A Great Result Made My Client Do Something Awesome

Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash

What I do is not therapy. Which is why I can guarantee my results. When those results happen, clients are surprised. At first.

But then they come to expect the extraordinary. Even so, some results still blow clients away. Which is why, this week, a client gave me a $100 tip. The money isn’t important. What is, is the gesture shows how remarkable the Positively Focused practice is.

This client came to the session distraught. Her younger brother confided in her something scary: He was contemplating suicide.

Like any human who isn’t a Positively Focused client, my client worried about her brother taking his life. The problem with doing that, however, is two-fold. One, the emotion “worry” tells us we’re using our creative energy to create a reality we won’t like when it comes. That impending reality includes versions of people in our lives. Including siblings and other family members. Two, “worry” can align us with another person’s negative intentions, thereby making it more likely the person will go that negative direction.

We’re more powerful than we know

Most people struggle believing we create our reality. Fewer still believe we create the people we meet. And yet, that’s what’s happening. We actually have far more influence on others than we think. That’s why I tell clients to think the best thoughts about everyone they care about.

I did the same with this client. In thinking empowering thoughts about her sibling, she would offer strong influence on not only her brother’s thoughts, but his behavior too. She could actually change his trajectory, I told her, assuming he wanted that.

Indeed, many confiding in others about suicidal ideation do so as a cry for help. They want to take a different trajectory, in other words. So there was a great chance my client could benefit her brother.

It didn’t take long her to find more empowering thoughts within her. Feeling better, she could also come up with words she felt could positively influence her brother. I assured her those words would be influencing. But only if she could maintain seeing her brother in an empowered state. It’s not the words that would do it, I told her. How she’s being will speak more powerfully than anything coming out of her mouth. She got this.

Our happiness depends on no external situation. (Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash)

The Charmed Life emerges from the practice

Of course, suicide isn’t as bad as we make it. For many really struggling with their created reality, it’s often the best way to get relief from intense awful experience.

We’re all powerful creators. But since most of us don’t know this, we tend to create realities of intense negativity. In such circumstances, suicide can be the logical best choice.

Once that choice happens, though, nothing bad comes to the person taking their life. They receive support in nonphysical, then they get to try life again. They get a do-over in other words.

So for the person taking their life, taking their life isn’t a big deal. It’s much bigger a deal for “survivors” though, which is another story.

Thinking empowering thoughts about her brother moved my client into a very positive place. From there she had a great conversation with her mother. Together they amplified each other’s positive thoughts about the relative in question.

My client then felt so good after this, she gifted me the tip. It was a total surprise. She said she went from feeling a dreadful powerlessness all the way to feeling empowered and not worried about her brother.

My client tips me for helping her feel awesome.

Of course, this is something every client experiences in their Positively Focused practice on one subject or another. It is, in fact the purpose of the practice. It’s about learning to improve our moods. Which equals improving our vibration.

When that happens, our lives improve too. So much so, they become the Charmed Life I write about in this blog.

Healing another: it’s no miracle

We constantly create versions of everyone we meet. Everything in physical reality reflects our inner state. People are no exception. It is how the Universe shows up: as a reflection of “god’s” inner state. And we all are gods.

Of course, the person we focus on is a god also. So they’re creating a version of themselves too. As a result, everyone exists as multiple versions of themselves. Those others elicit from us, and the one we create ourselves. The versions others create of us can influence our own self-creation. Especially when the image they are creating aligns with something essential about us. Or when we allow that other person to influence us.

This is how Jesus healed people. He saw everyone as their divine self only. That’s the essential aspect of us all. As a result of his powerful focus, dis-ease withered in his attention. His attention literally caused those people’s self concept to collapse into his high vibration version of those people.

Maybe you think this is crazy talk. If so, then I encourage you to create evidence that will convince you that you do create versions of people you interact with. We’re all doing it. Most of us just aren’t aware that we’re doing it.

Becoming aware that we’re god in human form isn’t hard. But most people benefit from a little help in the process. That’s why I’m here. The benefit of this awareness is literally boundless.

Perhaps you’re ready to live your boundless life. What I call the Charmed Life. Contact me. Let’s get started.

How Long Before My Life Gets Better?

Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my Positively Focused blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Question: How many days does it take to manifest something like a better life?

Short answer: it depends.

An objective reality doesn’t exist. So it’s not possible to answer such a question with a specific number of days and expect that to be “the average number of days“ or “ the least amount of days” that would be accurate for everybody.

The only reality that exists is the one perceivable by the perceiver. In other words, physical reality is a 100 percent subjective experience. The same is true when creating. 

So the number of days it takes to manifest something like a better life depends on the person’s subjective experience, their constellation of beliefs, which includes how much they doubt or believe what it is they’re trying to create.

