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)

Living the Charmed Life

In January, my rent is going up. I thought it was going up a lot. But I soothed that belief and it turned out I was wrong: The rent did go up, but not nearly as much as I feared. Still, because I’m bold, and because I’m cleaning up beliefs about money I no longer want active in my vibration, my income is quite low. It’s just enough to cover my living expenses. That’s because my current beliefs about money, income and working for income still hold sway.

But momentum from those beliefs is soothing. I know this because, today, I don’t work for income. Rather, I play with clients, showing them how to do what I have done and am doing. They pay me for this. However, it doesn’t feel at all like work. It feels, instead, as an extension of my spiritual practice. You could say then, I’m being paid to pursue everything I’m writing about here. That’s the joy of the Positively Focused Way: the Charmed Life I write about in this blog.

I’ve enjoyed living this way for several years now. It’s been an interesting adventure that’s only just getting started. But with that rent increase looming, I realized I would need more money. Because I know what I know, and because of a long string of manifestations on other subjects, I resolved to manifest the money I needed.

I realized I could take a job instead. But that’s not the path I’m on. I’m committed to manifesting a life on my terms. That includes manifesting money on my terms too!

It began with a post card

So one day in September, I got a post card. It was from the United Sates Postal Service. They were hosting a “Career Day” at my local post office. This card came with interesting timing. Thinking about taking a job occured to me in the same week. And here is this card showing up. So this was an opportunity to test my connection to my Broader Perspective. I also wanted its opinion on the opportunity. Also, I wanted guidance on what to do too. I mean, I knew what I wanted to do (ignore the card). Yet I felt a twinge of fear-induced impulses saying “go to the career day.”

Our Broader Perspective is the larger consciousness that is us, outside our physical bodies. We are far too big to fit in this human form. So we squeeze a part of us “here”. Meanwhile, the larger part of all that we are remains in nonphysical. That larger part is not the “God” most religions talk about. It is US, experiencing all experiences we’re having across infinite dimensions. That perspective exists outside of space and time.

So it can “see” a lot more than we can. It literally sees all probable futures, choices we have made, can make and will make. And it sees how all those choices always work out. It therefore, is a fantastic source of guidance. This is why the Positively Focused Way primarily focuses on strengthening a conscious awareness of our relationship with our Broader Perspective. Do that and we can receive vivid, clear and accurate guidance.

So, I held the card in my hand. Looking at it, I said aloud “should I go to this career event?”

Nothing happened.

Being a letter carrier. Was that really my path? (Photo by Trinity Nguyen on Unsplash)

Contrast begets manifestation

Then I offered an alternative: “Should I stay the course?” I asked.

YES!” my Broader Perspective instantly “said”.

Now, when my Broader Perspective gives guidance, it’s not in the form of words. I don’t hear a voice. Instead, it communicates kinesthetically. I feel its communication. In this instance, what I felt was a “thrilling”. Massive waves of pleasurable tingles and shivers ran through my body and scalp. I’ve used this communication process so many times. After following the communication, I’ve always received positive results. So I know I can trust it.

And trust it I did.

I put the card on my desk. Then I focused on statements affirming my desire. That’s when I realized that post card was intentional. I put it in my reality to prompt exactly what I was doing: amplifying my alignment with the outcome existing in nonphysical. The one representing the full-blown manifestation of what I want: enough income to cover my rent increase.

A week later, more contrast showed up. I got an email from a digital rights law firm. I inadvertently violated copyright protections of a photo owned by someone else. The law firm said I owed $250!

At first I was shocked. I didn’t have $250! Well, I did, in savings. But that was reserved for other expenses. That’s when I realized this was not a bad thing. This bill was more evidence showing me I was on my path. Use it correctly, I knew, and I would have what I was manifesting.

So I wrote and told them I didn’t have that much money. They replied by reducing their fee by 40 percent, demanding instead $150. Not the best outcome, but it was one I could live with.

Getting off course? Maybe not

Getting that bill triggered more fear and worry. When I got it, my attention drifted to the Post Office’s post card laying on my desk. I picked it up. Remembering what my Broader Perspective suggested, I thought about the career event. Would it hurt to just go?, I thought.

But I knew that question stemmed from FEAR. That’s not a good place from which to act. I knew if I took a job at the post office, the job would just show me why I should have stayed the course. After all, my Broader Perspective wanted me to do that: Stay the course.

