The Magic Of Putting Belief Into Affirmations

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Affirmations work, but understanding how they work makes them work. Just repeating words and phrases doesn’t work. Especially if we don’t believe what we’re saying. Or worse: if our thoughts contradict what we’re saying.

Which is why I don’t start with affirming in my client work. That’s an advanced practice. Instead, I help clients first understand who and what they are. We talk about that a lot.

It’s only after a lot of that basic stuff that I introduce more complex ideas. Belief Constellations, for example. Meanwhile, life experience validates the basics. With enough evidence supporting the basics, I then introduce homework. The homework further confirms the basics. Only after all that do we talk about affirmations.

That’s because affirmations only work when we understand why they work. The why boosts belief. It also connects that belief to a powerful source. The source from which all affirmations draw their power.

The power of self-love

For many people, affirmations don’t work, even though they’ll say they believe they work. Why is that? Because few people know whether their belief is authentic. That’s a problem. Hope can feel like belief. But it’s not belief. Which is why beginning Positively Focused clients learn how to tell the two apart. If the affirmation feels inauthentic, that’s something we want to know. But we can’t know if we can’t discern how we feel.

One client, for example, described “feeling phony” when trying to affirm. That’s excellent awareness. Because if we feel phony while affirming, the affirmation won’t work.

And yet, some affirmations work because the subject affirmed upon has little resistance. It’s easy affirming and creating a parking spot, for example. It’s quite a different matter affirming ourselves into a loving relationship, great job, or financial windfall. The goal isn’t the matter. It’s whether we believe it’s possible.

For many humans, the hardest subject upon which to affirm is the most intimate. It also is where affirmations’ powers come from. That subject is affirming our worthiness. Knowing our worthiness is key. Living a Charmed Life necessitates loving ourselves. Self-love is knowing we are worthy.

We don’t need to fully love ourselves before the Charmed Life begins emerging, however. But a lack of self-love often acts as the main hindrance to our already-existing Charmed Life. The Charmed Life is there. But our disempowering lack of self-love blinds us to it.

Which is why, ultimately, a Positively Focused practice is about loving oneself unconditionally. For in that state, our Charmed Life reveals itself to us. And that super-charges our affirming.

Becoming open to Spirit

Self love is analogous to seeing ourselves as the spiritual beings we are. We are literally love. We’re flowing through, to and all around All That Is. Love, of course, is inherently positive and joyful. Living Positively Focused calibrates one to this joyous, love-full way of being. And in doing so, we find self-love. It’s a lovely upward spiral.

From there clients figure out what makes affirmations work. The universe loves us. It’s constantly showering us with what we want. Effective affirmation doesn’t create anything, therefore. It just matches us up with what the Universe already gives us.

All this means by the time I introduce affirming to clients, its foundation is in place.

Here’s an example of a self-love affirmation string. Used correctly, with the correct mindset and attitude, these statements, intentionally made, create an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life.

This affirmation string creates an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life. But if repeated with no belief behind it, they’re simply words.

We are amazing power, incarnate

With enough focus, one need only recite this string once. After that, the nuanced practice begins. That practice involves maintaining an open awareness allowing one to witness evidence of the affirmation working. In that maintained awareness the single recitation amplifies. In that amplification, life transforms right before one’s eyes.

Again, most people don’t know how to “maintain an open awareness”. It’s a nuance. So, usually, a practice is required. A practice that allows one to gradually develop that open awareness. An awareness recognizing unlimited potential of Spirit showing up everywhere as it always does. It’s the unlimited potential that is all of us…and All That Is. It’s subtle. Which is why a mentor, coach, someone like me, is helpful.

This lovely affirming string filled me one morning with profound spiritual awareness. I took it direct from my journal and turned it into this meme so you, dear readers, might feel what I felt when I used it to enter the love of All That Is.

Come join me in a Positively Focused practice to learn your truly amazing power through the nuance of positive focus. The nuanced power of creative energy flowing to you and through you is you. And me. Contact me, let’s enjoy this practice together.

How Toxic Positivity Destroys Life’s Greatest Gifts

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: Do people who believe in manifestation believe in toxic positivity?

Answer: I cannot speak for all “people”. But I can speak with accuracy for myself, for Abraham and for Seth.

Anything someone believes will eventually prove “true”. But only for that person. And for those who become a match to that belief.

“Toxic Positivity” is a belief. It emerged only recently. As Law of Attraction gained prominence in recent decades some react strongly to its ideas. “Toxic Positivity” represents a manifestation of the originator’s struggle with their Belief Constellation. This person’s pessimism runs so strongly, Law of Attraction’s success prompts this equally strong, knee-jerk response.

