Why Depression Can Produce Great Good

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: Is there a spiritual explanation for depression?


But first: If you are experiencing life-threatening circumstances and don’t want to die, you should seek professional advice.

Understanding the explanation requires having further background in spirituality. But we’re going to skip that because this answer may already go long.

Depression is a signal the depressed person is sending themselves. Most people don’t understand this, so instead of listening to the signal and doing something about it, they instead “cover up the signal.”

Let’s say you’re coming up to a railroad crossing. A train is coming. The lights on your side of the tracks are flashing red.

Would you cross the tracks when the light says stop? (Photo by Jude Infantini on Unsplash)

Would you ignore the signal and cross the track? Of course not. You’d get killed.

Depression is like the flashing light. It is telling the depressed person something. The depressed person should stop and take action based on what the signal is saying.

Most depressed people receive the signal and don’t know what it’s saying. So they keep doing what they’re doing instead of doing what the signal is telling them to do (in this case, changing the thoughts the person is thinking. More on that in a bit).

What depression tells people

Most depressed people will disagree with this, but it doesn’t make it less accurate: Depression is not that serious. It’s just a really strong signal.

It just so happens that as signals go, it’s one of the most intense. Usually, a person who experiences depression was oblivious to earlier, less intense signals received on the way to “depression”.

In other words, they didn’t listen to the less intense signals, so now they’re getting one of the most intense.

Had they heeded the less intense ones, they wouldn’t have ended up depressed. And, it would have been easier to do something about the signal.

So what is this signal telling the depressed person? It’s telling them they have beliefs and thoughts that are at odds with the “what-is-ness” of life. That’s all it is.

By “what-is-ness” we mean the dominant state of All That Is which includes the spiritual realm and the physical realm. BTW, everything is spiritual. But since people don’t acknowledge that, it’s important to mention both the “physical world” (which is all spiritual) and the “spiritual world”. Sometimes redundancy is needed.

Depression tells the depressed person something important. Most of them miss that message thought. (Photo by Hailey Kean)

Beauty, positivity and joy available everywhere

The dominant state of All That Is is positive expansion, eagerness, enthusiasm, joy, ecstasy, etc. It knows everything is always working out towards positive expansion, fulfillment, expression, awareness, etc. This is not theoretical or just “spiritual”. It is the actual state of things.

Humans create their reality. They can create any reality they want. When they are creating a reality consistent with what they are as physical embodiments of All That Is, they resonate or feel in tune with All That Is.

How does that feel? Positive, expansionary, eager, enthusiastic, joyful, ecstatic, fulfilled, etc.

But when a person creates a reality inconsistent with all the above, they feel consistent with that creation. Anger, frustration, annoyance….all the way down to depression.

Feelings are important. Many people don’t understand their function as signals. They help a person know what they are creating.

Feelings help keep us on track

So a person who feels depressed has chronically created a reality inconsistent with what they are. Reality creation occurs first in vibration, then in thought form, then in a received thought before the creation becomes physical reality. In each of those stages, an emotion/feeling is received by the person doing the creating. This helps the person catch their creation early on, before it springs into physical reality.

If a person keeps creating along lines inconsistent with All That Is, eventually they will get harsher or more and more intense signals…until they get the message.

So depression is not anything mysterious or serious. It is only a signal a person is receiving.

This example may be illustrative.

Let’s say as a child, a young woman was sexually abused by her father. The first time it happened, the child may have felt out of sorts. By the fifth or so time it happened, her internal awareness that something is not right is already in high gear.

Now, she has an opportunity to act. She knows what to do, even though she’s a little girl. But she doesn’t because she’s unclear.

That’s the first signal: unclear or confusion.

Uncertainty momentum creates more momentum

Now, let’s say the father threatens her. Let’s say he says “you tell your mom and I’m going to kill you.” Or something less extreme “honey, keep this a secret between you and me. Don’t tell your mom.”

The young girl knows intuitively she should say something. But now she’s confused because her dad is telling her to keep this secret.

So the situation continues. She starts feeling more uncertainty. That’s a signal.

Note that this little girl’s mood will change. She’ll gradually lose the joy, freedom, happiness and enthusiasm for life. These emotions go away because of her thoughts are turning to beliefs – “conclusions about her world” and about what she has experienced:

  • “this should not be happening”
  • “I don’t understand”
  • “I don’t want this to happen any more”
  • “I feel out of control”
  • “I feel like this is wrong”

Eventually, this clarity will turn on itself and she will begin thinking different thoughts:

  • “I’m angry at my dad”
  • “I hate my dad”

Then she will turn her thoughts on herself:

  • “This is my fault”
  • “I must have done something to deserve this”
  • “I’m a bad person for letting this happen”

The positive, constructive anger expressed at her dad is now turned inward on herself. Action she could have taken to express her anger, or even earlier, her lack of understanding (which is a very light signal), now is not available.

Less intense signals ignored become more intense signals

Self blame, turns to discouragement about life. Discouragement turns to anger (at herself), anger turns to rage (at herself and her dad and perhaps her mom for not noticing and stopping him) which extends to life in general. Rage at life in general turns to insecurity/guilt/unworthiness.

Now, in this “vibration” where signals being received are insecurity/guilt/unworthiness, the young woman, who may be in high school by now, is long into creating a reality matching these signals. The momentum of that reality is so strong by now, it’s pretty much running the show.

As a result, they may experience increasingly “negative” life experiences. But these are just signals too. She may start doing poorly in school. She might show behavior problems. She may start taking drugs. She may dress a particular way, or hang out with people who resonate with this reality she creates.

These life experiences, which she is creating, also generate a feedback loop. The more she remains in this state and does not do anything about the signals, the more of these kinds of experiences she will have.

The process works either way. Beliefs create the world you want to see, or the world consistent with your beliefs. That’s why it’s better to bring into alignment your beliefs and what you want to see.

Vulnerability and insecurity will become physical manifestations

This state of vulnerability might even create situations where she is further sexually abused. She may be raped. She may turn to prostitution. Or she may develop other signals we call “illnesses” such as Fibromyalgia, PTSD, “anxiety disorder” or other “traumas”. All of these are signals, not to others, to herself. Spiritually, emotions are the first level of signal. The other level is “life experiences”.

If she tries to treat the signals, that’s like trying to turn off the lights at the railroad crossing. She doesn’t get to the foundation of all her life troubles: underlying thoughts and beliefs that are being pointed to by the signals both in her physical reality and in her emotions.

