More Fabulous Results Towards Becoming A Shapeshifter

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author recounts a meditative experience where they felt their body compressing and changing shape, suggesting progress towards their goal of shapeshifting.  They acknowledge the subjective nature of this experience but believe it is possible through practice and releasing resistance. The author also reflects on the implications of their journey, including the potential to inspire humanity and their role as a world leader.

Aside from wonderful dream recall, recalling dreams wherein I lived in alternate realities that were so clear, so tangibly real, like this reality, I also experienced in meditation this morning, more evidence of progress towards the reality in which I am a shapeshifter.

That was a long sentence. But there’s absolutely convincing evidence that becoming a shapeshifter is possible. 

The only thing is, the evidence is 100 percent subjective. That’s the basis of all reality though. And if one understands that…no…if they KNOW that, then the evidence is absolutely convincing. Otherwise, it seems like a delusion.

I know it’s not a delusion.

I want to describe what happened while asleep, because what happened is so rich and satisfying. But I cannot accurately communicate that rich satisfaction because it is, again, subjective. The best way for one to feel what I feel upon waking and while in a sleep state is experiencing it themselves. What’s problematic about that is, having such events occur takes practice. Both practice and time. Preferably practice and time with someone who knows how to achieve what I’ve achieved.

So instead, I’ll just describe what happened in my meditation as feelings overcame me. Feelings accompanied by sensations proving I’m becoming a shapeshifter.

Here we go!

Science gets in the way

After the first 30-minutes of my hour meditation, the sensations began. My goal in becoming a shapeshifter is to accomplish something truly remarkable. I’m focusing on shifting my male body into a female one. Doing so presents interesting physical and physics-related challenges. I’m six feet tall and 166 pounds. My body is quite muscular after years of working out. I present an unequivocal male form.

So shifting to female requires doing something about the law of conservation of mass implying mass can’t be created or destroyed. And becoming a woman requires losing mass, because, generally, a woman’s mass is less than a man.

The problem with that physics law is that it depends on a closed system. The problem with science, including physics, is that it believes certain things that are distortions about All That Is. One of those distortions is that All That Is is a closed system. It is not.

So I’m soothing such beliefs resisting my desire of becoming a shapeshifter. One of those goes like this: If I turn my body into a female, the female body will be composed of less mass. Where will the rest of that mass go? And how will I get it back when I want to become male again?”

Making definite progress

That belief puts the kibosh on shifting. If you read the thought as though you’re thinking it, you can feel the fear inherent in it. There’s a worry too that if I turn into a female, and want to turn back into a male, I won’t have the “mass” available to do it.

That worry is a problem and so is the fear, not the apparent mass conundrum. Believing in a closed system is a problem too. Thinking mass is conserved, in the way classical mechanics of science asserts, is a problem too.

Back to what happened.

So in the second half of the meditation, as usual, I focused on amplifying my conscious awareness of my conscious awareness. In doing so, I’m becoming more aware that I am more than my physical body. Instead, I’m pure, positive energy, an energy being, focusing myself into a reality — physical reality — I create from the energy that is me.

Interesting that today’s Abraham message provides an overview of how thoughts turn to things. We can create any thing therefore, through our thoughts and beliefs. Any. Thing.

That’s a major step in becoming a shapeshifter. Decoupling my identity from my body soothes stories preventing the transformation. It also soothes fears that pop up as evidence starts happening. Without soothing those fears, the fear of death comes up almost instantly. That instantly stops any forward progress.

Identifying with my body does the same thing. Because if I believe I “am” my body, and my body turns into something else, even with my willing participation, my identity gets threatened. That triggers fear and that too stops progress in its tracks.

The biggest resistance making it impossible

But in soothing identification with my body and also identifying what I am with what I actually am, then receiving evidence of that, I also realize I am eternal. Nothing can harm my essential self. That frees myself from resistant thoughts that ordinarily put the kibosh on dramatic things well within our ability, but out of bounds for those who don’t know who or what they are.

