Racists are in Portland today demonstrating their hatred with tacit support of our presidential administration. Joining them are the anti-fascists hell-bent on making sure racists know they aren’t welcome in America.
Free speech is the name of the game in the US and it’s a good thing. Even when things such as this erupt.

Protesting sounds romantic.
But protests accomplished little. The real action is in the moment of becoming.
But consider the wonder these events offer.
So many people asking for a better way – improvement over current conditions. No matter what side you’re looking at, everyone is asking for improvement. At the very least, everyone at this event has that in common. Even the cops.
But there’s a lot more they have in common.
They share frustration. They share anger. They share disagreement. They feel woefully disempowered and insecure. Anyone who tries to take the freedom of another is feeling insecurity and fear.
Shortage consciousness.

A shifting is being born of all this tension, insecurity and strife. Out of all this there must be something new that emerges.
Nobody can stop forward movement. In a couple decades the United States will be mostly brown.
Those fearing that future may feel the justice of a comeuppance on the horizon. But we know no such thing will come. Diversity doesn’t seek vengeance. And “Diverse” is another name for All That Is.
Be encouraged by all this strife we’re seeing. It always gets worse before it gets better.
How worse it’s going to get is irrelevant. Because the worse it gets, the bigger the better that follows.
And that’s what we’re focusing on.