If she is oblivious to the connection between her signals and her experiences, she will think the experiences are independent of her and the signals. She’ll compound her problematic beliefs, thinking:

  • “Men are scum”
  • “The world is scary”
  • “I’m afraid”

And create more thoughts consistent with her experience:

  • “I’m a loser”
  • “These are the only friends I can get”
  • “Sex is my only value”
  • “I’ll disappear by eating”

Reversal: omnipresent and available

At any time in this process the young woman can turn all this around. But it’s easier to do it in the early stages than it is after reality begins matching the signals.

By the time one reaches the depression signal, it’s much harder. But it’s not impossible.

BTW, all this is subtle. This is why counseling can help because it uncovers many of the original beliefs and experiences that generated the early stage signals. But a person doesn’t need counseling. They can turn this around themselves by focusing on how they’re thinking and change that while paying attention to the signals they’re getting – their feelings and their physical life experiences.

So hopefully you can see, depression has a spiritual origin, just like everything else in life. It acts as an indicator, helping the creator create life experiences consistent with what they are wanting.

And when they change their beliefs about life experience, life experience becomes the Charmed Life I write about. A text from a client who once was on the verge of suicide shows this:

The interesting thing is, the intensity of negative emotion indicates the equal opposite intensity of desire. In other words, those most depressed possess the potential for some of the greatest joys.

And that’s why “depression”, the signal, can produce great good. For when a person knows what you just read, and takes action based on it, great good will follow. That’s guaranteed because that’s how the Universe works.

Want to learn more? I got your back!

What People Get Wrong About Victim Blaming

Photo by Dasha Urvachova on Unsplash

Do tragedies exist? Do circumstances beyond people’s control randomly happen? When can one fairly blame “victims” for what happens to them?

This post will unpack “Victim Blaming” and reveal a couple important points. The points are that one, victim hood doesn’t exist as an empirical fact. Secondly, no one need experience tragedy.

While unpacking all this, the post offers strong arguments why anyone thinking someone “blames victims” should rethink how they’re thinking.

It’s not that blaming the victim as a phenomena isn’t true. It’s just that claiming a person does that, severely harms the claimant. That’s because the person making that claim disempowers themselves when they claim “victims” exist. In other words, they make themselves a victim thereby setting up opportunities to experience victim hood.

Tragedies: do they happen?

When a person stands in the belief that “victims” exist, that belief validates the notion that “tragedies” exist. No doubt events happen wherein great suffering occurs. Often, such events happen with little or no warning. At least it seems that way.

I’ll get back to that toward the end of this post.

Situations happen all the time that one group or another calls tragic. Even our political leaders use that word in describing events that, indeed, seem tragic. Building collapses, earthquakes and other natural disasters, airplane disasters, pandemics, mass shootings, terror attacks, rapes, violent murders…the list goes on and on.

Suffering from tragedies happen. But need it?

From one perspective these events are tragic in the sense that it seems none of the victims asked to have that experience. They (the victims) just had “bad luck”, standing at the wrong place at the wrong time. The tragedy claims them. Then their suffering spreads to their survivors — friends and families. Those who experienced similar situations and those who sympathize with the tragedy through media coverage, a reenactment film, or social media suffer empathetically as well.

It’s understandable then, when someone says “these people manifested that experience” the vast majority of people will respond angrily. They will accuse the speaker of “victim blaming”. Then claim that Law of Attraction and “manifestation” and other empowering ideas are “unmitigated rubbish”. Which is how one person answered a question about Law of Attraction on Quora.

And yet it’s true

“Why would a person choose to be in a terror attack, die in a fiery plane crash, get raped or murdered!?” These people will cry. “That’s totally callus and impossible. It’s irresponsible to say such a thing! Not only does it disrespect the pain and anguish survivors go through, it perpetuates rape culture, misogyny and a host of other evils!”

And yet, victims don’t exist. Everyone creates their experience.

While this post details how, these words, while accurate, can only go so far. The best way these things get understood happens through practicing creating your reality in your daily life. Results you produce offer far more convincing proof than words on a screen.

So yes, it’s true. When a person experiences something like a tragedy, they chose that experience. We explain here in great detail. So bear with this very long post.

Things happen that appear tragic. But do they happen to everyone, or only those who invite them? (Photo by John Middelkoop on Unsplash)

What are you?

When a baby comes through the vagina, and for now, every baby comes in that way, humans think that being is innocent. They believe it arrived for the first time. It knows nothing about life on Earth. The infant needs nurturing, education and such.

And while the thing (the baby’s body) needs nurturing, the inhabitant knows the deal. It brings wisdom, not innocence, to Earth. Whether freshly out of the vagina or 80 years old, a human being represents an emanation from a being possessing vast capabilities.

That being stands as vast as its capabilities. It is eternal, having existed as long as All That Is has been around (it has never not been around). In addition to being eternal, that being also enjoys indestructibility, invulnerability and it exists in all dimensions simultaneously.

You, dear reader, are this being.

Again, words on a computer will not convince you. To know…or credibly believe this…a person must put into practice a process that proves what you’re reading as accurate. Telling positive stories does this. Evidence positive stories produce will, over time, provide such enormously convincing proof, you’ll give up your human experience, revealing what and who you really are.

I have arrived!!! When that baby comes through the vagina, and for now, every baby comes in that way, humans think that being is innocent. But it’s not at all that. (Photo: Alex Hockett)

The Sacred Forgetting

Back to our baby…

When this eternal, indestructible being looks into the dimension that contains planet Earth, they see great potential. We won’t go into detail about that potential. We’ll only say the potential is so great, it is literally irresistible.

However, to “come into” this experience and experience it fully, the being must “forget” its true nature. Also, the being, in all its beingness, is too great to “fit” into this dimension. So in addition to “forgetting”, it also must “squeeze” a portion of itself into this reality.

This all happens in the birthing process, shortly before or shortly thereafter, depending on the being’s choices. Some call it The Sacred Forgetting.

When the being sees this reality through the eyes of its creation “the body”, having forgotten temporarily its true nature, the reality of Earth is COMPLETELY OVERWHELMING. This can’t be overstated. For some, it is totally frightening. But the infant is still a creator, no matter how small or innocent it might look.

That’s enough about the baby for now. Now, let’s look at the Universe.

The wish granting jewel

First of all, all physical reality is an emanation of the eternal, indestructible being experiencing it. It has no substance other than that. Therefore, it is 100 percent subjective as an experience. It has no objective reality separate from an observer. And no observer experiences what another does. This graphic helps illustrate this. It’s taken from the book Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness, by Jane Roberts.

The ultimate reality of physical reality and its relationship to the eternal, indestructible force or entity that you are. Your reality overlaps those of another, but the other experiences only theirs. And you experience only yours.

Since it is so that no one experiences what another does, the being emanating determines the emanation. In other words, reality exists as a projected emanation from what goes on “inside” the projector. The being experiencing the emanation projects the emanation, then observes what it projects.