And this explains why doing something like this takes a while. A lot of soothing must take place. It’s not that it takes a long time to shape-shift. The moment we conjure the desire, the desire is done. It takes time because we must become a match to the desire. Becoming a match to wanting to shape-shift takes significant effort, again, not to shape-shift, but to soothe resistance keeping us from becoming a match to the act.

The biggest resistance at the surface of all this is believing shape-shifting is impossible. Other beliefs, those taught to us by science, for example, also stand in the way. But once those are soothed, the big ones must also be soothed. Those are what we believe we are and our fear of death.

I’ve made significant progress at all this. That explains why what happened this morning happened.

What happened was while I was in meditation, focusing on my awareness, I felt the body wanting to “compress”, to draw inwards, with that drawing-in oriented around the spinal column. I felt the neck’s circumference getting smaller. Also, I felt the shoulders, arms, and legs slenderizing. I also felt the teeth and gums “moving” as though seeking a position in the mouth as though the mouth were smaller. An essence of flowing, thick, long hair also registered around the head…

The inherent resistance in questions

Speaking of teeth: another resistant thought I must soothe has to do with what’s in my mouth. I have a crown and a filling in there. They are “inorganic”. I wonder, when I’m able to shapeshift, what will happen with those inorganic parts? Will I shift those too so they come with me into my new form? And when I turn back, will I manifest a new crown and filling? Or will my teeth, in my return, “become whole”, i.e. I won’t need a filling and crown anymore?

Again, these kinds of questions bring resistance to the table. And resistance is what slows down any manifestation. Resistance is initially unavoidable. It’s an inherent part of expansion. After all, what I’m doing is extremely leading edge. As such, it’s normal to entertain beliefs in the form of questions about things I don’t know that I want to know.

Of course, both Seth and Abraham suggest that posing such questions isn’t the best approach. They say it’s better to know that everything is working out as the best way to get what we want. But it’s normal to start with resistant-laden questions, then using them as launching pads towards less and less resistance. This is especially so for feats that have never been done before. At least not in this reality. At least not to my knowledge.

So as my 1-hour meditation timer went off, I remained in meditation for another eight minutes to nail down these feelings in my body. I wanted to remember how they felt so I could put them in this post.

Knowing it’s happening

The sensations and how I felt while observing them were quite reassuring. It’s wonderful feeling these things while knowing the process is working. I know the more I soothe resistant thoughts such as those I described above, I’ll “allow” more progress.

Meanwhile, the progress I’m seeing now, now feels like an “of course”; like, this is just how it happens: gradually, releasing resistance, expanding more into the desire, releasing more resistance and expanding even more into the desire. Until the desire fulfills itself in my reality.

That “of course” feeling, like this is just how it happens, is a very positive sign toward me actualizing becoming a shapeshifter. It shows me I’ve moved from “wanting to”, to “believing I can” to “knowing it’s happening”.

Sometimes I feel excited about sharing this accomplishment with the rest of humanity. I believe that’s part of this path. But most of the time, I’m more grounded. I know I’m not doing this for anyone but myself.

Well, I am doing it for others because I am a world leader, someone who came to show humanity what’s possible while holding the space for our collective ascent into a higher dimension.

And so, I feel the excitement and the groundedness both. Holding them both while having experiences like this morning feels really, really good.

Speaking of beliefs, you’re invited to a 90-minute online event on March 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time called Belief Constellations: Politics, Relationships And Our MAGNIFICENT Future. I’ll give a deep dive into what Belief Constellations are and how to use them to align with the fabulous future on the horizon. It’s only $15. Grab a spot, or, if you’re a MeetUp member, go here.

An Update On My Shapeshifting Progress

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

TL;DR: In this, the latest update in a series, the author updates their progress in their aspiration to become a shapeshifter, including recent accomplishments showing them they are on track.

