I love when nature shows me my Positively Focused practice works. It’s even more fun when humans get in on the act.
Nature putting itself on display typifies an intermediate-level indicator confirming effective Positively Focused practice. When a coyote crosses my path at times and locations proving that appearance special, I recognize that as a sign.
When Raptors put their wares on display mere feet in front of me, I revel in the indicator. Reveling amplifies my connection. Celebrating such indicators leverages Law of Attraction which brings me more such experiences.
But when humans become indicators, that takes intermediate level results to whole new levels.
That’s what happened today
Lately my Positively Focused practice includes advanced level processes. In such processes, I tune my awareness into a kind of trance. There, random thoughts leave my mind, the same thought jumble people take for granted as normal. That thought jumble gets replaced by calm, peace and serenity.
There, I feel Broader Perspective inspiration. It feels peaceful and serene. In that feeling, I also hear more clearly my Broader Perspective’s impulses. My connection with nature strengthens too. No surprise there, everyone’s Broader Perspective flows hand-in-hand with all natural phenomena. My Broader Perspective proved this statement as accurate.
This morning I walked through a park near my house. It’s called Peninsula Park. The 16-acre park includes a stand of fabulous, tall and majestic pine trees. Many regard Peninsula Park as one of Portland’s most beautiful parks. But what happened to me took this park’s beauty to a whole different level.
Focusing myself into alignment with larger, spiritual perspective, I felt awareness expand to the point where, as I said, random thoughts ceased. In their place, I walked in stately peace, flowing along with nature and natural impulses.
Such impulses come to my awareness feeling less like thoughts…well they are thoughts. But thoughts drawn by alignment to Broader Perspective. So these thoughts represent fine-tuned, soft and clear suggestions. Following them, I discover delightful surprises. Taken in totality such surprises create the Charmed Life I constantly write about.
This focus and its accompanying thoughts feel way better than normal consciousness and its thought jumble. I want to feel this way all the time.
Ongoing nows flowing from past desire
So the question is, do I want to experience “normal” conscious awareness? Or do I want as my ordinary waking consciousness this more diffused focus where I am allowing good-feeling clarity as my moment-by-moment experience? Obviously, I prefer creating this “abnormal” state as my new normal.
I recognize past desire for this new focus. I remember many times past when I sought this clarity-focus. Favorite films often reveal this to me. Particularly the Star Wars Franchise and its Jedi Knight lore. My Bujinkan training pointed towards similar clues. I even experienced such states while practicing with training partners.
So I know an awareness above ordinary consciousness exists. All can access it and benefit from its delights. I wanted that. I wanted it a long time. Now it emerges as easily as all manifestations: flowing from past desire into awareness to the degree I allow it. How do I allow it?
By soothing resistance against it. Then it emerges along with stronger desire for it. A simultaneous cause and affect result, amplified by focus and Law of Attraction.
Amplifying Law of Attraction’s effects characterizes the epitome of a Positively Focused approach.
The reward: delightful manifestations
I walked in this state through tall pines, their shadows blanketing my path with cool air on that summer day, their smells delighting my senses. I listened as Broader Perspective’s impulses softly spoke to me in place of random thoughts. Halfway through these pines, I heard behind me an animal sound I hadn’t heard before.
My impulse came right then: it said, come back. Look at me.
I turned around, backtracked a few paces. I looked around, but saw nothing. Then feathers began floating down all around me, like snow flakes softly descending from moisture-ladened clouds.
I looked up, and there, in a branch not far above me, perched a raptor. It grasped a bird carcass in its talons. In powerful thrusts of its sharp beak the raptor ripped one feather after another from the carcass. The morning breeze carried them to the ground.
I stood there filming as a runner approached. He saw me filming and stopped to see what I saw. Together we watched in rapt silence. Then he told me an amazing story.
One day, he said, he walked a nature trail in another Portland Park. While walking he felt his hat taken off his head. Startled, he looked around. He saw no one. Then he felt something touch his scalp again. He looked up, he said, and saw an owl land onto a branch just feet before him.
He and the owl stared at one another for a long time. “It occured to me,” the guy said. “The owl must be nesting nearby.”
Were we strangers?
The runner said the owl then unfolded its massive wings, which tripled its size. “It was like it was saying ‘you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.'” joked the runner.
He and I had shared that moment together, no longer strangers, for a little while.
My interpretation tells me following my Broader Perspective impulse led me to this park, to this moment in time where I converged with perfect timing, upon a nature documentary quality moment punctuated with an additional awesome story brought by another person tuned to my vibration. The raptor, my Inner Being and this runner converging in perfect timing so I may enjoy the synchronicity.
Nothing accidental. No coincidences. Everything unfolds in perfect timing showing me my blessedness. When I’m Positively Focused, nature puts herself on display and, sometimes, when really tuned in, humans too show me how blessed I am.
I love it when nature approves of my Positively Focused practice. My Charmed Life just gets better and better!