A person who lives pessimistically, for example, might conclude from that orientation that life’s glass is “half-empty”. They’ll see life as a struggle, risky, inherently random and out of their control. From their perspective life will not go their way. So they draw pessimistic conclusions about life.

A conclusion is a belief. Any belief, held long enough, will prove true. So this person’s life will prove their conclusions about life true.

Life always reflects belief

Life experience has influence on belief. But life experience BENDS to belief. It is expectation (belief) that gets “life” going. And expectation determines future experience. However, once life gets going, seeing how beliefs create experience grows murky. That’s because we focus more on the physical world. We focus comparatively less on our inner world. But again, our inner world originates the outer.

So then, a chronically negative person will attract more negative experiences because that’s how they focus. This includes more negative thoughts and beliefs. They also put more attention on the outside world. They don’t consider their inner world and do something about their negative beliefs. Instead they take them for granted as indelibly true. So life gives more experience consistent with their “truth”.

But truth can change. It changes constantly.

Chronic negative focus makes attracting more negative beliefs a cinch. Same with negative experiences. IT WILL ALSO MAKE IT VERY HARD TO ACCEPT DISSIMILAR THOUGHTS.

Momentum creates more

So then consider when someone tells such a person, they create their reality. That someone says “change your beliefs to more positive ones you can improve your life experience”. Of course the listener’s Belief Constellation, their dominant negative focus, will vigorously repel such a statement. That’s because the statement confronts existing belief momentum. Momentum that is extremely strong. Momentum with a lot of evidence proving it “true”.

All That Is is extremely complex and diverse. It also is very creative. So “Toxic Positivity” is a creative term springing from a small part of All That Is. That small part represents consciousness focused predominantly in a negative orientation. That orientation will not allow the consciousness, nor the intelligence it possesses, from even considering positive orientation. It will, instead strenuously resist….then create a new idea for its extreme revulsion. The new idea will expand negative focus and give birth to a new label. The label? TOXIC Positivity. Labeling the idea will then vastly amplify that consciousness’ attachment to that belief and that preson’s negative orientation in the process.

So yes, it is real. 

But so is every other thought. Any thought held long enough will manifest corresponding reality. In short, it (Toxic Positivity), the concept, is a thing. It is a manifestation. A manifestation of chronic negative focus. A focus held so long it cannot bear to accept what’s at the heart of All That Is: Pure Positive Energy.

What Real Supernatural Gifts Look Like

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

Coming on the heels of several remarkable supernatural developments in my personal practice, today I’ll share some interesting experiences I’ve had in my life. They show me everyone can develop superhuman abilities.

That’s right. I’ve enjoyed what people would call “supernatural abilities”. They emerged as part of my Positively Focused practice. It’s only now that even more impressive abilities are emerging. That’s because my belief in such things is increasing every day. And, as I assert here always, belief creates reality.

As I wrote before, everyone possesses these abilities. Expressing them, however, is another matter. Especially abilities such as astral travel, teleportation and perceiving past and future. But all these and more are possible for all of us. That’s because we are not human. We are more than human.

Seemingly superhuman capabilities mark the Mastery Level of the Positively Focused practice. They also come after a persistent expression of the Charmed Life I write about. None of my clients are at this level. But some are getting close.

So what kind of abilities have happened in my life?

Divine guidance on command

On an educational tour of China some time ago, I found myself in the middle of Shanghai, a massive Chinese city. In a park I met a gaggle of girls selling tea. They roped me in, then took me on a meandering path through the city by foot. The city was massive and DENSE with grey concrete buildings. Other than the park I saw, it was concrete, glass and steel, everywhere.

They eventually lead me through an equally massive shopping mall. It must have been three to seven levels. Shops were crammed in there as densely as buildings in the city. I had no idea where I was. Then we came to a tea shop. The owner greeted me. Long story short, I walked out with a bunch of tea. After rejoining my group, the group leader informed me I’d been scammed. Apparently this happens to a lot of people.

Shanghai, China. To my western eyes, every block looked identical (Photo by Rafael Banha on Unsplash)

Incensed, I wanted to confront the proprietor. But I had NO IDEA how to find that shop again. Then I calmed myself. I tapped into my Broader Perspective and said “lead me to that tea shop.” Then started walking. I turned whenever my intuition said so.

You can imagine the tea shop owner’s surprise when I showed up at his shop! We had words and I walked away whole. Afterward, I marveled at how I found that place. It was a needle in a massive number of concrete haystacks!

Jedi-like reflexes

While in the Marines a while ago, I carried my wallet in my hand. I preferred not having it in my pocket. One day, while walking down the street, I got the distinct impression that I needed to look behind me. I had my wallet in my left hand. To look behind me, I pivoted to the right. Just as I did so, I saw a guy running at me on my left. He was going after my wallet! I looked him right in the eye as I lifted my left hand over my head, making it impossible to grab my wallet. He kept running.