This is crucial for the unfolding of All That Is. Because the unfolding of All That Is is 100 percent dependent on All That Is. “All That Is” is the vast collection of beings we described above. All That Is literally is a stream (like water shooting out of a hose) of intelligent, awareized energy. That “energy” is what we referred to as “beings” above.

Since beings comprise All That Is, their collective emanations constitute reality across all dimensions. Why is this? And why is it crucial? 

Everything plays a part

The reason reality is set up this way is because it facilitates “more and better”. More and better of what? More and better improvement, expansion, deeper unconditional love and appreciation. All those things are the purpose of the Universe. The Universe, therefore, exists in order to prompt or trigger these things.

So it is predisposed to these things because these things – love, improvement, expansion – are the basis of what intelligent, awareized energy is all about.

These beings could accomplish the purpose on their own. But it’s far more fun and immersive doing it across dimensional reality. And, since “improvement and expansion” are the name of the game, at some point way back in “time” these beings understood through their personal experience that “improvement and expansion” were more satisfying when they happened the way they do right now across space-time-realit[ies].

Now, we’re referring to the relationship between humans and the Universe. But the same dynamic exists between every instance of physical reality and the Universe. Not just humans. An ant enjoys a similar experience. So does a rock. Dirt too. Atoms too. The wind as well. These beings animate every instance of physical reality. Remember: you are one of them. That’s important.

So the Universe exists as a “process” whereby immensely powerful all-knowing beings use the “process” to expand into more and better. In doing so, everything becomes more and better. That evokes more and better, deeper feeling of love and appreciation, joy and empowerment among these beings.

Now let’s get back to that baby.

Physical reality on Earth is an emanation of consciousness, consciousness being the limited version of the being’s experience while in a physical body.

Separation, illusion, insecurity

Human perceptions create the illusion of separation. It looks, though eyeballs and other senses, like physical reality is separate from the observer. That’s on purpose.

The human forgot what it is. So in human form, this god (what else would you call it?) perceives the world from a human perspective. From that perspective, for example, it looks like there are other “humans”, some of which care a great deal about this baby, some who don’t care at all. Some might even want to harm it.

But initially, the baby is surrounded by humans offering care. This situation – birth conditions, including parental type, economic circumstances, ethnicity, religion and more – are conditions all decided and agreed upon. Every being involved, including the baby, agreed it would unfold the way it does.

In other words, no randomness occurs when a baby comes through that vagina. All conditions are known and everyone involved agreed to them. The baby is a creator. It always was before, it still is now and will forever be.

Abraham telling it like it is from Ester Hick’s daily email.

Dependency begins

The problem, and this is where all problems start (if you want to call them that), is the forgetting. Not only has the baby forgotten, so has its parents, the doctor, the nurse, the uber driver, the children who are now the baby’s siblings. Even though they all agreed in advance, all of them forgot that’s what happened.

So now, the baby comes in (or out). Reality’s bewildering nature so starkly shocks, it causes insecurity in the baby. The baby concludes that it must fend for itself.

But it has allies. Its parents, the nurses and doctors, midwives or doulas in those initial days care for it. It realizes then that it must rely on these larger humans to give it what it needs.

That’s problematic in a way because it sets up and reinforces something that is not happening but looks like it is: that the baby is dependent on bigger humans, humans who are separate from the baby and could, at any time, withdraw their support or offer dangerous expressions such as anger…and “punishment”. So one of the first things babies learn is how to manipulate adults into caring for them.

Onto emotional adulthood

From that early moment on, the now human has concluded (not learned), or adopted from others’ conclusions, that the world is separate from it and filled with others, some of whom care, but most who don’t. The human also concludes that they must be careful.

Remember, they’re insecure. They must be careful because at any moment, those who don’t care might come and do something that will harm them. Or those that do care will turn into those who don’t. That’s scary.

Even those with the best upbringing feel this way. We’re generalizing a bit for brevity’s sake. Generally, hardly anyone on the planet grows up free of the following emotions:

  • Insecurity
  • Anxiety
  • Worry
  • Doubt
  • Disappointment
  • Blame
  • Frustration
  • Annoyance
  • Boredom
  • Impatience
  • Jealousy/envy
  • Fear
  • Pessimism
  • Anger
  • Grief
  • Dispair
  • Depression

Occasionally, they’ll experience more positive emotions. But because humans generally exist in a state of insecurity, the emotions above represent their dominant life experience.

Now, we’re ready to talk about “manifestation”.

Where “reality” springs from

Without emotions, it would be very difficult to manage one’s manifestations. There are other factors, but emotions play a big role.

Remember, reality is an emanation that has no objective substance. It’s there to show the being what it has going on “inside” so it may steer to “more and better”. In doing that it gets more love, joy and appreciation.

So when an internal condition exists, that condition eventually gets reflected “out” into the emanation (reality). This is on purpose so the being, now in a human body, can tell what’s happening “inside”.

Because it is in a body, only a portion of its energies are in the emanation. “The emanation” includes the body. So its focus, in the beginning, is kinda fully engaged in negotiating through and around in the emanation, aka physical reality.

That’s why a human who doesn’t know what you’re reading believes the emanation is real. Interacting with it makes the being believe it is real. Beliefs associated with that belief tell the human that the way they get what they need happens through manipulating matter — people, circumstances and events. Doing that requires near full attention. And it’s exhausting.

Remember, reality is an emanation that has no objective substance. It’s there to show the being what it has going on “inside” so it may steer to “more and better”. In doing that it gets more love, joy and appreciation. (Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash)

Linking thought and reality

But reality is an emanation. Humans can create any emanation they want. Indeed it’s what’s happening behind all the doing humans do. It only looks like the doing is what’s creating “outcomes”. And that’s because most humans believedoing creates outcomes.

Now, another word for the word “condition” used four paragraphs above is “vibration”. Everything is vibration. Hopefully you know this. Science has proven this, but please, don’t ever let science be the final word. It knows very little.

Physical reality as an emanation is composed of vibrating frequencies or conditions operating in a harmonic. That harmonic allows human senses to translate the vibrating frequencies the way they do – into objects and space. But those frequencies have their basis in the same “place” from which beings emerge through a vagina into the world. So conditions or vibrations are constantly moving forward, changing and expanding within the being that now is partially in a human body.

Reality springs as an emanation from thoughts people think. These thoughts harmonize vibrationally with others, and increase in frequency until they create the reality each person sees. (Art by me)

How manifestation works

When that internal vibration or condition changes, the emanations must change, matching the internal change. Then the body’s senses translate those changed emanations into changed conditions, circumstances and events matching the internal frequency change.