It looks like the last update I shared on becoming a shapeshifter was more than six months ago. It’s time for another one. A lot is happening as I soothe resistance inherent in limiting beliefs about being able to shapeshift. As a result, I’m realizing a LOT of indications shapeshifting is coming.

And not only shapeshifting. For along with that desire, I also set the intention of being able to travel outside my body, and teleport, meaning, moving my body from one location to another in an instant. Interestingly, I’ve had more concrete success with these last two than with shapeshifting.

Rather than feeling disappointment about that, however, I’m feeling excited. That’s because I know all manifestations do two really important things: one, manifestations further soothe resistance inherent in limiting beliefs. They also act as signposts; they tell me I’m on the way to everything else I’m wanting. And, as these other successes happen, with traveling outside my body, teleporting and the other manifestations I write about in this blog, I get more confident becoming a shapeshifter is happening too.

I’m going to share about all these successes and what they mean in this brief post.

So let’s go!

Results prove progress

Anything we have the ability to create in our heads we can create in reality. That’s the promise. It’s the promise of every leading “you create your reality” advocate. I’ve realized so many things promised to me by Abraham and Seth. So much so, I’ve become an advocate myself. So when I assert that I can become a shapeshifter, I’m serious about it. I know it’s possible. I know because I’ve created other really astonishing outcomes. Including creating other people.

There’s nothing different in creating a simple thing, like an event, versus a complex thing, like a person or something seemingly unbelievable. The steps are the same. As I’ve written in other parts of this series, however, the main ingredient is belief. If we disbelieve what we want, we can’t create it.

I know my disbelief is soothing. I know it because of everything else I’ve already created. Particularly my “occult” creations. Let’s look at traveling outside my body, for example. My most recent results show I’m already doing this. I’m just not able yet to control where I end up. But my awareness that I have traveled, and my ability to remain in the new reality longer and longer shows improvement.

My teleportation results are the same, although not as profound…yet. The “roiling” I felt, which I wrote about in previous updates, has long since disappeared. What’s replaced it is a sense of deeper awareness, a steadiness of sensation, a soft, coursing of energies moving through my body that settles in one of three places: my forehead, the area of my cerebellum or my solar plexus. This and a recent experience allowed a crucial shift of self. I’ll explain that next.

A shift in self

I believe shapeshifting requires reorienting our identity. It demands that we give up our focus on “us” as our bodies. This makes sense. We are eternal. At death, with our body in the ground or in a jar somewhere, our personality and self live on. We still exist in our nonphysical states of being, equipped with far greater perception than when in a body.

But many of us believe the “I” in our bodies includes, at least, in part, our bodies. That is not the case, however, as dreams clearly show. In dream state we experience other realms while our body sleeps. So our identity must not be with our bodies. We must be something more.

So lately, in meditation, I’ve been soothing the belief that “I am my body”. Instead, I’ve been focusing into “I am the aware energy flowing to and through this body.”

Why is that important?

I think identifying with the body makes shapeshifting impossible. For one, combined with the fear of death, which is exacerbated by identifying with the body, if the body starts to shift, the shift will trigger panic if we identify with the body as what we are. Panic will immediately shut down a shift. I think this is a major reason such abilities are not possible. That and believing they aren’t possible in the first place.

Shifting my identity to the energy flowing to and through my body, rather than on the body, comes with another benefit: it feels really good. I feel more….aware of what I am, if that makes sense. My awareness also has gotten extremely still. When in meditation, focusing on my “self” as energy, my “mind” almost totally stops.

That stillness, I believe, may be crucial for all the occult experiences I’m after.

It’s in the belief

All of this is a long-term project of course. There’s a lot of resistance in me to soothe. And that’s why so few try what I’m trying, I think. Every day “priorities” get in the way. It being a long-term project is also why it’s important to focus on and celebrate unfolding along the way. For one, they keep me inspired. Two, they offer evidence I’m making progress. And three, it’s just really fun seeing all the great stuff happening.

