The Very Best Of Our World Is Coming. See It?

An amazing process is happening. It started long, long ago, but it’s really picking up steam in 2025.

Results of this process will astound virtually everyone. Indeed, it is astounding even people directly involved in it almost every week.

You and I will benefit tremendously from results of this process. In fact, many already are benefitting. They’re becoming more prosperous. Many are extremely excited about what they see happening. Many more are engaging with the process and feeling extreme excitement about the future.

And that’s the thing: anyone who gets involved, in their own unique way, will feel the same extreme excitement and empowerment that everyone else involved does.

But getting involved requires giving up what we think is happening. It also requires giving up what a lot of people are saying is happening. Only then can we see the wonder surrounding us. It’s happening right alongside all the terrible, crazy things people are focused on. But to see the good stuff, we must turn away from the bad stuff.

When we change our beliefs, then we’ll see how fantastic what is happening is. Abraham makes this so plain:

The very best of our world

The very best of our world is here for everyone. As I wrote above, many already have found it. We can too. I already have, which is why I’m urging you to find it too. And finding it easy.

Well it kinda is easy. Because it requires giving up being right.

Famous Astrophysicist and celebrity Neil deGrasse Tyson said something that’s become immortalized. It highlights the point I’m making in this post:

“One of the great challenges in life,” he says. “Is knowing enough about a subject to think that you’re right. But NOT knowing enough about the subject to know that you’re wrong.”

A lot of people are unwilling to “know enough to know that [they’re] wrong.” The trouble is, if they were willing, they would come into a fantastic world. One where everything they want is theirs.

If you think you’re ready to “know”, and you don’t already. I invite you to this online event on March 1. In it I describe the wonderful results flowing from what’s happening. Join me and you may find the world, and your life, is far, far better than you think it is. Only five spots remain.

When A Nazi Salute Is, Isn’t, Then Is Again

TL;DR: Elon Musk’s awkward gesture at a rally sparked controversy, with some interpreting it as a Nazi salute. This event serves as a case study in how beliefs shape reality, with people’s interpretations influenced by their preconceived notions and emotional states. By understanding this phenomenon, individuals can align their focus with their desires and create a more empowered future, free from the limitations of fear-based beliefs.

Elon Musk is keeping the body politic guessing. He’s keeping others enraged and some others gleeful. People, generally, are going nuts about his latest gesture. Indeed, with Trump coming back into office, a lot of people are feeling really, really insecure. Meanwhile, the media are making advertising bank stoking fires of that insecurity.

Indeed, there’s no better time than now to see how powerful beliefs create reality. In seeing how powerful they’re playing out in current events, we as individuals can benefit from those examples. We can learn a thing or two, in other words.


By using current events, which are reflections of our collective inner state, as tuning devices, thereby increasing our alignment to what it is we want. Doing that, we can actually become happier. Even while others are in emotional upheaval and with not a thing changing around us.

Let’s use what Elon Musk did last week as an example. Then let’s amplify our clarity and discover how a Nazi salute that was, wasn’t, then was again.

First a disclaimer and trigger warning

This post contains potentially offensive content. Whether you experience it that way depends on your beliefs. If you’re Jewish or progressive and sensitive about the long history of fascism in the world, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU STOP READING RIGHT NOW.

SERIOUSLY, NAVIGATE AWAY FROM THIS PAGE. If you continue reading, and you make disparaging comments in the comment section, you are, for sure, going to be blocked because you can not control yourself. And this work, this Positively Focused practice, requires an extraordinary measure of self control.

Second disclaimer: I don’t have a dog in the fight that is US politics. It doesn’t matter what happens in politics to me because I’m the creator of my reality, not politicians. So while I’m diving into this political moment, the moment itself, and politics in general, are of little interest to me other than as learning experiences.

So I’m totally indifferent about what Elon Musk did. Ironically, because of that, I enjoy a broad perspective from which to understand what happened. What happened and why it happened. So, with the disclaimer down, let’s dive in.

So what happened?

At a rally following the Trump inauguration, Elon Musk took the stage. With great emotion, he expressed how important the past election was. Then he profusely thanked the audience for what he believes was doing the right thing: electing Trump. His thanks took the form of saying “I give my heart to you!”

Either right as or shortly after saying those words, he made a somewhat awkward gesture. With his right hand, he thumped his chest over his heart, then threw his hand outward, extending his right arm completely straight and upward. Immediately after, parts of the world went apoplectic.

