An Awesome Update On My Teleportation Results

Photo credit: Warren Wong

TLDR: The author recounts an experience asserting it to have been a precursor to occult abilities. They say what’s remarkable about this experience is another person witnessed the whole event. An ER visit negated any medical explanations, even though doctors, who dislike saying “I have no idea what happened”, diagnosed what happened as vasovagal syncope. The author then expresses eagerness at a future full of super humans based on their example.

What happened this week is truly remarkable. I’m glad another person experienced it with me, so his account could support my own. What happened was a definite sign of me manifesting the ability to realize all my occult aspirations. Aspirations including teleportation, shape shifting, astral travel and more.

But that’s not all that came from this awesome experience. It also showed me the power of this Positively Focused practice. The practice offered, in this really amazing experience, an awesome gift. One that I know my clients will someday also experience. One promised as part of the Positively Focused Way.

More on that later. First, here’s what happened.

It prompts an emergency room visit

My good friend Mark and I planned to meet for lunch. I was eager about that because we hadn’t eaten where we planned in years. In fact, I was surprised the place remained open after COVID. That’s one reason we decided to meet there; as a kind of celebration that they’re still around.

I also planned the meal as a celebration. Five new people have become clients since this past January. These days, I celebrate new client arrivals by taking myself out for a nice meal. So this lunch was part of that celebratory ritual. We must amplify our successful manifestations by celebrating them, yes? Thus this practice.

I rode my bike downtown. Upon arriving I saw Mark walking towards the restaurant. We arrived at almost the exact same time. As he went in and grabbed a table, I locked my bike. We greeted each other and sat down. I wanted a better seat so I suggested we move to where we both could look out the windows.

The server brought us water and menus as we caught up on our lives. Then, as we talked over what we would order, something strange started happening in me. Here’s what I wrote, directly from my private journal:

A stroke? Or a supernatural experience?

My Broader Perspective tells me what happened today was a mystical event. I wound up in the Veteran’s Administration (VA) emergency room. I was with Mark. He and I thought I had a stroke. Here’s what happened.

I went to the gym. I ran one mile, overdoing the pace to the point where I strained my calves. Then I performed my regular weight workout. That felt great. 

Before that I ate an egg on bread and drank tea. 

Then I rode my bike downtown. I got there right on time, locked my bike and went in the restaurant. Mark already got a table. We moved to a better table then talked about his beach house and the glass house that startup guy made.

While Mark talked about it, nausea swept over me. Then I felt like I needed to vomit or poop. I went to the toilet and popped a bit, then returned to the table. I felt better but when I sat down the symptoms returned but with greater force. As far as I know, no external “triggers”, like smells or sightings of things like blood, caused this.

The next thing I know, Mark is holding a cup of water to my lips with his hand on my shoulder. I had no fear or worry. I just felt I had gone “somewhere” and returned. 

Mark said I suddenly “wasn’t there”. My eyes were open, he said, but when calling my name I was unresponsive. I did feel I had gone “somewhere” but I don’t know where and have no recall of where I went. 

Checking…just in case

I once again felt I needed to use the bathroom. Then I broke out in a cold sweat again, and felt odd in my body. Mark helped me to the bathroom, then, when I returned, he gave me aspirin and told me to swallow them as it looked to him like I had a stroke. 

Not understanding what this was I felt it a good idea that we go to the VA emergency department ASAP. So we bee-lined it there. 

I was treated with first-class service as usual. They asked Mark and I to recount the experience. Then they took my vitals. In the emergency room they took an EKG, blood and did a neural responsiveness test, which I passed. While waiting for the blood results, they also did a CAT scan. 

Both blood test and scan returned normal/healthy readings except one which looked as though I wasn’t eating enough. They also gave me IV fluids. 

The doctors diagnosed me as having had a vasovagal syncope episode, which essentially means I had a fainting spell. But there was no trigger….

Asking my Broader Perspective this evening if this was a mystical experience, they returned a very strong affirmative indication.

A mystical experience indeed!

I’m writing this a couple days after the event. The nausea and “odd” sensations came and went twice. Then suddenly I was “out” of physical reality. That’s the moment Mark noticed me “not there”. I mean, obviously, my body was there. But my consciousness was not. That part of me that is “I” departed physical reality.