If a person has a lot of doubts or resistance about what they’re trying to create, it’s gonna take much longer than if they have pure focus on what it is they’re wanting and they believe what they’re wanting is possible.

Also, it depends on what it is one wants. If somebody wants to create something they believe is easy, which is the same thing as saying something they have no resistance about, it can manifest in a few hours. But most people don’t have such pure focus on topics they consider to be “serious“ or things they really, really want such as “a better life”.

So, the number of days it takes depends on the desire, and how much resistance someone is holding about the desire. It can take a few hours, or it can never happen.

The good news is, evidence it’s happening is immediate, if you know where to see it. And in seeing the evidence, one gets encouraged. Encouragement speeds up the process, so before you know it, your life IS better.

What Life Looks Like When It’s Fun

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Life is supposed to be fun. Fun and delightfully surprising.

What makes life that way are little things happening all day every day. Things I used to miss before I got Positively Focused.

Not every “manifestation” is a great, big wish-fulfilling, earth-shaking event. I know if I focus too much on trying to have those, not only do such events come less often, I miss the many, many little events that make life sweet fun.

I’ll try getting these little stories out the day they happen. Really though, these things happen so often, I can’t even capture them all in my journal. Let alone share them in my blog(s). Still, starting with what happened today, I’m going to try to share more of them…It’s fun sharing them.

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I needed to get groceries this morning. It’s thirty-seven degrees outside. Rain was predicted around 11. I wanted to go and get back before the rains came.

I noticed my skull cap wasn’t where I keep it. These days, when something seems missing, I don’t think of it as “lost”. Something seen as “lost” connects me with a reality in which that thing really is lost. Then I can’t find it.

Instead, I think “where is it?” then I let the question go. That way, I can tune into the reality in which the thing is there.

The basket where my bike and winter accessories live.

That happened with my skull cap. I kept getting ready. I walked over to the basket where I keep my winter gear. Knowing it’s cold outside, I reached for my riding mittens. One of the other gloves in the basket fell behind my camera bag sitting on the floor.

I reached to get the glove, got it, then felt something else there. Guess what it was?

That’s right, my skull cap.

No looking for it. The glove falling led me there. No effort on my part. That was cool. More cool though was having awareness of that. That made me smile.

Behind my camera bag. It’s darker than this. I had the lights on high to take the picture. 

The second thing happened ten minutes later.

I keep a journal. Sometimes I include things like that skull cap event in there. I also write about bigger things that happen. I track my weight, walks and mindfulness minutes too through my “health/activity” app.

That app also tracks cycling. It connects to another app I use that records rides and runs. But I didn’t know how to connect the two apps.

Some of the data I keep track of in my journal.

Instead of trying to figure it out, I did the same thing I did with the skull cap. I asked the question, then let it go. A bit later and ready for the grocery errand, I opened the bike app. By “accident” I hit some feature. I don’t know what it was, but it brought up a screen I hadn’t seen before.

My Inner Being said “look at the screen”. So I did.

It had two features that were disabled. I enabled them. Presto! My two apps were connected.

I just tried finding that riding app screen real quick, but I don’t see it. It doesn’t matter though because the two apps are now connected. Easy peasy!

That’s how life is. Easy peasy. It’s supposed to be that way. Little magical events like these make it so. Being Positively Focused, I see these events happening near constantly. Which they are. But I miss them if I’m not Positively Focused. And so, for me, life is exactly as it’s supposed to be. Fun!


You Already Offer The World Value. Focus On Being Happy. You’ll Get Everything You’re Wanting.

Aleksey Shkitenkov choose to be happy FB blog
Photo: Aleksey Shkitenkov

The purpose of life is to be happy.

Value is something you can’t help but give. Have you noticed?

No matter what you’re doing, you’re offering value to some one or some thing. It’s part of what you come into the world naturally doing.

But happiness…that’s another story.

Perhaps your happiness is fleeting. Perhaps happiness to you is as capricious, and as impermanent, as any other emotion. So trying to think of it as something you can perpetually enjoy, as a steady life state, seems stupid to expect.

Especially when there is so much to witness that isn’t happy to look at. No wonder you shift your desire to usefulness or value over being happy.

But you come into the world to enjoy the adventure of being of value. And the enjoyment, i.e. the “happy factor” was supposed to be something akin to your body: just as your body has grown and become more as you have become older, so to was your level of happiness supposed to become more and more.

Likely that’s not the case, is it.

· · ·

People ask: “How can we be happy with all the suffering going on in the world?”

The rub in that question is, until you figure out how to be perpetually happy, you can’t understand the answer to the question you’re asking.

You become happy first. Then you discover the suffering you see isn’t what you think it is.

To understand the perpetual nature of happiness requires understanding something else that is the subject of great debate: your inherent free will.

