Life Constantly Demonstrates Your Super Humanity

Maria Bandasian Super human FB blog
Photo: Maria Bandasian

Those who don’t understand their invincibility project it into their reality. They imbue superheros, kings, and gods with what they themselves have, but of which they are ignorant.

A state of grace surrounds you. You’re no different from plants, animals and mountains in this way.

Through your grace you get everything you want. Including invincibility.

Grace = the state of being favored.

Obvious evidence demonstrates your grace state. But it’s almost always taken for granted. The sun which bathes you continually, the air, available to you in abundance, and the physical framework –– principally this planet upon which and through which all your desires are received by you, all offer overwhelming evidence.

That’s not all though. Millions of evidence bits demonstrating your favored status surround you.

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We can see at least 25 indicators of our state of grace. You?

Your natural grace is hard to acknowledge when you’re bunged up in daily life, trying to make things happen.

But more focus brought to the obvious signs, begets greater realization of equally obvious, but much more tantalizing and highly desired ones.

For example, Perry* and his wife, Bridget are on a vacation in Northern Idaho. On their way up from Boise, where they were visiting with Bridget’s daughter, Bridget, who has difficulty sitting in cars for long periods, wondered aloud whether there would be a place they could take a break, use the bathroom, stretch their legs and enjoy a snack.

She really had to go.

She first tried what most would do in this modern, technological era: she pulled out her phone to see what lay ahead via her maps app.

But there was no service.

She was technologically, temporarily blind.

Aloud, in mild frustration, she mentioned having paper maps as backups for this exact reason, but then, knowing much of what Perry knows, she decided to see this as an opportunity to practice receiving in her grace.

She settled into the ride, enjoying obvious signs of how blessed she is:

  • Blessed to have a business that supports her with a nice summer break
  • Blessed for having had time to spend with her daughter who is at school
  • Blessed with a wonderful car that functions flawlessly
  • Blessed with awesome traveling weather
  • Blessed with a wonderful canine companion, her doggy-baby

Immersed in her “grace recognition”, she felt better.

Basil dog
Bridget and Perry’s doggy-baby

Meanwhile, Perry, who was driving, was appreciating Idaho’s scenic beauty.

They were driving alongside Payette River, which meanders through the landscape. The road mirrors the river’s twists and turns. Around every bend was something new and wonderful to see.

With both feeling their grace, they were delighted by what happened next.

Rounding another bend they saw 70 yards of white sand along the river, bordered by the typical bouldered river shore. Beside the beach: picnic tables, tall triees…and a restroom along the road. Plenty of space to park, they had the whole place to themselves.

Bridget saw it first and recognized immediately the peculiar timing. Her grace had been demonstrated by her, to her. Arriving at that particular spot, on a 285 mile journey, exactly when she wanted nothing more than a break. Not only was there a bathroom, there was a beach.

On a river.

beachfront on a river blog copy
A scenic beach and picnic area on a river. Including a bathroom. Perfect evidence of our state of grace. What evidence are you seeing?

Coincidence? If you consider the perfect co-inciding of events, orchestrated with such exact timing that both people could delight in the experience, then yes, it’s a “coincidence”.

This is the way life is supposed to be.

For everyone.

Getting everything you’re wanting, large and small with ease is our natural state.

And when you learn to see the evidence of this constantly, you develop something which eludes most everybody on the planet: An invincibility born of realizing so much evidence of your grace that no other conclusion fits.

Invincibility born of grace.

It’s a superhuman characteristic that is real.

And you have it.


We refer to our physical presence by its given name for clarity and ease of story telling.


It’s Already Gotten Better In America. Don’t See It? You will.

David Pisnoy its getting better FB blog
Photo: David Pisnoy

Humanity will find itself in a brand new world the moment it realizes competition is not a thing. And oh what a beautiful world it will be.

That new world is not going to happen in a flash of enlightenment.

It’s going to happen the way it’s happening now: a gradual collective realization over generations as more and more individuals realize who and what they are, then come into the world in their successive life experiences consistently living from that place.


“Who they are”

You are not human. Human is a form adopted in order to experience physical reality. The human form, with its fleshy-bony countenance, is as tied to physical reality as reality itself.

Not you.

Which is why remains following your after death.

This doesn’t only apply to humans. All physical matter experiences this.

We are all eternal, unlimited and rambunctious expressions of All That Is, that wonderfully complex origin from which we all came from long, long ago. All That Is does not lord over us like gods. We have no need to appease it with any kind of sacrifice or surrender. We are it. There is no separation. That’s who we are. That’s who you are. Not human.


“What they are”

This is far more interesting than “who”. Humans believe they are the only sentient species on the planet. Save for maybe dogs and dolphins and monkeys. But there is far more sentient awareness than that.

Every form of physical matter, from the smallest particle to the largest object, hums with awareness. Life experience itself, is itself, aware and alive. And each physical instance existing within life experience is itself an aware and alive whole and complete instance of life experience. There is no separation here either. This is what you are.

Call it “aware-ized life experience”.

If the answers above to both these questions are accurate, and if there is no separation within and among anything (because everything is encompassed in the two answers above), then how can there be competition?

Competition with who? With what?


Sounds strange?

We know it does.

There are thousands of ways of describing the process that always has been aware and is now experiencing itself as innumerable whole and complete instances of itself.

These innumerable instances, again, whole and complete in themselves, exist simultaneously and, more importantly, cooperatively in a boundless positive feedback gestalt that always becomes bigger, better, more.

And it never ends.

Somewhere way back there, human instantiations of aware-ized life experience adopted beliefs that are far off the mark. Those beliefs spawned even more distortions.

Today we’re living their legacies.

“Competition” is one of these. But there are so many more such beliefs. And when you tug on one, you discover its intricate connection to others.  It’s like a Gordian Knott: bewildering to contemplate unraveling.

Belief in competition produces high levels of insecurity, instability, fear and pronounced feelings of lack of self efficacy. It’s everywhere in modern society.

Nowhere is it better expressed in the United States than in the White House.

The world you experience reflects back to you that which you yourself are ready to see.

Sometimes, though, the signs have to get more overt before “seeing” happens.

Either way, you eventually get it.

Then life shifts.

We’re at one of those moments right now. And as terrible as it may feel “on all sides”,  the result of all this churn is going to amaze.

Not everyone will see it.

Not everyone needs to.

Those who do will find themselves in a whole new world.

And oh what a beautiful world it will be.