UPDATE: The Best Travel Outside My Body I’ve Had Yet

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author shares another out of body experience, the best they’ve yet experienced. They also explain what value exists in having such experiences. Then they differentiate their experience from dreams, asserting this was as real an experience as waking reality.

This experience was astounding. I know I write that each out of body travel I experience is “the best”, but it’s true…each is better than the last.

“Astounding” is accurate because, here I am, I’m sitting in my bed, having just did an hour meditation. During that meditation, about halfway through, I experience the most profound, clear and astonishing travel outside my body I’ve had to date.

This post is about that experience and how blessed I feel about what happened.

Finding vibrational harmony is key

Traveling outside my body is on the list of occult practices I’m developing as I pursue my Positively Focused practice. The practice posits that when one finds vibrational harmony with All That Is and their Broader Perspective, then anything is possible. If we can think it, we can experience it.

But doing so requires finding vibrational harmony. That’s not easy. The reason it’s not easy is because nearly every human, me included, comes into the world having forgotten who and what they are. They come into the world through people who’ve come before them, who also have forgotten. In that forgetting, we immediately become insecure. Then we look to those who came before us for guidance.

And when we do that, we often crate and amplify bogus beliefs about life and about ourselves. My extensive work with Positively Focused clients proves this. Those beliefs run counter to vibrational harmony with All That Is because All That Is knows what we’ve forgotten. Those bogus beliefs create a kind of interference pattern which blocks us from our knowing. When that happens, our life experience, which is a reflection of our vibratory state, shows us what’s happening in us. It shows us through life experiences matching that inner interference.

Humans describe those experiences typically as “negative”. But they’re not negative. They’re positive. They’re happening so we can know what’s going on inside us. And when we use such experiences that way, we gradually recover our natural vibrational harmony. When that happens, seemingly remarkable things become available too. Like being able to travel outside the body.

Dreams or out of body?

What’s really interesting is, like dream experience, travel outside the body is rarely the same for everyone as an experience. So the experience is unique to the particular point of consciousness we are. Which explains why science will probably never acknowledge such experience as real: travel to one particular alternate dimension cannot be confirmed by having others go there. That seems to be confirmed by my experience and the experience variety of my clients. Still, more exploration is needed though.

Dreams, of course, are travels out of the body. Our bodies remain in bed, asleep. Meanwhile, our consciousness returns to the place where we come from. This process happens “automatically”; dreams aren’t consciously triggered. Well, neither are out of body experiences. Both happen through a process called “allowing”. Still, a difference separates out of body experiences from dreams.

Occult experiences are as available to us as our dreams. (Photo by Loren Culter)

One difference is what we’re doing. In our dreams we do go into nonphysical, but we remain in the same vibrational vicinity of our earthly existence. The purpose of dreams is highly related to what we’re doing here. We don’t go off exploring. Instead, we process information in nonphysical and get guidance on our purposes here on earth. We also participate in assembling future earthly experiences we’re wanting. We select those things we want to experience in “physical” while experiencing in nonphysical things we’d rather not in physical. Things that would be too intense to experience as physical reality.

Nonphysical is vast. It’s literally infinite. In conscious out of body experiences, we explore some of that infinity. We’re not concerned with earthly conditions and experiences. Such travel is for the joy. But a lot more too.

The value of such explorations

The value of astral travel is multilayered. First and foremost, it’s an exhilarating experience. Once you know what you’re doing, and know that you’re allowing it, that awareness is an amazing thing. To go places unavailable to “human” consciousness is thrilling. Seeing these alternate realities, some of which resemble Earth not at all, is amazing!

We all live simultaneously in unlimited numbers of alternate realities making up the infinity of All That Is. And while that’s 100 percent accurate, that fact matters little in a practical way relative to our daily life. Unless, that is, we experience those other realities in which we exist with our own consciousness. When that happens, the value calculation totally changes.

The experience is different from being in physical reality. It’s as all-immersive as this reality, only it’s FAR MORE EMOTIONALLY SATISFYING. And that emotional satisfaction is soooooo good feeling, when I come back from such travels I’m marveling, basking in rich, deep and intense feelings of joy, thrill, love and belonging. I also feel my expanded nature. I KNOW I’m more than this physical body.

Those other worlds I visit too are so engrossing. I’m FULLY in that dimension. This dimension – Earth – is completely blotted out. When I come back, it’s like I return to a foreign place. It looks familiar, but it feels completely different. THAT is an experience that must be experienced. And that experience leads to the biggest value such travels offer.

Direct knowledge that I’m eternal

That value is also the most practical to our everyday lives here on earth. Having such experiences, it’s impossible to deny that they happened. And, as more pile up, it becomes obvious we are more than this one body on this planet.