Your free will is the nexus between value, your life experience and your happiness. Here’s how:

  1. You cannot help but create value for self and others because this whole thing called life experience is a massive collaboration the purpose of which is eternal expansion predisposed towards “better”. And that’s what you inherently are: life experience getting better.
  2. You can not help but exist here because that was (and continues to be) your intent. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. No one else is forcing you into your body, making sure you stay in your body, on earth, against your will. You’re doing it. And you’re doing it because you want to be here.
  3. And….in your free will, you can choose whether being here is fun or not. In other words, you’re free to put your attention anywhere you want while you’re here. And you can choose to use it to create whatever experience you like.

· · ·


There is a part of you that remains where you came from. While here, you communicate between you and you through your emotions. Ever wonder WHY you have emotions?

Not many ask that question.

That’s why “being happy” appears fleeting. It’s only because you don’t know what it is, or how to use it.

Just like you probably don’t know how to use this:

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What the hell is that? (Photo: City of Mesa)

But the moment you begin understanding what your happiness is for, you begin understanding a lot. Including what’s really going on here on Earth.

You can be perpetually, blissfully happy. But first you have to figure out what happiness is for. Then use it for what it was intended.

When you do, the world becomes your oyster. You get everything you want. And…you become invincible.

Here’s One Of Two Things You Need To Know To Become A Life Master

Mohamed Nohassi life master FB blog
Photo: Mohamed Nohassi

We mention “the moment of becoming” frequently. The reason is, when you get it, and practice using it, you become invincible.

People give up on happiness because they don’t understand how to make it permanent.

They give up on dreams because they don’t know how dreams become reality.

Living from the moment of becoming, you become a life master.

Everything is possible.

If this is accurate – and it is – knowing about the moment of becoming is vital, yes?

So we’re going to describe what the moment of becoming is. This is not new information. There are lots of sources talking about this.

Then we’re going to back up and try to describe it in a way that it makes sense (at least to us 🙂 ).

Ready? Here we go:

What it is: The moment of becoming is the decision point which stands outside of time and space, where you as an enduring personality essence, deliberately choose events you want to experience in your ongoing life experience.

If you got that, you are now looking through a doorway of awesome potential.

Now let’s try to flesh it out a bit.


Life experience: what it’s made of

Two “places” comprise experience. You’re very familiar with one.

You probably call it “reality”. It is the world around you; the physical world, which includes thoughts and ideas as they exist in your brain and the brains of others.

The physical world, therefore, is composed of matter.

We distinguish two separate places comprising life experience: Physical reality is one.

Matter comes in many forms, including events, communication you are most familiar with (electronic, verbal, physical, visual etc.), particles of all kinds, and forces you take for granted, can’t see, but nonetheless experience the effect of, such as wind, gravity and heat.

Anything you can experience with your physical sense organs is part of physical “reality”.

That’s the first “place”.

Now for the second.

The vast majority of humanity speculates about, says it “believes in”, or claims to “know” about this.

And yet people rarely if ever experience it. So they don’t really know about it. If they did, they’d not only be perpetually happy, they would have all they want, living their dream lives.

Clearly that’s not happening for most people.

Physical senses can not perceive this second place, so it is difficult to describe in physical terms. But it is no less real.

Gravity can’t be perceived with physical sense organs either. Only the effect of gravity can. Certain sounds and colors also are examples of unseen yet no less real phenomena. These exist outside the narrow band of sound and color physical sense organs can perceive.

So something existing as real, but imperceptible via physical senses should be a familiar idea. Yes?


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On “either side” of the familiar color spectrum there are colors we can’t perceive. They are no less real. (Photo: Max)

Words fall short in describing this second place.

So, let’s call it by what it isn’t.

Let’s call it “non-physical.” It is “anything that exists outside of physical reality.”

We’re not going into any detail on non-physical. We’re describing what the moment of becoming is, not non-physical.

But we do need a context within which to describe that. The context is “non-physical”.

The moment of becoming is the “space” “between” these two “places”; physical and non-physical. It is the “intersection” – so to speak – the catalyzing “event moment” through which that which is in non-physical becomes physical.

An excellent, easy to understand real-life example of this catalyzing moment is how a human comes into the physical world. Science hasn’t figured this out yet.

A personality essence, the enduring, fundamental basis of what you are, emerges from non-physical into physical, presumably, through birth.

Humans focus on the “birth” moment as the main event. That’s why they ask “when you were born?” instead of say, “when were you conceived?” or “when did you decide to come into physical reality?”

Never the less, the following should be easy to understand.

There are many, many processes, events and collaborations that had to occur so that your birth was possible. Right? An endless stream of connections, activities, thoughts, and interactions stretching back through time and space, involving many, many people are responsible for your birth.

