What Happens When We Trust Spiritual Advice

Photo by Harpreet Singh on Unsplash

TLDR: Trusting in a “Broader Perspective,” the author describes heightened outcomes from aligning with a broader view of life’s trajectory, seen through personal and client experiences, where decisions informed by this perspective lead to positive transformations in emotions and situations.

There’s nothing better than receiving gifts. Especially gifts from the Universe as it collaborates with our Broader Perspective. I get these all the time. I especially enjoy trusting my Broader Perspective to coordinate my day. Its advice is always spot-on.

Every morning these days, when I just wake up my Broader Perspective immediately gets in on the act. Usually, right after my morning meditation my Broader Perspective advises me. It suggests an agenda for the next few hours.

It knows better than I do what will thrill me. What will delight me best is always at the top of its agenda. It knows better than I do because it has a broader view of my life trajectory.

In other words, it can see my future choices. And it can guide me to make choices best aligned with my fulfilled desires. Following my Broader Perspective agenda always has me feeling passionate about my days. So I trust that advice. And as I follow that advice every day, and doing so delivers wonderful outcomes, how can my life not be filled with wonderful outcomes? And what’s better than a life like that?

But what’s also cool is seeing my clients getting similar experiences. I’ve written this many times in past stories: Their experiences confirm my own. That confirmation boosts my confidence that my Broader Perspective is real.

I don’t need that boost these days. I KNOW it’s real. Still, it’s nice seeing my clients getting in on the act. That’s what I want so share today: two instances of that happening. Two instances where two advanced clients chose the path laid out by their Broader Perspective and what happened next when they did that.

Let’s get into it.

Deciding not to tell his sob story

The first happened with a client I’ll call Kevin. He has struggled a bit with the practice. That’s because he has a LOT of negative momentum in his life needing soothing. Lately though, Kevin has come around, which is allowing him to enjoy remarkable experiences. Including the one I’m about to share.

Kevin enjoyed a long-term affair with a woman I’ll call Madge. Recently, however, because of his practice, Kevin disengaged with Madge. He found being with her triggered too many negative emotions. And he knows emotions are very important.

But Madge keeps reaching out to him from time to time. She misses him. That’s not really what’s happening at a vibrational level though. At that level, Madge’s vibration wants continued energetic focus from Kevin, which he’s no longer giving. In other words, Madge looked to flings with Kevin to give her energy. When she got it she felt worthy, loved. With that gone, she can’t bear it. So she reaches out hoping to rekindle their affair.

The most recent moment came last week. She said she felt sad. Now, it just so happened that in the same week Kevin also experienced something that had him feel the same way: He lost a job he really liked. With assistance from me, he didn’t wallow in all that though. Not too much, anyway. So when Madge reached out, Kevin had a couple options.

“I initially wanted to say to her ‘I can relate,’ and then tell my own sob story”, Kevin began. “But then I knew that was not a good idea. So instead I just remained silent.”

Sometimes its best to remain silent. (Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash)

Following his Broader Perspective agenda

After their call, Kevin went into another call. This one with a tech entrepreneur. It was a call he was expectant about. That call excited him. And, in his excited state, he received an impulse from his Broader Perspective. It was an agenda. The agenda was: here’s what to say to Madge.

Kevin knew at that moment exactly what to say to her. Ultimately, what Kevin wanted from Madge was to experience her as happy and light. Not sad and heavy. He didn’t like the version of her that was buzz-killing his vibration. He wasn’t going to stand for that, which is why he remained silent in the first call.

But buoyed by his Broader Perspective guidance, he reached back out to her.

“I shared with her all the wonderful things she’s done as a mother and wife,” He said. “By the time I finished, her mood improved a lot.”

So what happened here? Kevin followed his Broader Perspective agenda. Doing so, he saw each choice available to him comprised a fork in his trajectory. He could go the direction of amplifying his own delight. Or he could go in the direction of aligning with where Madge was. Choosing the former, he looped back around and rendezvoused with a version of Madge who matched who he was being, instead of who Madge started out as. As a result, he got exactly what he wanted: seeing Madge as happy and light.