The experiences, in other words, confirm that we are eternal beings, far more than what we are here, in these bodies. Coming into that awareness, we naturally start relaxing into our eternal lives. We give up rushing and being impatient. Our death grip on reality loosens. Anxiety starts to ebb. Stress gradually leaves our experience. A lot of emotional and physical problems resolve themselves. We become more of what and who we are: eternal beings enjoying a human experience, in our now.

There’s no better practical value than that!

And from there, the world literally is our oyster. We can create anything we want. After all, we’re creating what we’ve got, including all the things we like about life and all those things we don’t. Why not create a life with more of what we want and none of what we don’t? I’ll tell you why.

Because as long as we believe physical reality is real, and that we are limited to this one life, we cannot create deliberately. Instead, we live insecure lives. We live lives where we must get jobs, depend on others for our income, and suffer through experiences we’d rather not have.

I think that life sucks. Especially when such a better life is available to all of us.

So what was my experience like?

Let’s look now at what my travel was like. It was trippy, for sure. I traveled to an alternate existence. One quite different from today, but with similar features. And, the experiences I had, as I mentioned above, were deeply satisfying.

I should add here that these experiences didn’t make a lot of sense. I think that was because I came into the experience in the middle of the unfolding. And I left not long after. But I was “in” long enough to make coming back seem very foreign.

I came “in” in an open, futuristic space. It was very expansive, with a road leading into the horizon. No buildings were visible other than the cantilever overhang of the building I stood near. Next to me stood a trans woman resembling the woman from the Apple TV show Loot. Another trans woman stood in mid distance of the scene I saw. The first woman and I talked about the dating potential of the other woman. We also talked about who she’s currently dating…then, as abruptly as I arrived in that scene, I left. I then appeared in the next scene…

This part of the experience filled me with a lot of joy. I’m attracted to transgender women, so coming into that experience was very pleasurable, as was talking to that being who resembled Michaela Jaé Rodriquez. I can’t say how I knew it was a future reality. There were no indications — flying cars, for example — indicating a futuristic environment. I just knew it was the future.

The eyeglass shop

Abrupt transition took me to a totally different location. It was as pleasing as the first one, and had some connections to my waking reality as I had, the day before gone to the optometrist to order some new glasses…

…I’m talking with some others and preparing to go somewhere. I tell them goodbye, then leave. But then I double back and go into a shop. It’s very beautiful in there with accent lighting and tall, beige walls. There, on the wall, are several kinds of eyeglasses. While examining them, a tall, slender guy I recognize as being “superior” to me comes in and a woman comes from around a counter. They start talking with each other but not before the guy says to me “you lied”. He meant that I didn’t head off like I said I would. He’s being lighthearted, I know, when he says that. I continue examining the eyeglasses before heading out…

This environment was not only pleasant but interactions I had were amusing. That’s the main feeling of this travel; amusement. The glasses I saw were gorgeous, as was the space in which they were displayed. The people in the space both were very tall and I think the “superior” feeling was an interpretation of them being at a higher vibration than the Earth plane….

Entering the cooking show?

So I leave that location and appear in what I think is a kitchen. There…

A casserole pan of food is ready. Someone tells me to go put it in the dryer. I carry the pot with two pot holders to the laundry room. I go in and put the pot on a high shelf. It’s a long, narrow room. It feels more like hallway than a room.

Two dryers are in this space. One is running. I open the door of one not running. There’s an insulation insert in it. I take it out and notice some slots for a shelf, like modern-day dryers. But they’re not secured very well. I know they won’t hold the pan.

Above the dryer is the dryer shelf. I try putting the shelf on the slots, but they’re not arranged right, so I start fixing them. At that moment, a man and woman come up behind me. They’re talking about an episode of a show or play or something and the woman asks me to sing for them one of the songs from it. I know the song, but don’t sing it. I’m too busy working on getting the pot in the dryer.

Meanwhile, the pot on the shelf where I put it has turned into a version of a wooden briefcase I once had…back in the 90s. I put the briefcase on a comforter which, folded on a shelf across the narrow room from the dryers. Then I turn back to arranging the slots on the dryer…

Fascination, wonder and…where am I?

When I came back into my body, I was astounded at the break I felt. I was COMPLETELY unaware of my body laying on my bed. I was COMPLETELY unaware of the surroundings of my apartment. Coming back here to this plane, in this apartment, felt familiar, but at the same time it also felt very foreign. It was as though I hadn’t been in my apartment in a very long time.

Even my body felt strange.