Your parents and their parents and their parents, etc., all had to be conceived, born, grow up, meet, date, develop affection, grow intimate, have sex…

You get the point? That’s a no-brainer, right?

All these events were coordinated. They seemingly occurred well before your birth. Let’s go with that.

Because of this, you can trace an unending stream of activity in the physical world making your birth possible.

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You came here from somewhere. (Photo: Barbara Alcada)

At some point, however, you had to choose.

You had to choose to take that defining moment to “insert” your personality essence into this endless activity stream. (We’re making a separation of events here that actually doesn’t exist, but must be manufactured for clarity.)

In the context of the process culminating in you getting here, in your body through birth, the decision to focus who you are at your essence into physical reality is analogous to the moment of becoming.

That event, your focusing of yourself into the process of your birth, happened “before” you were born. And you made the decision.

You made the decision because you knew the experience you would have here would be a delightful, rambunctious, risk free, unlimited experience representing a wondrous adventure.

And so now, you’re here, having that adventure.

“Some adventure,” you may say.

With Trump and the alt-right, Rachel Maddow and the alt-left, environmental destruction or any other experience you interpret as “bad” “dangerous” or “too painful to bear”…you might find it difficult to see life experience as “risk free” or an “adventure”.

But when you mistake a rope coiled in the corner to be a snake, the rope is still a rope.

Nil castelivi rope blog
A rope is a rope…until you mistake it for a snake. But isn’t it still a rope? (Photo: Nil Castelivi)

So here’s the explanation again: The moment of becoming is the decision point which stands outside of time and space, where you as an enduring personality essence, choose events that comprise your ongoing life experience.

It is a decision point.

It is outside of time and space.

In it you choose what you want to experience in your life experience.

And you ongoingly have access to it.

Now, because the moment of becoming literally catalyzes the existence of matter along the lines of what you’re wanting to experience, it is very powerful.

This is why it is the seat of life mastery.

A person who chronically focuses her attention there has the ability to shape matter and events here, in the physical world.

Life mastery results when a person deliberately and predominantly focuses attention in the moment of becoming rather than IN-deliberately and predominantly focusing attention in physical reality.

Now, your physical sense organs compel a chronic focus on physical reality. “Why” is irrelevant for the purpose of this writing. But the compelling nature of your senses is not absolute.

When you learn to shift your attention consistently enough, your life experience will astound you as it demonstrates that you want to experience to the exclusion of that you don’t.

This is why the moment of becoming is so vital. Life mastery is awareness of the moment of becoming and knowingly using it to create your life experience.

If you can create your life experience, and you can, then aren’t you invincible?

Making A Case For Ignoring “Reality”

Photo: Maite Wingen

If you’re like most people, you’re paying way too much attention to the world around you.

Seems like an asinine statement, right? Like, where else should I pay attention?

To the moment of becoming if you want life mastery

A life master once said “The only difference between a common mortal and a Buddha is that one knows he is a Buddha, the other does not.”

Those are the words of “the original Buddha” written by his hand in a treatise about enlightenment. He wrote those words to inspire human beings to aspire to life mastery aka Buddhahood, aka enlightenment.

We’ve quoted this sentence a lot because it reveals a lot.

Life mastery is nothing other than being able to create a life which exceeds one’s deepest desires.

And more.

Looking around the world of what is, you see most humans in one of three states:

  • Trying to realize a few rather humble dreams because the person has been shown (by the world) that their big dreams are impossible (they’re not). Or…
  • Living a minuscule fraction of their potential because they’re no longer able to dream big because dreaming is either uncomfortable (it brings up feelings of unworthiness, lack of efficacy or both) or seen as a waste of time, which is a different dimension of feeling unworthy.
  • Living some really big dreams (such as immense wealth) while simultaneously experiencing impoverishment in other parts of their lives

Life mastery is about getting all you want. And more.

In every sense.

Mastery doesn’t only include the intangibles such as spiritual fulfillment, happiness, or emotional stability at or near constant joy/love. It also is getting all you want materially.


But if you’re ignoring that one place where everything you want comes from, you’re not only not likely to get what you want, you also won’t believe getting what you want is even possible.

Or, you believe getting what you want is somehow wrong, immoral, unjust or must come at the expense of others or personal sacrifice.

Getting all you want and more is the success indicator of life mastery.

NOT getting what you want is a symptom. It indicates a condition where a person is spending too much time looking at the world around them.

“Looking at” also means “listening to.”

Chronically looking at the world around you will cause you to shrink. It will cause your dreams to shrink. It will train you into unworthiness.

Until it doesn’t.

It doesn’t when you pay more attention to your seat of power, the only place you have total control of your life experience. That power place is the moment of becoming.