This week I experienced the protection inherent in Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP). When it happened, I marveled in the experience. That Sixth Sense made it impossible for a scammer to steal something from me, because I knew his intentions without him knowing I knew.
This proves I don’t need sophisticated technical solutions to protect me. All that’s needed is a clear connection with my Broader Perspective. Just like the Force, it will tell me when something’s amiss. Which is what happened recently.
Regular readers of this blog know cultivating such abilities represents my calling. Every other life pursuit pales in comparison. Because of that, I focus my entire life these days on becoming super human. Meanwhile, evidence continues piling up telling me what I’m doing is working. That evidence proves my investment worthwhile.
What happened at the hands of this thief convinces me even further.
What is ESP?
I find it hilarious that science doesn’t recognize ESP. Our civilization sometimes talks about it strangely, as though it doesn’t exist. Take this Wikipedia entry, for example:

The word “claimed” and that last sentence is important. I understand what the term “pseudoscience” means. It just means people like me claim a scientific basis for something science has no business trying to validate. It has no business trying to validate it because the method science uses isn’t equipped to validate it.
Besides, my experience doesn’t need third-party validation. What happened happened. I’m positive it happened because I experienced it. Same with other experiences happening in my life right now.
I’ll be the first to say what I’m doing looks crazy. I’d call myself insane, but so much evidence has collected about me, I can’t do that. I can’t call me insane. Instead, I see myself as a pioneer. I’m not the only one.
Many people are experiencing things like what I’m about to describe. The cool thing about all these experiences is their subjective nature. Science wants to objectify life experience. The problem with that approach is it can’t discern what’s really happening with life using that approach. That’s because life, defined, is subjective. Any attempt to objectify it distorts it.
But those who embrace the subjectivity can actualize freaking amazing possibilities. Possibilities like knowing something beyond the senses’ ability to comprehend. That’s what happened to me this week.
Here’s what happened
I had a camera kit I wanted to sell. I posted it several places including Facebook and Craigslist. Selling it felt easy. I knew it would sell. I priced it right and I felt good about what I offered.
The next day “Charles Indekeu” on Facebook reached out to me. At first I was excited because it felt like a direct answer to my intent to sell the kit. “Charles” appeared to say all the right things. He sounded like a serious buyer.

But while he said these things, I started to get a funny feeling. You know how, in all those movies, a character will say “I’m starting getting a funny feeling about this…”? Well, that’s what was happening.
It felt like a tingling at first, then it was a very clear sense that something wasn’t right. I didn’t hear language. But I interpreted the “feeling” into language: This guy is trying to scam me. The more I interacted with him, the stronger the “sense” got. So strong it became, I couldn’t ignore it, even if I wanted to.
Tangible evidence backs up my Sixth Sense
“Charles” asked me to send a PayPal payment request, including shipping. I did. I know PayPal sent “Charles” notification of my request. Still, I sent him a screen shot showing I sent the request.
Then “Charles” sent me a similar screen shot, showing he had sent payment. But PayPal didn’t send me a notification. By now, my inner senses were really screaming. I was paying attention to my inner senses, but I also wanted this to play out, just to see what would happen.

“Charles” followed up his screen shot with an email “confirmation from PayPal” purportedly showing confirmation of the payment. However, something looked very fishy about this email. For one, it said “Money Won’t Reflect In Your Account Until Verification Is Completed”. I’ve done a number of PayPal transactions and none of them included this message. There were also a large number of other indicators in the email showing this email clearly didn’t originate from PayPal. And, both my mobile app and desktop app still showed no payment from “Charles”.
So I confronted “Charles”. His response? He ghosted:

Evidence abounds
Words can’t capture how visceral messages I received during this encounter were. They were as clear and present as someone talking to me in a normal voice. Only I couldn’t hear the message with my ears. They “originated” from within me. But again, they were as clear as any other “sound”.
I’m glad I heeded the message. But more important, I’m overjoyed at having cultivated my inner awareness such that I’m sensitive to such communication. I’m also happy I gave up subscribing to science as the final arbiter of what is real and not real. As I’ve said, so much evidence in my life proves experiences like this one as not only real, but commonplace.
Science describes “ESP” as “a claimed paranormal ability pertaining to reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind.”
Isn’t that exactly what happened? Sure, I confirmed that information with empirical evidence, evidence recognized by physical senses. But it was the inner senses which first clued me in to what was happening. The observable information was simply icing on the cake.
I love my cake, that life I call the Charmed Life. And I love that I’m creating all kinds of evidence proving that prioritizing my inner life experience over my out life experience pays off.
The Charmed Life includes invincibility. Invincibility means being so powerful, you can’t be taken advantage of, harmed or overcome. You can’t be scammed either.
Everyone lives potentially invincible. But most give that up in favor of fitting in, which means, believing how others believe. I choose to live my invincibility. Want to join me?