That’s why I didn’t “see” Mark get up from his side of the table. Nor did I feel him put his hand on the shoulder of my body. I wasn’t there after all. I “came back” with him standing beside me on my right, his left hand on my shoulder and holding a cup of water to my lips in his right hand.

Again, I have no idea where I went. But I speculate that this event was the first in a gradual series of experiences not dissimilar from how I soothed resistance keeping me from clearly perceiving dream reality.

Durning the process of clearly perceiving dream reality, I at first didn’t recall any dreams. Prior to this, like many clients, I didn’t even believe I dreamed. With the right suggestions however, I began gradually experiencing snippets of dream reality. Snippets that finally coalesced into the long-form, super-vivid and highly satisfying dream experiences I now enjoy. Experiences I can recall almost at will any time.

I believe what happened in the restaurant represents the next step in a similar process. One that will eventually have me able to do all the things I mentioned in the first paragraph of this story. It’s a process beginning with waves of Kundalini energy clearing away energy blockages in my physical and ephemeral body. And now this experience where I “departed” physical reality, leaving my body behind, in front of someone who could verify what happened. Astounding!

What this definitely means

What’s also interesting is I experienced NO FEAR AT ALL about dying or about having a stroke. I was completely fine about it all. I wonder if that’s because I knew it wasn’t a life-threatening health event. Instead, it was the continuing unfolding manifestation of my desire to be able to do these things…

Instead of fear, I feel strong curiosity. Curiosity and eagerness for the next step. I’m eager to be able to be conscious of that place I “go” to so I may then direct my consciousness to another physical location, then have my body appear there.

That’s how Seth describes the process of teleportation. According to Seth, we can project our consciousness, the essence of that which we are, out of our bodies. Then we can “move” to another location. It doesn’t have to be on earth. Then, holding our intention in the new location, the body in our old location will dissolve and reconstitute in the new place our consciousness exists.

It’s happening! (Photo by Warren Wong)

Imagine what that will be like! Imagine being able to teleport to any location, anywhere. The implications are astounding!

I also believe this initial phenomena is a kind of nexus for the other skills. Astral travel, of course, means traveling outside of the physical body. Shapeshifting too, it seems, would require temporarily separating from the body so the body can reconstitute along the lines of the consciously-held desired physical form.

Perhaps this is how the shape shifter avoids feeling pain associated with all that reconstitution. It’s not that the body turns into another one. Rather, the existing body is replaced by a new body, a vibration assembly that’s coherent to the new image consciousness holds!

An astounding future for humanity

The VA emergency room doctors said I experienced a “vasovagal syncopic episode“. Doctors don’t like saying “I have no idea.” I don’t think this was a vasovagal syncope experience. In such experiences, a trigger typically fires off the episode. According to the link above, typical triggers include standing for long periods of time, heat exposure, seeing blood, having blood drawn or fear of bodily injury.

But none of those happened. And while the experience seemed involuntary, I’m confident future ones will come with more volition.

In the meantime, many more, more serious implications arise with such abilities. One could, for example, go places “off limits” to unauthorized personnel. I could visit secret military installations, for example. Area 51 here I come! (jk)

I’m more interested in traveling to different countries without needing the “travel” part. Think about that! Near instantaneous transportation. The ability to travel ANYWHERE. That’s pretty intriguing. I’d like to see what it’s like on a habitable planet light years from ours…

But what’s most cool about this emerging ability is being an example for others to follow. An example that expands what it means to be human. That’s what I came into physical reality for: to expand past preconceived notions humanity holds and to open the door to a completely new reality for the human race. A race of super humans.

Prospects of that thrill me to no end. Let’s see what awesome results happen next!

I’m Getting Better Traveling Out Of My Body

Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash
Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash

The more proficient I get with my Advanced Positively Focused practice, the better control I’m having in my Out of Body Experiences (OBE). I like seeing that progress. Exhibiting more control over such experiences indicates significant progress towards becoming ordinary among super humans.

That’s a paraphrase from a book I read. Dan Millman’s Way Of The Peaceful Warrior transformed my life trajectory. In his book, Dan quotes a main character:

“You have tried to be superior in an ordinary realm. Now you must learn to be ordinary in a superior realm.”