Another similar instance happened years later. As I walked to my office downtown, I passed a group of four homeless youths. One held a skateboard. As I passed around them, my senses picked up hostility coming from behind me. Then my Broader Perspective encouraged me to turn around.

Good thing I did. The guy with the skateboard had wound up with the board over his head to hit me. I possess a third degree black belt certification in nine different martial arts. So my sixth sense, cultivated from that training, took over. I moved in exact flow with his movements. I wasn’t moving. My Broader Perspective was moving me. I think it was clear to the guy and his fellows that he had bit off more than he could chew. He and his fellows turned a corner and ran the other way before things escalated.

Skateboarding and violence can get you hurt! (Photo by Daria Tumanova on Unsplash)

Alternate dimensional perception

Then there are experiences I’m having today. In my Positively Focused Advanced Practice Meditations, I’m visiting alternate dimensions and bringing back such experiences with remarkable clarity. My consciousness literally leaves my body and I find myself in other “places”.

These began as brief flashes. But these days, they’re happening in much longer duration and detail. Like this one:

An example from my journal of a series of departures during one Advanced Practice session.

These experiences are just the beginning. As I wrote before, evidence of more powerful abilities are emerging from within me. These are happening as natural byproducts of aligning to All That Is consciousness.

Such abilities are available to us all. Some can realize them on their own. Others benefit from a guide. If you want to experience your superhuman capability, but don’t know where to start, I’m available.

The benefit of such practices isn’t the abilities themselves. It’s the discovery of our eternal nature. A nature that exists in many dimensions simultaneously. That awareness not only triggers or activates supernatural abilities. It also enables one to create whatever life they desire.

A life which includes ultimate states of unshakable happiness. To me, such a life is worth cultivating. If you think so too and want to know how to cultivate your charmed superhuman life contact me.

The Unique, Happy Life That Happens Through Selfishness

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: Is caring for one’s self selfish?

Answer: Yes. And that’s a good thing. That’s because everything surrounding you reflects what and who you are. So anything you do, including what you do for yourself, or what you do for others, expresses a selfish focus.

Since life is 100 percent subjective, your subjective experience is all you can experience. Even if you think you’re experiencing something someone else experienced, you still experience your version of that. Walking in another’s shoes then, can never happen. You can only walk in yours.

Even when you’re focusing on someone else, you’re focusing on yourself. I describe other people in my life as emanations of my own conscious awareness. Those emanations help me better focus on that which I’m creating in life. Same goes for everything else in my reality. Everything reflects back to me my internal condition.

Create happy people

When I realized this perspective, life got real easy. It got easier caring for others too. Essentially, I stopped caring for others. That doesn’t mean I became callous, it means I realized I can’t do anything to make another happy. And the closer the other person was to me, the less effective I was at making them happy. Just ask my ex-wife!

Oh, someone can make another temporarily happy. Just look at a child and its mother. Eventually, the mother will get unhappy about that kid! Neither mothers, fathers, sons, daughters nor me or you can create lasting happiness for another. It’s better then letting go of that goal. Instead, I care for my own happiness.

When I do that I find I meet more people who have found their own happiness. Which means I don’t have to care for them. They’re caring for themselves.

I’m not suggesting you realize all this intellectually. An intellectual understanding helps. But when my experience proved how accurate all this was, my “understanding” deepened immensely.

Self care means creating a satisfying life. That’s the Charmed Life I always write about. I show people how to create their Charmed Life. That first happens within the individual. Then that internal condition gets reflected externally, including in people one meets.

So the Charmed Life starts with cultivating an internal happiness. Then any kind of life one wants becomes possible. It will unfold gradually, as all things do. But it will happen. And when it does, every moment becomes a happy one.

How My Selfishness Creates Better Lives For Other People

Photo by Toni Reed on Unsplash

The more selfish I am, the more joy I bring to other people. It’s uncanny, unbelievable perhaps, but true. That’s because the more selfish I am in living my life, the more I empower others to be that way too. And the more selfish people are, the better their lives get.

Everyone creates their reality. There are no exceptions to this. It’s why I assert with my clients that “reality” is 100 percent subjective. If it weren’t, none of what I offer my clients would hold as accurate. And life experience would be perilous indeed.

No one can create for us. No one can come into our experience and do something we don’t invite. Such statements present precarious situations for some. People in “victim mode” will argue for their self-imposed limitations, saying such statements are irresponsible. Similar people feeling equally insecure, but from a different perspective, claim such statements “blame victims”.

But there are no victims. Well, there are victims. But perpetrators and victims are one in the same. That’s because everyone creates their experiences. That is the one rule for which no exceptions exist.