Having a bunch of clients in the early Positively Focused Practice producing their version of what advocates promise helps too. It’s one thing to have my own results. But seeing and hearing their results also inspires me. Especially my advance clients, who are in the dream work and meditative parts of the practice.

So there’s good progress. The biggest being how it feels to shift my identity to me as energy rather than the body.

All this is happening intuitively. There’s no guide I’m aware of. But I have great support from my Broader Perspective and my intuition.

I’m no longer accepting clients as my roster is full. But if you have a question about all this, I’m happy to answer them in the comments section. In the meantime, consider this: All of us are much more than what society, our schools, science and leaders, especially religious leaders tell us. We are unlimited beings of unlimited possibility. Reach for that possibility, just a bit, and we open up whole new worlds. Worlds that offer an unlimited, vast landscape of unbelievable ability.

But it’s only unbelievable to the degree we believe it is.

I’m finding soothing that belief. I hope this inspires you to do the same.

Becoming A Shapeshifter: Spectacular, New Results

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

In this article: An experienced Positively Focused practitioner explores the art of shapeshifting, suggesting the capacity of our minds and bodies to unlock extraordinary abilities is unlimited. This journey unveils insights about human potential and undermining self-doubt. It also involves understanding the complexity of our cerebellum and its potential role in mastering advanced abilities.

Regular blog readers know I’m progressing on the trajectory of me becoming “ordinary among the superhuman.” Part of that path involves becoming a shapeshifter.

You read that right.

Nothing is off limits to us as eternal, infinite beings. Whatever it is we want is ours. But only if we become matches to that. Thinking what we want is impossible though makes it impossible. Doubting it’s possible does too. So does fearing it. As does believing we’re not worthy of it. Another thing killing desire: believing we’re only human, subject to birth and death.

Transcend these self-imposed limitations and we discover what’s really going on: that the Universe responds to our every wish with “yes”.

Regular readers also know I’ve written before about progress I’m making in realizing shapeshifting abilities. Read previous posts here and here.

Today, I’m reporting on the most intense, obvious and spectacular results indicating progress. Keep reading. If you’re at all interested in this subject, what you’re about to read may inspire you.

Not for beginners

Before getting to the deets, a word of warning: this is EXTREMELY ADVANCED mastery practice. Many, many prerequisites are required to even begin this practice. That’s because early results, if we don’t know how to see them, will elude our awareness. They will be there. But our awareness will miss them. As a result, we’ll conclude we’re not making progress.

But we are making progress.

Still, if we think we’re not, we’ll amplify THAT in our reality. Doing so, the Universe will deliver more of those results (not seeing results). Doubt will creep in, then the whole process will fail us.

This explains why I help clients learn how to see in new ways. Actually, it’s not really new. It’s ancient. But we’ve replaced this way of seeing with seeing only through our eyes. We’ve conditioned ourselves that only that which we can see is real. Everything else isn’t. So we miss the majority of what’s happening in the world.

Learning or re-learning to see appropriately, we can watch our desires become real right before our eyes. We then amplify that evidence. Then the Universe serves up more of that (seeing results). Then, in a while, we enjoy that which we want as full blown reality.

This is the process of creating. The creative process. And it works for anything we want. Small things and large things alike.

Clients willing to give me 75 percent tips for what they’re learning must mean they’re getting value. And they are: Their lives are changing for the better.

Believe it or not

What you’re about to read, therefore, may stretch your believability. I’m not sharing this to make you believe, however. I’m sharing this to amplify my own knowing and encourage more evidence I want to see. If this inspires you, great! But that’s not my purpose.

That said, my clients will attest: everything I’ve shared in this practice has resulted in exactly the results promised every client. So everything you’re about to read is accurate as far as how the Universe works.

For me, this is about one thing. I’m here to expand. This is reason enough. However, doing what I intend will show humanity that we are unlimited. Everything is possible. Anything, really. That’s our birthright. We came to joyfully expand All That Is. And we each are instances of that.

