Constance, Australia

“I’ll forever be grateful for how you helped me. You’ve changed my life massively”

“Constance” was one of our earliest clients. A trans woman, she came to us desperate for a relationship. Though the Positively Focused Practice that’s just what she got and she got it effortlessly. But that’s not all.

She also realized a deep love for herself, which opened a lot of new avenues for her to enjoy her life in ways she couldn’t before for fear of what others would think about her when they see her in public. These days, Constance feels freedom, love and empowerment no matter where she is, which has enabled her and her partner to explore their country full time.

When we decided to focus our attention away from the transgender population, Constance sent us a message of thanks: “I’ll forever be grateful for how you helped me. You’ve changed my life massively”