TLDR: A client discovers a wondrous experience when she connects with her father, who passed away 10 years ago. The experience exemplifies how positive mindsets create experiences people believe are impossible. Yet these experiences are possible after releasing beliefs which stand in the way.
This post follows up on the wonderful experience a client had which I wrote about last week. Amazing doesn’t even get close to what happened. What happened was, after the client softened stories keeping her from experiencing what she wanted, what she wanted flowed easily into her experience.
The experience confirms everything the Positively Focused practice offers. It’s literally a wish-granting jewel. That’s because we all are All That Is, a microcosmic version of that, adding to All That Is through our unique perspective. We do that through living our lives. When we live our lives in joy, all we want flows easily.
Even things we once thought impossible. Including hearing from our “dead” relatives.
So let’s get into this joyous, mystical experience. Let’s look at what happened, how it happened and share in the client’s amazement. It will give you goosebumps.
Death: not what we think it is
The client, who I’ll call Jill, adamantly believed crying offered nothing of value. Trained by her mother, who was trained by her mother, Jill refused to cry. Working in a male-dominated profession amplified her resistance towards that act.
So when we talked about the passing of her father, which happened almost ten years ago, Jill valiantly fought back tears. She felt his passing was “unfair”. It happened suddenly, at a relatively early age. No signs of illness presented themselves before her father died. And, when he did go, he did so right in front of Jill’s mother.
From a human perspective, we can all agree that’s a pretty “tragic” way to go.
But no death is tragic from All That Is’ perspective. Nor is it tragic from the dying person’s perspective. As hard to believe as it may be, we all choose circumstances surrounding our deaths. That’s why Seth says “every death is a suicide.”
Humans put a lot of distortion over the experience Abraham calls “transition.” That’s a better word for it because it really is that; “death” is simply a transition from one state to another. Indeed, it represents a return to what we were before we became human. And, great joy accompanies that transition for most of us. In the transition, we release all our resistance and return to our fullness. It’s literally a transition from our human state, back into our nonphysical, eternal state.
So death, in other words, is not what we think it is.
Our wildest dreams: meant to be lived
All Positively Focused clients gradually get to experience this “death” thing before they die. It’s a crucial purpose of the Positively Focused practice. Fear of dying colors almost every aspect of living. It creates “time-shortage consciousness”; a feeling we’re running out of time as we age. That prevents people from living full lives. It also generates a ton of resistance. Especially about what we believe is possible.
So in the Positively Focused practice, through dream work and meditation, we show ourselves that death really is nothing to fear. We also realize we are eternal beings. Not limited to one life, then subject to annihilation. Joy flowing from these realizations is inexpressible. It’s so empowering. That empowerment opens the door to a lot of things most people feel they can’t enjoy. Like following and realizing their wildest dreams.
Wild dreams are future probable realities we can, indeed, real-ize. But doing so means lining up with such probable futures so we become a match to them. When we do, they flow effortlessly into our lives as our lives.
But a lot of resistance stands between most people and their wild dreams. Which explains why so few live lives full of fulfilled dreams!
The joy of the unexpected
Jill and I reconvened after our talk from the week prior about crying. I also wanted to resume our conversation about her dad, who transitioned ten years ago. The next day was the 10th anniversary of his passing. I knew something special was available for Jill were she able to align with it. That was my intent coming into the session: for her to have this experience. I knew it would surprise and delight her.
It wasn’t clear what exactly would happen. I just knew, from my Broader Perspective, that this session was going to be special. And that it could bring Jill an experience she wasn’t expecting.
So we talked about the “fairness” of death, particularly one like her father’s. We explored alternative explanations for why such things happened. In time, I felt Jill’s resistance softening. Both her resistance about the lack of fairness of her father’s transition, and her resistance towards crying. Indeed, as we spoke, tears flowed down her cheeks.
That’s when I knew she was ready. I offered Jill a phrase I knew would trigger the experience you’re going to read shortly. Call it a mantra, spell or incantation. It was simply a suggestion I offered her. I told her to say it several times in the morning the next morning. Then I asked her to be on the look out for a sign from her father that her father was “alive happy and care free.”
What follows is Jill’s account of what happened next, in her own words.
The weirdest thing happened
When clients say “the weirdest thing happened” — that’s a sign something happened that strains clients’ believability. And yet, they MUST believe it because it happens to them! I love it when clients get these kinds of experiences. And I love it even more when they share them –– and give me permission to share them –– like Jill did about this experience.