Even in our disbelief, we’re still part of All That Is.

The Buddha once asked, “what is the difference between a Buddha and a common mortal?”

“The common mortal doesn’t know he’s a Buddha.” He answered.

I’m here as an emissary of All That Is. I’m here to show all of humanity what it is. Many others are here too. They’re doing the same thing. After all, my approach may turn more off than it attracts. So it’s good many perspectives are being offered.

So whether you believe what you’re reading or not, it is all accurate. Shapeshifting is only one “supernatural” ability I pursue these days. Later, maybe, I’ll share more about those other abilities. For now, let’s stick with shapeshifting.

Meditation: the gateway

A big part of the Positively Focused Way Advanced Practice involves meditation. Besides dreams, meditation is the preferred gateway into other dimensions. It is the best way to still the mind. It also sharpens inner perception. That’s crucial because we must learn to see without using physical eyes. None of our physical sense organs work in nonphysical. They can’t handle the onslaught of data happening at that vibrational level.

But think about dreams you’ve experienced. In those realms, we see. We hear. Even our sense of smell works there. We also enjoy complex sense-making. We perceive distance. Depth perception works too. In many dreams, all these senses are richer. Far richer than physical perception.

And yet, when dreaming, our eyes are closed! Our bodies are still. Even so, we move around and manipulate objects.

So we must enjoy a completely separate set of interpretive functions apart from our physical ones. Meditation helps reacquaint ourselves with those. Then, we can start “seeing” what’s happening in that place. That place where everything in “reality” comes from.

And we can use that focus to help attract fulfilled desires. Including things some think are impossible. Shapeshifting, for example.

So what is this evidence I’m getting to? Let’s go there now.


Commented on @‪MoonSoul’s post‬

♬ Clouds – Aitan A.I.
Others are sharing as we are. Thus they contribute to Universal expansion.

Correlating my experience with my predecessors

Recently, in several of my meditative sessions, I experienced a swelling of my cerebellum. How do I know this? I can feel it pushing up against the bottom of my cerebrum and out the back of my neck. I also feel correlated pressures in my frontal lobe. This happens while my body “roils” involuntarily.

Swelling of that part of my brain feels odd. But it’s not unnerving. Nor is it scary. It does, however, feel very uncomfortable. In his book Astral Projection, Oliver Fox describes having similar sensations. He originally published Astral Projection in 1962. Still, it’s a great primer. In it, Fox offers helpful advice from his personal experience. He also warns readers about these sensations I’m having:

“It would now be well to consider what risks, if any, are involved in the making of such experiments…some of the symptoms…are painful and extremely unpleasant…We are dealing with what is essentially a mental exercise or process, and it is easily conceivable that an ill-balanced mind, lacking in self-control, might become temporarily or even permanently deranged.”

Excerpt From
Astral Projection By Oliver Fox

My experience mirrors this. I have experienced the pain he writes about. And, during an awakening experience many years ago, I felt that fear of temporary or permanent derangement.

Jane Roberts and Robert Butts report similar experiences I’m having. Given these people’s success, I know I’m on track. I also believe these sensations are exactly what they feel like: changes in my body. Changes it’s making in preparation. Preparation to support what I want: to be able to shapeshift.

Stronger evidence proving advancement

What once felt like “pain” now comes as “discomfort”. I surmise “discomfort” will ease even more when my body has completed its preparations. After all, while this is a spiritual expansion, the body must play a part. It is “shape”-shifting after all.

That’s what I believe is happening when my cerebellum swells. It’s also what’s happening when my body roils. It’s all about accommodating these new desires. Desires, that, once fulfilled, may be a human first. Maybe.

I mean, people may have wished to do this. But they may not have seriously pursued it. I’m serious. Serious enough to endure the pain and discomfort. Serious enough to keep at it until I achieve my aim.

