Why The Dream World Is Better Than Our Best Movies

Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

Our most popular movies explore alternate realities and worlds. Movies such as Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Tomorrow War and Tenet tinker and toy with alternate realities and timelines. Their popularity reflects our collective fascination with worlds not like our own. Or worlds just enough like our own to find fascinating.

But that fascination often falls short. Compared to traveling through actual alternate realities, movies can’t measure up. That’s right, we can explore worlds unlike our own. Worlds and dimensions just as real as the one in which you’re reading this. Visiting them requires no futuristic hardware. We don’t need advanced digital technology. Visiting such worlds happens through something everyone does every night: going to bed.

Time travel begins with the mind

Travel to alternate realities, the past or the future is easier than we think. The mind makes such travel possible. Such travel requires releasing certain beliefs. Beliefs convincing us such dimensions don’t exist. Or that they exist only in movies. Or that visiting them is impossible.

Despite such beliefs, we explore these alternate realities all the time. Even while awake. But we don’t know we do it. We can know, however. It just requires soothing beliefs standing between us and the knowing that we do this constantly.

Every moment we’re creating infinite new realities. Every action we take creates a new dimension. The moment we create one, our consciousness goes into it. We put a portion of ourselves in there. Then we explore what’s there to explore.

We’re more than our bodies and we exist in infinite dimensions simultaneously. (Photo by David Matos on Unsplash)

In other words, we each exist in infinite dimensions. Dimensions we simultaneously create and explore. Exploring these dimensions consciously, again, requires soothing beliefs convincing us that none of what you just read is happening. It further requires softening our fixation with THIS reality. For it is mainly our fixation with this reality which binds us to it, thereby turning other legitimate experiences into fantasies or fables.

If you’re thinking “this is magical thinking”, then you’ve just proven what you’ve just read. Such beliefs convince you that what you’ve read isn’t true. They also reinforce our focus here, in this reality. Softening that belief makes available whole new worlds. Worlds just as real as this one. They exist right there, behind our persistent beliefs.

The mind is powerful. From it everything we know emerges. Exploring other dimensions is a matter then of opening ourselves up to our minds’ power.

Dreams matter…a lot

Dreams represent the closest alternate dimension “neighborhood”. Many people, including the science community, generally claim dreams are the brain processing waking experiences. They don’t matter and aren’t important, they say. Here’s a Harvard trained psychology major you may know, sharing her perspective on dreams on a popular YouTube show.

Despite Portman’s assertion, dreams happen because we reemerge into nonphysical while the body sleeps. There we rejoin our Whole Selves. What happens next is extremely complex. All the “parts” of what we are communicate across dimensions we simultaneously inhabit. This includes the “past” and “future”. This communication makes alternate dimensional travel possible. A person can literally “skip” across their alternate consciousnesses like a stone skips when thrown across water.

This nonphysical communication also makes physical life possible. Without it we wouldn’t physically survive. That’s because nonphysical animates physical. So it’s accurate to say dream experience matters more than physical reality. Because physical reality literally erupts from the mind. What we call “dreaming” is mind activity at its purest. Dreaming matters. A lot.

A self-exploration most will ignore

We do what we call “dreaming” all the time. You’re doing it right now, while reading this. Most of the time we’re not aware we’re doing it. But that can change.

Becoming aware isn’t hard. But it does take persistence and discipline. Few are willing to do what’s required. Yet, if we understood what’s there, more would pursue this expanded awareness. Still, people barely remember their dreams. Some only remember having dreamed once or twice a week. Some claim they never dream, though everyone does.

It’s no wonder, then, that humanity remains largely ignorant of real alternate realities. We don’t even think about exploring dreams. So we miss what’s beyond them.

Dreams represent the boundary between waking reality and whole new realms; dimensions that make physical life possible. Dimensions happening just beneath beliefs. Beliefs which blind us to such experiences.

With practice though, we can explore these dimensions. Such exploration can’t happen, however, while we remain singularly focused on physical reality.

