The perfect unfolding is the unfolding that keeps unfolding. Manifestations never stop manifesting. Everything is becoming more. On the way to that “more-ness” a human being can experience extreme delight. That delight needn’t be a one-time thing.
I tell all my clients, and anyone else who will listen, that people can have everything they want. But they can’t have something others have a say in if others don’t want that. For example, someone I spoke with recently strongly argued for “Civil Rights”. She is a minority and has many experiences with discrimination. So her strident call for “Civil Rights” comes stained with painful interpretations of her past experience.
That’s why, when she clamors for “Civil Rights” extreme duress accompanies her clamor. Her painful experiences are so present, they create a reality opposite what she wants. While her words argue for Civil Rights, in other words, her much more powerful vibrational emanation argues for oppression.
In that alignment, she aligns with those who find satisfaction in oppression. And, she, perpetuates what she doesn’t want.
The good life
Meanwhile my clients who align themselves with their desires experience something different. They practice telling better stories about their past. And doing that, they find liberation from painful experiences in the past. Indeed, they actually change the past. They turn it from something painful to something that served them. Then they learn to follow their impulses. That’s when they step into the Charmed Life I write about. Like this client:
Life is magical. Those not experiencing that will dispute that assertion. But that’s because, for them, life ISN’T magical. And that’s because they put too much attention on what they don’t want. Doing that, they create more of what they don’t want.
But life is still magical for those people too. Their lives, like my clients, reflect back to them what they put their attention on. If only they’d put their attention on what they want, then they’d get more of that. Then they’d see the magic. The good life.
Impulses always lead to magic
But when someone focuses on what they don’t want, their impulses will run them. They’ll take action and that action will rendezvous them with more unwanted. Just like magic. Meanwhile, those who take charge of the process experience something different. The process is exactly the same. They still act on impulses. They still have the rendezvous.
The difference is, because they focus positively, they rendezvous with magical wanted experiences. Experiences that don’t bring oppression, but joy. Like the client above.
It’s no wonder so many life ho-hum lives. They don’t know what they’re doing. Not consciously anyway. Meanwhile, those who make the process conscious, then master it, discover how good life can get.