This experience happened in a 60-minute meditation session. My apartment was quiet, the lights off. I lay on my bed, naked under a duvet. About 30 minutes passed before the travel began. I knew that because I time my meditations with my watch and the watch chimes when it’s halfway through the meditation. The travel itself took the remainder of that 30 minutes.

My heartbeat was pretty flat at about 50 BPM, which is about normal for me when I experience such trips:

My heart rate at a near flat 50BPM

Could I have been dreaming?

Some might claim I dreamt. But my watch also can tell when I’m sleeping. Not only can it tell when I’m sleeping at night, but even when I take a nap. So this meditation session, had I fallen asleep, would have registered as a nap on my watch, which it did not. I wasn’t asleep. So I wasn’t dreaming.

What’s more, I was totally aware of what I was doing and where I was. Meaning, I knew I wasn’t on Earth and I also knew I wasn’t in my body. My awareness also told me I could end this experience whenever I wanted, which I did as soon as I heard my watch signal the hour had elapsed. In other words, I was consciously aware of what was happening. When I dream, I’m usually aware, but the quality of my awareness isn’t as though I’m awake. In these experiences, I was fully awake where I was.

Two naps recorded during a 24 hour period last month. The graph in the center is my overnight sleep period. Below is my graph from last night. No nap recorded.

This is the most definitive, most delineated travel outside my body yet. I was for sure in an alternate dimension. And, as I said, when I came back into my body, I felt a bit confused, but also extremely satisfied with what I knew was an out of body experience.

The best yet

These kinds of experiences come after a long time practicing what I share with my Positively Focused clients. I believe it takes quite a bit of soothing before a person can achieve these kinds of experiences.

Some people have predispositions for these kinds of experiences. In other words, their natural familiarity with such abilities makes such experiences easy. I don’t think that’s the case for the majority of us. But I do believe they are available to all of us, depending on our ability to sooth beliefs which block the ability.

As I said, my clients are getting to that point. Many are now in various levels of the dream work, which I consider to be prerequisite to out of body travels. Knowing one dreams, being aware when dreaming then recalling dreams seems to prepare people for more conscious, deliberate travels outside the body. At least that’s the case with me.

By far this was the best out of body travel I’ve had yet. And yet, I know the nature of this work is that things continuously improve with no limit on how much improvement can happen. So I fully expect future travels will be even more rewarding that what happened today.

I’ll be sure to share when those happen!

The Sadomasochism Of Finding My Spirit Magic

Photo by Muhammad Haikal Sjukri on Unsplash

My Out of Body Experiences (OBE) are increasing in duration and quality. This past weekend (May 6) I enjoyed the best one yet. Of course, every one feels like “the best one yet” when I experience it. That’s consistent with what Abraham says about such experiences. They say joy coming from such experience never lasts.

That’s because we’re eternal. So we always want more. Abraham says new desires spring from fulfilled ones constantly. So what we have now, must give way to some new desire.

Besides, these magical, spiritual powers are commonplace across All That Is. It’s only humans that don’t enjoy them. So when a human consciousness regains such abilities, its Broader Perspective is already having them. Tapping into such experiences, therefore, just feels normal once one experiences experience from their Broader Perspective.

There is something I didn’t realize though. That is, how uncomfortable tapping in is. Sometimes it’s downright painful. Kundalini Yogis talk about this. As the serpent ascends, body sensations often border on extreme discomfort. Sometimes those sensations hurt.

That’s been my experience. In the past few weeks, I’ve suffered through sensations so intense I nearly stopped the session. Other experiences had me begging for session-end. These painful experiences are new to me. Like this one, for example:

The graph above the description shows how uncomfortable the session got towards the end. Yet, note that I enjoyed two out of body projections.

I find it ironic that I also experienced two projections in the same session. Right before all that pain happened!

Not giving up

Of course, I consider all this the price of admission. Most sessions bring so much bliss I am more than willing to trade an occasional struggle. I believe struggle during sessions also indicates further expansion. They represent a release of old energetic blockages in my body, leading to further expansion into abilities I strongly desire.

Take this session, for example:

An incredibly satisfying projection.

Here’s another example: I had a fabulous, long-form projection. My consciousness traveled spontaneously. In a moment, I found myself in a totally different advanced civilization. When I came out of it, I was stunned. The detail and the length of the experience was tremendous:

Both experience types bring further enlightenment. They tell me I’m getting better. They tell me I’m developing my spirit magic. As a result, I find surprise, delight and joy in these experiences. Even the painful ones.

For all these are the hallmarks of the Charmed Life I write about here. The more experiences like these I enjoy, the further I get into that wonderful life. It’s a life everyone can enjoy. Want to join me on this adventure? Contact me. Let’s talk.