Belief in an “objective” reality also hinders such explorations. Exploring the dream world and beyond also involves soothing such beliefs. An “objective” reality doesn’t exist. The phenomenon called “objective reality” is actually a subjective experience we all agree to simultaneously experience. But none of us experiences the same so-called “objective” reality. Even when it seems like we are, we are not. Every person’s experience is subjective. Knowing this is an important factor contributing to successful alternate dimension travel.

The dreamworld is the departure point for fantastic psychic exploration. (Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash)

My personal experience proves it

My own experience shows how a Positively Focused practice makes successful alternate dimension travel possible. I keep detailed records of my dreams dating back to 2015. That represents well over 4,000 individual dreams. Since 2015, my dreams became more vivid, longer and included more detail. I’ve also experienced more dreams each night. And dreams within dreams. And I can now enter the dream state easier than before. I can even do it while semi-awake.

Both Abraham and Seth say such improvements come naturally once one unravels a rigid focus on physical reality. My experience exploring dreams supports their assertions. These days I enjoy far more exotic experiences. Out of body experiences (OBE), extra sensory perception and Kundalini experiences among them.

For example, I experienced long-form OBE travel as well as multiple, shorter such experiences during meditation. All this results from years training myself to focus less on the physical realm. I believe even more capability exists beyond even these experiences. That’s why I’m excited about my future.

A recent long-form OBE I had.

Subjective experience is the best evidence

All the words in the world won’t convince anyone that alternate dimensions exist and travel within them is possible. Everyone who’s experienced what I have will tell you: personal experience is the best evidence. It is the only evidence convincing enough to change a person’s beliefs.

Which is why I like working with my clients. They represent people willing to consider something more lies beyond what they see with their eyes. Dissatisfaction with their lives usually brings them to me. Dissatisfaction often causes one to give up limiting beliefs. So dissatisfaction can be a good thing. But most people think their beliefs are absolutely true. So they won’t explore what lies beyond them. Or they’re too busy with everyday life.

I get it.

Natalie Portman’s Harvard education tells her dreams don’t matter. She thinks that’s true. But I know differently. The pathway through the dream world offers tremendous potential. Potential available to everyone. But potential available only for those willing to go beyond ordinary waking consciousness and commonly-held beliefs.

The rewards far exceed the effort involved

What if powers we believe exist only in the movies are available to us all? What if we can do all those things our favorite characters do in our favorite films? If alternate dimensions await our exploration, wouldn’t that be something we’d want to explore?

I think so.

Our fascination with movies tells me we want to. But our beliefs keep us from seriously developing the technology. The technology of our minds. A technology we all have. I believe a technology worth developing.

I believe that technology can completely remake what it means to be human. It can change the world for the better. It can create a world I believe we all would prefer. One far more satisfying, prosperous and centered. So the effort invested will produce outcomes far more valuable than the effort invested.

But it’s up to each of us to create that world for ourselves. I for one believe it’s worth doing. My experiences confirm that belief. As does fascination I feel when I return from a nonphysical journey.

What’s keeping you from believing such explorations are worth the effort required? That’s a question worth asking. One that offers something far better than our best movies.

I’m Getting Better Traveling Out Of My Body

Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash
Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash

The more proficient I get with my Advanced Positively Focused practice, the better control I’m having in my Out of Body Experiences (OBE). I like seeing that progress. Exhibiting more control over such experiences indicates significant progress towards becoming ordinary among super humans.

That’s a paraphrase from a book I read. Dan Millman’s Way Of The Peaceful Warrior transformed my life trajectory. In his book, Dan quotes a main character:

“You have tried to be superior in an ordinary realm. Now you must learn to be ordinary in a superior realm.”

Way of the peaceful warrior

I love the juxtaposition of that quote. Many want to be super human among ordinary people. They want to set themselves apart. I once did, that’s for sure. But some time ago, I opted for the better alternative. I opted to become ordinary among a community of super humans.