It’s wonderful perceiving then following Broader Perspective guidance. Kevin’s experience was awesome. The next experience was too.

The set-up comes on Sunday

This other client had a similar experience while deepening her meditation. Meditation represents a large part of the Positively Focused Advanced Practice. This client, I’ll call Maddy, found that following her Broader Perspective as she practiced meditation significantly amplified her satisfaction. Let’s see what happened.

“I did something crazy today,” Maddy started. “It’s crazy, crazy-awesome and that’s actually what I like most.”

Maddy woke feeling overwhelmed the day before she texted me. She felt that way because she had the whole day to herself. Her partner spent the last two days with his family. It was Sunday, so Maddy didn’t have work. As such, she had nothing else to do other than be with herself. That confronted her with a kind of abundance she was ill-prepared for.

“There were so many things I could do,” She said. “So many things I got overwhelmed by all the things that I could possibly do. I didn’t know what to focus on. That felt overwhelming.”

Overwhelm is common for humans. It happens when a person perceives abundance as something other than that. In this case, Maddy saw “opportunity abundance” as “too many things to do”. The feeling “overwhelm” was telling her something important. Because of her Positively Focused practice, Maddy knew that.

And that’s where her Broader Perspective stepped in, she said. After breakfast she got the impulse to meditate before doing anything else. She said she looked forward to it.

“Typically I would reach for my watch and set a timer for 15 minutes,” She explained. “But my Broader Perspective said, “hey what if you did 30? That could be fun!” and I said “oh yeah let’s do 30!” 

Meditation can be way more than a source of stillness. (Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash)

She connects with her Broader Perspective

Maddy said after deciding to do a 30 minute meditation, “…there was a brief literal like split second, where I thought ‘that could be scary.’ That’s a long time. What if I don’t get through it all?”

“But then I said ‘well we’re gonna try it,'” she explained. “We’re gonna see what happens.”

So she settled in for her meditation and let herself go…

Before she knew it, her 30 minute timer went off!

“I was like ‘oh man I’m still, I’m still in this’ like my body felt like it was still not in the physical yet. Like I was still in the non-physical, in my meditation,” She said excitedly. “So I said ‘I’m just gonna hit this 30 minute timer again.’ And I meditated for another 30 minutes! I did an hour of meditation!”

Up to this point Maddy had never meditated anywhere close to an hour. This was a big step for her. But that was just the beginning, Maddy said.

“I felt really good,” She said. Right at that moment, she described how her Broader Perspective delivered to her another agenda.

“Somehow I created in my mind a list of things [to do]! I’m like ‘well they’re not in any sort of format. But these are the things that my Broader Perspective helped me realize are the most important that I could do today for the most impact.’” She explained.

She was right.

The crazy goodness of inspired productivity

Maddy wrote the list on a whiteboard. Instantly after doing that she realized she could take action on a few things right away.

“I got those done and then I came down and crossed off a few more,” She said. “And just suddenly everything felt really good and doable and possible. And then I sat and wrote not just the 750 words that I would normally write (each day). I was so inspired, I wrote 1500 words — twice as many!”

This is the thing about our Broader Perspective agenda. It offers things to do that will thrill us. And in doing them, we become thrilled! Then we kinda go crazy in that high vibration. That usually looks like extremely high productivity.

For example, by the time I got Maddy’s text, I already had two other ideas for blog posts this week. Getting her text added a third. Of course, I’m feeling extreme delight listening to her voice text message, so of course I’m going to turn it into a blog. Then, my Broader Perspective reminds me about Kevin’s awesome experience, so I included his story in this blog too!

It IS crazy how productive one can get by listening to one’s Broader Perspective. Crazy productive and crazy satisfied, which just feels so crazy good!