We stand alone in our created realities

While some stridently disagree, others will (rightly) find tremendous freedom and empowerment in such statements. For if every person creates their reality, then each person can enjoy any kind of reality they want. The only limitations on such enjoyment are those each person creates for themselves.

Think of it. No one stands between where we are and what we want. Our experiences stream from our awareness just as automatically as our legs move when we decide we want to walk from one place to another. The mechanism of walking is exactly the same as reality creation. So it makes sense then to understand how “walking” happens, what’s involved and how to leverage that process more deliberately.

Once that happens, one discovers the fantastic nature of reality: that we each stand in our separate, but overlapping, created realities. We’re sovereign in our existence. And in our sovereignty, great joy awaits.

Great joy: that’s what I offer my clients.

Abraham asserting that which I know is the case for all reality.

Little by little, life improves

Now, the great thing about physical reality is, nothing happens instantly. What we have happened gradually. It came into existence as an unending stream of manifestations. So too will that which we want. To get what we want, we must know it won’t happen at once. Like our life as it is, the new life will come gradually.

The uninitiated don’t understand this. So they wobble in their focus. Then they get wobbly results. Or more of the life they already have. But the initiated learn to hold fast on what they desire. They don’t wobble in their focus. As a result, their life gradually resembles or reflects, everything they want.

Getting there should happen effortlessly. But because most of us forget this life way, we’ve cultivated habits running counter to that effortless life; that Charmed Life I write about constantly. Showing clients how to soothe such habits forms the primary steps of my client work.

The power of selfish living

But no one needs me to discover joyful living. All one need do is adopt new habits and hold them over time. New habits aligned with outcomes people want. Abraham recently offered guidance on this in an email:

It sounds easy. But for many, it’s not. That’s why people like me exist. I offer support for folks. Through a client relationship, I see things about people they can’t see. I use that insight in service, gradually pointing out, then offering alternatives to disempowering ways of being.

In time, everyone gets that for which they came. Some get more than expected, to their great delight and wonder. I especially enjoy working with those clients. That’s because their delight and wonder amplifies my version of those feelings.

And that’s why I do what I do. My purpose is selfish. In serving others in this way, I serve myself. I amplify my own focus and practice, further cultivating beneficial habits. Habits which get reflected back to me in my own created reality.

As a result, I enjoy the Charmed Life. So in sharing my Charmed Life experience, I get more of that. While also helping others develop their version of what I enjoy.

Is there really a better life than that? I don’t think so.

Join us if you feel so inclined.

What Happens When People Kill Themselves

Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash

I once contemplated suicide. In high school, I dated one of the prettiest, most popular girls. One day, she quit dating me. Her parents didn’t approve apparently. Drawings I made of her and I engaged in sexual acts, which her parents found, didn’t help my case…

So much did her parents disapprove that they dropped the bomb, in person…on my mom. They showed up at my home one day and, in no uncertain terms, told mom I wouldn’t see their daughter any more.

My adolescent heart broke. Not knowing what I know now, I thought my youthful world ended right there. What was the point of living without her?

Obviously, I didn’t take my life. It was a momentary blip. The next day, the experience past, I moved on. So did my ex, apparently.

That’s why I understand the dismal place people find themselves where suicide seems logical. Getting to the place where suicide makes sense sucks. But it needn’t suck. Nor need it be fatal.

Instead, it can be the best launching pad to a better life.

Emotions as divining rods

Suicidal thoughts feel scary. Especially when they sneak up on you. But do they though? Are people contemplating suicide happy one moment, then, voila!, they want to die?

Of course not. Suicidal thoughts usually come to ordinary folk after a long period of gradual, increasingly negative thoughts. As such, suicidal thoughts resemble any other thought and their associated momentum.

Thoughts trigger emotions. Nothing else does that. Anyone can figure this out by watching where their emotions come from. The common refrain that “X made me” sad, or angry or jealous is a lie we tell ourselves constantly. No one makes someone else feel anything. How someone feels depends on thoughts that person thinks about what they’re thinking about. That’s the only source of emotions.

And yet, emotions are crucial. They help tell us many important things about every choice we make. Some of the most powerful thoughts humans think happen underneath human awareness. It’s not that they’re “unconscious”. It’s just that the thinker is oblivious to how they’re choosing to think about what they’re thinking about. Emotions, therefore, act as an immediate feedback mechanism for our thought-choices. Not just those we choose “unconsciously”, but ones we consciously choose too.

Emotions also tell a person what’s coming in the future. Yes, they’re a kind of divining rod, accurately and constantly predicting the future before the future comes.