Now that I’m exhibiting early super human powers and sharing how to do that with others, I’m fulfilling my long-held desire.

It takes practice and persistence

In that last two weeks, I’ve enjoyed a steady series of extraordinary events. My dreaming experience radically transformed. These days, dreams are long, rich and vivid in their detail. My dream retention proves my increasing ability to merge with a greater part of me. The part that travels freely through alternate realities.

The word “dream” is a misnomer. That term disparages what’s really happening when the body sleeps. What happens when the body sleeps represents sacred connection to All That Is. We return to our Broader Perspective awareness. There we travel through infinity. The cool thing is we can do it consciously aware of what we’re doing.

When my body sleeps, I’m not in it. Instead, I’m exploring, creating and interacting with the power and love of other literal super humans. Beings who no longer exist in the physical realm.

I share with clients what I know these nightly experiences actually are: the closest, easiest-to-reach alternate dimension available to us all. Every point of consciousness experiences this dimension while our bodies sleep. Even objects thought inanimate experience them. But consciously experiencing this realm then recalling and retaining the experience, represents an advanced capability.

Anyone can do it. It just takes a teacher who knows what they’re doing, practice and persistence. Exploration of other dimensions is a “given” as eternal beings. But human consciousness blocks those experiences for ordinary people.

Super humans though travel these realms consciously. And benefits of doing so are clear.

Projections of consciousness

OBEs indicate even further advancement. These days, in nearly every meditative session, I experience an OBE. Sometimes, I experience so many I can’t remember them all. But I know practice and persistence will remedy that. After all, my ego needs practice too. It must get used to being in a foreign dimension.

I also must get used to the experience. Right now, my control isn’t the best. OBEs I’m enjoying come as spontaneous events. Not something I directly control. I can’t deliberately visit some place I want to for example. Not yet. Instead, they involve random visits to alternate dimensions. Or experiences in locations familiar to me, like the following:

I saw myself I found myself walking down the street that felt like Mississippi [a street in my neighborhood]. A woman was coming from the other direction. The scenery was extremely vivid as was this woman. She had long brown hair that flowed in the wind. Her face was narrow and stern, but the energy she emanated wasn’t stern. As we converged, she looked at me strangely, as though I did not belong there. And of course I did not, for I was projecting! (Massive Source Confirmation).

This one happened this morning (Feb 21). What’s cool about visits like this is OBE pioneers document identical early-stage experiences. Robert Butts and Jane Roberts‘ early experiences were exactly like this. Robert and Jane are famed as the conduit through which Seth spoke. Oliver Fox is another OBE pioneer. He lived in the early 19th century. Fox documented his experiences in a book called Astral Projection. Yet another pioneer, Robert Monroe created a technology-enabled process for astral projection. His book, Journeys Out Of The Body chronicles his journeys. Each of these pioneers enjoyed the same early-stage experiences I am enjoying.

More powers on the horizon

These people’s experience confirms my own. I’m just beginning with this highly-advanced ability. And I know my experience reflects improved capability. For example, in the projection above, I recognized the woman recognized me. She knew I didn’t belong in her dimension. And I retained that experience when I returned from visiting there. As I wrote above, in past experiences I forgot what happened upon returning. But now I’m retaining more of the experience.

I also notice my forgetfulness happens in highly advanced trips. When I visit multiple dimensions, my ego gets overwhelmed. One recent sitting demonstrates this. The moment I lay down, I experienced an enormous variety of dimensions all simultaneously. It was almost totally overwhelming. I couldn’t remember specific details. But I remember the collection of various dimensions as a single unit. Here’s what I wrote about that event:

A description from my journal of a massive number of dimensions experienced simultaneously along with other OBE projections experienced in session 181 on Saturday, Feb. 18.

I know my capacity for these experiences is improving. I know this because I recognize progress I’ve already made. And I know more such progress lies on the horizon. As do more abilities. Abilities known only in what Dan Millman calls “the superior realm”. The realm that is quickly becoming my new home.

Wanna join me?