The Southern Poverty Law Center said the gesture set off a “firestorm of controversy.” Meanwhile many US Politicians heavily criticized Musk for giving what they described as a “Nazi salute”. Also, according to the Associated Press, many right wing groups embraced the gesture, interpreting it similarly. Austria and Germany both called for banning Musk. And, of course, social media is equally ablaze with apoplectic opinions about Musk’s act.

Musk himself basically responded by saying “guys, give it a break.”

When a client sent me a cartoon depicting the act, it intrigued me. That’s because, as I wrote above in my disclaimer, I’m indifferent to politics. But I had a sense this event might offer a window into how people’s beliefs literally run them. That’s why I took interest.

What I found interesting was, the more I dove into this affair, the more empowered I became about what I know.

Momentum and Nazis

The first thing I did was go watch the original footage. Watching it perplexed me. I know what a Nazi salute looks like and what Musk did was not that. It didn’t surprise me that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an antisemitism watchdog group, agreed. Referring to the gesture, the group said Musk didn’t make a Nazi salute. Rather he “made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm”.

That’s what I saw.

It’s widely known that Musk is on the spectrum. He’s an awkward person. And he often appears uncomfortable in ordinary situations. Being on stage isn’t “ordinary” and I’m sure, for Musk, emotional expressions aren’t either. So what I saw in the gesture was an awkward guy expressing deep relief and thanking his audience in an equally awkward way.

That’s all.

But it doesn’t surprise me that people, especially politicians, went crazy over all this. Think about it. The left has been building up a lot of fear about Trump returning to the White House. Left-leaning, biased media has been doing the same. Individual progressives did the same thing too. Through social media they’ve enrolled a lot of people into the momentum of their trepidation. Their disgust with Trump includes expectations that his authoritarian speech defines the new president as a fascist. Maybe even a Nazi.

Consider all this focus has been underway since Trump’s last term. When a person focuses on something for a long time, that focus creates momentum. Get enough of that going and it will keep going on its own. Before long, that momentum will turn into physical reality. That reality will then prove “true” thoughts and beliefs that person focused on. Then the thoughts and beliefs will no longer be thoughts and beliefs. They’ll be the “Truth”.

Willing stooges

When that happens, hardly anything will change that person’s mind about what they believe. What’s more, that person will see everything through the lens of that truth.

So when Musk joined Trump during election season, everyone thinking Trump was a fascist lumped Musk in to that category. As Trump continued with his authoritarian speech, people’s truths were further confirmed. When Trump won, the emotional upheaval among liberals caused those same people to double down on their truths. Truths mainly based on fear-filled future expectations.

When Musk then got on stage and made his awkward gesture, of course liberals, many Jews, Holocaust rememberers, and more would interpret that gesture through their collective memory.

The problem is, a rich and well-documented history supports exactly what a Nazi salute is and what it isn’t. And Musk’s gesture fails the test of history. Furthermore, if some people had an ounce of self-control and reasoning capability they would have seen the difference between Musk’s gesture and a Nazi salute.

Instead, many people live their lives through their emotions. That’s not a good thing. Because when a person lives their lives through emotions, they give a lot of their power away. In other words, they become willing stooges for manipulators. And that’s what we’re seeing with the large number of biased media outlets.

Those outlets make a LOT of money off out-of-control people living through their emotions by triggering those people and keeping their attention on everything going wrong. It doesn’t matter if it’s ACAB, BLM or MAGA.

Here’s the thing: You don’t have to be one of those people!

Your next four years…

If you allow yourself to become one of those people, however, woe unto you. You’re limiting your future.

Allow yourself the empowerment that’s naturally yours, however, and you make your future unlimited. Indeed, the only limits an empowered person puts on the future are those limits which shape a future of their desires, thereby leaving everything else out.

In other words, an empowered person limits their now to include only those things that match what they want to see in the future. By “now” I’m including thoughts and beliefs they think, as well as things they share with others, whether through social media, or through their speech.

We can’t help but limit our future. That’s because our focus, the ability to put our attention in certain places, is only so broad. So whenever we focus, by definition, we’re placing limits. And when we do that, we allow into our experience only those things matching our focus.

That’s why those thinking Trump is a fascist and so is Musk saw only what they saw: a Nazi salute. But it wasn’t a Nazi salute, unless you think it was.

And if you do, well, you’re in for a very uncomfortable four years.

Meanwhile, for others, the next four years are going to be positively astounding. Want to know how? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

The Election Is Almost Here. What Results Do People Want?

TL;DR: The author suggests people can get everything they want, including their desired US president, but only if they’re positive in their thoughts and beliefs. They assert that one person can change the shape of history when that person aligns with positive energy. They then urge people to align themselves with their positive desires at this important time in US history.

