TL;DR: Amid mass federal layoffs under Trump and Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), a Positively Focused client defied the odds. DOGE terminated him. But he used the power of his positive focus and got his job back.
It’s so wonderful seeing clients take charge of their lives. When they create what seem like impossible manifestations, I revel in their creations. That’s because I know such creations aren’t impossible. They’re just what happens when one aligns with their powerful, pure, positive energy.
Back in February, a client created truly convincing evidence of how powerful that alignment is. Through his evidence he literally defied the power of the entire Trump Administration. While thousands of federal workers mourned losing their jobs as a result of Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) purge, this client, who first got swept up in that same wave, remained positive about what happened. He knew he creates his reality. What flowed from that surprised neither him nor me.
Let’s look at what happened.
The setup
This advanced client works for a federal agency here in the Northwest. On Thursday, his wife, who also is a client, texted me.
“[My husband] was just terminated today” the text read.
DOGE targeted this agency among many others. Prior to his termination, Dennis (not his real name), like many federal employees, got an offer to resign by Feb. 6. Another client of mine got the same message. He works in the Department of Energy (DOE). That client took the resignation offer. It worked for him perfectly.
Dennis didn’t take the offer though. He likes what he does and is very good at it. And, because he’s Positively Focused, his team loves him. Especially his boss. He’s so good at his job, colleagues gave him a number of monetary and other recognitions last year. But Dennis just started at the agency. His six-month probation status had DOGE target him and everyone else on probation.
The efficiency program targeted many others too. As a result, DOGE terminated 40 percent of Dennis’ team members. As you can guess, that pissed off a lot of those people. They raged against Musk and Trump and DOGE. According to Dennis, this was their general attitude BEFORE the terminations happened. And to me, that’s not a surprise.
Here’s why.
It’s our dominant vibration
It’s really hard for people to get this, but people create their own reality. That happens ongoingly. And that stream of ongoing creation doesn’t stop. Ever. What’s also hard for people to understand is that their persistent negative focus will keep matching them to equally negative events in life. And the more negative a person becomes, the more negative their life will get.
That’s because life reflects back to us our dominant vibration. It reflects our dominant vibration so we can use that reflection to, among other things, improve our lives. Many people don’t understand this, however. So when something negative happens in their lives, instead of taking corrective measures, they’ll often double down on beliefs (beliefs are vibration) that created the experience in the first place.
Even if they do start focusing on more positive thoughts, that negative momentum still exists. It will continue creating negative events for a while. Until that momentum peters out AND the new positive momentum becomes dominant.
This explains why some people try thinking positively, or they try Law of Attraction, don’t get what they want (or think they don’t), then conclude Law of Attraction is bullshit. What they don’t understand is what you just read: anyone trying out Law of Attraction must understand that their old momentum will persist for a while, while they create new, positive momentum.
How they got terminated
When talking with Dennis before he and his colleagues got termination notices, he regularly shared how negative his colleagues were about what they feared would happen. They also shared disgust with Trump and Musk. Dennis offered a counter perspective, but each time he did, those people did exactly what you read above: they doubled down on their fears and negativity.
Now it seems like a coincidence, but those people met the ax specifically because of their dominant negative momentum. Momentum inherent in their dominant negative focus was reflected back to them in the form of being terminated. It’s the same focus progressives shared that put Trump in office in the first place!
If you resist what you don’t want, or if you complain about it or push against it in ANY way, you’re adding momentum to, and will get more of, what you don’t want. Progressives and democrats focused a LOT on Trump not winning. The problem with that focus is, the Universe doesn’t hear “not”. So if you think “I don’t want Trump to win” you’re telling the Universe “I want Trump to win”. And that’s what you’ll get.
So Dennis’ team members focused a LOT on negative thoughts about Trump, Musk, federal service and fears about how that might change. They also focused a lot on getting fired. So it’s no surprise Dennis’ team members got the ax.

It turns around
Not Dennis though. Well, he did at first. That’s because Dennis wanted to show to himself how powerful he is. Even after getting terminated, Dennis knew everything works out perfectly for him. He knew he creates his reality through the thoughts he thinks about everything and everyone. He also knows Trump and Musk don’t decide his future, he does. And he does that by being as high-flying vibrationally as he can.
Friday was the first day of his post-termination status. He decided he’d take the whole long weekend to just sit and tell better-feeling stories about what happened. On Saturday, as usual, he went busking at the local farmer’s market. There, a woman and young daughter, who often approach him when he’s playing, approached him.
Dennis is a very good performer and a regular at the market. The daughter approached his bucket and dropped a $20 bill in it. Dennis was shocked and deeply appreciative. He looked to the mom and expressed his appreciation.
“I heard what happened,” she said. “You’ll be alright.”
Dennis didn’t know how the hell this woman knew about his termination, he told me afterwards. But he knew this was evidence that everything was going his way. Then he saw his boss at the market. Dennis had never seen him there before. They exchanged pleasantries and Dennis knew THAT wasn’t a coincidence either.
So on Sunday, Dennis got a phone call that wasn’t surprising. It was his boss.
“Effective immediately,” he said on the phone. “We’re rescinding your termination. You’re fully reinstated starting Tuesday after the holiday. Consider Friday as an administrative leave day.”
Dennis wasn’t at all surprised because he knows how the universe works. As a result, he produces Jedi-level results: he literally creates his reality, including circumstances and people in that reality. Of course, his wife is in on the act too. As a Positively Focused client herself, she knew everything was going to work out and she’s super proud of how Dennis handled all this.
There are probably tens of thousands of federal employees who DOGE is targeting. And many other Americans are up in arms about what Musk and Trump are doing. But those two people CANNOT determine those people’s future…unless they give Trump and Musk their power. They do that by focusing on what those two are doing and complaining about it. And if you’re enraged by their acts, then you have given Trump and Musk your power too.
Dennis’ story sounds unbelievable because it stands out from almost every other federal worker experience. He defied Trump & Musk’s ‘DOGE’ Purge. Why couldn’t all the others?
Because most people don’t know the power of positivity. Nor do they understand how the Universe works. So they keep getting more of what they don’t want. Some get some things they do want, but a lot of those people’s lives don’t reflect the joy and freedom available to them.
Dennis’ life though is becoming different. Dennis is getting exactly what he wants and more. He’s being shown how much the Universe is on his side. He’s also showing himself how powerful he is. More powerful even, than the Trump Administration.
You are too. Unless you give your power away.