But in a moment of weakness, I decided, I’ll just go. I’ll just check it out and see. I knew I was acting out of fear. I acknowledged that, dressed and went to the event.

Representatives there told me about openings available. I wasn’t thrilled about them, but I was curious. They all paid a wage equaling about half of what I make per client hour. But because I would be working many more hours, I’d make more money.

I thanked the reps, took some information and went home. By the time I got there, I was clear: I wasn’t going to work for the post office! That’s going backwards!

The biggest factor driving that decision was that I’d have to stop working with clients. I wouldn’t have time. That was a deal killer. Plus I really enjoyed my current lifestyle. One where I spend nearly all my time practicing my Positively Focused Way and seeing clients less than three days a week.

So the experience of going to the event actually amplified my commitment to stay the course. Interesting!

I can be stubborn tho…

Still I wallowed a bit. I weighed the option of working at the post office a bit more. Then I got the impulse to Google “What’s it like to work at the post office?” Most of the information I read confirmed my original conclusion: working at the post office was a massive divergence from my chosen path. I decided then to give up the post office idea completely. Instead, I thought, I’m staying the course. I’m trusting my Broader Perspective!

That’s when my dream reality entered the picture. In it my Broader Perspective reiterated that I should stay the course. I had a dream the details of which are unimportant. But what is important is the download I got when waking from it. The download was “Don’t pay that $150 from savings. Use your credit card.”

This is why dream state is another thing I eventually get clients to become aware of. Dreams are soooo freaking valuable! When we dream, we return to the fullness of our Broader Perspective. There, we CAN experience nonphysical consciously and vividly. But most people don’t believe they dream. Those who do, think dreams are something they’re not. So they miss the massive value dreams bring.

Dreams are an excellent Source of inner knowing. (Photo by Egor Vikhrev on Unsplash)

In dreams, we CAN hear our Broader Perspective speak to us in words we can understand. But again, it requires training. Not really training…it requires soothing resistance acting as an opaque shield between us and the dream state. Do that and dreams become very easy to perceive, experience and understand. As does our ability to hear our Broader Perspective while in dream state.

That download was my Broader Perspective guiding me. So I woke and put that $150 on my card.

Staying the course…lead to something awesome

Then I focused on trusting and relaxing into the now. Past experience proved doing so would bring what I want more quickly. Everything you just read also amplified my desire to focus.

That focus felt good. I felt myself tuning in. Tuning into the probable reality where the money I want is!

Less than a week later, I woke one morning feeling really great. I checked my phone. There on the screen was a notification that a new client registered for a one-time Positively Focused session!

I looked at the confirmation email and the name looked familiar. But the photo of the person on Facebook was unfamiliar.

The new client and the PayPal notification.

When I sent them a reply email, the reply I got astounded me:

“Hi,” She said. “I’ve had that fake profile on Facebook for years. Last week I checked it and in my recommendations was a link to Positively Focused. I knew that was the universe telling me to sign up for sessions.”

How cool is that?!

After our first session, the client signed up for weekly sessions for a total monthly session rate equal to 30 times my rent increase scheduled to begin in January! And, it’s more than enough to pay off the $150 I put on my credit card!

Manifesting requires staying the course

What did I learn from all this? Well, by October 1 I felt absolute confidence the Universe moves to support my desires. Several other manifestations happened in September. Adding this one to those vastly boosted my knowing. Namely:

  • My desire to create money coming into my life with no effort on my part is working!
  • That relaxing and trusting makes what I want to happen, happen faster.
  • I can manifest something I desire in perfect divine timing.
  • I can trust my Broader Perspective!
  • By lightly holding in my mind what I want, I prime the Universe to deliver.
  • When something seems to go wrong, that usually means I’m close to the full-blown manifestation. See things “going wrong” as actually going right!
  • Try not to take action too soon. But if I do, I know the Universe will work around my early action and deliver what I want!
  • Finally, by staying the course towards what I want, what I want WILL HAPPEN. When it does it will be in divine timing. And if it hasn’t happened (yet) that’s only because the timing isn’t right (yet).

All this inspires even bolder action. I know now that everything I’m asking for is happening. So I can enjoy my life on the leading edge of what it means to be human. And, I can eagerly anticipate the day when outrageous fortune flows into my experience.

I love following my inner guidance!

By now you may be inspired to learn to hear your inner guidance. If you are, I’m here. Join my clients experiencing their own versions of what I’m experiencing. Contact me, let’s get you started!