What Real Supernatural Gifts Look Like

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

Coming on the heels of several remarkable supernatural developments in my personal practice, today I’ll share some interesting experiences I’ve had in my life. They show me everyone can develop superhuman abilities.

That’s right. I’ve enjoyed what people would call “supernatural abilities”. They emerged as part of my Positively Focused practice. It’s only now that even more impressive abilities are emerging. That’s because my belief in such things is increasing every day. And, as I assert here always, belief creates reality.

As I wrote before, everyone possesses these abilities. Expressing them, however, is another matter. Especially abilities such as astral travel, teleportation and perceiving past and future. But all these and more are possible for all of us. That’s because we are not human. We are more than human.

Seemingly superhuman capabilities mark the Mastery Level of the Positively Focused practice. They also come after a persistent expression of the Charmed Life I write about. None of my clients are at this level. But some are getting close.

So what kind of abilities have happened in my life?

Divine guidance on command

On an educational tour of China some time ago, I found myself in the middle of Shanghai, a massive Chinese city. In a park I met a gaggle of girls selling tea. They roped me in, then took me on a meandering path through the city by foot. The city was massive and DENSE with grey concrete buildings. Other than the park I saw, it was concrete, glass and steel, everywhere.

They eventually lead me through an equally massive shopping mall. It must have been three to seven levels. Shops were crammed in there as densely as buildings in the city. I had no idea where I was. Then we came to a tea shop. The owner greeted me. Long story short, I walked out with a bunch of tea. After rejoining my group, the group leader informed me I’d been scammed. Apparently this happens to a lot of people.

Shanghai, China. To my western eyes, every block looked identical (Photo by Rafael Banha on Unsplash)

Incensed, I wanted to confront the proprietor. But I had NO IDEA how to find that shop again. Then I calmed myself. I tapped into my Broader Perspective and said “lead me to that tea shop.” Then started walking. I turned whenever my intuition said so.

You can imagine the tea shop owner’s surprise when I showed up at his shop! We had words and I walked away whole. Afterward, I marveled at how I found that place. It was a needle in a massive number of concrete haystacks!

Jedi-like reflexes

While in the Marines a while ago, I carried my wallet in my hand. I preferred not having it in my pocket. One day, while walking down the street, I got the distinct impression that I needed to look behind me. I had my wallet in my left hand. To look behind me, I pivoted to the right. Just as I did so, I saw a guy running at me on my left. He was going after my wallet! I looked him right in the eye as I lifted my left hand over my head, making it impossible to grab my wallet. He kept running.

Another similar instance happened years later. As I walked to my office downtown, I passed a group of four homeless youths. One held a skateboard. As I passed around them, my senses picked up hostility coming from behind me. Then my Broader Perspective encouraged me to turn around.

Good thing I did. The guy with the skateboard had wound up with the board over his head to hit me. I possess a third degree black belt certification in nine different martial arts. So my sixth sense, cultivated from that training, took over. I moved in exact flow with his movements. I wasn’t moving. My Broader Perspective was moving me. I think it was clear to the guy and his fellows that he had bit off more than he could chew. He and his fellows turned a corner and ran the other way before things escalated.

Skateboarding and violence can get you hurt! (Photo by Daria Tumanova on Unsplash)

Alternate dimensional perception

Then there are experiences I’m having today. In my Positively Focused Advanced Practice Meditations, I’m visiting alternate dimensions and bringing back such experiences with remarkable clarity. My consciousness literally leaves my body and I find myself in other “places”.

These began as brief flashes. But these days, they’re happening in much longer duration and detail. Like this one:

An example from my journal of a series of departures during one Advanced Practice session.

These experiences are just the beginning. As I wrote before, evidence of more powerful abilities are emerging from within me. These are happening as natural byproducts of aligning to All That Is consciousness.

Such abilities are available to us all. Some can realize them on their own. Others benefit from a guide. If you want to experience your superhuman capability, but don’t know where to start, I’m available.

The benefit of such practices isn’t the abilities themselves. It’s the discovery of our eternal nature. A nature that exists in many dimensions simultaneously. That awareness not only triggers or activates supernatural abilities. It also enables one to create whatever life they desire.

A life which includes ultimate states of unshakable happiness. To me, such a life is worth cultivating. If you think so too and want to know how to cultivate your charmed superhuman life contact me.

How I Turned A Poor Diagnosis Into A Better One

Today I got a post-procedure diagnosis. It was exactly what I expected.