Jill sent me a voice message recording detailing what happened. Through “comforting” tears she recounted a mystical event that undoubtedly was orchestrated by her Broader Perspective. I’m offering two ways to experience her experience yourself.
Listen to it here, in her own words. It’s powerful. Clicking on that link will likely open a new window to my google drive. Then you can play the recording. Or…
Read the transcript below, which I have edited so it meets the style guide of my blog.
The recording is so much better to listen to than the words below. In the below account, I included links to the two things she references (the gossip article link and a link to the Colbert interview) so you can get the full picture.
I thought I should probably share a couple things with you this morning. And if I cry, I won’t stop myself from crying, but I did the [incantation] — I can’t even think of the word right now — yesterday.
I said “Universe, please show me a sign that my dad is alive and well or doing well.” And all day yesterday was on the lookout [but] nothing really appeared.
This morning I got up and did the same thing, And I was thinking ‘OK it’s been 24 hours and maybe I can’t see it. Or maybe I have not tuned into it.
I have a guilty pleasure that I have been doing for the last 19 years when things were really, really, really bad with [my daughter’s father]. I would do two things: one I would go walk around really, really beautiful parts of San Francisco. There was so much ugliness happening in my life, I just needed beauty.
So I would walk past these like really stately old homes from the gold rush with really nice landscaping and just — I just needed physical beauty and so I would walk around the city.
And the second thing I did, which is my guilty pleasure, is, I started reading mindless celebrity gossip. Not because I give a shit about celebrities, but because it was (a). transportation out of what I was dealing with, and it was just like stepping out of things that were really heavy and really real in the moment. So that brings me to this morning.
I popped onto the one of two celebrity gossip sites that I read. And I was just scrolling through, and found the piece that I’m about to send you. I read it and I was like ‘holy shit’!
Then I watched the embedded YouTube video of Matt Damon on the Stephen Colbert show which is like not something I would ever ever, ever seek out. I don’t wanna spoil it for you, but definitely watch it. [Colbert] said something [in one of] his questions [like] “What do you think happens when we die?” and just like, my heart stopped [at Matt Damon’s] response.
The Colbert interview.
Then, the very last story that he tells was really incredible! I think you will resonate strongly with it. [That’s when] the floodgates open[ed], and I just totally started to cry, not in a bad way, but in a very ‘Wow, this is incredibly comforting’ way.
Maybe this is what you and I were trying to articulate the other day or maybe you were trying to articulate. Like I couldn’t hear it and, of course, momentum and resistance came to my head when I was thinking that.
But in that release — and I know you’re gonna be like “I told you so!” — it actually transported me back to 10 years and one day ago when my mom called me to tell me that my dad died. I was in bed, not feeling well. She called and I didn’t pick up her first call and then the second call came in and it was from my brother’s phone number.
My brother never calls anybody. That’s when I knew I had to answer the phone. And when my mom told me that my dad had died, I asked her if she was joking and she said “no that’s not something I would joke about.” I Don’t remember hanging up with her, but I sat up straight in bed — and I had forgotten this moment until this morning — and it was immediate panic like ‘oh my God oh no!’
Then this very clear thought came through, which was: Did my dad know that I loved him? I know he loved me. And it was OK. I was like ‘OK. You know that it’s OK, he knew and I knew it’s OK.’
Then the weirdest thing happened. My dog came over. He is blind and deaf and he came over to the couch and he sat [there]. [But] he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking at the couch cushions next to me. And he was like pulling at it and pulling at it like there was somebody there.
You know [my husband] was not awake. There was nobody actually physically sitting there and all I could think was like ‘this is universe showing the sign!’
Life experience: the best teacher
The power of All That Is combined with the power of all that we are as individual instances of that is unlimited. We exist beyond time and space. Beyond time and space and limitations of human-ness. Those of us who transition remain with us, here. And we can continue our relationships with them. If we want.
But if we believe like most people, we can’t “see” them. Usually because we’re looking where they aren’t. Our loved ones exist in nonphysical, that place from which we come, and to which we’ll return. Accessing that while still in a physical body is available to us all. It takes practice. And a willingness to let go of bogus beliefs blocking the ability.
Jill’s experience proved this to her. It’s really hard to disbelieve when it happens to you. Disbelieving another’s experience is easier. But when it happens to you, it’s a lot harder to do that. That’s why Abraham says “life experience is the best teacher”.
Everything is possible. The question is, what are you believing that blocks what’s available to you? Want to live your wildest dreams? I say go for it. Want some help? I’m here. My client roster is filling fast though. Not trying to FOMO you. But soon, I will stop accepting new clients. So if you want to get in on the fun, there’s no better time than now.