But since most people don’t know this, they end up feeling chronically anxious, worried, doubtful, insecure and depressed. Then they’re frightened when suicidal thoughts show up. Thoughts they could avoid completely had they used their emotions, humans’ natural divining rod, appropriately.

Most people don’t understand emotions’ purpose. So they can’t fully benefit from their emotions. (Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash)

Negative thoughts start it

Negative thoughts, and their associated emotions, essentially tell the thinker “stop how you’re thinking or you won’t like what comes next!”

Suicidal thoughts do the same, but at volume 10. They say “Dude! Wake the fuck up! You’re heading somewhere you’re not going to like!” That’s why thoughts about killing one’s self feel awful. If someone thinking about suicide looks back across their “thinking” history, they will find a succession of increasingly negative conclusions about life, themselves or some situation. They’ve been thinking thoughts on a variety of subjects that are grossly inaccurate. And they’ve felt increasingly awful-feeling emotions along the way.

So suicidal thoughts usually indicate a strong momentum of negative thinking (long held beliefs) leading to feeling unworthy, powerless, hopeless and depressed; all emotions signaling immediate action is needed.

People generally panic or they double down when such thoughts happen because they don’t know how they happened or where they come from. So they don’t know what to do when they show up (that’s powerlessness), which exacerbates their feeling out of control (that’s helplessness). That triggers more fear and powerlessness and lack of control. See how that momentum builds up?

But such thoughts can be reversed with very little effort.

A client who had suicidal ideation found near-complete relief from such thoughts after one session.

What happens after the act

A hopeless or depressed person who kills themselves ends up where everyone else who dies ends up. They return to where they came, a place I call “nonphysical”. There, they remember everything they forgot when they became human. They remember they are an eternal being. Their awareness expands back into the Broader Perspective that tried guiding them while in a physical body. They realize there’s far more to what they are than life on earth.

They also return to the pure positive, joyful energy being that is their natural state. In that state they also realize something else. They get that their exit from the life trajectory they chose was premature. They also see that, like a bad dream, experiences they feared were of their own making. A path they created that, had they kept walking, would have improved.

Human life experience offers so much rich and satisfying opportunity. It literally changes the being experiencing it in profound ways. It does the same for everyone involved.

The experience offers such profound opportunity, a being standing in nonphysical finds it irresistible. That’s one reason why so many humans and other living creatures incarnate.

Post-suicide, these realizations deeply move the person. They remember the profound reason they chose human existence. That reason compels them so completely, they find themselves drawn right back into another body to resume the process they began. The process leading to profound transformation and elevation.

This doesn’t happen against their will. The happening happens because the being, the eternal being, knows what this experience offers. And it wants that.

Life offers profound transformation and elevation. (Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash)

A temporary fix at best

So suicide offers at best a temporary respite from a chronic series of interpretations that ran counter to what really happened. Instead of seeing their life unfolding in a beautiful, perfect, divinely-timed unfolding designed by them, they saw it as an awful experience over which they had no control.

Such distorted interpretations usually don’t lead to suicide. Otherwise far more people would kill themselves than do. Suicide happens less frequently because, most of the time, human consciousness, guided by its Broader Perspective enjoys an underlying propensity towards “good”. Inner guidance steps in well before the train gets near careening off its track.

Killing one’s self looks bad and wrong and scary. But it’s none of these things. At worse, it’s a temporary detour. At best, it offers a reset for the eternal individual. A chance to recover that awesome awareness state from which the human journey began.

In the midst of suicidal thoughts, killing one’s self seems like a good idea. But it only prolongs the inevitable. (Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash)

Suicidal thinking’s great potential

Ultimately, all paths lead to fulfilled desire and expansion of All That Is. No one need experience emotions leading to suicide. Such thoughts usually resolve themselves with just a little attention paid to creating other thoughts aligned with one’s Broader Perspective.

People thinking about killing themselves possess tremendous energy. Such people can transform then channel that energy towards their desires. In other words, a person contemplating suicide enjoys tremendous potential.

I help people learn to channel that energy and potential. I show them how to improve their thinking. After that anything becomes possible. That’s what life holds for everyone. Unlimited possibilities available to all. That makes life so worth living.

I think anyone would enjoy that. Why wouldn’t they? Because most people don’t realize how good life can be. I love helping folks realize life’s goodness. A perspective born from realizing they are, as I am. God in human form.

Thinking about committing suicide? Get help by dialing 988 in the US.

The Less You Do, The Better Life Gets

The best way to create a better, happy life starts with learning how to do nothing. When people discover the power of doing nothing, life really starts taking off. In a short time, it not only gets better, life feels happier.

Most people instead get caught up in the “doing disease”. They think happy, better lives come from doing things that will, supposedly, make them happy. But what they find is, all that doing leads to a whole lot more doing. And rarely does the doing make the person happy.