Great examples begetting great examples

I love hearing my client stories. They always inspire me. And they amplify my own stories. I also enjoy them because I know my clients share these stories with people they know. As a result, more people come to me, inspired by what they hear. Then they create their own versions of surprise, satisfaction and thrilling experiences. Just like my current clients.

That explains why mothers and their daughters, wives and their husbands, friends and their friends become clients. Nearly all my clients come by word of mouth. I do no advertising. And it’s not words coming from my mouth that draw these people in. It’s stellar experiences my clients share with people they know. Because, why wouldn’t they? When life feels as good as it does when one is Positively Focused, it’s hard to contain the joy.

It’s the joy of All That Is, which is what we are. We all are joyful beings, being as part of the expansion of All That Is. And when we get that, then live from there, some really awesome things start happening. We start receiving awesome free gifts from the Universe. Nothing beats that!

Tap into your Broader Perspective and create your own experiences like Kevin and Maddy have. If you’d like some assistance with that, I can help.

How To Easily Prove People Never Die

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: How do you know a person never dies? Is the soul really eternal? How can you prove this?

This question leads to a kind of Unified Theory of Eternal Life. What a worthy and considerable question!

Why is it worthy? Because a person’s “soul”, All That Is and the Universe want the person to know they’re eternal. They also want them knowing each person creates their reality as they live life. Only then can one live an authentic life.

That’s because if a person fears death, or what happens after death, life gets colored by that fear. Many people fear death. That fear generates much anxiety. And anxiety blocks authentic living.

While seeking proof will reveal proof, such proof doesn’t exist in “objective” form. That’s because life (even “after-life”) is 100 percent subjective. So proof reveals itself only in life’s subjectivity. In other words, only you can prove it to yourself. And when you do, evidence you find will come through intimate, personal experience.

Being subjective, such experience won’t convince others. Therefore, proving it definitively to others won’t work. All the evidence is first-person experiential.

First things first

Physical life experience – particularly the external-seeming, objective aspects – are projections of the soul’s experience onto itself. So the being experiencing physical life experiences an experience of self projected into the awareness of itself. That projection looks and feels as an apparent “objective” reality.

Why does it appear that way?

So the experiencer can experience “more” of itself as well as fulfill “intentions” central to who and what “self” is. So seeing proof of an eternal soul first requires knowing what you just read. That information gives context to proof you’ll find. The proof, in other words, will look like life experiences. Those experiences will “prove” convincing.

You also need lots of patience. Proof rarely comes in a flash. And when it does, it is often missed or it’s bewildering or incomprehensible. Like a barely remembered dream in the morning, if you don’t know how to recall it, or replicate it, you can’t hold onto it.

But with patience, the gradual, unhurried nature of All That Is will reveal everything (anything really) you’re wanting to know.

Making proof visible instead of impossible

Next tip: you’re surrounded by evidence of your eternal nature. You just can’t see it right now. Seeing the proof necessitates orienting your perception so evidence shows up in your perception. Instead of perception showing you the absence of the evidence. The absence of evidence is what you see when you think you’re mortal. Which is why people think death is real.

“Orienting” your perception doesn’t mean “doing something” in physical reality. Instead, it means “allowing yourself to realize” what you want to know. “Doing something” and “allowing yourself to realize” represent two distinct things.

Bear with me while I continue adding more context.

One way eternal life seekers complicate matters happens when they think or believe in ways making seeing proof difficult if not impossible. The word “soul” for example, generates belief constellations that work against “allowing yourself to realize”. I wrote about this before, here.

Beliefs are communicable too, just like some diseases. They get passed on through language primarily. You’ll notice you talk to yourself almost constantly. Much of that internal dialogue confirms and reconfirms beliefs, many of which work against seeing answers sought. So the next step involves realizing how language and beliefs muddle perception, then cleaning up language and belief.