One night after a swelling episode, I got an interesting impulse. The impulse was “find out the cerebellum’s purpose”. Knowing to act on impulses because they lead to delightful manifestations, that’s what I did. I opened Wikipedia. What I read required interpretation, however. That’s because Wikipedia’s stylistic tone is pro-science. So I needed to read the information from a spiritual perspective.

What I read astonished me.

The Positively Focused Way results in a person becoming superhuman among the ordinary, then becoming ordinary among the superhuman.

The astonishing correlation

Turns out that part of the brain may be the organ that manages shapeshifting. Science is very unclear about the cerebellum (no surprise there). But its speculations offer interesting glimmers. Glimmers that might shed light on what’s happening inside my skull.

According to Wikipedia, the cerebellum manages fine motor skills, particularly fine placements of the body in space. It’s also responsible for highly specific learning modalities, including optimal control, visual-spacial cognition, supervised learning and the regulation of unsupervised learning. All this includes interpreting sensory inputs from relativistic positioning to guide motor function and so much more…

Now, think about it. What is shapeshifting? It is changing one’s form from one structure to another. Doing that requires heightened levels of “Optimal Control” doesn’t it? Wouldn’t it also require highly attuned visual-spacial recognition? Yes it would. The two learning modalities play a part too. For the body must be able to tell when the shift is complete. And all this must happen at extremely fine levels. Infinite levels of relationship between parts of the body and relationships between the body and all other objects in the immediate space. In other words, extremely fine motor skills are required.

This sounds very much like functions the cerebellum excels at. So developing such abilities would necessitate expanded capacities in the cerebellum!

Did I mention how astonishing this was?

After reading the entry, I read other entries about functions I noted above. All of what I read had me conclude what you’re reading.

Now, this is admittedly speculation. But my life is a library of proof proving true my speculations. Evidence my clients are creating bolster my own proof. So something is happening. And I’m thrilled to find out more!

Further speculation brings anticipation

My cerebellum is expanding to accommodate shapeshifting. Apparently, this part of the brain also is associated with pain processing. As far as shapeshifting is concerned, every part of the body, every atom, cell and nerve must rearrange into the model/vision – the target shape. That might be quite painful. But the cerebellum may modulate pain sensors to accommodate the shift from one form to the other.

Teleportation is another ability I’m cultivating. The cerebellum may play a role there too. What is teleportation? The ability to move from one place and time and appear in another, instantly. Wouldn’t that demand extremely precise motor coordination? How about fine placements in space and time? You wouldn’t want to teleport into a concrete wall, for example!

According to Wikipedia posts I read, cerebellum functions play a role in an animal regulating precise body movements from one position in time and space to another as it traverses an environment. Or as it repositions its body. As when, for example, a cat sits down and licks its nuts…

All this inspires me deeply. It also inspires anticipation. Eagerness too. I feel certain I’m on a path. A path including astonishing abilities. It’s fun walking this path. It’s also fun seeing signs showing my progress.

Want to know more? Interested in discovering your own path like my clients are? Get in touch.

More Practical Advice On How To Be A Shapeshifter

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

I’m learning to follow inner impulses more and more. So when I woke this morning, eager to do a blog on shapeshifting, that’s what I did. This post is the result of that impulse.

My last post on shapeshifting gave a great overview. It detailed what’s needed, in a general sense, to accomplish the feat. That post described current beliefs most people possess. Beliefs which make even thinking about shapeshifting as a practical reality pretty much impossible. However, nearly everything we want IS possible. Including becoming a shapeshifter. We’ll talk more about the possibility in a bit.

The previous post also covered identity. We humans believe we are these bodies. That belief prompts other limiting beliefs. Beliefs also making shapeshifting impossible.

For example, a belief in medical science gets in the way. That’s because it implies the impossibility of certain things. It implies, for example, that the body can’t spontaneously regrow limbs. Or that germs and viruses are what makes us sick.

