The Magic Of Putting Belief Into Affirmations

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Affirmations work, but understanding how they work makes them work. Just repeating words and phrases doesn’t work. Especially if we don’t believe what we’re saying. Or worse: if our thoughts contradict what we’re saying.

Which is why I don’t start with affirming in my client work. That’s an advanced practice. Instead, I help clients first understand who and what they are. We talk about that a lot.

It’s only after a lot of that basic stuff that I introduce more complex ideas. Belief Constellations, for example. Meanwhile, life experience validates the basics. With enough evidence supporting the basics, I then introduce homework. The homework further confirms the basics. Only after all that do we talk about affirmations.

That’s because affirmations only work when we understand why they work. The why boosts belief. It also connects that belief to a powerful source. The source from which all affirmations draw their power.

The power of self-love

For many people, affirmations don’t work, even though they’ll say they believe they work. Why is that? Because few people know whether their belief is authentic. That’s a problem. Hope can feel like belief. But it’s not belief. Which is why beginning Positively Focused clients learn how to tell the two apart. If the affirmation feels inauthentic, that’s something we want to know. But we can’t know if we can’t discern how we feel.

One client, for example, described “feeling phony” when trying to affirm. That’s excellent awareness. Because if we feel phony while affirming, the affirmation won’t work.

And yet, some affirmations work because the subject affirmed upon has little resistance. It’s easy affirming and creating a parking spot, for example. It’s quite a different matter affirming ourselves into a loving relationship, great job, or financial windfall. The goal isn’t the matter. It’s whether we believe it’s possible.

For many humans, the hardest subject upon which to affirm is the most intimate. It also is where affirmations’ powers come from. That subject is affirming our worthiness. Knowing our worthiness is key. Living a Charmed Life necessitates loving ourselves. Self-love is knowing we are worthy.

We don’t need to fully love ourselves before the Charmed Life begins emerging, however. But a lack of self-love often acts as the main hindrance to our already-existing Charmed Life. The Charmed Life is there. But our disempowering lack of self-love blinds us to it.

Which is why, ultimately, a Positively Focused practice is about loving oneself unconditionally. For in that state, our Charmed Life reveals itself to us. And that super-charges our affirming.

Becoming open to Spirit

Self love is analogous to seeing ourselves as the spiritual beings we are. We are literally love. We’re flowing through, to and all around All That Is. Love, of course, is inherently positive and joyful. Living Positively Focused calibrates one to this joyous, love-full way of being. And in doing so, we find self-love. It’s a lovely upward spiral.

From there clients figure out what makes affirmations work. The universe loves us. It’s constantly showering us with what we want. Effective affirmation doesn’t create anything, therefore. It just matches us up with what the Universe already gives us.

All this means by the time I introduce affirming to clients, its foundation is in place.

Here’s an example of a self-love affirmation string. Used correctly, with the correct mindset and attitude, these statements, intentionally made, create an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life.

This affirmation string creates an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life. But if repeated with no belief behind it, they’re simply words.

We are amazing power, incarnate

With enough focus, one need only recite this string once. After that, the nuanced practice begins. That practice involves maintaining an open awareness allowing one to witness evidence of the affirmation working. In that maintained awareness the single recitation amplifies. In that amplification, life transforms right before one’s eyes.

Again, most people don’t know how to “maintain an open awareness”. It’s a nuance. So, usually, a practice is required. A practice that allows one to gradually develop that open awareness. An awareness recognizing unlimited potential of Spirit showing up everywhere as it always does. It’s the unlimited potential that is all of us…and All That Is. It’s subtle. Which is why a mentor, coach, someone like me, is helpful.

This lovely affirming string filled me one morning with profound spiritual awareness. I took it direct from my journal and turned it into this meme so you, dear readers, might feel what I felt when I used it to enter the love of All That Is.

Come join me in a Positively Focused practice to learn your truly amazing power through the nuance of positive focus. The nuanced power of creative energy flowing to you and through you is you. And me. Contact me, let’s enjoy this practice together.

The Best, Most Powerful Affirmations

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Question: What are the most powerful affirmations?

The most powerful affirmations are ones that work. That seems obvious, but reconsidering this obvious answer reveals an important point: the power isn’t in the affirmation. It’s in the person.

Any affirmation will work whenever the person using it aligns their creative energy with what they want. In other words, desires, those things which inspire affirmation use, fulfill themselves. They do that when the only thing blocking them gets out of the way. What is that thing? The affirmation user himself.

When affirmations work, they work for this reason. They allow one to soothe themselves out of the way. Standing there the fulfilled desires shows itself to the desire-er. Every time.

The most powerful affirmations? Prepare to be surprised. (Photo by Omkar Jadhav)

Affirmations have no power

All that work doesn’t happen because the affirmation is powerful. It happens because the user talks himself out of unhelpful disbelief. Then he feels himself into, belief, knowing and then gradually into the reality in which his desire already happened.

In short, there are no powerful affirmations. There are only powerful people. Expressions of God in human form, who align themselves through their thoughts to their fulfilled desires. One needn’t an affirmation for that. But affirmations can, and often do, focus one’s real power – life force focus.

Those knowing this don’t attribute their power to words. They own it themselves, because they are the power. When this happens, affirmations fall by the wayside. In their place emerges what had the power all along: eternal, nonphysical conscious energy embodied in human form.

That’s what every instance of physical reality is, including humans. So a human affirming it’s inherent power is the most powerful affirmation when it affirms it’s eternal reality then leverages that affirmation in service of its desires.