Before they know it, the person’s at the end of their life, regretting they spent so much time doing as well as not doing what they could have done. Doing is the dis-ease that can rob one of life.

So many think all we need “to do” is do more of what others are doing and we’ll find happiness. So that’s what we do. We work hard, sacrifice, put off joy now for joy later…

I know that path personally. I worked almost 30 years before I realized the secret to happiness was doing less.

Doing is drudgery

Before that realization, doing had me doing what everyone else did. It worked. Sometimes. Looking back, though, all that hard-earned money, lofty positions that looked good on paper but took their toll on my personal life satisfaction, wasn’t worth the happiness I enjoy now, doing a lot of nothing besides attending to my spiritual happiness.

It’s really crazy how so many people, especially Americans, tie their happiness to work. While it’s true work can be fulfilling, that fulfillment depends on landing work that feels fulfilling. Maybe that’s why 50-80 percent of people hate their work. So what’s the answer? Where does happiness happen?

I suggest it lies in the heart and mind, not in an external situation. Which means, of course, the difference between those fulfilled at work, doing, and those hating what they’re doing lies in what they’re thinking about what they’re doing.

The best way to change how one thinks first comes with understanding how one currently thinks. That’s where becoming Positively Focused starts.

Until a person figures out their thinking patterns and habits, it’s too easy to stay trapped in the doing the disease, trying to create a different result by doing the same things.

I’m glad I found the way out of all that. The way out being doing nothing. It seems crazy, but it’s true. Here’s why.

So many people tire themselves out by trying to get what they want through action. But doing nothing begins a path where things happen far more easily. No struggle required. (Photo by Adrian Swancar)

You match what you’re getting

First, the reason so many seek happiness through doing, yet fail to find it, is because they’re trying to get something they don’t believe they can have. Or they’re looking for it in the wrong place. I talk about this with every client. A person can’t find something they think they can’t find. That’s the case for keys, lost gloves and, frankly, a happy life.

If someone thinks life isn’t fun and easy, they can’t experience the fun and ease of life. No matter how hard they try creating that, it will evade them. A person just can’t create outside of their existing beliefs. And what a person believes often lies hidden in thoughts they’re thinking so often, they can’t consciously perceive the thoughts when they think them.

Insecurities proceed us all

The fact is, if a person thinks life is a struggle, people are out to get them (or don’t care about them), or that their life has no meaning or other similar thoughts, the insecurity or anxiety such thoughts trigger tells the thinker what they’re thinking about life, people or the meaning of life is inconsistent with how life actually is.

What’s more, those thoughts will create life experiences consistent with them. Life will occur as a constant struggle, people will be predatory and life will feel meaningless. And once such thoughts create life experience consistent with them, momentum behind those thoughts is so great, those thoughts continue creating life experience on their own. Until the thinker generates momentum in a different direction.

This is why life seems “the way it is”, like some objective reality. Instead of the subjective reality life really is. Life is a subjective reality under direct control of the person experiencing the reality.

Instead of taking control though, people become victims of that auto-created life. Which means becoming victims of their uncontrolled thinking processes. They try harder. They do more, push, struggle more, thinking if they do all that, they’ll finally get what they want.

It doesn’t work that way. Life gives what you think about. Not what you want.

Finding happiness is easy when you give up the struggle. (Photo by Juliette F on Unsplash)

Doing it different?

Doing nothing begins an important process. That process reverses momentum created when a person keeps doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results. When someone calms themselves, relaxes and focuses inward, powerful processes get underway even though it seems like nothing happens.

And the more that person relaxes into doing nothing, the more effective they get. That’s because every person receives guidance through their intuition, their Inner Being or Broader Perspective. Doing nothing tunes one into all that timeless wisdom.

What really happens is, by doing nothing, the person calms down noise in their head. That way they start hearing clear signals their intuition sends all day, every day.

In time, the person realizes some profound insights. Like this client:

Uncovering such insights takes a while. And this is the challenge. So many people in our lives tell us doing nothing is lazy and time wasting. But it’s not that. It’s a profound state of being which tunes one back into their deeper knowing.

But if you listen to society, parents, educators and all those loud mouths in the peanut gallery, you’ll hear “stop being lazy”, “work harder”, “success is in the struggle”.

It works but it’s tough

Such approaches work. But do you really want to struggle through life? I don’t. I’d rather enjoy life while seeing my life bringing me everything I want with little effort.

People who struggle claim it’s worth the struggle. They look at and display scars they “earned” on the way to their success. I say give that approach up, especially when it comes to finding happiness.

Instead, figure out how to instantly become a match to the happiness so often sought but not found. When it shows up, you will be a match to it because the instant you create it, you ARE a match to it. You’re happy. Stay in that and a happy life becomes yours.