Practical example time 😊

For example, look at the following two statements:

  1. I want to see evidence that the soul never dies
  2. I want to be the realizer of my eternal nature

Notice the action-oriented nature inherent in statement one. It also presumes no visible evidence. The speaker wants to see what they don’t see.

This statement affirms evidence’s absence instead of affirming evidence’s abundance. The perceiver wants to see something she currently does not, the “does not” component gets emphasized above all else. It creates “disbelief”.

Notice statement two is passive. The speaker speaks to evidence showing itself to her. Further, her statement expresses desire to become something, not see something. It also affirms existence of what she wants to realize. She understands her eternal nature is a thing and she expresses her desires around experiencing that.

These subtle distinctions make all the difference.

The word “proof” is problematic as well. “Proof” is adversarial. It says “show me because I don’t believe it.” Wanting proof affirms your doubt. It also offers confrontation. “PROVE IT” is the energy of the word “proof”.

See the subtlety?

Let’s put this all together

Ok, so now you have a sense of four important premises:

  1. Evidence you want will occur as 100 percent subjective. It will only convince you. No one else.
  2. Desired evidence surrounds you. Wanting to create evidence or discovering it distracts you from experiencing it. You’re wanting to realize the already-existing evidence. Or better said: you’re wanting to realize your eternal nature, which already always has/is existed/existing.
  3. How you frame your request will either support your intent or defeat it.
  4. Your beliefs will hinder or help you become the realizer of the answer to your question.

So now, the process is simple: you simply ask for the answer in a way that supports getting the answer…then hold to knowing the answer shows itself.

What happens next: you’ll experience events confirming your intent. Things start happening showing that you’re eternal. But you must keep the four points in mind. Also, you must constantly question thoughts and reactions which will stop the evidence flow dead in its tracks.

The evidence becomes evident

For example, one day at a bus stop or someplace familiar, someone you know may join you. You’ll strike up a conversation and this person may say something – mention a newspaper or magazine article, a website, a book, or tv show – that will cause within you an “a-ha!” moment. What they say will sound perfectly timed and related to your intent. Perhaps they will mention the show God Friended Me, for example, or the Netflix show, The Good Place, both having themes in eternal life. And then one of many different things might happen:

  1. You will totally miss the relevance between the shows (and their premises) and your request. Here Universe and All That Is gave you a clue. But your beliefs will block the connection. So you’ll say something like “huh, interesting” and let the mention pass.
  2. Maybe you’ll think “hmm, I just read a blog about seeing my eternal nature and here is someone telling me about a TV show about god and the afterlife.” And your mind then might go: “this is a coincidence” and you’ll miss the relevance.
  3. OR….You may feel goose pimples or a shiver down your spine and think “This is no coincidence. This is evidence showing itself….” Then you’ll get excited….You might go home later and watch either show, enjoy the premise offered and then, be inspired to casually research online the word “serendipity”….

Do something like number three and you’re on your way.

Seeing overwhelming evidence

The seeming chance bus stop encounter began the realization. But if you aren’t alert, you’ll miss it. That’s how subtle Universe works. Your job remains maintaining alertness and expectation.

Keep this up and you’ll experience all kinds of evidence. They literally surround you:

  • You may be invited to an Ayahuasca event or a meditation session
  • Someone may start talking about eternity or life extension at a function you attend
  • A dream might happen where you experience events implying an eternal being
  • More events will happen confirming real what science calls “pseudoscience”.

And then, at some point, you’ll notice old beliefs gradually shifting. You’ll move through life differently. Your changed beliefs and lifestyle reveal more serendipitous opportunities making disbelief harder:

  • Dreams will become more and more lucid and engaging
  • You’ll start to want to know what your dreams are about
  • You’ll start playing with this whole idea that “you create your reality” and you’ll start getting evidence of that showing up all over your life
  • Then, really amazing things will start happening. Things that, in the past, you would have said “that’s coincidence” or “that’s impossible” or “random” or “confirmation bias” or some other nonsense. Only now you won’t say those things because they happen so often there’s too much of them proving they’re real.