That’s what happens when “manifestation” occurs. And manifestations are ALWAYS occurring.

Every human does this. Every human exists eternally. It squeezed itself into a body. Each human being agreed to all the circumstances making its experience “real”. And, each person cooperates with all the others in agreement.

So physical reality happens on purpose. It serves expansion, more and better, and deeper levels of unconditional love which is the basis of All That Is. All That Is, of course, springs from the collective stream of awareized energy, the “being” which all humans are. Which is what you and we are.

So “manifestation” is a fancy word for the process by which internal conditions get projected into external emanations which match those internal conditions through vibrational harmonics, which are under the direct control of awareized, eternal, indestructible beings choosing to incarnate in a physical body. The process is designed to facilitate greater levels of unconditional love, a kind of evolution for these beings, of which you are one.

An overview of how manifestation works. (My graphic)

Manifestation: It is law

Any time a person puts their attention on their physical reality, then formulates a conclusion about what they’re putting their attention on that’s different from what they’re observing, they change the frequency of their internal vibration. When they do that, the emanation they’re looking at will change to match the conclusion because the conclusion represents a shift in vibration, vibration setting up conditions for the emanations. All other conditions being equal THIS MUST HAPPEN.

The same is true when a person simply changes their beliefs or changes their mind, or makes a statement inconsistent with observed reality. If they hold that vibrational harmonic long enough, their reality must change to match it and it will change to match it unless the emanator (the person) fails to hold the changed vibrational harmonic.

And this is why everyone who says manifesting is rubbish is right. Their belief, their internal vibration says “[manifesting or Law of Attraction] doesn’t work”. What do you think their reality is going to show them? It will show them that it doesn’t work.

By now you should logically arrive at the following: there are no tragedies. But we’re going to offer more to help you see the logic of that.

The Universe is predisposed to good. We already said that. Love, more and better all represent good. But there seems to be some “bad” going on. Why is that if the Universe is predisposed to good?

It’s because all that “bad” being created is on purpose and designed to lead people to the good.

Now think about that. Doesn’t that make the “bad” actually good?

Free will means a lot

It does. But people enjoy free will. Nothing can happen they don’t want to happen. They sit in the driver’s seat. They also forgot everything you’re reading. So they don’t know they create their reality and their reality is supposed to be filled with fun, good, happy love.

Go back and look at that list of emotions. Most people reside in the combination of these. Even those who say they don’t.

Emotions are early indicators of vibrational harmonics. And emanations (reality) ALWAYS match the internal, incipient condition(s) as late stage indicators. Emotions tell you whether or not the emanation you’re about to experience is going to be good or not when it shows up.

But when it’s not, that’s a good thing. That’s because external reality exists to help people understand whether they’re going in the direction of more and better, or not. And since every human enjoys free will, no one but the individual makes the choice.

So if I (as a human) am focused on conclusions that are predominantly negative, my reality will reflect that back to me. Not as a punishment or something bad, but as a clue telling me “look at and do something about your internal reality (my vibration)”.

But I’m free to not do that. If I don’t, my reality will keep emanating what I’m putting out.

Tragedies emerge from free will

If I’m in insecurity or fear most of the time, or anxious, for example, the world around me will reflect that back to me. Not as punishment, but so I can know that my internal vibration needs attending. And if I don’t do that, if I keep focusing on conclusions that are negative, I will get more and more of that, in greater intensity, including more and more circumstances reflecting my internal state back to me, like a positive feedback loop.

It’s hard to believe, but a person who is raped had strong vibration happening inside, that created earlier warnings in him or her that, had they heeded them and changed their trajectory earlier, they would have avoided the rape altogether.

The same is true for people experiencing strong emanations such as terror strikes, disasters and mishaps.

Again, you must put the practice to work in your life to convince you of this. These words will not do it. But evidence you create will.

A person in tune with their “higher knowing”, we call that one’s Broader Perspective, enjoys a kind of GPS mapper. Their Broader Perspective routes them around such experiences to the degree the person remains Positively Focused. Better said: one’s Broader Perspective constantly guides people to everything they want. Since hardly anyone “wants” to experience tragedies, such things aren’t included.

Tragedies happen in the mind of observers and the lives of those who invite them in. That means you needn’t experience one. (Photo by Dasha Urvachova on Unsplash)

When things “go wrong”

We’ll offer another perspective on “tragedies” of which there aren’t any 😊. That is, when such things happen, great good always comes from them, but not always immediately. Hopefully you can see this. One of the greatest tragedies, World War II, spurred some of the greatest advances in many, many fields, for example.

The point is, you can’t know, in your human form, why something happens to another. But it’s for certain what’s happening is on purpose and benefits the entity experiencing it. And, when that happens, the benefits spread to everyone else because everyone else is cooperating with everyone else as described above.

So nothing is ever going wrong, even though it may look like it. Conflicts, disagreements, protests, wars…it all represents eternal beings working out vibrational harmonics such that the end result is more and better, best described as an eternal, unconditional state of ever-becoming more…love.

The purpose of existence is simple: creating more love. (Photo by Fadi Xd on Unsplash)

Tragedy disempowers

No one ever need experience “tragedy”. Certainly such situations happen. But they need not be seen as “tragedies” as, surely, they are not. And, no one, absolutely no one, need experience something like that against their will. That doesn’t mean such situations don’t happen. When they do, people involved got there while not paying attention to what they created.

There always will be people struggling to gain their footing, and, in the process create emanations for themselves that look “tragic” to others.

The problem with concluding they are tragic is, when you do that, you tend to enflame your own sense of insecurity, which, if you hold long enough, will manifest into your own tragic versions.

Or, you can take the hint your emotions are sending you, shift your attention to something better-feeling and experience only increasingly positive experiences. That’s the nature of life’s promise to all beings. It also fulfills the basis of the practice my clients and I explore through Positively Focused.

The Best Future Comes From Positive Focus

Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash

A client of mine enjoys gambling. She goes to her local casino every once in a while to wind down and play. A couple of my clients do this. It’s not something I find interesting, but what interests me about both clients is how often they win.

One client’s experience, let’s call her Lucy, shows how developing a Positively Focused practice gives one access to powerful insight, insight that reveals the future. And if one follows that insight, the future turns our great. I found it interesting her Broader Perspective used her gambling hobby as the backdrop.

Your role in All That Is

One day Lucy headed to her favorite casino with $100 in her pocket. She planned to gamble just that money then head home.

So she walked into the casino, and, the moment she was inside, she got an impulse. She said she heard it as plain as day. The impulse said “put it all on 11”.

As one develops a Positively Focused practice, that person connects with their Broader Perspective. That’s the part of everyone that remains in nonphysical while a portion of that perspective, that eternal, indestructible being, creates then inhabits the physical bodies we know as ourselves.