Germs and viruses are cooperative components to illness. But there’s a lot more to how bodies manifest dis-ease that medical science doesn’t account for. Let alone believe in. That’s another blog post, however. So instead of going there, let’s get back to the topic at hand.

The last post looked generally at beliefs. Let’s look more at beliefs as we consider what’s required to become a shapeshifter.

Fear, it is the mind killer

Frank Herbert, creator of the Dune franchise, was spot on. Our emotions point to what’s possible. A Positively Focused practice examines emotions in great detail. That’s because they’re crucial for being able to expand beyond human confines.

Humans enjoy great potential. We can experience freedom like no other being. We can experience freedom with no limits at all. But our beliefs limit that freedom. This morning, for example, I woke with a clear understanding of this. I realized, for me, the very act of working a job limits my freedom. I’ll write a blog about that another day. But this realization showed me something important. It showed me how our daily lives reveal how deeply we disbelieve how free we are. How we live as a society constantly reinforces our self-imposed limits.

Emotions like fear help us understand those limits. But if we don’t know what they tell us, we don’t get the understanding. Fear tells us something really important. Essentially, it’s saying, the “mind” (intelligence, your infinite potential, our Broader Perspective) is being limited by whatever belief currently is active in us and triggering fear. Fear literally tells us we’re limiting mind-potential.

Fear, therefore, doesn’t kill the mind. It tells us WE’RE “killing” it. Making it dead. Putting it in a box. Putting it in bondage. Bondage created by whatever thought(s) we have active in the moment we feel fear. This is a crucial thing. Understanding emotions and using them for their intended purpose makes being free a lot easier.

Our freedom has no limits. Anything is possible. Even shapeshifting.

Anything happening in dreams is possible in the physical

When we understand we enjoy unlimited freedom, we forget about being free. Instead, we focus on adventure inherent in freedom.

Imagine freedom as a newly-discovered planet. A planet with no boundaries. The more we explore it, the more there is to discover. That’s how freedom is.

And so when we accept that is freedom’s nature, a boundless playground, then it’s easier enjoying the adventure freedom inherently possesses. When we arrive at that orientation, where we focus near-exclusively on the adventure of life, then we’re ready to consider a wider scope of what’s possible.

This is why the Positively Focused Way focuses so much on emotions and, later, in advanced levels, on dream work. Dreams aren’t what people think they are. What they really are are journeys we take each night. The experience we call dreams are experiences our unbounded Broader Perspective constantly enjoys. Yes, even as we in our earthly bodies have whatever limited experience we have.

In dreams we’re unlimited. We can do nearly everything.

In a Positively Focused practice we reconnect with what’s happening in dreams to bring that awareness and possibility to consciousness. Dreams are the unlimited adventure I described above. Everyone enjoys them. Even those thinking they don’t dream.

The real fun starts when we bring that unlimited adventure to our waking lives.

Conscious awareness of freedom and adventure

Becoming aware of what’s happening in dreams, then bringing that awareness forward into waking reality is key to shapeshifting. Can you see how?

That awareness, the feeling of unboundedness, is key. It’s what’s needed to even begin believing in shapeshifting as a possibility. If we don’t believe it is possible, it can’t happen. So belief is key too.

Both freedom and adventure are hallmarks of worlds we experience while “dreaming”. Only we’re not “dreaming”. That word cheapens what we’re really doing while the body sleeps. While the body sleeps, what we’re really doing is living the full potential of all we are.

Making that conscious in our awareness while awake, we can then realize anything we experience in the dream state is possible in “reality”. After all, what is “reality” other than a really vivid dream?

That’s another key element to allowing shapeshifting into our experience. Freedom and adventure are hallmarks of life and the dream world. We are completely free. The adventure comes in when we accept our freedom as a given. Then focus on boldly exploring how free we are.

When we settle in that consciously and aware, only then can we allow into our experience what the majority believes impossible. And when we do, we become the example, which sets others free. You see how that happens, right?