By then you’re on your way.

The rest of the path is up to your realization. Keep it up and you will eventually realize what every sincere person realizes: life and everything in it, including you, is eternal and death is not the end. It’s only the beginning of more life.

Better Results Always Get Greater

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

I love knowing that life always gets better. I knew that when I decided to come into physical life, but, boy, seeing it, feeling when it happens…nothing beats that. It’s what makes the Positively Focused Charmed Life such a wonderful life.

There’s never a need for “the other shoe to drop”. Unless, of course, you expect that. What a person expects, happens. So when I respond to questions about why Law of Attraction isn’t working for someone, on Quora, for example, I always say Law of Attraction always works.

The reason why people think it doesn’t is because they don’t understand what’s happening when what they expect, doesn’t happen. Often a person will think they’re focusing on what they want. But actually, they’re doing the exact opposite. As one client recently described here on our sister YouTube Channel:

A client totally nails it…

So a person might think they’re expecting what they want, but aren’t. Then when what they want doesn’t happen, they’re oblivious as to why.

The power of momentum

Momentum creates everything. But one must understand which direction their momentum builds. Momentum can happen in the direction of what someone doesn’t want. But, when a person maintains chronic positive focus, that focus creates momentum which ensures future manifestations better than those preceding it. My housemate situation illustrated this perfectly.

For the last year, I’ve enjoyed two housemates matching perfectly my positive focus. A third moved in at the beginning of the year who started off looking like a match. But in short order they proved how unmatched they were.

So instead of focusing on those things not matching what I wanted, I instead did as I did before with previous mis-match housemate situations: I focused on what it would be like not having them there.

It was no wonder then this past summer this person announced they made other living arrangements. I knew that meant my housing situation would improve. So instead of thinking about how wonderful it was that this person soon would be gone, I focused on the next person and how great of a match – a better match – they would be.

My landlord reflects me perfectly

Since living here so long, I enjoy a great relationship with my landlords. We’ve seen renters come and go and we work well together screening potential applicants.

I can’t help infusing that process with my positive focus, which sometimes kind of gets on my landlord’s nerves, because it can look like I’m rather passive with screening applicants in a timely manner.

I know scarcity consciousness drives much behavior which looks like “responsiveness”. After all, if something offered to me is mine, it doesn’t matter how timely or not I respond. It’s mine. I bring this same approach to screening potential housemates: the right housemate in no way can be deterred from moving in. Law of Attraction and being Positively Focused drives what happens in my life. Not “responsiveness”.

But my landlord doesn’t know this. She believes “doing” makes all the difference. Including being responsive.

I love when my environment reflects back to me how I focus in the world. One day my landlord and I had an exchange over text that perfectly illustrated this. We differed on our approaches to filling the vacancy.

My landlord telling me how it is…and me, soothing her concerns.

Of course I didn’t want to further inflame differences between us, so while saying I’d defer to her approach, I kept up with my predominant focus on my focus rather than any action I take. 🤣

All beliefs proven “true”

When a person lives in the world of “doing”, that reality confirms their beliefs. For example, my landlord believes her attention to detail, prompt comms and quick scheduling of viewings makes all the difference. But I know all that action pales in comparison to holding true to the knowing that the Universe handles all this and my action means very little in my life unfolding.

But if a person (like my landlord) believes action makes all the difference, that person’s life will confirm such beliefs as “true”. And in that truth, one better take prompt action or else.

Any belief believed long enough will produce corresponding realities proving that belief true. The problem with belief in actions as being predominant factors for desires becoming things is, when it comes to desires where you feel powerless to act, such desires seem impossible.

If I want to be rich, for example, or I want a partner, and I don’t know what action to take to realize either, the powerlessness I might feel indicates I have belief preventing me from getting what I want. “Action makes all the difference” could be (and often is) one such belief.

Soothing such beliefs creates a life proving what my landlord says I know; that the Universe delivers. I trust in that because that’s what my beliefs have created a life full of. So I KNOW this to be.