We’re coming to an important moment in the United States. Some say it’s a battle between good and evil. It’s not that, but it is important to know what’s happening. And it’s important to know how to get what we want.

As our election looms before us, empowerment and joy are critical. That’s because those two emotions tell us we’re lined up with what we’re wanting. Empowerment and joy, consistently held, will allow us to experience only that which we’re wanting and none of what we don’t.

Which explains why those not in empowerment and joy experience more of what they’re NOT wanting. This is the case on both sides of the political aisle. Republicans aren’t the only ones focusing mostly on what they don’t want. Some democrats are doing it too.

But the change happening is happening, not because of those who focus on what they don’t want. It’s happening because of those small numbers focused on what they do want.

Let’s look more at what I mean.

Retribution is off track

The numbers of those focused on what they do want are small. That doesn’t matter though, because it only takes one. But when more are aligned, nothing can stop their influence.

That explains why republicans must resort to all kinds of negative attacks and dirty tricks. There’s no power in negativity because there’s no Source of that. Just as there’s no Source of evil. Evil and negativity come from squeezing off the flow of pure positivity we all are. When a person turns away from their pure positivity, they first feel negative emotion. That’s what emotions are for: to help us navigate vibrational reality.

If they don’t get the emotional clue though, People will manifest evidence showing them where they’re going. They’ll experience events in reality consistent with their negative thought, belief and emotion. When they focus long on those thoughts, beliefs and emotions, thereby doubling down on them, they amplify their focus. So they experience even more evidence consistent with their focus.

It only takes one person tuned in to the power of All That Is to shape the course of history. But more than one all aligned are unstoppable.

That includes drawing to them people reflecting back to them who they’re being vibrationally. Which explains why so many people are rallying around Trump. It’s not that Trump and his legion are evil. It’s that they all resonate with one another. They resonate in a strong stream of disconnection. And almost all of them feel anger, fear, insecurity and disempowerment. No wonder they revel in the idea of retribution. Retribution is a sign one is really off track from their positive Source.

Stay out of that

Again, democrats are doing it too. But not to the degree republicans are. That’s partly why the shift that happened earlier this summer happened. It helps that people like me focused that shift into our experience.

Which brings me to the point of this story. We can all have everything we want. Including our choice for who sits in the White House. But to have that, we must line up with the Source from which such events unfold. If we’re wanting our presidential hopeful in the White House, but we’re predominantly focused on the “evil” of the other side, and the other side is aligning with what they want, and have a powerful, positive representation of that, we’re not going to get what we want.

So this election cycle, it’s important to push everyone else out of our equation. Let people have their opinions and ideas. Let them attack others. And let’s stay out of that.

By tuning other people out of your experience and letting them have theirs everything you want happens seemingly effortlessly. Including getting the president you want.

These days, I’m pruning my social media feeds. I once thought it important to have a balanced representation of ideas in my social media. But now I get how important my focus is. And I get how important my vibration is. My vibration literally is the source of my reality-experience. I want that experience to reflect the best of what I desire. So that means focusing even more purely. Especially in the times we’re in.

Are you a match?

The real question is: what is it you want and what are you vibrating from? Do those two things match? I’m discovering that as good as my focus has been, it can get better. So I’m focusing even more on what I’m wanting, so that what I’m vibrating from and what I want are a match.

So far, I think I’m doing great. The specifics of my life, which are late-stage indicators of my vibrational focus, are constantly improving. Life is getting better and better. And my dream experiences too are vastly improving.

But most important, I feel that joy and empowerment; the early-stage indicators that I’m on track to everything I want.

Life is getting better for us all. Can you see it? Are your desires and what you’re vibrating from a match? I can say, without a doubt; hell yes!

Why Positivity Matters So Much In Today’s World

Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author submits this petition asking that readers purposefully choose the future they’re creating rather than creating the future by default. They explain how this can happen, then encourage all readers to join them in creating the optimal outcome for all of humanity.

It’s important at this time in society’s unfolding, to hold a gentle, nonchalant even, intention about what we, as individuals, want — what we want in a society, what we want in our countries, what we want from leaders.

Maybe you’ve noticed a rising tide of nationalism and authoritarianism worldwide. A certain timing is happening in which we are subjecting ourselves to greater levels of “contrast”. People not tuned into the Positively Focused Way would call this contrast “a lot of bad shit happening”. 

And yet, all this contrast is good. It prompts us to create futures in the probable future reality-scape containing all that we want and none of what we don’t.

For such futures to become our now, however, we must line up with them. Otherwise, those ideal futures remain in the future probable reality-scape, awaiting points of consciousness that will allow it into their reality. This explains why “improvement” generally takes so long.

