I wager if someone wanted to cross the United States, and the options were walking, driving or flying, most people would choose flying. And if instant teleportation were a thing, they’d choose that over flying. In other words, people would choose the easy over the hard.
But when it comes to matters of having lives they love, most people choose lives equivalent to walking across the country instead of flying. Then they’d proclaim how great they are for having made that choice.
I had a client cancel his membership recently. While I remain positively focused about it, I still recognize old beliefs I have about his choice. Those beliefs leave me feeling responsible for his choice. I’ll share why in next week’s post.
That said, their departure confirms what I know: that most people remain nearly hopelessly inured to the belief that success comes from hard work struggle and sacrifice. So, they’d rather struggle, work hard as hell and “earn” it. Then act like they did something honorable.
Finding honor in parroting what others do isn’t very honorable. It’s, as Abraham says, “regurgitation”. The paradox is, so many regurgitate their lives as copies of what others are doing. Meanwhile, society venerates “original thinkers,” “pioneers” and “rugged individualists who march to the beat of their own drums”. That paradox distinguishes the truly honorable from the masses indoctrinated into thinking parroting others paths merits accolades.
The leading edge isn’t for everyone
This client’s membership lasted over eight months. In that time he realized amazing epiphanies. Epiphanies that created way better life experiences than those he had before learning what he now knows.
So in our time together I helped him tremendously. He said he got all the tools he needs to deliberately create his reality along his desires. I agree. But he declined to move into the advanced practice, as some others have. Not everyone wants a life proving nothing is impossible.
That’s ok. There’s never a crowd on the leading edge of anything. That includes expanding human consciousness. It also includes enjoying a life in which everything comes easy. Instead of crowds, pioneers populate that leading edge. They show humanity what is possible beyond beliefs defining things as impossible.
In reality, everything is possible. But one must believe that to experience it. And most will not question their beliefs long enough so that life shows them everything is possible.
This client didn’t leave because of his disbelief though. As he put it, he prefers to work hard and earn his success. That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? But his decision implies a kind of failure on my part.
Living indoctrinated
You see, the idea that one must work hard for one’s success is a persistent distortion of what’s happening on earth. Humans are the only species working hard, working themselves to the bone, their nose to grindstones, earning their living. Meanwhile ALL OF NATURE does exactly the opposite.
My failure is in not inspiring this person to give up his rigid indoctrination to the belief that he must work hard for his success. In reality his success, in everything he wants, already is assured and exists for him. All he need do is line up with that reality and enjoy the fruits of his birthright without exerting any effort at all. But he believes there’s honor and some kind of glory in struggle and sacrifice. Cultural and societal indoctrination holds strong in him.
And so, he chooses to work hard, sacrifice and earn the success that’s already his. But because he can’t see he already has it, he’s willing to do anything to get it. Even if it means struggling.
It’s funny how literally millions of examples show how unnecessary working hard and struggling is. Those examples literally surround us. And every Great Master extolls in their teachings that life, by definition, is one of ease, joy and effortless abundance.
Abundance is the rule
Animals and plants show how easy life can be. They don’t struggle. They don’t suffer. Everything they want comes to them. That’s why Jesus used examples from nature in his Sermon on the Mount.
In that sermon he extols the abundance, the natural state of being, which permeates all things. And he argues if nature enjoys such abundance, SO MUST HUMANS. So stop your struggle, he admonishes:
Look at the birds of the air, for they do not sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? Why take thought about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: They neither work, nor do they spin. Yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these. Therefore, if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is here and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?…For your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things…seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you. Therefore, take no thought about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take thought about the things of itself.
The Bible, Modern English Version
Struggle is overrated
What so many don’t know, despite distortive interpretations of such texts, is we are all God. In that state, we all bestow upon ourselves the plenty Jesus describes here. But our “little faith” keeps us chained to the toil we see others doing then create for ourselves. We memorialize others’ struggles as something honorable. Then we take that example as the way life is. And how our life should be.
That’s why so many choose life as my former client has. It’s the dark side of living. It’s choosing to live in insecurity and struggle. Such struggle needn’t be anyone’s life. But it’s easy falling into the trap of other people’s belief constellations. Constellations saying life is hard. Beliefs asserting that success comes through struggle. When we adopt such beliefs they become our own. Then we lose the grace, the love, joy and blessings Jesus refers to in his sermon.

Culture, family, religious expectations, national expectations, workplace expectations and parental expectations all drive people to such bogus conclusions.
We all create our realities. Such reality stems from our beliefs. The problem is, when we take on other people’s beliefs, theirs become ours. Then our reality matches others’ beliefs. It’s why life looks so similar for so many.
That’s how bogus beliefs become truth. People see what others do. Not knowing they can create any reality they want, they copy others’ beliefs. Then do what others do. Their reality then confirms the beliefs as true. But any belief becomes “true” because that’s how reality happens: through belief.
Collective reality distortion
Then such truths get perpetuated as parents, teachers, religious leaders, peers and society amplify distorted truths as “the way life is”.
My client’s mother urged him almost constantly to get a job, finish his education, stop being lazy and be of value. So few understand what Jesus and all the Great Masters offer us, especially parents. I don’t perpetuate distortion. My life proves what Great Masters tell us. I help clients create similar lives.
But that doesn’t mean I always succeed. Sometimes the dark side wins.
When it does, I know nothing went wrong. Everything under the sun is good. There is no evil. Jesus talked of evil and hell, but he used those concepts at a time when such concepts resonated. Today’s humanity is ready for more complex and accurate metaphors. But even the old ones contain universal accuracy.
Life can be easy. It’s what all the Great Masters offer. Everything one wants can come with no effort. Humanity owns vast capabilities people today say are impossible. But they’ve never put their assertions to the test. Instead, what they think impossible is that way because others brainwashed them into those beliefs. Those beliefs then create the reality where some things show up as impossible. But they’re not.
Meanwhile, pioneers stand on the leading edge. They offer humanity new realities. I enjoy playing in Positively Focused sessions with such people.
I choose the Charmed Life
Abraham contrasted struggle with the leading edge in a recent email I got from them. The email prompted this post. Here’s what it said:
Most people…equate results with struggle. And so, you sort of wear your struggle like a badge of honor. And all of that is opposite of allowing the Well-being.
There’s nothing wrong with working hard. Just as there’s nothing wrong crossing the country by foot. But wouldn’t you really rather fly? I would. And if instant teleportation was available wouldn’t you rather do that?
I sure would. While I welcome anyone wishing greater joy and ease in their life, I relish working with folks who choose to fly. Flying is the start. From there everything becomes possible. Having a life one loves means not subscribing to beliefs others foist on us. It’s the life lived according to the Great Masters.
It’s the Charmed Life I write about. The life opposite the dark side.
Which life are you choosing?