Expectation is everything. It can literally change our health. That’s because belief creates reality. A lot of people think that’s hogwash. But that’s because they haven’t tried it for themselves. Or, they’ve tried it and thought they failed when they didn’t. Or they didn’t know “the how” crucial to seeing their success.Meanwhile, I’m sitting here with living proof it works. I changed an aspect of my body through my beliefs about my body.

This story starts with this post. In that post I talked about a bodily condition that sprung from unconscious beliefs. Beliefs which created a gastroesophageal stricture in my esophagus. Right where my esophagus meets my stomach.

As a result, I frequently had trouble swallowing. Especially when eating meat. That’s why I became vegetarian. The emergency room doc 20 years ago told me I’d need a repeat procedure to open my esophagus again in seven years. That’s why I set an appointment at the Veteran’s Administration (VA) where I get my medical care.

That appointment was on September 21. The VA scheduled a follow up procedure for part two eight weeks after that on November 15. During those eight weeks between one and two, they prescribed a drug that reduces digestives my stomach produces. As I said in the previous post, the doctor said I’d need to be on this drug indefinitely.

I wasn’t having that.

I did it my way!

After the first procedure, the doctor countered what the emergency doc said a couple decades ago. Instead of a “tapering esophagus” the VA doctor said a stricture resulting from GERD developed. Stomach acids irritated the esophagus at the stomach junction, producing a mound of scar tissue. That scar tissue projected into the esophagus thereby making it harder to get food down.

So the first procedure stretched my esophagus at that point. But the doctors did nothing about treating or removing the scar tissue. They scheduled the second procedure to see how the first stretch went. If it went well, they said, the followup would be exploratory only. Or, they’d repeat the stretching.

I had other plans though. During the intervening weeks between procedure #1 and #2, I committed to create a new reality around my esophagus. Using my powerful focus and intention, I repeated a process every day wherein I imagined my esophagus returning to its original state.

The procedure results describing the stricture.
The scope’s view of the stricture found in my esophagus.

I arrived at the VA in November fully expecting doctors to tell me everything was normal in my esophagus. The procedure took less than 15 minutes. But it required sedation. So I wouldn’t know the outcome until the next day.

The next day I looked at the results in the report they gave my friend who accompanied me to the procedure. The result: “The GE junction appeared normal.”

¡Voila! I got my way.

The followup procedure report
And my fresh new esophagus.

What happened?

While many people consider this “you create your reality” business hogwash or wishful thinking, others, like me, consider it the basis of life itself. Meanwhile, the entire Universe agrees with people like me. So do all other creatures. The only ones living contrary to the fact that we all ongoingly create our reality are humans.

Actually, though, even those who believe it to be hogwash live according to the fact “everyone creates their reality”. Those people too create their reality. It’s just that the reality they create gives them evidence that they’re not creating their reality. Because everyone creates through their beliefs.

And that’s how powerful we are as God in Human form. We can create any reality we want, including ones disproving that we’re God in human form creating our reality. Meanwhile, All That Is, every expression continues doing what some consider hogwash. Inasmuch as we realize and then consciously create our reality, or not, we get life experience consistent with our awareness.

Our bodies are our most intimate creations. We create them and recreate them constantly. So frequently, the frequency would boggle most people’s minds if they really took a look at what’s happening.

But those who do look at it, and stick with looking into that inquiry, discover amazing realizations. Like me and my clients, and as Abraham and Seth assert, people like us begin feeling the power that creates all reality moving through them.

Abraham sharing what I know

A life of value and influence

The more that happens, the bolder a person’s creative intent gets. This explains why I’m up to things many believe impossible. Big things such as evolving our global economy into a better, future economy. And comparatively little things, such as soothing old beliefs creating things in my body like esophageal strictures.

We all enjoy the power of creation. We’re doing it all day every day, 24/7. Doesn’t it make sense to take control of that power and create deliberately what we want? I do.

And it’s even more fund doing it with others. Which is why I started Positively Focused. I love showing clients what I know. For as they become emboldened as Gods in human form, they become as I do: examples for all humanity.

And isn’t that what we all came for? To be of value, of influence. To make a difference.

There’s nothing we can’t do, be or have. Both Abraham and Seth make this clear. My clients and I increasingly live this reality. Maybe you’d like to. If so, I can help.

Why Do My Manifestations Not Happen?

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: I’ve been trying to manifest, but it’s not happening. So how do I make my manifestations into reality?

Answer: “Manifestation” is reality.

Whether we perceive the manifestation or not makes all the difference. Some “manifestations”, aka, reality, slip by people’s awareness. For example, most people will not celebrate the thought “I want to win the lottery”. They’re too focused on getting to the “winning”.