Way of the peaceful warrior

I love the juxtaposition of that quote. Many want to be super human among ordinary people. They want to set themselves apart. I once did, that’s for sure. But some time ago, I opted for the better alternative. I opted to become ordinary among a community of super humans.

Now that I’m exhibiting early super human powers and sharing how to do that with others, I’m fulfilling my long-held desire.

It takes practice and persistence

In that last two weeks, I’ve enjoyed a steady series of extraordinary events. My dreaming experience radically transformed. These days, dreams are long, rich and vivid in their detail. My dream retention proves my increasing ability to merge with a greater part of me. The part that travels freely through alternate realities.

The word “dream” is a misnomer. That term disparages what’s really happening when the body sleeps. What happens when the body sleeps represents sacred connection to All That Is. We return to our Broader Perspective awareness. There we travel through infinity. The cool thing is we can do it consciously aware of what we’re doing.

When my body sleeps, I’m not in it. Instead, I’m exploring, creating and interacting with the power and love of other literal super humans. Beings who no longer exist in the physical realm.

I share with clients what I know these nightly experiences actually are: the closest, easiest-to-reach alternate dimension available to us all. Every point of consciousness experiences this dimension while our bodies sleep. Even objects thought inanimate experience them. But consciously experiencing this realm then recalling and retaining the experience, represents an advanced capability.

Anyone can do it. It just takes a teacher who knows what they’re doing, practice and persistence. Exploration of other dimensions is a “given” as eternal beings. But human consciousness blocks those experiences for ordinary people.

Super humans though travel these realms consciously. And benefits of doing so are clear.

Projections of consciousness

OBEs indicate even further advancement. These days, in nearly every meditative session, I experience an OBE. Sometimes, I experience so many I can’t remember them all. But I know practice and persistence will remedy that. After all, my ego needs practice too. It must get used to being in a foreign dimension.

I also must get used to the experience. Right now, my control isn’t the best. OBEs I’m enjoying come as spontaneous events. Not something I directly control. I can’t deliberately visit some place I want to for example. Not yet. Instead, they involve random visits to alternate dimensions. Or experiences in locations familiar to me, like the following:

I saw myself I found myself walking down the street that felt like Mississippi [a street in my neighborhood]. A woman was coming from the other direction. The scenery was extremely vivid as was this woman. She had long brown hair that flowed in the wind. Her face was narrow and stern, but the energy she emanated wasn’t stern. As we converged, she looked at me strangely, as though I did not belong there. And of course I did not, for I was projecting! (Massive Source Confirmation).

This one happened this morning (Feb 21). What’s cool about visits like this is OBE pioneers document identical early-stage experiences. Robert Butts and Jane Roberts‘ early experiences were exactly like this. Robert and Jane are famed as the conduit through which Seth spoke. Oliver Fox is another OBE pioneer. He lived in the early 19th century. Fox documented his experiences in a book called Astral Projection. Yet another pioneer, Robert Monroe created a technology-enabled process for astral projection. His book, Journeys Out Of The Body chronicles his journeys. Each of these pioneers enjoyed the same early-stage experiences I am enjoying.

More powers on the horizon

These people’s experience confirms my own. I’m just beginning with this highly-advanced ability. And I know my experience reflects improved capability. For example, in the projection above, I recognized the woman recognized me. She knew I didn’t belong in her dimension. And I retained that experience when I returned from visiting there. As I wrote above, in past experiences I forgot what happened upon returning. But now I’m retaining more of the experience.

I also notice my forgetfulness happens in highly advanced trips. When I visit multiple dimensions, my ego gets overwhelmed. One recent sitting demonstrates this. The moment I lay down, I experienced an enormous variety of dimensions all simultaneously. It was almost totally overwhelming. I couldn’t remember specific details. But I remember the collection of various dimensions as a single unit. Here’s what I wrote about that event:

A description from my journal of a massive number of dimensions experienced simultaneously along with other OBE projections experienced in session 181 on Saturday, Feb. 18.

I know my capacity for these experiences is improving. I know this because I recognize progress I’ve already made. And I know more such progress lies on the horizon. As do more abilities. Abilities known only in what Dan Millman calls “the superior realm”. The realm that is quickly becoming my new home.

Wanna join me?