The purpose of life is to be happy.
Value is something you can’t help but give. Have you noticed?
No matter what you’re doing, you’re offering value to some one or some thing. It’s part of what you come into the world naturally doing.
But happiness…that’s another story.
Perhaps your happiness is fleeting. Perhaps happiness to you is as capricious, and as impermanent, as any other emotion. So trying to think of it as something you can perpetually enjoy, as a steady life state, seems stupid to expect.
Especially when there is so much to witness that isn’t happy to look at. No wonder you shift your desire to usefulness or value over being happy.
But you come into the world to enjoy the adventure of being of value. And the enjoyment, i.e. the “happy factor” was supposed to be something akin to your body: just as your body has grown and become more as you have become older, so to was your level of happiness supposed to become more and more.
Likely that’s not the case, is it.
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People ask: “How can we be happy with all the suffering going on in the world?”
The rub in that question is, until you figure out how to be perpetually happy, you can’t understand the answer to the question you’re asking.
You become happy first. Then you discover the suffering you see isn’t what you think it is.
To understand the perpetual nature of happiness requires understanding something else that is the subject of great debate: your inherent free will.
Your free will is the nexus between value, your life experience and your happiness. Here’s how:
- You cannot help but create value for self and others because this whole thing called life experience is a massive collaboration the purpose of which is eternal expansion predisposed towards “better”. And that’s what you inherently are: life experience getting better.
- You can not help but exist here because that was (and continues to be) your intent. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. No one else is forcing you into your body, making sure you stay in your body, on earth, against your will. You’re doing it. And you’re doing it because you want to be here.
- And….in your free will, you can choose whether being here is fun or not. In other words, you’re free to put your attention anywhere you want while you’re here. And you can choose to use it to create whatever experience you like.
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There is a part of you that remains where you came from. While here, you communicate between you and you through your emotions. Ever wonder WHY you have emotions?
Not many ask that question.
That’s why “being happy” appears fleeting. It’s only because you don’t know what it is, or how to use it.
Just like you probably don’t know how to use this:

But the moment you begin understanding what your happiness is for, you begin understanding a lot. Including what’s really going on here on Earth.
You can be perpetually, blissfully happy. But first you have to figure out what happiness is for. Then use it for what it was intended.
When you do, the world becomes your oyster. You get everything you want. And…you become invincible.