A better way exists. It starts with doing nothing, which really is doing a lot. Learning to do nothing transforms life. My clients know this. It’s time for you to know it too.

[VIDEO] How To Live Happy And Get Everything In Life

The best way to get everything one wants in life is to pursue what’s wanted because pursuing it is joyful. This is especially true when wanting something most people think is impossible. Such as “manifesting” more money, a relationship or a better job.

That’s because most people will tell you their opinion on how to get those things. And rarely will they offer the “manifesting” path. They’ll tell you “the odds” of you “manifesting” that thing. The’ll tell you getting something that way is “wishful thinking”.

They’ll tell you to be “realistic”. Being realistic means “trying hard”. It means doing what others do. It involves focusing with the end in mind and “faking it till you make it.”

All of those ways can work. But look around at people doing it that way. It’s hard work. People hate the process. And hardly anyone gets what they’re after, because the path is so filled with struggle many or most give up on what they want. Or worse, they compromise. They settle for something “ok” instead of holding out for their dream.

Compromising is what happens when someone goes after something thinking the result is what they’re after. If, however, a person goes after something, knowing the journey to that thing is what matters most, the entire process and experience of the process changes. It’s no longer a struggle, it’s a joy. The process of doing becomes the purpose of the doing, not the means to the ends. And in that mind space, what one wants happens fast.

Your action isn’t the main attraction

Why does this happen? Because when the mind isn’t focused on the end goal, the mind becomes open to millions of avenues leading to the goal instead of the one way one thinks it must happen.

Think about it. When focused on a particular goal, say, finding a lover, usually people think of one particular way to get that lover. The main way they think it must happen has to do mainly with their taking action to “make something happen”.

But the majority of people who get what they want, especially really big things they want, hardly ever get those things through their hard work. And usually, if they’re honest when asked, those people attribute “success” to “luck” or “god” or some other force greater than themselves that made it all possible. There’s truth to their attribution. Your action is not the main attraction.

Often, these people reach a point in their “doing” where they realize they’ve done all they can. With nothing more they can do, they give up. They surrender to “come what may”. Typically, once they give up, once they surrender, that thing they want shows up. It’s not the surrender that makes that happen. It’s what happens when they surrender.

Surrender to the journey

When one surrenders, they give up actions, but also thoughts standing between them and the easy flow of what is wanted. In other words, the person no longer stands in the way of what they want. Instead, in giving up, they become a cooperative element in the unfolding.

Another way of “surrendering” is giving up focusing on the end goal and instead enjoying the process, doing what one’s doing for no other reason than the joyful doing of the doing. A client and I talked about exactly this recently. Take a listen:

I have several really big things I’m “manifesting”. They include things 99 percent of humans will say can’t be done. But I know those things on my list are as easy for me as an eternal being, with the power of the Universe behind me, to accomplish as it is to walk from one room to another. However, I must relax into the process of their unfolding, because I too have residual belief in their impossibility.

It’s not the “impossibility” of the things I want keeping them from happening. It’s the belief in the impossibility slowing things down. So for someone like me, who wants really big things showing up, I must focus relentlessly on the journey as the goal rather than the goal itself. That’s why I see, nearly every day, evidence of their unfolding.

Everyone can enjoy fulfilled wishes

Compared to what’s on my list, finding a partner or a job or whatever is easy as pie. All that’s required is giving up thoughts contrary to what one wants. Thoughts contrary to what one wants aren’t the only ones that must go though. Thoughts seemingly having nothing to do with the goal also must go. This is why it seems to take forever for people to “manifest” something.

They aren’t willing to surrender. Meaning, they aren’t willing to give up what they must to have what they want.

Anyone can have what they want no matter what it is because the Universe is a wish-granting jewel ready to deliver ANYTHING someone can formulate desire for.

All that’s required is focusing on the reason why one wants what they want rather than focusing on the thing wanted. Doing that will naturally put one in alignment with the wanted thing, so long as the reasons feel good.

If a person can remain in those good feelings, instead of thinking about how lonely they are, or how impossible the goal seems, they’ll get what they want. It’s that easy.

Feeling good is like finding

It’s easy because when a person focuses on why they want and feel good in that, the desire itself becomes more important than the fulfillment. They don’t need the thing they want, because they already feel good without it. So the desire’s fulfillment becomes irrelevant. When a person gets there, then having what they want is icing on the cake because they already feel as they will feel when what they want comes. Feeling good about what you want is as good as having it. And when you’re there, what you want must show up.

It’s not hard shifting that focus. It can happen in as little as five minutes. You know you’ve done that when you feel good right now, even without having what you want. And again, when you feel good, you’re closer to having what you want than you think.

