Mornings are joyous moments when I’m living in between two states that actually are one: dream life and walking life. I enjoy feeling wonderful and pleasure about both. I enjoy seeing how each informs the other. It’s beautiful feeling pleasure in both: coming out of dream state in ecstasy, moving into wake state in eager anticipation, knowing both contribute unique aspect that taken together form thrilling, joyous awareness of All That Is’ perfection as it constantly expands into more.
Beautiful morning filled with dreams and images bringing joy and peace like angels flowing from heaven into my consciousness for no other reason than joyful co-creation.
Love spills over edges of my awareness from an always replenishing fountain which sings as it pours upon me songs of love and waters so abundant I lay amazed at how beautiful I feel, how blessed I am. Blessed in oneness with god itself, all that is is me and it is love and it is beautiful.
Loving how good those words feel and how great I feel each morning. More please. I’ll lap this feeling up. A dry dog on a hot summer day frolicking under bright blue skies and golden sun. Tail wagging double time, happy for no good reason: that’s me waking from dream state. As eager to greet the day as the day is to greet me.
Life is supposed to be fun. Fun and delightfully surprising.
What makes life that way are little things happening all day every day. Things I used to miss before I got Positively Focused.
Not every “manifestation” is a great, big wish-fulfilling, earth-shaking event. I know if I focus too much on trying to have those, not only do such events come less often, I miss the many, many little events that make life sweet fun.
I’ll try getting these little stories out the day they happen. Really though, these things happen so often, I can’t even capture them all in my journal. Let alone share them in my blog(s). Still, starting with what happened today, I’m going to try to share more of them…It’s fun sharing them.
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I needed to get groceries this morning. It’s thirty-seven degrees outside. Rain was predicted around 11. I wanted to go and get back before the rains came.
I noticed my skull cap wasn’t where I keep it. These days, when something seems missing, I don’t think of it as “lost”. Something seen as “lost” connects me with a reality in which that thing really is lost. Then I can’t find it.
Instead, I think “where is it?” then I let the question go. That way, I can tune into the reality in which the thing is there.
The basket where my bike and winter accessories live.
That happened with my skull cap. I kept getting ready. I walked over to the basket where I keep my winter gear. Knowing it’s cold outside, I reached for my riding mittens. One of the other gloves in the basket fell behind my camera bag sitting on the floor.
I reached to get the glove, got it, then felt something else there. Guess what it was?
That’s right, my skull cap.
No looking for it. The glove falling led me there. No effort on my part. That was cool. More cool though was having awareness of that. That made me smile.
Behind my camera bag. It’s darker than this. I had the lights on high to take the picture.
The second thing happened ten minutes later.
I keep a journal. Sometimes I include things like that skull cap event in there. I also write about bigger things that happen. I track my weight, walks and mindfulness minutes too through my “health/activity” app.
That app also tracks cycling. It connects to another app I use that records rides and runs. But I didn’t know how to connect the two apps.
Some of the data I keep track of in my journal.
Instead of trying to figure it out, I did the same thing I did with the skull cap. I asked the question, then let it go. A bit later and ready for the grocery errand, I opened the bike app. By “accident” I hit some feature. I don’t know what it was, but it brought up a screen I hadn’t seen before.
My Inner Being said “look at the screen”. So I did.
It had two features that were disabled. I enabled them. Presto! My two apps were connected.
I just tried finding that riding app screen real quick, but I don’t see it. It doesn’t matter though because the two apps are now connected. Easy peasy!
That’s how life is. Easy peasy. It’s supposed to be that way. Little magical events like these make it so. Being Positively Focused, I see these events happening near constantly. Which they are. But I miss them if I’m not Positively Focused. And so, for me, life is exactly as it’s supposed to be. Fun!