That Broader Perspective enjoys a birds-eye view of our unfolding life. It sees all  probable future realities that shoot out from us as we observe, interact with and interpret the world around us. From all we interact with, we create desires. And those desires become the fullness of All That Is.

Our Broader Perspective holds all of that and sends us signals – impulses – that, if followed, draw to us situations and circumstances consistent with fulfilled versions of those desires.

Obviously, great advantage exists for the person able to hear these impulses. Every Positively Focused client develops this ability. That outcome is guaranteed as well as several others. And when they do develop this ability, then consistently follow those impulses, their life becomes the Charmed Life I write about.

Inner guidance advantage

That’s what Lucy referred to when her impulse said “put it all on 11”.

What’s interesting about that impulse is Lucy’s Broader Perspective knew Lucy enjoyed the roulette table. So when Lucy received this impulse, she knew it meant the roulette table.

But it’s also interesting – and you may know this – that 11, the number her Broader Perspective offered, is known as a powerful numerological number. One signifying a “spiritual message”.

But Lucy is just starting to learn to hear…then follow…this highly advantageous inner guidance. So when she got the impulse, she felt super excited, she said.

“I knew this was guidance from Source or my higher power or whatever,” she said. “It came the moment I walked in the door. It was obvious it wasn’t a passing thought. I knew where it came from, you know what I mean?”

I did know.

Such impulses come to me all the time. My practice includes immediately following such impulses, no matter how trivial they feel. Even if nothing immediately obvious results, I know following as many as possible, as quickly as possible, makes it possible in the future to hear, then response in kind to future, more significant impulses.

Impulses one receives from one’s Broader Perspective is the sign everyone looks for. Follow them and watch the Charmed Life emerge effortlessly. (Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash)

Fear, doubt: buzz killers

Lucy isn’t there yet. As she went from the entrance to the roulette table, doubts about the impulse rose from within her. “Doubt” is not as strong as “fear”, but both indicate beliefs or thoughts that are inconsistent with what one’s Broader Perspective knows about the subject under consideration. 

Every emotion is about that and only that.

But doubt and fear say “Hey! Mind your thoughts young Padewan, you’re blocking your connection to the force!”

Lucy feared this impulse might not be what she thought it was, she said. She feared putting “all” her money on one number. If she didn’t win, she thought, her visit would be really short…only a few minutes!

Little did she know, the doubt and fear she felt was part of a wonderful unfolding underway. An unfolding she couldn’t have predicted.

By the time she got to the table, her doubt had hold of her. But not all the way. Instead of putting all $100 on 11, she reasoned, she decided to put half of it down on 11 and keep the rest. This whole reasoning process happened in mere fractions of a second before she took her place at the table. So for those around her, she looked confident and determined.

To them she arrived, sat, pulled out $50 and confidently put it on 11.

Numbers and their meanings get introduced in advance stages of Positively Focused practice. Some think numerology is hooey. But when one delves deeply into spiritual matters, it begins making sense. (Photo courtesy Pinterest)

Knowing the future

What do you think happened? The wheel stopped…on 11. 

Lucy wasn’t the only one surprised. She said the whole table looked at her in shock, including the person running the table. Here this woman just arrived and in a split second put down a bet…and won!

Lucy won $1,500 off of a $50 bet in less than three minutes after entering the casino, less than three seconds after arriving at the table!

That was enough for her. She packed up her things and started leaving. Those nearest her tried to get her to stay, but Lucy had enough. She got what she wanted, even though she didn’t realize it would be so fun.

“I was overwhelmed with how easy it was, Perry,” she told me in our session following that weekend. “It was like I knew before hand what was going to happen. And it did!”

Lucy said, and I agreed, that following the impulse half way was better than following it fully because she learned something really important.

“If I had put it all on 11,” she explained. “The real gift wouldn’t have sunk in as strong. I followed it half-way and got the half-way result. So now I know I can follow my impulses, no question.”

Indeed. Had Lucy followed completely the impulse she received, she would have won over $3000 off a $100 bet in seconds.

But given the way it happened, Lucy got a lot more than three grand. Next time she receives an impulse, she now knew, she’d follow it to the wonderful, full, delightful and surprising manifested unfolding awaiting her instead of letting doubt kibosh that.

The partial version was still pretty cool though.

“I feel so taken care of,” She said. “Everything always works out for me.”

It’s the best future

The Universe ensures everything works out for everyone. And everyone can live the Charmed Life my clients and I do. All it takes is a little practice learning to see the world through “the mind and eyes of god” that Broader Perspective everyone has looking out for them and sending them signals leading to everything they want.

We all came here knowing this. And we all get knocked off course for a little while. We forget how powerful and all-knowing we actually are.

That’s because life experience is bewildering in its realness and tangible splendor. It doesn’t help that we come into the world through people equally out to lunch about what’s happening. So few know what you’re reading. That means parents, teachers, bosses and political leaders are all, for the most part, leading people in all kinds of crazy directions.

The best future comes from positive focus you share with your Broader Perspective. Recover that and find your Charmed Life. It’s easy. Need help? I got your back.

Extreme Good Happens When Positive Focus Rules

Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash

A friend and I talked on Facebook about Portland, Oregon where I live. He wanted to know if Portland turned into the “hell-hole” his friends described. While it’s true Portland sees its share of mayhem these days, such episodes reveal seismic shifts underway in the energy field supporting humanity.

Such shifts show up all over the world now. Portland just represents one such center. We’re in the Great Awakening. Expect turbulence.

Knowing this, my response to my friend remains consistent with how I see life generally. I said “you can find whatever you’re looking for here in Portland. Especially these days. Just like any big city.”

I still believe that. My friends prove that so every day.

Getting in a gunfight

For example, another friend weighed into our Facebook conversation. She’s someone who consistently holds negative beliefs about many sociological conditions today. It was no wonder then that she described two instances supporting my other friend’s contention that Portland went to hell in a hand basket over the last two years.

Photo by Max Kleinen on Unsplash

The first scenario, according to her, happened in a posh downtown Portland neighborhood called The Pearl District. There, according to her, two guys got in a yelling match, which escalated into a gunfight. Caught in the crossfire, my female friend described how she “literally dodged bullets” as she ran from the scene.

She next described another time where she “literally helped a woman pick her teeth up off the ground” after someone hit her with a pipe.

Other friends chimed in about how tragic such experiences were. And while they indeed are harrowing, it didn’t surprise me that my female friend experiences such situations and I don’t.

You get what you focus on

No matter what you think about, in time, life will coordinate realities consistent with your thoughts. This happens not as a punishment or reward, but so that you may see and experience that which you’re creating.