Why positive change takes so long

Most people can identify what they want. But they’re more practiced at knowing what they don’t want. In knowing what they don’t want, they’ll also identify what they do want, even if they’re not aware of it.

But most people will keep their attention on what they don’t want. Doing that, they draw more of that — what they don’t want –– into their experience. Then they look at the newest iteration, and amplify more that they don’t want it, which then creates even more unwanted.

In other words, by keeping their attention on what they don’t want, they align with and allow or create more of that in the probable future reality-scape, which then, because they’re aligned with that through their attention, becomes more of their current reality.

Nearly everyone does this. 

Meanwhile, a lot of “good” or “wanted” remains in nonphysical waiting for us. Usually all that “good” shows up. But often that’s long after those who put it those things in nonphysical pass away.

Deja Vu all over again. It happened in 2020…it’s happening again this year. (Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash)

One person can change the tide

Take today’s politics for example. A lot of people are focusing on what they don’t want. They don’t want senile, old Joe running, for example. Or people don’t want Trump, or any republican, as president.

The problem with focusing on those unwanted things is exactly as I said above: doing so creates probable future realities wherein those things do happen. Again, keeping attention on the unwanted outcome, those doing that put more of that in the probably future reality-scape. Continued attention increases the probability that those unwanted outcomes will become their reality. They become our reality too. Especially if we’re not purposeful in our own focus.

But it only takes one person doing it differently to change the tide. Which is why I’m offering this petition. I’m one of those people. I’m focused on allowing my desire, purposefully. I invite everyone reading this to do the same.

One of my clients who is learning what you’re reading asked what happens if two people want opposite things. Abraham answered this before. Here’s what they said:

How the universe delivers on all desires. Even those seemingly in conflict.

Everyone gets what they want…eventually

I reflected the same wisdom. Here’s what I said in that text conversation. It’s a long series so bear with that:

In essence, everyone gets what they want. But the one with the strongest positive momentum prevails in the details. And the more one aligns with that strong, fast moving energy, the more powerfully such a person becomes.

We’ve seen authoritarian forces held at bay across the world. They’re making some strides, but they cannot prevail against the positive energy at our disposal. One person is all it takes. And two, lined up together, are unstoppable. Abraham has also spoken about this:

As we enter national elections in the US, I invite my fellow Americans to align with an outcome best serving us all. That doesn’t mean Biden keeping the White House. Just because we’re presented with only two options, that doesn’t limit what’s possible. What we believe sets the limits. 

So what do you believe?

I believe anything is possible. I KNOW this. And so I intend a positive outcome in this years’ elections. One in which progressives keep the seat.


Hours after writing the first draft of this post, Joe Biden, while infected with COVID, dropped out of the race. He’s endorsed Kamala Harris. The Universe acts in ways mysterious only to those who don’t understand how it works. I know how it works, so it’s not mysterious at all.

Trump Assassination FAIL: A Sign Of Things Getting Better?

Illustration by Adam Cuerden

TL;DR: The author asserts a balancing effect taking place on Earth is prompting fear, insecurity and powerlessness among its human inhabitants. They therefore call on people to embrace positivity as a way of balancing forces creating chaos at this auspicious time in humanity’s unfolding.

It’s Sunday morning, July 14. I just finished a two-hour meditation. I don’t typically meditate that long each morning.

But this morning I considered special. That’s because yesterday, someone tried to assassinate former president and 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump. Dreams over the last few nights proved consistent with this manifestation. They’ve been quite “dense”, “detailed” and featured experiences indicating the need to soothe great upheavals or transformations.

I’m not a clairvoyant. There is something, however, about coming into the world at just the right time that my vibrational awareness builds at the same time this country goes through what it’s going through right now.

But the United States is not going through it alone. A pendulum is swinging, once again, between light forces and something else all across the globe. That’s important to know. And for people like me, it’s important we do something. Better said: it’s important we “be” something.

Let’s take a look at why and what that is we should do.

This is not new

It’s interesting that in the last week I wondered what I would write about. No clear inspiration came over these days. Feeling no inspiration, I felt no worry. I knew something would show itself.

So yesterday, I took a nap. I woke an hour later, opened YouTube to watch something entertaining and saw the news, in near-real time, of the assassination attempt. News reporters claimed this was an uncommon thing in the United States. I didn’t know if they meant a political assassination or gun violence. I figured the former.

But plenty examples exist of political assassination attempts and successes in the United States. They start with Lincoln and go all the way up to the attempt on Reagan’s life, with a smattering of others in between, including JFK’s assassination.