My landlord doesn’t and that’s ok.

The uncanny proving itself

But then my landlord sent the following story which totally confirmed what she knew about me: the universe will orchestrate people out of the path who are not a match to what I want:

And yet….she does believe!

I know our views, my landlord and mine, are more similar that she thinks. But her upbringing has her kind of focusing more in the “doing space” than me. That’s ok. Because days and several bad fits later, she sent another text:

A perfect unfolding

Unstoppable coordination

It was a perfect unfolding. Joe first connected with my landlord for a room she had in her house, but the timing/match delayed that consummation so the unfolding would continue such that he became my housemate!

Right around the same time, one of my other housemates gave notice. She’s horny. 😂 And she needs privacy and room to…uh…entertain. So she’s finding a place where she can live alone.

Instead of being upset about that, I knew her moving out, as great a housemate as she was/is, means the next person is going to be even better. That has me feeling extremely positive about her moving out.

And that’s the key to everything. I could be disappointed and feeling loss at having a good fit moving out. I could also feel worried the next person won’t be as good.

But what good do such thoughts do? They only set up circumstances to coordinate such that I get what I think about. So doesn’t it make sense to think about what I want, not what I fear?

I think so.

Having done that consistently enough through the years shows me, not only does it make sense, it always turns great results in to greater results. Just like I prefer it. And by the way, Joe moved in last Wednesday. He’s great!

It’s The Most Perfect Manifestation Technique

Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my Positively Focused blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Question: Is this correct for manifestation? I’d light colored candles assigned in each day while I meditate, script my manifestations, do a novena until the (small) candle melts. Novena is for my wish too and protection in case evil spirit is around my candle.

Answer: In short, you’re trying too hard. But if this way you describe conjures positive feelings in you, keep it up.

That said, there is a “correct way” for manifestation. It’s any way that feels good.

You see, you are a manifesting machine. Your body is a manifestation you’re manifesting on an ongoing basis. Do you have to “do a novena until the candle melts.” to keep your body here?

Your thoughts are manifestations flowing to you incessantly. Do you have to meditate and script manifestations for the thoughts that come to you?

When you moved your fingers to write your question, you were manifesting. Did you need to worry about evil spirits while creating that question?

You can’t help but manifest!

The reason why you do your body and your thoughts (as examples) so easily that you don’t know you are doing these things is because you pay them no mind and in doing so you don’t get in the way of your own, eternal, powerful ability.

When you walk through your created reality and put your attention on something, that, alone gets the manifestation process going. Looking at something, you know whether you like what you’re looking at or you not, right?

The moment you know, whether you’re aware of knowing or not aware of it, you create innumerable probable future and alternate realities, existing “out there” in your future nows.

Which one becomes your present now (in the future) depends on what you do between the time you choose and the time what you choose shows up. Most people don’t understand this, so they think they have to do processes and meditations and lighting candles and performing magic.

Do them if they feel good

You can do those things, and if they feel good keep doing them.

By the way, “evil” is not a thing. Neither are “evil spirits”. But if you believe they are, then they are. Why? Because you create your reality….ALL OF IT.

Here’s a simple, accurate template for creation:

  1. You decide what you want by realizing what you don’t want. This happens automatically
  2. Immediately after step one, what you want becomes a reality.
  3. You must find a way to line up with what you’ve created. When you do…
  4. You’ll have it.

That’s it. 

The problem is, most people spend all their time in step one, trying to make it happen. While doing that they are creating reality….it just keeps looking like their present reality, with nothing really changing, because they don’t move on to the rest of the steps!

But you don’t need me or anyone else telling you all this. Life can be fun, rewarding and fulfilling. You can have a life where it fills in with everything you want. Be easy and don’t take “manifesting” so seriously. It’s supposed to be fun.

Positively Focused probable realities
Click here to learn about probable realities, how you form them and how they relate to belief constellations.