Everyone creates what they think about and no one gets around that dynamic. Reality springs from one’s thinking because that’s how reality happens. People who leverage this dynamic enjoy lives filled with glee. Even though they may, for a while, live in a hell hole.

My life shaped in a way so that I ended up in Portland just in this time as the world moves through the Great Awakening. I feel fortunate being in Portland because it feels like an epicenter of said Awakening. No doubt you’ve heard about conflicts and challenges Portlanders face today and in the past year or so. Portland may be an Antifa stronghold. In this Wikipedia entry describing the organization, “Portland” is mentioned 16 times!

It’s no wonder downtown Portland often hosts clashes between Antifa and Far right extremist organizations.

But along with that mayhem comes great opportunity. I believe I’m here as a balancing energy. I focus the light into this part of the world, refracting it through my passion projects including this blog and Copiosis.

Doing so, I receive from people all over indicators of a better world flowing into the one we have. The extreme good coming into the world shapes itself according to how I interpret the way the world is now.

Focusing on the good, even making the best of what seems like “bad” situations, adds momentum to the positive shaping. So while it seems crazy to put positive “spins” on what everyone (except me) might agree are negative events, doing so is how the Great Awakening happens.

In other words I am a conduit through which the Great Awakening happens. So are those like me.

Gold in a cave

A client sent me the following video. In it a guy talks about life living in a cave with no money. I don’t want to live in a cave and you probably don’t either. But this guy’s story inspires me. It does that because I see how his positive outlook on his life took him from the edge of suicide to today, where he lives in a Universe that showers him with all he needs and wants, despite using no money whatsoever.


Notice how free he feels. Notice how relaxed he is. He found release from society’s limited beliefs, born of fear, insecurity and so many other ideas running contrary to how life really unfolds.

Note the abundance he finds, even with no money to his name…in all, he’s living a version of what I know exists for everyone. Minus the cave, of course. Even his father, a devout Christian, accepts his son, who not only lives an admittedly avant-garde life, but also happens to be gay.

It only takes one

The world I know emerging from the one we have contains extreme amounts of good. I’m not expecting anyone to live in a cave…unless that’s what they want 😂. But I do expect more people will find life in the world coming far superior to what we now endure.

This video might inspire you. I think it should. This guy’s experience reflects humanity’s future experience once the world I envision becomes reality.

The abundance he finds, even with no money to his name, is real. It’s there for us all. Living free without money is our future reality. In it, all we desire becomes possible. Including a restored planet. I know people want it. They’re asking for it.

They just don’t know how it’s coming. But I know. And that’s enough to allow it into our collective reality. For it only takes one connected to the stream of All That Is. That person is more influential than millions who are not.

I consider myself that one. There are others. Through us, the extreme good in our future becomes our collective reality. That’s one reason why I’m so excited about the future.

One Great Thing People Miss That Makes The Best Lives

Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash

The best kept secrets lie right before us, ripe for the plucking, like a fat juicy sun-ripened peach. Not knowing these secrets leaves one with the pit. But for the Positively Focused, the juicy life is theirs for the living.

The best kept secret is we are god in human form, creating our lives through that which we tell ourselves. Our outsides spring from our insides in a constant stream of delightful feedback. Through that feedback we know ourselves, love ourselves, and our creation as ourselves because they literally are ourselves.

I like knowing I create my reality. No one else does. Seeing what I think, what I thought, what I believe become my experience gives me important insights.

Reality holds the clues

For one, it shows me how important my thoughts and beliefs are. For what I think, happens. The more intensive my thought, the more quickly that thought becomes a real thing. But I must distinguish “intensity” from “trying”. They aren’t the same. In fact they’re complete opposites.

Two, it shows me I’m responsible for my life. No one else. I prefer it that way. Knowing that creates in me massive amounts of empowerment. For if I’m the only one who creates my reality, then nothing I don’t want in my life can get in there. Refining my thoughts and beliefs proves this true: hardly any unwanted things happen now and everything I want fills my days and nights.

But when an errant unwanted thing does happen, I use it as a springboard. I find in it that which is wanted, focus on that and in doing so I, as the Buddhists say, “turn poison into medicine”.

I soothe unwanted beliefs creating the unwanted thing. And replace that with wanted beliefs. Then these new beliefs not only create realities consistent with them, as did old unwanted ones, they also feel great to think.

Three, it reminds me my best interest lies in careful consideration of what I allow into my belief constellation. For what goes in there becomes my “out here.” That’s great general wisdom. In other words, what I allow in my head eventually becomes what I experience.

Ancient wisdom embraced

The ancients nailed timeless wisdom comprising what I know. The ouroboros, a serpent eating its tail, illustrates this age-old knowing. I find my life proving this over and over.

The ouroboros telling us our reality springs from that which we are. Spot on.

The fun part of it is, the proof I create consists of all good things. For one, I eliminate things unwanted. Two, I replace them with wanted things. Three, doing that life gets better and better. I feel better too.

And as all that happens in reality, I also broaden my perception and experience of the place from which all reality comes: the eternal now that is nonphysical.

In this way, I get the best of all worlds. I love knowing what I know. I also love showing others how their lives can become Charmed Lives just by changing how one thinks, what one lets into their head.

The best kept secrets lie right in front of our faces. I love knowing our insides become out outsides. Because in knowing that, great power awaits. The power to create reality as gods.

Nothing’s more fun than that.

When Great Proof Begets Great Results

I love working with clients committed enough to earnestly pursue their Positive Focus. When they do, freedom and joy show up. In a recent, fabulous session, Lisa shares her experience thus far, confirming the work’s effectiveness.

We all exist as God in human form. What’s cool about that shows up in abundance when disbelief, but a desire to believe, turns into belief.

But when belief turns to knowing, knowing borne of experience, then things really get interesting.

For when that happens, then the God in the human form, starts shining. From there, it only gets better and better. More joy, more fun, more desires accomplished with no effort. But mostly: more joy.

After all, we all chose this experience knowing it offered wondrous opportunity. Expansion, freedom, joy and focus. We came here for that. Manifestations just happen as natural byproducts of expansion, freedom joy and focus.

Life gets great when one gets Positively Focused as Lisa attests here.

Meaningful life happens when one chooses their life as meaningful. Every life represents meaningfulness, but when negative beliefs, resistance, anger and frustration dominate, finding one’s meaning can’t happen.


All That Is wants us all filled with ecstasy, joy and appreciation for life, for us. Negative experiences pile on the one who sees life negatively because All That Is uses such experiences. Such experiences show the negative person they can choose a better way. One consistent with what their Broader Perspective knows.