This is not new. Nor is it uncommon.

What’s really interesting, however, is what these violent acts point to. People are scared. People “on both sides.” It’s interesting the assassin was a paradox of political action. He was a registered republican, but donated to a democratic PAC. So it’s unclear right now what his motives were.

That’s not surprising.

Artist’s rendition of the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865. (By Adam Cuerden)

Ambiguity is no surprise

It’s not surprising to me because it really doesn’t matter. From a vibrational standpoint, in order for someone to resort to gun violence, they must feel extreme powerlessness, intense fear or some other extreme negative emotion in order for them to take such violent action.

A lot of people are at that point around politics these days. Both presidential candidates are triggering such people. Many people are feeling fear and insecurity about America’s future too. Especially because one candidate openly intends to turn the country into an Authoritarian State. And he has an army of people getting ready should he be the electoral victor.

For some that IS scary. So I’m not surprised someone would act the way the shooter had. And I won’t be surprised if it happens again. Here’s why.

Rage is logical

A client with a lot of the Positively Focused practice under her belt, recently wanted to confront an ex-boyfriend at gunpoint. This guy had secretly installed cameras throughout her house when he had a sense she was going to break up with him. Those cameras captured the client having sex with her new boyfriend among other very personal situations.

This ex was and is in extreme insecurity, grief, despair and feeling powerless around the client’s decision to break up with him. His surveillance plan apparently was to try to figure out what the client would do after the fourth time she discovered him consuming porn; something he promised to stop consuming.

One of the many girlfriends he was cheating on the client with contacted the client one day after she broke up with him and told her what he’d done. The guy for some reason showed the girl footage of the client having sex with her boyfriend. The client, who has deep shame and insecurity herself around her body, sex and privacy, reacted as anyone feeling this way might: she wanted to demand that he give up the recordings…at gunpoint.

Powerlessness is a very dangerous vibration. No one likes feeling bad and powerlessness is the epitome of that. Everyone will try to get out of such feelings. And usually, that means taking extreme action. Even violence.

Believe it or not, rage feels better than powerlessness. Which is why those who feel powerless or extremely insecure, often become violent. The action, such as trying to kill a presidential hopeful, may seem irrational to those not feeling what the killer is feeling. But for the killer, it’s a very logical next step.

A balance in the force?

Whether you’re a head of state feeling powerless over the loss of your country’s stature (Putin), a guy feeling powerless to avert the loss of a girlfriend, or a kid feeling powerless over…whatever…resorting to violence feels better than feeling powerless. And that’s why we’re seeing so much of it in the world.

Authoritarianism is on the rise planet-wide. Putin now has his version of NATO, with China and North Korea agreeing to join forces with Putin if Russia is attacked. France just narrowly averted a right-wing takeover of its government. Germany recently foiled a planned coup lead by right wingers.

The United States is in the throws of its own authoritarian roots bearing themselves. That’s right, this isn’t new. Authoritarians have been trying to turn the US into a fascist state for a long time.

Project 2025, therefore, isn’t new. It’s just the newest iteration.

The good news is, this very strong global trend where authoritarians are trying to wrest control over societies makes this a very interesting time to be alive. That causes beings from nonphysical to want to be here, both to experience it, and also to shape it.

Balance is the order of the day in All That Is. So we can expect these extreme events foretell a balancing that is about to occur. One that is occurring.

A balancing is taking place on Earth. What side are you weighing in on? (Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash)

A positive appeal

I wrote years ago for another blog I own that things are going to get worse before they get better. I wasn’t kidding. It’s happening at the global level. It’s happening at the individual level, for some. And it’s happening everywhere in between.

Meanwhile a lot of good is happening too. Mexico just elected its first woman president who happens to be a liberal. The UK’s liberal party just wrested power from a decades-long conservative rule. I think we’re going to see the paradox that is physical reality bring more such surprises. The key is for all of us to be as positive as we can as all this unfolds.

It’s important people sensitive to vibration cultivate a high state of fast moving, positive frequencies. This means being as positive as possible about what’s happening. Abraham nails it when they say one person tuned in is more powerful than millions who are not. And more than one person tuned in represents an unstoppable force.

The world is unfolding. How that happens, what it looks like, matters to us all. Some came for the chaos. Others came to balance that. More than ever, the world needs the balancers. If you’re reading this, you may be one of those people.

Everything is always working out. Even when it looks like it’s not. Be the change you want to see; speak less, be more. Focus on the outcome you desire, the ones that make you feel good. What you resist, persists. These statements aren’t just pablum, they’re fact. Now is the time and the balance needs you.