If you want to know more about how this all works, set up a free 1:1 and let’s talk. Let’s discover how easy it is to have anything you want. It’s not as impossible as you think. All you need is more happy. Then everything in life will come on its own accord.

How Wonderful Results Spring From Vibrational Mastery

Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash

There’s great power in managing vibration so that one stands in a high flying state. Doing so, one can literally shape others’ experiences. One can also shape other people. A powerful example of that happened this week with a client.

This client finds himself profoundly affected by his Positively Focused practice, which spanned some four months. But this week, like many clients, he came having had a rough few days. So when he showed up to the session, he wasn’t ready for what happened.

When I help clients attain vibrational mastery, I create a vibrational bubble in which I hold the session. Every session feels the same because of this. The high vibrational state I create then hold during the session “pulls” clients from wherever they are, to where I am. That’s why, unlike traditional therapy or counseling, every client enjoys extremely satisfying sessions containing powerful insights and breakthroughs.

A compelling offer

This time, however, I brought a lot more vibrational mastery to the table than usual. That’s because I meditated prior to the session, using a process which increases one’s vibrational focus. I also used another process because I wanted to amplify the great feeling I felt after meditation.

By the time I came to the session, I was bouncing off the walls with intense, positivity, appreciation and joy. So much so, the client’s socks got blown off.

The disparity between where he was and where I was was so great, he had to join me. He literally had no choice because my mastery was so strong.

So when the client came into my bubble, his negative vibration had no place to go but outta here! 😂.

Which is why, after the session, he sent this:

Creating people on demand

When it comes to relationships, most people try to manipulate, convince, “love” (it’s not really that), bribe, blackmail or blame their partners into being someone they can be happy with. That hardly ever works. Indeed, the whole idea of “love languages” is part of the problem with relationships. Expecting someone to be a certain way so you feel better is a recipe for disaster. It’s also not loving.

Loving is unconditional. That means, no matter how a person might be, you still love them. That’s hard when vibrational mastery eludes you.

But with vibrational mastery, not only can you love a person no matter how they are, when you do, THEY CHANGE.

The best way to change someone is to come into alignment with the version of the person you want to experience. Then the person you’re with changes into that person. Vibrational mastery makes that possible.

Trying to change people through action or words hardly ever works. When it does work, it rarely lasts. It often also creates resentment. But using vibration, you can make any change you want permanent. And people love you for it.

It’s just like what my client experienced. And I wasn’t even trying!

Want a powerful relationship with those you love, those you work with and those you care about? Stop trying to change them. Attain vibrational mastery and watch how much power you have to produce wonderful results. Including creating versions of people who match your every desire.

Want to know how? I can help!

Positive Focus: Better Than “Any Therapy”

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

A client echoed what many of my clients feel after learning how to cultivate a positive focus about their lives and things they want in life, including jobs, money, love, peace of mind and more.

A five-month veteran of the practice, his life transformed dramatically over this time. No wonder he’s doubling down on his Positively Focused life view, about relationships and about himself. He knows it’s the best way to get what he wants in every aspect of his life.

Furthermore, he knows the power behind why being Positively Focused works so well. It makes everything possible. Including turning around, in just a couple weeks, circumstances which had this client contemplating suicide.

Anyone can easily eliminate suicidal thoughts. It happens once someone understands then uses the power of being Positively Focused.

That’s what this client did. In a couple weeks, he no longer even thought about killing himself. Now, he’s so clear he’s god in human form, he’s glad he made the choice to connect with this practice rather than going to a therapist:

He’s right on another thing. Mass shootings in the US wouldn’t happen if people understood why emotions exist and where they come from. Ignorant of this, some get so far down emotionally, feeling powerless and insecure, shooting up a school, church or grocery store becomes their only hope at feeling power.

Such events needn’t happen. But so long as people don’t understand their internal, eternal nature, they will keep happening. So will suffering. Eckhart Tolle wasn’t playing when he talked about how unnecessary suffering can be:

Suffering: still necessary?

I love how clients get that suffering no longer need exist in their lives. I love then watching them tune their lives so their lives match stories they tell about how they want their life, instead of how it is.

The more they do that, the more powerful they get. Then the more free they get. Before long, life for them becomes adventurous. Then they get the life they knew was possible. Their life becomes the Charmed Life I write about here.

We suffer because we know, deep down, life as the great adventure. It contains everything we want, flowing to us easily. But for so many, that’s not the life they live.

I want everyone living their happiest life. Therapy does work for some. But it has a terrible success rate. Telling positive stories works 100 percent of the time. Positive story telling is one of the best kept life secrets.

Although it’s not a secret. People have shared this life approach for…ever.

Isn’t it about time you got in on the secret? If so, I can help!