A fundamental I encourage Positively Focused clients develop is accepting “what is”. Accepting what is makes all the difference. If we want our desires to manifest, we must stop resisting them.
But one way we resist has nothing to do with our desires. This resistance happens subtly. Not realizing we’re doing it can cause great delays in creating lives we love.
Meanwhile, Law of Attraction, the process by which thoughts become things, still happens.
Ever wonder why life comes at us with a mix of good and bad? It’s usually because our thoughts contain a jumble of “good” and “bad”. We can enjoy lives full of nothing but goodness. Most don’t believe lives containing only good stuff are possible. But as Yoda says, we fail because we don’t believe.
Seth says such lives happen rarely because they require great levels of focus and discipline. Most people aren’t willing to put in what’s required. That said, the Charmed Life requires no great amount of focus and discipline. It does require some. But those levels exist well within the reach of most people.
Pernicious non-acceptance
What most people have standing between themselves and their Charmed Life, where everything happens in line with their desires, is that subtle resistance I alluded to above, among other beliefs.
That resistance will slow down every manifesting desire. That resistance looks like any time we do not accept what is happening right in front of us. That’s right, whatever our currently reality is, must be accepted. That is, if we want something different to show up.
Here’s an example of this resistance’s subtlety. If we want something else to show up instead of what IS showing up, and because of that desire, we feel impatience or even a desire for something different, we’re resisting what is. That resistance retards change.
Because, as Abraham has said over and over, when we say “I don’t like this”, the Universe hears “give me more of this.” In other words, whatever we put our attention on is what we get more of.
So cultivating a state of being that accepts what is, is crucial. Then we must go beyond that and find a joyful acceptance not only of what is, but also of what is becoming, but hasn’t fully blown out into our physical life experience…yet.
That state feels like something. It’s something crucial to allowing that which we want to flow effortlessly into our lives.
Here’s a clue to what that state feels like. Ask yourself: “How do I feel about things I really enjoy that I already have?”That’s an inquiry worth making. It can open doors to tremendous possibility.