But that thought couldn’t be perceived had it not manifested as “real”. Furthermore, the “winning” depends on first seeing the desire to win as the most important manifestation. Not getting the money.

Knowing that thoughts are reality opens one up to more possibility. Ignoring them can kill off any future manifestation. For example, most people overly focus on the ultimate outcome of the “manifestation stream” — the money in one’s bank account. Focus on that and a person likely misses many prior manifestations that block that ultimate outcome.

Almost everyone adds a ton of resistance to their desires. Ignorant of that, most people can’t get to the “money in your bank” part. So they claim manifesting doesn’t work. But it always works.

Thoughts are reality manifested

Think about it: when we focus on winning a lottery, for example, all kinds of beliefs come up. Here are some:

  • “Winning the lottery is impossible”
  • “Winning the lottery is like gambling”
  • “Only suckers play those games”
  • “Lotteries manipulate and prey on desperation”
  • “I’m not lucky”
  • “I’m want to win, but don’t believe I will”
  • “I don’t deserve something like this”

That last one runs deep and is most powerful. Most people don’t realize they hold such beliefs. But most do.

Here’s the rub: all these beliefs are manifestations, just like thoughts. Thoughts are early manifestations. Beliefs are further evolved manifestations. They enjoy more momentum than a thought.

Beliefs and thoughts both create realities consistent with them. So if any of the above beliefs are strongly believed, winning the lottery isn’t likely.

Such beliefs conjure feelings like doubt, uncertainty and pessimism, which tell the person (even though she doesn’t realize this) “you’re not going to win the lottery!” When they play, they won’t win. Not winning is the ultimate manifestation of their persistent thoughts about the manifested reality called “winning the lottery.”  So their desire “manifested”.

And that’s an important outcome. Not winning the lottery tells the player they hold beliefs contrary to their desire. Not winning therefore, isn’t failure. It’s information the player wants to know.

So thoughts are reality. Most people won’t agree. They think “reality” must be something they can touch, see, feel or interact with. But don’t we do that with our thoughts? We feel them, interact with them, we imagine them into our mind’s eye, so we can see them. Then they shape our experiences.

How to not get your manifestation

Back to the lottery: If we’re waiting for the ultimate manifestation, it’s easy to slip into impatience too. That emotion tells us “you’re not going to win the lottery” as well. Any negative emotion about a subject tells us we’re going away from or blocking our desired manifestation in that subject area. 

This is all why it’s important to understand ALL manifestations are reality. Including thoughts. It’s also important knowing what “manifestations” look like. If we don’t know a thought is a manifestation, for example, we won’t know what next appropriate step to take after receiving the thought or receiving its downstream manifestation.

Not knowing that, we’ll kibosh the next evolving version of that manifested reality. Which is why so many people give up on dreams (such as winning the lottery), then, in their cynicism tell others to “get real” or, “this manifestation business doesn’t work.” 

It doesn’t work. For them. Because they’ve manifested a reality in which it appears to not work. But it’s working.

If we want to manifest effectively, we must realize manifestations start at the incipient stage – first as thoughts – then know what to do from there. Knowing that, it’s easy turning reality into a Charmed Life.

I Love When Clients Rave About Their Great Results

Photo by Janita Sumeiko on Unsplash

Every Positively Focused client gets the clarity and power and joy promised through the Positively Focused practice. It’s guaranteed or they get their money back. No one asks for their money back though because everyone gets great results.

I love it when clients rave about their results. Their experiences amplify and confirm my own, which is a great fringe benefit supporting my own Positively Focused practice.

Case in point: recently a band-new client expressed pleasure with results he received from a process I offer in client sessions. What’s really cool about his experience is, this happened after only one session.

A client raves about results he got this week…

This is why I guarantee the practice works. It’s also why clients tend to stick with me once they start. The practice works. It delivers exactly what I say it does. And so, it’s no surprise clients send texts like the one above.

It’s still great getting them though.

God in human form

Every human is a creator. Every human is God in human form. When a human realizes that, their life transforms.

…results consistent with my Positively Focused guarantee.

Gradually they discover life on their side. They also discover they stand at the center of the Universe. Then their life improves. It becomes the Charmed Life they knew it would be when they decided to come into a body.

From that point forward, their life fills with self-fulfilling desires. The more that happens, the more fun the person experiences. Then something really cool happens.

They stop being human and become the super human they were before they forgot who and what they are.

I love helping people rediscover their creative power and joy. It brings me joy. And it amplifies what I know about myself.

There’s nothing better than that.