Life can be fun

Every Broader Perspective knows life can be fun. But that fun exists as an option. People come with free will built in. Everyone stands in freedom so profound, each person can choose shackles inherent in disbelief, anger, fear, insecurity and “traumas”.

In time, everyone releases such shackles. For many, that happens at the death moment. Sleep does it too. Most don’t realize it, but waking from sleep feels so great because a person experienced hours in sleep’s nonresistant state.

Death does the same thing.

But one needn’t die then experience joy, freedom and appreciation Broader Perspective knows life offers. Life features those things in abundance for those willing to put a little focus into seeing life as their Broader Perspective sees it.

From there, life’s automatic processes take over. Before long, one finds themselves in perpetual bliss. Just like they knew they would, when deciding living in a body would be a wonderful experience.

Proof waits for your discovery. You discover it first through thoughts you think. Then it shows itself to you constantly, as Lisa here confirms.

You’re ready. Life stands ready. Your Broader Perspective already enjoys it. Might it be time for you to enjoy it as well?

A Full Positively Focused Session: What Happy Looks Like

I’m overjoyed sharing this video and appreciate deeply my client’s willingness to share it with you too.

It’s deeply touching watching what happens in this full, lightly edited session. I knew when we had it, it offered extraordinary insight into how becoming Positively Focused works.

As my client gets near the end of the session, you can see how deeply the work transformed his perspective.

A session anatomy

The client came after spending the week perpetually in negative beliefs. As such, he characterized the week as negative, sharing only those experiences he had access to – those vibrating at his lower level – as “proof” substantiating his feeling experience.

Of course, life works the other way around. One’s feeling experience creates life experience. It’s something few know.

Showing up the way he did, the client offered himself a wonderful opportunity. By practicing shifting his perspective towards better-feeling beliefs, he discovered renewed freedom.

Then, positive experiences he had during the same week, ones he didn’t mention, returned to his memory. That happened because he resonated with those through his improved, active beliefs, instead of the lower vibrational experiences with which he originally resonated. In doing so his mood changed completely.

This session illustrates so many powerful insights, the most important being: Reality springs from perception. Changing perception produces instant results. In time, those results turn into perceivable reality.

The beliefs I have create the world I see. Not the other way around.

What reality resonates?

The reality one experiences is the one with which they resonate. Life’s harmonics will draw to a person, experiences from the infinite, matching that person’s vibration. He can access no other realities, even though they’re just as real. One’s experience therefore rests completely with how one vibrates.

Every reality exists simultaneously. By shifting one’s vibration upwards, through simple declarative statements, one finds oneself transported to totally different versions of the exact same reality they experience. Only details change because the higher vibration draws details matching the observer.

I love this work. I love showing people how raising their vibration puts them on track to everything they want.

But most fulfilling is the jubilance feel when I see significant positive shifts in people’s vibration – this happens at 00:35:39 in the video – then they feel that shift. That’s the payoff of the work for both me and the client. That and the client realizing their Charmed Life, of course.

We’re all eternal. Manifestations are a dime a dozen. They’re sign posts along a never ending path of personal fulfillment and joy. Life’s purpose therefore doesn’t rest in manifestations.

Life’s purpose fulfills itself in wonderful, delicious, rambunctious feelings birthed from knowing you’re at the center of the Universe. You’re eternal, God in human form. Nothing beats that, as my client here shows.


Nature Shows Me Love When I Better My Happy

This morning probably was the best result I received so far from my Positively Focused practice. It’s an extraordinary result showing how Universe delights the one who finds alignment with their better, happy place.

I woke this morning feeling joy so deep, I didn’t want to get out of bed. I felt at one with All That Is, and that feeling left me in peace, wherein all was right with everything. And in that, I felt struck in All That Is’ beauty, grace and love.

But when someone experiences such deep and profound spiritual experiences, Universe inspires movement because such movement leads to more and better experiences. Experiences confirming that blessed universal connection.

That’s exactly what happened next.

Joy and fun to come

I got an impulse to go for a walk. The impulse came with a sense of urgency, like I mustn’t ignore it. So I got up, did my morning routine and headed out the door.

A few weeks ago I wrote about an amazing experience had in a nearby park. It involved seeing a raptor in the trees with feathers dancing through the air like snow fall. Then a guy walked by who amplified that wonderful experience with a story of his own.

The park where this happened was where my inspiration directed me this morning. As I walked I had no idea what lie ahead. I only knew how good I felt and how wonderful the day unfolded up to now, even though it was only 7:30 in the morning.

The park was mine. No one else walked the walking paths, played in the grassy expanses, walked among the roses, or sat in the pavilion. My favorite music played in my headphones while the sun shone from my right, its warmth heating the day.

Halfway through the park, despite my headphones, I heard a sound I hadn’t heard before. It was a kind of screech. Even though my headphones muffled it, the sound caught my attention. So much so I made a bee-line straight to where I thought it originated.

The compulsion to follow that sound was so strong, I felt kind of odd, like I wasn’t in charge of my movements. It drew me to a spot in the park I rarely frequent.

That’s when it happened

I heard the sound again, then looked into the trees while turning off my music. The draw of this impulse felt extreme as it pulled me right underneath a medium-sized tree. That impulse drew my vision to the lower-most branch, which swung very low from the tree’s trunk.

There, perched on the branch, was an accipiter known as a Goshawk. I didn’t know the word “accipiter” in that moment. Nor did I know the Bird of Prey as a Goshawk. I thought is was a Sharp-Shinned Hawk or perhaps a falcon. Either way, the sight stunned me.

Little did I know, this was just the beginning.

My joyful adventure started with this sighting.

Accipiters are Birds of Prey specifically evolved for successful life in dense forests. These birds are slender with short, broad, rounded wings and a long tail which helps them maneuver in tight areas such as forests. Accipiters have long legs and long, sharp talons used to kill their prey, and a sharp, hooked bill used in feeding. They often ambush their prey, mainly small birds and mammals, capturing them after a short chase. They are commonly found in wooded or shrubby areas.

I’ve always adored Birds of Prey, specifically Red Tailed Hawks and Sparrowhawks. Since moving to Oregon, however, my love of raptors expanded. I also love seeing Bald Eagles and Osprey, which populate Oregon’s scenic waterways.

But I never expected to see such birds in Portland’s city parks. This was astounding!

Watching this bird on the branch, I felt awe. But what happened next left me in stunned.

It was good, but got better

While filming the video above, the hawk suddenly disappeared from view. I stopped shooting to find it, but saw it nowhere in trees around me. That’s when my instinct took over, turned my head left and downward.

The hawk landed on the ground just feet from my…feet! Here’s a video of me in rapturous joy as I caught the moment on video:

It lands right at my feet! Listen to my joy!