That’s the purpose of the Positively Focused Way. We become examples others can follow. And in doing so, we become deliberate agents of expansion. There’s nothing better to live one’s life for.

Contact me if you’re ready to deliberately play your part in this wondrous, joyful path. Let’s get you started.

A Practical Guide On How To Be A Shapeshifter

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

Most people don’t believe shapeshifting is possible. For such people, shapeshifting is impossible. Others want to believe shapeshifting is possible. Or they believe it is possible, but they don’t believe they can do it.

Our reality reflects back to us what we believe is possible. So becoming a shapeshifter requires introducing that idea into our reality. Reality springs from beliefs. So introducing the idea begins first with introducing it in ourselves as a belief. We must believe it’s possible, in other words. That’s one thing. Believing we can do it? That’s another.

Anything we believe possible becomes so. Shapeshifting is no different. But becoming a shapeshifter isn’t easy. That’s mostly because such a feat depends on strong belief. It also requires unraveling many other beliefs. Beliefs seemingly tangential to the subject, but very much connected to it.

Becoming a shapeshifter then is possible. But for most, it’s not. Not because it’s impossible. But because people can’t get beyond beliefs making it appear impossible. For those willing to change their beliefs though…

What it takes

So first, we must cultivate belief. Belief it’s possible. Then we must believe we can do it. From there, we must unpack related beliefs. One of many such beliefs is the belief in death.

Most people fear death. Even some who claim they don’t, do. Take awakening experiences as an example. Such experiences scare the shit out of most people. Me included at one time. Awakening experiences feel exactly like death. That’s because our consciousness expands in such experiences. The same thing happens at death. Consciousness expands beyond ordinary awareness.

Brains can’t process such expansionary experiences. And since they are pre-wired for keeping us in this reality, they freak out when confronted with alternate ones. That “freak out” is what I mean by “fear of death”.

In other words, if we freak out in the face of an alternate reality, we automatically snap back into this one. That won’t work when shapeshifting. Because the very act requires expansion. Including a very real, physical expansion. As well as an expansion into a bigger picture of All That Is.

Successfully shapeshifting also depends on our identity. We must disentangle our identity with camouflage reality. Camouflage reality is the physical-ness of our surroundings, including our body. As humans, we mesmerize ourselves. We convince ourselves physical reality is “real”. We do the same with our bodies. Our bodies are us, we tell ourselves.

That’s a problem. Because if we believe that, shapeshifting feels like death. It feels so much like that, such an act becomes impossible. If our body were to begin “shifting” that experience would be too frightening to an identity strongly tied to what we currently look like. So we must disconnect our identity from our body. So that our body can reorganize itself along our intent.

It takes a while

Shapeshifting therefore, isn’t about learning to do it. It’s about undoing beliefs making it undoable. Very strong momentum and collective belief perpetuates our deepest fears. Same goes for our strongest beliefs. Some such beliefs are so strong, we don’t realize we have them. Shapeshifting requires discovering these, then unpacking them. That process happens gradually. One by one, we soothe them. Until they no longer impede our intent.

This takes a while. A shortcut doesn’t exist. Along the way though, we come into fantastic realizations and abilities. The Charmed Life becomes our life. More of what we desire becomes ours. So the path is one of riches.

Shapeshifting is possible. It must not be seen as a destination or goal, however. Instead, it’s just another step along the way. The way towards realizing more of what we really are. That path is unending. So shapeshifting is a great indicator of progress. We must have accomplished quite a lot to manifest such an outcome.

Such an outcome is well within our grasp, however. I feel myself getting there. I feel my body wanting to show me. The more I do what I’ve outlined, the more in tune I become.

Because of that, I’m eager. But I’m also patient. Because I see evidence of the unfolding.

I’ll share more as I progress.

PS: Something else is happening that many people think is impossible: Some really amazing things are happening right now, even with Trump becoming president. Indeed, because he became president…and I voted for Harris. The future, in other words, is going to be magnificent. How do I know? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.