This is incredible, I thought! Understanding how amazing this moment was requires understanding a little about Northwestern Goshawks.

Of the three U.S. and Canadian hawks known as accipiters, the Goshawk is by far the most impressive. As far as accipiters are concerned, they are the largest and most aggressive. Goshawks are favored for falconry the world over. According to state write-ups, Oregon offers limited permits for taking Goshawks for falconry purposes. I met someone with such a permit once. His specimen is exquisite even though I don’t think it’s a Goshawk. I mean, must look at this photo I took!

A bird of prey “taken” for falconry by a local falconer. I took this photo last summer at a local school. The owner used the playground as a training camp.

What impressed me most about Goshawks, and my seeing one specifically, is this: It is an uncommon to fairly common bird in Oregon. But they’re usually found in wilderness areas ranging between 1,900 – 6,100 foot elevations along the Cascade, Blue, and Klamath mountains. Even so, here I was face-to-face….or foot-to-foot with one in a city park!

It gets better still!

Just as the bird flew off, I heard another screech, the distinctive sound a Goshawk makes, that now sounds familiar to my ears. This one came from behind me. I turned around and saw another Goshawk, only this one fed on a bird it must have caught earlier this morning.

A Goshawk manages its kill in on a nearby branch. Astounding!

That’s two separate birds in the same area!

Then I heard yet another screech, again, behind me. When I turned around, I stood literally astounded. For there in front of me were four hawks. Three of them stood on the ground, the fourth on a brach above the others. What were they doing? Playing with sticks!

They threw sticks, tossed seed pods and even stepped on each other’s tails! Never had I seen such playfulness in Birds of Prey. I felt absolutely blessed seeing this display, again, in a city park.

Watch as these Goshawks play. At the end, one even playfully steps on its companion’s tail! Hilarious!

It turned out I was amidst an entire family of hawks. They played and ate from the same kill. They even chased crow and squirrel in front of me. Two even played with each other on a nearby car rooftop.

Joyful nature communion

For the next two hours I watched as these hawks put themselves on display for me. Once, one hawk perched on a tree, looked at me. Then, with no notice, it flew straight at me, swooping over my head close enough for me to touch. I felt I had gone to hawk heaven!

After filming, I noticed bird and squirrel carcasses in this area, particularly under the tree where one of the hawks fed. Apparently, they had been here some time. But my Broader Perspective coordinated this moment, these two blissful hours, for me to commune with these natural, graceful predators.

Carcass from a previous meal.

I tell my clients all the time that when one develops a Positively Focused perspective such that they chronically live in a state of alignment to the beauty of life, nature becomes one’s deliberate partner. It reveals to the Positively Focused its “secrets”. Animals people rarely, if ever, see come out and play, putting themselves on display for one who takes time to tune themselves back to their natural knowing.

I’ve seen coyote families, with pups playing alongside city sloughs, minxes carrying their prey along bike paths, owls flying in broad daylight and at night, perched so close to me I could touch them if I wanted.

Forgotten desires fulfilled

I know when these experiences come, they come solely for my joyful consumption. They also validate my Positively Focused practice as well as indicate that I stand aligned, not only to nature, but to the unfolding, natural fulfillment of all my desires.

I also tell my clients about the nature of “desire” itself. I know many desires I have I don’t remember asking for. But my Broader Perspective remembers them all. When I tune to my Broader Perspective knowing, it begins leading me to all my desires. Not just ones I consciously want, but those I’ve forgotten.

That’s what makes living life so joyous when Positively Focused. I didn’t realize experiencing something like a family of uncommon Birds of Prey up close and personal was something I asked for. Yet here it was delivered in a way I could savor for two whole hours!

Imagine other desires I asked for, cued up by my Broader Perspective and ready when I am to experience. It truly is the Charmed Life I write about. The Charmed Life includes the fulfillment of ALL desires. Not just those a person knows they want, but ones they don’t remember asking for.

My experience today with these hawks filled me with such joy, I am working on a short film about the experience. It’s amazing I got so much video footage, enough for a film I can share. And in the sharing I’ll amplify my own joy, which also amplifies my connection to All That Is.

I write that I am amazed and I am. But I also know what happened is just what happens when I stand at the center of my happy place, where the Universe shows me how blessed I am. How blessed we all are.

How To Joyfully Get What You Want

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

The reason it takes so long for what we want to become what we have, is because we want what we want. That sounds crazy, I know. But when a person becomes positively focused, they realize wanting what they want becomes the biggest impediment to getting it.

That’s because wanting what one wants focuses a person on the desire to have the thing. I know that sounds like the most obvious thing to do. The problem is, wanting something puts attention on the fact that it’s not there.

That is why one wants something after all – or at least one reason – one doesn’t have it, right? But one wants it.

But when a person thinks they are wanting what they want, what they’re actually doing is putting attention on the fact that they don’t have it.

An important thing to consider when doing this “you create your reality” business is, one doesn’t get what one wants, one gets what one focuses on, or puts their attention on. So it’s really important knowing where one puts one’s attention.

Yearning burning desire sucks.

Most of us think when we feel strong desire, that desire tells us we want what we desire. Often, desire feels like “yearning“. Sometimes people will say “I want X so bad!”

The problem with wanting something so bad, or yearning for it, is that strong desire or yearning tells the person their attention is in the wrong place.

And when one’s attention is in the wrong place, they can’t get what they want.

This is why people work hard to get what they want. They have split energy. They want what they want, but they don’t get “wanting” works against them.

Another reason people must work hard is resistance. But we can throw “wanting” into the “resistance“ bucket. It acts just like resistance.

How it can work

Getting what one wants requires focusing on what it feels like to get what one wants. That sounds super crazy, doesn’t it? Isn’t focusing on what one wants focusing on what one wants? If not, what does it feel like to want what one wants?

It feels like having what one wants. Creating the reality where one has what they want, requires creating the incipient reality from which the wanted emerges.

Do that and evidence of what is wanted reveals itself.

In the following video I give a detailed description of how this all works. It is one of the core elements of the “magic“ of deliberate creation.

Only it’s not magic. It’s just how life works when one is positively focused.

20 minutes of wisdom…

Life can be fun. It can be easy. Life can be full of experiences where one witnesses their desires fulfilling themselves. That’s how life is supposed to be. For in the self fulfillment of desires one realizes one’s worthiness. That worthiness feels like self-appreciation, self-love, deservedness.

It feels like the universe has you at the center of it and it’s showering you with everything you desire.

And, of course, that’s exactly what’s going on.

When one discovers the Charmed Life of living positively focused, life becomes joyful, easy and fun.

That’s how everyone on the planet today knew life would be like before they came here.

The question is: is yours?